Added nuspec for full/lite versions and NuGet publishing commands

csharptest 14 years ago committed by rogerk
parent ea4f254808
commit 5062b28342
  1. 66
  2. 66
  3. 62

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="nuspec.xsd">
<owners>Jon Skeet</owners>
<authors>Jon Skeet, Roger Knapp</authors>
<copyright>Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<tags>Protocol Buffers Binary Serialization Format Google</tags>
<title>Google Protocol Buffers</title>
<summary>A managed code generator and library for Google's data interchange format.</summary>
Protocol Buffers is a binary serialization format and technology, released to the open source community by Google in 2008.
Its primary use is to produce small fast binary representations of a 'message' or object for serialization or transportation.
There are various implementations of Protocol Buffers in .NET. This project is a fairly close port of the Google Java implementation.
There are two main parts:
tools/protoc.exe, which takes the textual representation of the protocol buffer and turns it into a binary representation for use with ProtoGen.exe.
tools/ProtoGen.exe, which takes binary representations of protocol buffer descriptors (as generated by the "stock" protoc binary supplied by Google) and creates C# source code. This is only required at build time.
lib/*/Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll, which is a supporting library. This is required at execution time.
lib/*/Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization.dll, a supplementary library that provides extensions for reading and writing protocol buffers to xml, json, and others.
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<reference file="Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll"/>
<reference file="Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization.dll"/>
<!-- Release Binaries -->
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffers.???" target="lib\net20" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization.???" target="lib\net20" />
<!-- Silverlight Binaries -->
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release_Silverlight2\Google.ProtocolBuffers.???" target="lib\sl20" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release_Silverlight2\Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization.???" target="lib\sl20" />
<!-- Tools -->
<file src="..\lib\Protoc.exe" target="tools" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll" target="tools" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\ProtoGen.exe" target="tools" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\ProtoGen.exe.config" target="tools" />
<!-- Content -->
<file src="..\CHANGES.txt" target="content"/>
<file src="..\license.txt" target="content\licenses"/>
<file src="..\lib\protoc-license.txt" target="content\licenses"/>
<file src="..\protos\google\protobuf\descriptor.proto" target="content\protos\google\protobuf" />
<file src="..\protos\google\protobuf\csharp_options.proto" target="content\protos\google\protobuf" />
<file src="..\src\ProtocolBuffers\**\*.cs" target="src\ProtocolBuffers\"/>
<file src="..\src\ProtocolBuffers.Serialization\**\*.cs" target="src\ProtocolBuffers.Serialization\"/>

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="nuspec.xsd">
<owners>Jon Skeet</owners>
<authors>Jon Skeet, Roger Knapp</authors>
<copyright>Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<tags>Protocol Buffers Binary Serialization Format Google</tags>
<title>Google Protocol Buffers</title>
<summary>A managed code generator and library for Google's data interchange format.</summary>
Protocol Buffers is a binary serialization format and technology, released to the open source community by Google in 2008.
Its primary use is to produce small fast binary representations of a 'message' or object for serialization or transportation.
There are various implementations of Protocol Buffers in .NET. This project is a fairly close port of the Google Java implementation.
There are two main parts:
tools/protoc.exe, which takes the textual representation of the protocol buffer and turns it into a binary representation for use with ProtoGen.exe.
tools/ProtoGen.exe, which takes binary representations of protocol buffer descriptors (as generated by the "stock" protoc binary supplied by Google) and creates C# source code. This is only required at build time.
lib/*/Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.dll, which is a supporting library. This is required at execution time.
lib/*/Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.Serialization.dll, a supplementary library that provides extensions for reading and writing protocol buffers to xml, json, and others.
Project Home -
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Language Guide -
<reference file="Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.dll"/>
<reference file="Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.Serialization.dll"/>
<!-- Release Binaries -->
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.???" target="lib\net20" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.Serialization.???" target="lib\net20" />
<!-- Silverlight Binaries -->
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release_Silverlight2\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.???" target="lib\sl20" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release_Silverlight2\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.Serialization.???" target="lib\sl20" />
<!-- Tools -->
<file src="..\lib\Protoc.exe" target="tools" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll" target="tools" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\ProtoGen.exe" target="tools" />
<file src="..\build_output\Package\Release\ProtoGen.exe.config" target="tools" />
<!-- Content -->
<file src="..\CHANGES.txt" target="content"/>
<file src="..\license.txt" target="content\licenses"/>
<file src="..\lib\protoc-license.txt" target="content\licenses"/>
<file src="..\protos\google\protobuf\descriptor.proto" target="content\protos\google\protobuf" />
<file src="..\protos\google\protobuf\csharp_options.proto" target="content\protos\google\protobuf" />
<file src="..\src\ProtocolBuffers\**\*.cs" target="src\ProtocolBuffers\"/>
<file src="..\src\ProtocolBuffers.Serialization\**\*.cs" target="src\ProtocolBuffers.Serialization\"/>

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
@PUSHD %~dp0
@IF "%1" == "version" @GOTO VERSION
@IF "%1" == "build" @GOTO BUILD
@IF "%1" == "fpush" @GOTO FILEPUSH
@IF "%1" == "nupush" @GOTO NUGETPUSH
@IF "%1" == "push" @GOTO PUSH
IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0\..\build_temp\" MD "%~dp0\..\build_temp\"
hg log -l 1 --template "Revision: {rev}" > %~dp0\..\build_temp\revision.txt
CMD.exe /Q /C "CD %~dp0\.. && lib\StampVersion.exe /major:2 /minor:3 /build:0 /revision:build_temp\revision.txt"
@TYPE src\ProtocolBuffers\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs | FIND "AssemblyFileVersion"
IF NOT EXIST "..\build_temp\" MD "..\build_temp\"
hg log -l 1 --template "Revision: {rev}" > ..\build_temp\revision.txt
CMD.exe /Q /C "CD .. && lib\StampVersion.exe /major:2 /minor:4 /build:1 /revision:build_temp\revision.txt"
@TYPE ..\src\ProtocolBuffers\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs | FIND "AssemblyFileVersion"
@ECHO NEXT: Use the above version number to run "%0 build {Version}"
@ -19,18 +21,20 @@ CMD.exe /Q /C "CD %~dp0\.. && lib\StampVersion.exe /major:2 /minor:3 /build:0 /r
@IF "%2" == "" @GOTO HELP
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\sn.exe" SET WIN7SDK_DIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\
IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0\..\release-key" hg clone %~dp0\..\release-key
SET PROTOBUF_KEY_FILE="/p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=%~dp0\..\release-key\Google.ProtocolBuffers.snk"
IF NOT EXIST "..\release-key" hg clone ..\release-key
SET PROTOBUF_KEY_FILE="/p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=%~dp0..\release-key\Google.ProtocolBuffers.snk"
MD "%~dp0\%2"
CMD.exe /Q /C "CD %~dp0 && GenerateCompletePackage.bat"
COPY /y %~dp0\..\build_output\ %~dp0\%2\
CMD.exe /Q /C "CD %~dp0 && GenerateReleasePackage.bat"
COPY /y %~dp0\..\build_output\ %~dp0\%2\
hg archive %~dp0\%2\
MD "%2"
CMD.exe /Q /C "GenerateCompletePackage.bat"
COPY /y ..\build_output\ %2\
CMD.exe /Q /C "GenerateReleasePackage.bat"
COPY /y ..\build_output\ %2\
..\lib\NuGet.exe pack Google.ProtocolBuffers.nuspec -Symbols -Version %2 -NoPackageAnalysis -OutputDirectory %2
..\lib\NuGet.exe pack Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.nuspec -Symbols -Version %2 -NoPackageAnalysis -OutputDirectory %2
hg archive %2\
"%WIN7SDK_DIR%sn.exe" -T build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll
"%WIN7SDK_DIR%sn.exe" -T ..\build_output\Package\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll
@ECHO ***********************************************************
@ECHO IMPORTANT: Verify the above key output is: 55f7125234beb589
@ -48,15 +52,34 @@ SET PROTOBUF_KEY_FILE=
hg commit -m "version %2"
hg tag %2
hg push
@ECHO NEXT: Verify the repository state and run "%0 fpush %2 {google-code-user} {google-code-password}"
SET GOOGLEUPLOAD=python.exe %~dp0\ --project protobuf-csharp-port --user "%3" --password "%4"
SET GOOGLEUPLOAD=python.exe --project protobuf-csharp-port --user "%3" --password "%4"
%GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Source,Featured --summary "Version %2 source" %~dp0\%2\
%GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Executable,Featured --summary "Version %2 binaries (all configurations)" %~dp0\%2\
%GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Executable,Featured --summary "Version %2 binaries (release only)" %~dp0\%2\
%GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Source,Featured --summary "Version %2 source" %2\
%GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Executable,Featured --summary "Version %2 binaries (all configurations)" %2\
%GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Executable,Featured --summary "Version %2 binaries (release only)" %2\
@ECHO NEXT: Verify the uploads and run "%0 nupush %2"
..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffers.%2.nupkg"
..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.%2.nupkg"
..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffers.%2.symbols.nupkg"
..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.%2.symbols.nupkg"
@ECHO NEXT: Verify the nuget packages at
@ -65,7 +88,10 @@ SET GOOGLEUPLOAD=python.exe %~dp0\ --project protobuf-csharp
@ECHO 1. %0 version
@ECHO 2. %0 build {version from step 1}
@ECHO 3. %0 push {version from step 1} {google-code-user} {google-code-password}
@ECHO 4. %0 fpush {version from step 1} {google-code-user} {google-code-password}
@ECHO 5. %0 nupush {version from step 1}