@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void Subprocess::Start(const string& program, SearchMode search_mode) {
// Setup STARTUPINFO to redirect handles.
STARTUPINFO startup_info ;
STARTUPINFOA startup_info ;
ZeroMemory ( & startup_info , sizeof ( startup_info ) ) ;
startup_info . cb = sizeof ( startup_info ) ;
startup_info . dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES ;
@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ void Subprocess::Start(const string& program, SearchMode search_mode) {
// Create the process.
if ( CreateProcess ( ( search_mode = = SEARCH_PATH ) ? NULL : program . c_str ( ) ,
( search_mode = = SEARCH_PATH ) ? name_copy : NULL ,
NULL , // process security attributes
NULL , // thread security attributes
TRUE , // inherit handles?
0 , // obscure creation flags
NULL , // environment (inherit from parent)
NULL , // current directory (inherit from parent)
& startup_info ,
& process_info ) ) {
if ( CreateProcessA ( ( search_mode = = SEARCH_PATH ) ? NULL : program . c_str ( ) ,
( search_mode = = SEARCH_PATH ) ? name_copy : NULL ,
NULL , // process security attributes
NULL , // thread security attributes
TRUE , // inherit handles?
0 , // obscure creation flags
NULL , // environment (inherit from parent)
NULL , // current directory (inherit from parent)
& startup_info ,
& process_info ) ) {
child_handle_ = process_info . hProcess ;
CloseHandleOrDie ( process_info . hThread ) ;
child_stdin_ = stdin_pipe_write ;