There are still some things that are unfinished, but we are at parity with what Lua had before.pull/13171/head
22 changed files with 5130 additions and 2283 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,892 @@ |
/* lupb_msgfactory **************************************************************/ |
/* Userval contains a map of:
* [1] = SymbolTable (to keep GC-reachable) |
* const upb_msgdef* -> lupb_msgclass |
*/ |
typedef struct lupb_msgfactory { |
upb_msgfactory *factory; |
} lupb_msgfactory; |
static int lupb_msgclass_pushnew(lua_State *L, int factory, const upb_msglayout *l); |
static lupb_msgfactory *lupb_msgfactory_check(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
return luaL_checkudata(L, narg, LUPB_MSGFACTORY); |
} |
static int lupb_msgfactory_new(lua_State *L) { |
const upb_symtab *symtab = lupb_symtab_check(L, 1); |
lupb_msgfactory *lmsgfactory = |
lupb_newuserdata(L, sizeof(lupb_msgfactory), LUPB_MSGFACTORY); |
lmsgfactory->factory = upb_msgfactory_new(symtab); |
lupb_uservalseti(L, -1, LUPB_MSGFACTORY_SYMTAB, 1); |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_msgfactory_gc(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_msgfactory *lfactory = lupb_msgfactory_check(L, 1); |
if (lfactory->factory) { |
upb_msgfactory_free(lfactory->factory); |
lfactory->factory = NULL; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
static void lupb_msgfactory_pushmsgclass(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const upb_msgdef *md) { |
const lupb_msgfactory *lfactory = lupb_msgfactory_check(L, narg); |
lua_getuservalue(L, narg); |
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void*)md); |
lua_rawget(L, -2); |
if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { |
/* TODO: verify md is in symtab? */ |
lupb_msgclass_pushnew(L, narg, |
upb_msgfactory_getlayout(lfactory->factory, md)); |
/* Set in userval. */ |
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void*)md); |
lua_pushvalue(L, -2); |
lua_rawset(L, -4); |
} |
} |
static int lupb_msgfactory_getmsgclass(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_msgfactory_pushmsgclass(L, 1, lupb_msgdef_check(L, 2)); |
return 1; |
} |
static const struct luaL_Reg lupb_msgfactory_m[] = { |
{"get_message_class", lupb_msgfactory_getmsgclass}, |
}; |
static const struct luaL_Reg lupb_msgfactory_mm[] = { |
{"__gc", lupb_msgfactory_gc}, |
}; |
/* lupb_msgclass **************************************************************/ |
typedef struct lupb_msgclass { |
const upb_msglayout *layout; |
const lupb_msgfactory *lfactory; |
} lupb_msgclass; |
/* Checks that the given object is a lupb_msg with the given lmsgclass. */ |
static upb_msgval lupb_msg_typecheck(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass); |
/* Type-checks for assigning to a message field. */ |
static upb_msgval lupb_array_typecheck(lua_State *L, int narg, int msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f); |
static upb_msgval lupb_map_typecheck(lua_State *L, int narg, int msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f); |
static const lupb_msgclass *lupb_msg_getsubmsgclass(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const upb_fielddef *f); |
static const lupb_msgclass *lupb_msg_msgclassfor(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const upb_msgdef *md); |
static lupb_msgclass *lupb_msgclass_check(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
return luaL_checkudata(L, narg, LUPB_MSGCLASS); |
} |
static void lupb_msgclass_typecheck(lua_State *L, const lupb_msgclass *expected, |
const lupb_msgclass *actual) { |
if (expected != actual) { |
const upb_msgdef *msgdef = upb_msglayout_msgdef(expected->layout); |
/* TODO: better error message. */ |
luaL_typerror(L, 3, upb_msgdef_fullname(msgdef)); |
} |
} |
static const lupb_msgclass *lupb_msgclass_msgclassfor(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const upb_msgdef *md) { |
lupb_uservalgeti(L, narg, LUPB_MSGCLASS_FACTORY); |
lupb_msgfactory_pushmsgclass(L, -1, md); |
return lupb_msgclass_check(L, -1); |
} |
static const lupb_msgclass *lupb_msgclass_getsubmsgclass(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const upb_fielddef *f) { |
/* If we wanted we could try to optimize this by caching these pointers in our
* msgclass, in an array indexed by field index. We would still need to fall |
* back to calling msgclassfor(), unless we wanted to eagerly create |
* message classes for all submessages. But for big schemas that might be a |
* lot of things to build, and we might end up not using most of them. */ |
return lupb_msgclass_msgclassfor(L, narg, upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(f)); |
} |
static int lupb_msgclass_pushnew(lua_State *L, int factory, const upb_msglayout *l) { |
const lupb_msgfactory *lfactory = lupb_msgfactory_check(L, factory); |
lupb_msgclass *lmc = lupb_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*lmc), LUPB_MSGCLASS); |
lupb_uservalseti(L, -1, LUPB_MSGCLASS_FACTORY, factory); |
lmc->layout = l; |
lmc->lfactory = lfactory; |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_msgclass_call(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_msg_pushnew(L, 1); |
return 1; |
} |
static const struct luaL_Reg lupb_msgclass_mm[] = { |
{"__call", lupb_msgclass_call}, |
}; |
/* lupb_string ****************************************************************/ |
/* A wrapper around a Lua string.
* |
* This type is NOT exposed to users. Users deal with plain Lua strings. |
* |
* This type exists for two reasons: |
* |
* 1. To provide storage for a upb_string, which is required for interoperating |
* with upb_msg. It allows upb to visit string data structures without |
* calling into Lua. |
* 2. To cache a string's UTF-8 validity. We want to validate that a string is |
* valid UTF-8 before allowing it to be assigned to a string field. However |
* if a string is assigned from one message to another, or assigned to |
* multiple message fields, we don't want to force the UTF-8 check again. We |
* cache inside this object if the UTF-8 check has been performed. |
* |
* TODO(haberman): is this slightly too clever? If we just exposed this object |
* directly to Lua we could get rid of the cache. But then the object we expose |
* to users wouldn't be a true string, so expressions like this would fail: |
* |
* if msg.string_field == "abc" then |
* -- ... |
* end |
* |
* Instead users would have to say this, which seems like a drag: |
* |
* if tostring(msg.string_field) == "abc" then |
* -- ... |
* end |
*/ |
typedef struct { |
enum ValidUtf8 { |
UTF8_VALID = 1, |
} utf8_validity; /* Possibly move this into upb_string at some point. */ |
/* upb_string follows. */ |
} lupb_string; |
#define LUPB_STRING_INDEX 1 /* The index where we reference the Lua string. */ |
static upb_string *lupb_string_upbstr(lupb_string *lstring) { |
return lupb_structafter(&lstring[1]); |
} |
static size_t lupb_string_sizeof() { |
return lupb_sizewithstruct(sizeof(lupb_string), upb_string_sizeof()); |
} |
/* The cache maps char* (lightuserdata) -> lupb_string userdata. The char* is
* the string data from a Lua string object. In practice Lua string objects |
* have a stable char* for the actual string data, so we can safely key by this. |
* See:
* |
* The cache's values are weak, so cache entries can be collected if this string |
* is no longer a member of any message, array, or map. Keeping real Lua |
* strings as weak keys is not possible, because Lua does make strings subject |
* to weak collection, so this would prevent these strings from ever being |
* collected. */ |
static void lupb_string_pushcache(lua_State *L) { |
static char key; |
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &key); |
lua_rawget(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); |
/* Lazily create. */ |
if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { |
lua_pop(L, 1); /* nil. */ |
lua_newtable(L); |
lua_createtable(L, 0, 1); /* Cache metatable. */ |
lua_pushstring(L, "v"); /* Values are weak. */ |
lua_setfield(L, -2, "__mode"); |
lua_setmetatable(L, -2); |
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &key); |
lua_pushvalue(L, -2); /* Cache. */ |
lua_rawset(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); |
} |
} |
static lupb_string *lupb_string_pushwrapper(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
const char *str; |
size_t len; |
lupb_string *lstring; |
lupb_checkstring(L, narg); |
str = lua_tolstring(L, narg, &len); |
lupb_string_pushcache(L); |
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void*)str); |
lua_rawget(L, -2); |
if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { |
/* String wasn't in cache, need to create it. */ |
lua_pop(L, 1); /* nil. */ |
lstring = lupb_newuserdata(L, lupb_string_sizeof(), LUPB_STRING); |
lstring->utf8_validity = UTF8_UNCHECKED; |
upb_string_set(lupb_string_upbstr(lstring), str, len); |
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void*)str); |
lua_pushvalue(L, -2); |
/* Stack is [cache, lupb_string, str, lupb_string]. */ |
lua_rawset(L, -4); |
/* Need to create a reference to the underlying string object, so
* lupb_string keeps it alive. */ |
lupb_uservalseti(L, -1, LUPB_STRING_INDEX, narg); |
} else { |
lstring = lua_touserdata(L, -1); |
} |
lua_remove(L, -2); /* cache. */ |
return lstring; |
} |
/* The value at narg should be a Lua string object. This will push a wrapper
* object (which may be from the cache). Returns a upb_string* that is valid |
* for as long as the pushed object is alive. |
* |
* This object should only be used internally, and not exposed to users! */ |
static upb_msgval lupb_string_pushbyteswrapper(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
lupb_string *lstring = lupb_string_pushwrapper(L, narg); |
return upb_msgval_str(lupb_string_upbstr(lstring)); |
} |
/* Like lupb_string_pushbyteswrapper(), except it also validates that the string
* is valid UTF-8 (if we haven't already) and throws an error if not. */ |
static upb_msgval lupb_string_pushstringwrapper(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
lupb_string *lstring = lupb_string_pushwrapper(L, narg); |
if (lstring->utf8_validity == UTF8_UNCHECKED) { |
if (true /* TODO: check UTF-8 */) { |
lstring->utf8_validity = UTF8_VALID; |
} else { |
lstring->utf8_validity = UTF8_INVALID; |
} |
} |
if (lstring->utf8_validity != UTF8_VALID) { |
luaL_error(L, "String is not valid UTF-8"); |
} |
return upb_msgval_str(lupb_string_upbstr(lstring)); |
} |
/* Given a previously pushed wrapper object, unwraps it and pushes the plain
* string object underneath. This is the only object we should expose to users. |
*/ |
static void lupb_string_unwrap(lua_State *L, int arg) { |
lupb_uservalgeti(L, arg, LUPB_STRING_INDEX); |
} |
/* upb <-> Lua type conversion ************************************************/ |
static bool lupb_isstring(upb_fieldtype_t type) { |
return type == UPB_TYPE_STRING || type == UPB_TYPE_BYTES; |
} |
static bool lupb_istypewrapped(upb_fieldtype_t type) { |
return type == UPB_TYPE_STRING || type == UPB_TYPE_BYTES || |
} |
static upb_msgval lupb_tomsgval(lua_State *L, upb_fieldtype_t type, int narg, |
const lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass, |
bool *pushed_luaobj) { |
switch (type) { |
case UPB_TYPE_INT32: |
return upb_msgval_int32(lupb_checkint32(L, narg)); |
case UPB_TYPE_INT64: |
return upb_msgval_int64(lupb_checkint64(L, narg)); |
case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: |
return upb_msgval_uint32(lupb_checkuint32(L, narg)); |
case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: |
return upb_msgval_uint64(lupb_checkuint64(L, narg)); |
return upb_msgval_double(lupb_checkdouble(L, narg)); |
return upb_msgval_float(lupb_checkfloat(L, narg)); |
return upb_msgval_bool(lupb_checkbool(L, narg)); |
/* For map lookup by key, we might want a lighter-weight way of creating a
* temporary string. */ |
*pushed_luaobj = true; |
return lupb_string_pushstringwrapper(L, narg); |
*pushed_luaobj = true; |
return lupb_string_pushbyteswrapper(L, narg); |
UPB_ASSERT(lmsgclass); |
*pushed_luaobj = true; |
lua_pushvalue(L, narg); |
return lupb_msg_typecheck(L, narg, lmsgclass); |
} |
} |
static void lupb_pushmsgval(lua_State *L, upb_fieldtype_t type, |
upb_msgval val) { |
switch (type) { |
case UPB_TYPE_INT32: |
lupb_pushint32(L, upb_msgval_getint32(val)); |
break; |
case UPB_TYPE_INT64: |
lupb_pushint64(L, upb_msgval_getint64(val)); |
break; |
case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: |
lupb_pushuint32(L, upb_msgval_getuint32(val)); |
break; |
case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: |
lupb_pushuint64(L, upb_msgval_getuint64(val)); |
break; |
lupb_pushdouble(L, upb_msgval_getdouble(val)); |
break; |
lupb_pushfloat(L, upb_msgval_getdouble(val)); |
break; |
lupb_pushbool(L, upb_msgval_getbool(val)); |
break; |
lupb_assert(L, false); |
} |
} |
/* lupb_array *****************************************************************/ |
/* A strongly typed array. Implemented by wrapping upb_array.
* |
* - we only allow integer indices. |
* - all entries must have the correct type. |
* - we do not allow "holes" in the array; you can only assign to an existing |
* index or one past the end (which will grow the array by one). |
*/ |
typedef struct { |
/* Only needed for array of message. This wastes space in the non-message
* case but simplifies the code. Could optimize away if desired. */ |
lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass; |
/* upb_array follows. */ |
} lupb_array; |
static size_t lupb_array_sizeof(upb_fieldtype_t type) { |
return lupb_sizewithstruct(sizeof(lupb_array), upb_array_sizeof(type)); |
} |
static upb_array *lupb_array_upbarr(lupb_array *arr) { |
return lupb_structafter(&arr[1]); |
} |
static lupb_array *lupb_array_check(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
return luaL_checkudata(L, narg, LUPB_ARRAY); |
} |
static upb_array *lupb_array_check2(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
return lupb_array_upbarr(lupb_array_check(L, narg)); |
} |
static upb_msgval lupb_array_typecheck(lua_State *L, int narg, int msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f) { |
lupb_array *larray = lupb_array_check(L, narg); |
upb_array *array = lupb_array_upbarr(larray); |
if (upb_array_type(array) != upb_fielddef_type(f) || |
lupb_msg_getsubmsgclass(L, msg, f) != larray->lmsgclass) { |
luaL_error(L, "Array had incorrect type (expected: %s, got: %s)", |
upb_fielddef_type(f), upb_array_type(array)); |
} |
if (upb_array_type(array) == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) { |
lupb_msgclass_typecheck(L, lupb_msg_getsubmsgclass(L, msg, f), |
larray->lmsgclass); |
} |
return upb_msgval_arr(array); |
} |
/* We use "int" because of lua_rawseti/lua_rawgeti -- can re-evaluate if we want
* arrays bigger than 2^31. */ |
static int lupb_array_checkindex(lua_State *L, int narg, uint32_t max) { |
uint32_t n = lupb_checkuint32(L, narg); |
if (n == 0 || n > max || n > INT_MAX) { /* Lua uses 1-based indexing. :( */ |
luaL_error(L, "Invalid array index."); |
} |
return n; |
} |
static int lupb_array_new(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_array *larray; |
upb_fieldtype_t type; |
lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass = NULL; |
if (lua_type(L, 1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { |
type = lupb_checkfieldtype(L, 1); |
} else { |
lmsgclass = lupb_msgclass_check(L, 1); |
lupb_uservalseti(L, -1, MSGCLASS_INDEX, 1); /* GC-root lmsgclass. */ |
} |
larray = lupb_newuserdata(L, lupb_array_sizeof(type), LUPB_ARRAY); |
larray->lmsgclass = lmsgclass; |
upb_array_init(lupb_array_upbarr(larray), type); |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_array_gc(lua_State *L) { |
upb_array *array = lupb_array_check2(L, 1); |
WITH_ALLOC(upb_array_uninit(array, alloc)); |
return 0; |
} |
static int lupb_array_newindex(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_array *larray = lupb_array_check(L, 1); |
upb_array *array = lupb_array_upbarr(larray); |
upb_fieldtype_t type = upb_array_type(array); |
bool hasuserval = false; |
uint32_t n = lupb_array_checkindex(L, 2, upb_array_size(array) + 1); |
upb_msgval msgval = lupb_tomsgval(L, type, 3, larray->lmsgclass, &hasuserval); |
WITH_ALLOC(upb_array_set(array, n, msgval, alloc)); |
if (hasuserval) { |
lupb_uservalseti(L, 1, n, -1); |
} |
return 0; /* 1 for chained assignments? */ |
} |
static int lupb_array_index(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_array *larray = lupb_array_check(L, 1); |
upb_array *array = lupb_array_upbarr(larray); |
uint32_t n = lupb_array_checkindex(L, 2, upb_array_size(array)); |
upb_fieldtype_t type = upb_array_type(array); |
if (lupb_istypewrapped(type)) { |
lupb_uservalgeti(L, 1, n); |
if (lupb_isstring(type)) { |
lupb_string_unwrap(L, -1); |
} |
} else { |
lupb_pushmsgval(L, upb_array_type(array), upb_array_get(array, n)); |
} |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_array_len(lua_State *L) { |
upb_array *array = lupb_array_check2(L, 1); |
lua_pushnumber(L, upb_array_size(array)); |
return 1; |
} |
static const struct luaL_Reg lupb_array_mm[] = { |
{"__gc", lupb_array_gc}, |
{"__index", lupb_array_index}, |
{"__len", lupb_array_len}, |
{"__newindex", lupb_array_newindex}, |
}; |
/* lupb_map *******************************************************************/ |
/* A map object. Implemented by wrapping upb_map.
* |
* When the value type is string/bytes/message, the userval consists of: |
* |
* [Lua number/string] -> [lupb_string/lupb_msg userdata] |
* |
* We always keep this synced to the underlying upb_map. For other value types |
* we don't use the userdata, and we just read/write the underlying upb_map. |
* |
*/ |
typedef struct { |
const lupb_msgclass *value_lmsgclass; |
/* upb_map follows */ |
} lupb_map; |
/* lupb_map internal functions */ |
static size_t lupb_map_sizeof(upb_fieldtype_t ktype, upb_fieldtype_t vtype) { |
return lupb_sizewithstruct(sizeof(lupb_map), upb_map_sizeof(ktype, vtype)); |
} |
static upb_map *lupb_map_upbmap(lupb_map *lmap) { |
return lupb_structafter(&lmap[1]); |
} |
static lupb_map *lupb_map_check(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
return luaL_checkudata(L, narg, LUPB_ARRAY); |
} |
static upb_map *lupb_map_check2(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
return lupb_map_upbmap(lupb_map_check(L, narg)); |
} |
static upb_msgval lupb_map_typecheck(lua_State *L, int narg, int msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f) { |
lupb_map *lmap = lupb_map_check(L, narg); |
upb_map *map = lupb_map_upbmap(lmap); |
const upb_msgdef *entry = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(f); |
const upb_fielddef *key_field = upb_msgdef_itof(entry, UPB_MAPENTRY_KEY); |
const upb_fielddef *value_field = upb_msgdef_itof(entry, UPB_MAPENTRY_VALUE); |
UPB_ASSERT(entry && key_field && value_field); |
if (upb_map_keytype(map) != upb_fielddef_type(key_field)) { |
luaL_error(L, "Map key type invalid"); |
} |
if (upb_map_valuetype(map) != upb_fielddef_type(value_field)) { |
luaL_error(L, "Map had incorrect value type (expected: %s, got: %s)", |
upb_fielddef_type(value_field), upb_map_valuetype(map)); |
} |
if (upb_map_valuetype(map) == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) { |
lupb_msgclass_typecheck( |
L, lupb_msg_msgclassfor(L, msg, upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(value_field)), |
lmap->value_lmsgclass); |
} |
return upb_msgval_map(map); |
} |
static void lupb_map_lazy |
static int lupb_map_gc(lua_State *L) { |
upb_map *map = lupb_map_check2(L, 1); |
WITH_ALLOC(upb_map_uninit(map, alloc)); |
return 0; |
} |
/* lupb_map Public API */ |
static int lupb_map_new(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_map *lmap; |
upb_map *map; |
upb_fieldtype_t key_type = lupb_checkfieldtype(L, 1); |
upb_fieldtype_t value_type; |
lupb_msgclass *value_lmsgclass = NULL; |
if (lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TNUMBER) { |
value_type = lupb_checkfieldtype(L, 2); |
} else { |
value_type = UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE; |
} |
lmap = lupb_newuserdata(L, lupb_map_sizeof(key_type, value_type), LUPB_MAP); |
map = lupb_map_upbmap(lmap); |
if (value_type == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) { |
value_lmsgclass = lupb_msgclass_check(L, 2); |
lupb_uservalseti(L, -1, MSGCLASS_INDEX, 2); /* GC-root lmsgclass. */ |
} |
lmap->value_lmsgclass = value_lmsgclass; |
WITH_ALLOC(upb_map_init(map, key_type, value_type, alloc)); |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_map_index(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_map *lmap = lupb_map_check(L, 1); |
upb_map *map = lupb_map_upbmap(lmap); |
upb_fieldtype_t valtype = upb_map_valuetype(map); |
bool pushedobj; |
/* We don't always use "key", but this call checks the key type. */ |
upb_msgval key = lupb_map_tokeymsgval(L, upb_map_keytype(map), 2); |
if (lupb_istypewrapped(valtype)) { |
/* Userval contains the full map, lookup there by key. */ |
lupb_getuservalue(L, 1); |
lua_pushvalue(L, 2); |
lua_rawget(L, -2); |
} else { |
/* Lookup in upb_map. */ |
upb_msgval val; |
if (upb_map_get(map, key, &val)) { |
lupb_map_pushmsgval(L, upb_map_valuetype(map), val); |
} else { |
lua_pushnil(L); |
} |
} |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_map_len(lua_State *L) { |
upb_map *map = lupb_map_check2(L, 1); |
lua_pushnumber(L, upb_map_size(map)); |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_map_newindex(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_map *lmap = lupb_map_check(L, 1); |
upb_map *map = lupb_map_upbmap(lmap); |
bool keyobj = false; |
upb_msgval key = lupb_tomsgval(L, upb_map_keytype(map), 2, NULL, &keyobj); |
if (lua_isnil(L, 3)) { |
/* Delete from map. */ |
WITH_ALLOC(upb_map_del(map, key, alloc)); |
if (lupb_istypewrapped(upb_map_valuetype(map))) { |
/* Delete in userval. */ |
lupb_getuservalue(L, 1); |
lua_pushvalue(L, 2); |
lua_pushnil(L); |
lua_rawset(L, -3); |
lua_pop(L, 1); |
} |
} else { |
/* Set in map. */ |
bool valobj = false; |
upb_msgval val = lupb_tomsgval(L, upb_map_valuetype(map), 3, |
lmap->value_lmsgclass, &valobj); |
WITH_ALLOC(upb_map_set(map, key, val, NULL, alloc)); |
if (valobj) { |
/* Set in userval. */ |
lupb_getuservalue(L, 1); |
lua_pushvalue(L, 2); |
lua_pushvalue(L, -3); |
lua_rawset(L, -3); |
lua_pop(L, 1); |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
/* upb_mapiter [[[ */ |
static int lupb_mapiter_next(lua_State *L) { |
upb_mapiter *i = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); |
lupb_map *lmap = lupb_map_check(L, 1); |
upb_map *map = lupb_map_upbmap(lmap); |
upb_string *str = malloc(upb_string_sizeof()); |
if (upb_mapiter_done(i)) { |
return 0; |
} |
lupb_map_pushmsgval(L, upb_map_keytype(map), upb_mapiter_key(i)); |
lupb_map_pushmsgval(L, upb_map_valuetype(map), upb_mapiter_value(i)); |
upb_mapiter_next(i); |
free(str); |
return 2; |
} |
static int lupb_map_pairs(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_map *lmap = lupb_map_check(L, 1); |
upb_map *map = lupb_map_upbmap(lmap); |
upb_mapiter *i = lua_newuserdata(L, upb_mapiter_sizeof()); |
upb_mapiter_begin(i, map); |
lua_pushvalue(L, 1); |
/* Upvalues are [upb_mapiter, lupb_map]. */ |
lua_pushcclosure(L, &lupb_mapiter_next, 2); |
return 1; |
} |
/* upb_mapiter ]]] */ |
static const struct luaL_Reg lupb_map_mm[] = { |
{"__gc", lupb_map_gc}, |
{"__index", lupb_map_index}, |
{"__len", lupb_map_len}, |
{"__newindex", lupb_map_newindex}, |
{"__pairs", lupb_map_pairs}, |
}; |
/* lupb_msg *******************************************************************/ |
/* A message object. Implemented by wrapping upb_msg.
* |
* Our userval contains: |
* |
* - [0] = our message class |
* - [upb_fielddef_index(f)] = any submessage/string/map/repeated obj. |
*/ |
typedef struct { |
const lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass; |
/* Data follows, in a flat buffer. */ |
} lupb_msg; |
/* lupb_msg helpers */ |
static bool in_userval(const upb_fielddef *f) { |
return upb_fielddef_isseq(f) || upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f) || |
upb_fielddef_isstring(f) || upb_fielddef_ismap(f); |
} |
lupb_msg *lupb_msg_check(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
lupb_msg *msg = luaL_checkudata(L, narg, LUPB_MSG); |
if (!msg->lmsgclass) luaL_error(L, "called into dead msg"); |
return msg; |
} |
void *lupb_msg_upbmsg(lupb_msg *lmsg) { |
return lupb_structafter(&lmsg[1]); |
} |
static upb_msgval lupb_msg_typecheck(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass) { |
lupb_msg *msg = lupb_msg_check(L, narg); |
lupb_msgclass_typecheck(L, msg->lmsgclass, lmsgclass); |
return upb_msgval_msg(msg); |
} |
const upb_msgdef *lupb_msg_checkdef(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
return upb_msglayout_msgdef(lupb_msg_check(L, narg)->lmsgclass->layout); |
} |
static const upb_fielddef *lupb_msg_checkfield(lua_State *L, |
const lupb_msg *msg, |
int fieldarg) { |
size_t len; |
const char *fieldname = luaL_checklstring(L, fieldarg, &len); |
const upb_msgdef *msgdef = upb_msglayout_msgdef(msg->lmsgclass->layout); |
const upb_fielddef *f = upb_msgdef_ntof(msgdef, fieldname, len); |
if (!f) { |
const char *msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "no such field: %s", fieldname); |
luaL_argerror(L, fieldarg, msg); |
return NULL; /* Never reached. */ |
} |
return f; |
} |
static int lupb_msg_pushnew(lua_State *L, int narg) { |
lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass = lupb_msgclass_check(L, narg); |
size_t size = upb_msg_sizeof(lmsgclass->layout); |
lupb_msg *msg = lupb_newuserdata(L, size, LUPB_MSG); |
msg->lmsgclass = lmsgclass; |
lupb_uservalseti(L, -1, LUPB_MSG_MSGCLASSINDEX, narg); |
return 1; |
} |
static const lupb_msgclass *lupb_msg_msgclassfor(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const upb_msgdef *md) { |
lupb_uservalgeti(L, narg, LUPB_MSG_MSGCLASSINDEX); |
return lupb_msgclass_msgclassfor(L, -1, md); |
} |
static const lupb_msgclass *lupb_msg_getsubmsgclass(lua_State *L, int narg, |
const upb_fielddef *f) { |
lupb_uservalgeti(L, narg, LUPB_MSG_MSGCLASSINDEX); |
return lupb_msgclass_getsubmsgclass(L, -1, f); |
} |
/* lupb_msg Public API */ |
static int lupb_msg_index(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_msg *msg = lupb_msg_check(L, 1); |
const upb_fielddef *f = lupb_msg_checkfield(L, msg, 2); |
if (in_userval(f)) { |
lupb_uservalgeti(L, 1, upb_fielddef_index(f)); |
if (upb_fielddef_isseq(f) && lua_isnil(L, -1)) { |
/* TODO(haberman): default-construct empty array. */ |
} |
} else { |
lupb_pushmsgval(L, upb_fielddef_type(f), |
upb_msg_get(msg, f, msg->lmsgclass->layout)); |
} |
return 1; |
} |
static int lupb_msg_newindex(lua_State *L) { |
lupb_msg *lmsg = lupb_msg_check(L, 1); |
const upb_fielddef *f = lupb_msg_checkfield(L, lmsg, 2); |
bool luaobj = false; |
upb_msgval msgval; |
/* Typecheck and get msgval. */ |
if (upb_fielddef_isseq(f)) { |
msgval = lupb_array_typecheck(L, 3, 1, f); |
luaobj = true; |
} else if (upb_fielddef_ismap(f)) { |
msgval = lupb_map_typecheck(L, 3, 1, f); |
luaobj = true; |
} else { |
const lupb_msgclass *lmsgclass = NULL; |
upb_fieldtype_t type = upb_fielddef_type(f); |
if (type == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) { |
lmsgclass = lupb_msg_getsubmsgclass(L, 1, f); |
} |
msgval = lupb_tomsgval(L, upb_fielddef_type(f), 3, lmsgclass, &luaobj); |
} |
/* Set in upb_msg and userval (if necessary). */ |
WITH_ALLOC(upb_msg_set(lmsg, f, msgval, lmsg->lmsgclass->layout, alloc)); |
if (luaobj) { |
lupb_uservalseti(L, 1, upb_fielddef_index(f), -1); |
} |
return 0; /* 1 for chained assignments? */ |
} |
static const struct luaL_Reg lupb_msg_mm[] = { |
{"__index", lupb_msg_index}, |
{"__newindex", lupb_msg_newindex}, |
}; |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ |
** upb::Message is a representation for protobuf messages. |
** |
** However it differs from other common representations like |
** google::protobuf::Message in one key way: it does not prescribe any |
** ownership semantics, and it does not perform any memory management. |
** |
** A client can access a upb::Message without knowing anything about |
** ownership semantics, but to create or mutate a message a user needs |
** to implement the memory management themselves. |
** |
** Currently all messages, arrays, and maps store a upb_alloc* internally. |
** Mutating operations use this when they require dynamically-allocated |
** memory. We could potentially eliminate this size overhead later by |
** letting the user flip a bit on the factory that prevents this from |
** being stored. The user would then need to use separate functions where |
** the upb_alloc* is passed explicitly. However for handlers to populate |
** such structures, they would need a place to store this upb_alloc* during |
** parsing; upb_handlers don't currently have a good way to accommodate this. |
** |
** TODO: UTF-8 checking? |
**/ |
#ifndef UPB_MSG_H_ |
#define UPB_MSG_H_ |
#include "upb/def.h" |
#include "upb/handlers.h" |
#include "upb/sink.h" |
#include "upb/symtab.h" |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
namespace upb { |
class MessageLayout; |
class MessageFactory; |
} |
#endif |
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::MessageFactory, upb_msgfactory) |
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::MessageLayout, upb_msglayout) |
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::Array, upb_array) |
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::Map, upb_map) |
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::MapIterator, upb_mapiter) |
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::Visitor, upb_visitor) |
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::VisitorPlan, upb_visitorplan) |
/* TODO(haberman): C++ accessors */ |
/** upb_msglayout *************************************************************/ |
/* Please note that map_entry messages (upb_msgdef_mapentry(m) == true) cannot
* have layouts. They can only be represented as upb_map, not as a message. */ |
/* Requires that upb_fielddef_issubmsg(upb_msglayout_msgdef(l)) == true.
* |
* Since map entry messages don't have layouts, if upb_fielddef_ismap(f) == true |
* then this function will return the layout for the map's value. It requires |
* that the value type of the map field is a submessage. */ |
const upb_msglayout *upb_msglayout_sublayout(const upb_msglayout *l, |
const upb_fielddef *f); |
const upb_msgdef *upb_msglayout_msgdef(const upb_msglayout *l); |
/** upb_msgfactory ************************************************************/ |
upb_msgfactory *upb_msgfactory_new(const upb_symtab *symtab); |
void upb_msgfactory_free(upb_msgfactory *f); |
/* Requires:
* - m is in upb_msgfactory_symtab(f) |
* - upb_msgdef_mapentry(m) == false (since map messages can't have layouts). |
* |
* The returned layout will live for as long as the msgfactory does. |
*/ |
const upb_msglayout *upb_msgfactory_getlayout(const upb_msgfactory *f, |
const upb_msgdef *m); |
/* Returns handlers for populating a message with the given msgdef. */ |
const upb_handlers *upb_msgfactory_getmergehandlers(const upb_msgfactory *f, |
const upb_msgdef *m); |
/* Returns a plan for visiting the data and submessages of the given msgdef. */ |
const upb_visitorplan *upb_visitorplan_new(const upb_msgfactory *f, |
const upb_msgdef *m); |
/* For actually visiting a message and its submessages. */ |
upb_visitor *upb_visitor_create(upb_env *e, const upb_visitorplan *vp, |
upb_sink *output); |
bool upb_visitor_visitmsg(upb_visitor *v, const void *msg); |
/** upb_msgval ****************************************************************/ |
/* A union representing all possible protobuf values. Used for generic get/set
* operations. */ |
typedef void upb_msg; |
typedef union { |
bool b; |
float flt; |
double dbl; |
int32_t i32; |
int64_t i64; |
uint32_t u32; |
uint64_t u64; |
const void* ptr; |
struct { |
const char *ptr; |
size_t len; |
} str; |
} upb_msgval; |
#define ACCESSORS(name, membername, ctype) \ |
UPB_INLINE ctype upb_msgval_get ## name(upb_msgval v) { \
return v.membername; \
} \
UPB_INLINE void upb_msgval_set ## name(upb_msgval *v, ctype cval) { \
v->membername = cval; \
} \
UPB_INLINE upb_msgval upb_msgval_ ## name(ctype v) { \
upb_msgval ret; \
ret.membername = v; \
return ret; \
} |
ACCESSORS(bool, b, bool) |
ACCESSORS(float, flt, float) |
ACCESSORS(double, dbl, double) |
ACCESSORS(int32, i32, int32_t) |
ACCESSORS(int64, i64, int64_t) |
ACCESSORS(uint32, u32, uint32_t) |
ACCESSORS(uint64, u64, uint64_t) |
ACCESSORS(map, ptr, const upb_map*) |
ACCESSORS(msg, ptr, const upb_msg*) |
ACCESSORS(ptr, ptr, const void*) |
ACCESSORS(arr, ptr, const upb_array*) |
#undef ACCESSORS |
UPB_INLINE upb_msgval upb_msgval_str(const char *ptr, size_t len) { |
upb_msgval ret; |
ret.str.ptr = ptr; |
ret.str.len = len; |
return ret; |
} |
/** upb_msg *******************************************************************/ |
size_t upb_msg_sizeof(const upb_msglayout *l); |
void upb_msg_init(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_msg_uninit(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l); |
upb_msg *upb_msg_new(const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_msg_free(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l); |
upb_alloc *upb_msg_alloc(const upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* Packs the tree of messages rooted at "msg" into a single hunk of memory,
* allocated from the given allocator. */ |
void *upb_msg_pack(const upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l, |
void *p, size_t *ofs, size_t size); |
/* Read-only message API. Can be safely called by anyone. */ |
/* Returns the value associated with this field:
* - for scalar fields (including strings), the value directly. |
* - return upb_msg*, or upb_map* for msg/map. |
* If the field is unset for these field types, returns NULL. |
* |
* TODO(haberman): should we let users store cached array/map/msg |
* pointers here for fields that are unset? Could be useful for the |
* strongly-owned submessage model (ie. generated C API that doesn't use |
* arenas). |
*/ |
upb_msgval upb_msg_get(const upb_msg *msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f, |
const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* May only be called for fields where upb_fielddef_haspresence(f) == true. */ |
bool upb_msg_has(const upb_msg *msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f, |
const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* Returns NULL if no field in the oneof is set. */ |
const upb_fielddef *upb_msg_getoneofcase(const upb_msg *msg, |
const upb_oneofdef *o, |
const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* Returns true if any field in the oneof is set. */ |
bool upb_msg_hasoneof(const upb_msg *msg, |
const upb_oneofdef *o, |
const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* Mutable message API. May only be called by the owner of the message who
* knows its ownership scheme and how to keep it consistent. */ |
/* Sets the given field to the given value. Does not perform any memory
* management: if you overwrite a pointer to a msg/array/map/string without |
* cleaning it up (or using an arena) it will leak. |
*/ |
bool upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f, |
upb_msgval val, |
const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* For a primitive field, set it back to its default. For repeated, string, and
* submessage fields set it back to NULL. This could involve releasing some |
* internal memory (for example, from an extension dictionary), but it is not |
* recursive in any way and will not recover any memory that may be used by |
* arrays/maps/strings/msgs that this field may have pointed to. |
*/ |
bool upb_msg_clearfield(upb_msg *msg, |
const upb_fielddef *f, |
const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* Clears all fields in the oneof such that none of them are set. */ |
bool upb_msg_clearoneof(upb_msg *msg, |
const upb_oneofdef *o, |
const upb_msglayout *l); |
/* TODO(haberman): copyfrom()/mergefrom()? */ |
/** upb_array *****************************************************************/ |
size_t upb_array_sizeof(upb_fieldtype_t type); |
void upb_array_init(upb_array *arr, upb_fieldtype_t type, upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_array_uninit(upb_array *arr); |
upb_array *upb_array_new(upb_fieldtype_t type, upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_array_free(upb_array *arr); |
/* Read-only interface. Safe for anyone to call. */ |
size_t upb_array_size(const upb_array *arr); |
upb_fieldtype_t upb_array_type(const upb_array *arr); |
upb_msgval upb_array_get(const upb_array *arr, size_t i); |
/* Write interface. May only be called by the message's owner who can enforce
* its memory management invariants. */ |
bool upb_array_set(upb_array *arr, size_t i, upb_msgval val); |
/** upb_map *******************************************************************/ |
/* Stores data for a map field. The map will internally allocate (and free, if
* desired) all the internal storage used for the hash table or tree, using the |
* given allocator. It will also copy and internally store the data for string |
* keys, but *not* for string or message *values*. So the caller must ensure |
* that any string or message values outlive the map. */ |
size_t upb_map_sizeof(upb_fieldtype_t ktype, upb_fieldtype_t vtype); |
bool upb_map_init(upb_map *map, upb_fieldtype_t ktype, upb_fieldtype_t vtype, |
upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_map_uninit(upb_map *map); |
upb_map *upb_map_new(upb_fieldtype_t ktype, upb_fieldtype_t vtype, upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_map_free(upb_map *map); |
/* Read-only interface. Safe for anyone to call. */ |
size_t upb_map_size(const upb_map *map); |
upb_fieldtype_t upb_map_keytype(const upb_map *map); |
upb_fieldtype_t upb_map_valuetype(const upb_map *map); |
bool upb_map_get(const upb_map *map, upb_msgval key, upb_msgval *val); |
/* Write interface. May only be called by the message's owner who can enforce
* its memory management invariants. */ |
/* Sets or overwrites an entry in the map. Return value indicates whether
* the operation succeeded or failed with OOM, and also whether an existing |
* key was replaced or not. */ |
bool upb_map_set(upb_map *map, |
upb_msgval key, upb_msgval val, |
upb_msgval *valremoved); |
/* Deletes an entry in the map. Returns true if the key was present. */ |
bool upb_map_del(upb_map *map, upb_msgval key); |
/** upb_mapiter ***************************************************************/ |
/* For iterating over a map. Map iterators are invalidated by mutations to the
* map, but an invalidated iterator will never return junk or crash the process. |
* An invalidated iterator may return entries that were already returned though, |
* and if you keep invalidating the iterator during iteration, the program may |
* enter an infinite loop. */ |
size_t upb_mapiter_sizeof(); |
void upb_mapiter_begin(upb_mapiter *i, const upb_map *t); |
upb_mapiter *upb_mapiter_new(const upb_map *t, upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_mapiter_free(upb_mapiter *i, upb_alloc *a); |
void upb_mapiter_next(upb_mapiter *i); |
bool upb_mapiter_done(const upb_mapiter *i); |
/* For string keys, the value will be in upb_msgval_strkey(), *not*
* upb_msgval_str(). */ |
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_key(const upb_mapiter *i); |
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_value(const upb_mapiter *i); |
void upb_mapiter_setdone(upb_mapiter *i); |
bool upb_mapiter_isequal(const upb_mapiter *i1, const upb_mapiter *i2); |
/** Handlers ******************************************************************/ |
/* These are the handlers used internally by upb_msgfactory_getmergehandlers().
* They write scalar data to a known offset from the message pointer. |
* |
* These would be trivial for anyone to implement themselves, but it's better |
* to use these because some JITs will recognize and specialize these instead |
* of actually calling the function. */ |
/* Sets a handler for the given primitive field that will write the data at the
* given offset. If hasbit > 0, also sets a hasbit at the given bit offset |
* (addressing each byte low to high). */ |
bool upb_msg_setscalarhandler(upb_handlers *h, |
const upb_fielddef *f, |
size_t offset, |
int32_t hasbit); |
/* If the given handler is a msghandlers_primitive field, returns true and sets
* *type, *offset and *hasbit. Otherwise returns false. */ |
bool upb_msg_getscalarhandlerdata(const upb_handlers *h, |
upb_selector_t s, |
upb_fieldtype_t *type, |
size_t *offset, |
int32_t *hasbit); |
#endif /* UPB_MSG_H_ */ |
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ |
#include "upb/shim/shim.h" |
/* Fallback implementation if the shim is not specialized by the JIT. */ |
#define SHIM_WRITER(type, ctype) \ |
bool upb_shim_set ## type (void *c, const void *hd, ctype val) { \
uint8_t *m = c; \
const upb_shim_data *d = hd; \
if (d->hasbit > 0) \
*(uint8_t*)&m[d->hasbit / 8] |= 1 << (d->hasbit % 8); \
*(ctype*)&m[d->offset] = val; \
return true; \
} \
SHIM_WRITER(double, double) |
SHIM_WRITER(float, float) |
SHIM_WRITER(int32, int32_t) |
SHIM_WRITER(int64, int64_t) |
SHIM_WRITER(uint32, uint32_t) |
SHIM_WRITER(uint64, uint64_t) |
SHIM_WRITER(bool, bool) |
#undef SHIM_WRITER |
bool upb_shim_set(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, size_t offset, |
int32_t hasbit) { |
upb_handlerattr attr = UPB_HANDLERATTR_INITIALIZER; |
bool ok; |
upb_shim_data *d = upb_gmalloc(sizeof(*d)); |
if (!d) return false; |
d->offset = offset; |
d->hasbit = hasbit; |
upb_handlerattr_sethandlerdata(&attr, d); |
upb_handlerattr_setalwaysok(&attr, true); |
upb_handlers_addcleanup(h, d, upb_gfree); |
#define TYPE(u, l) \ |
case UPB_TYPE_##u: \
ok = upb_handlers_set##l(h, f, upb_shim_set##l, &attr); break; |
ok = false; |
switch (upb_fielddef_type(f)) { |
TYPE(INT64, int64); |
TYPE(INT32, int32); |
TYPE(ENUM, int32); |
TYPE(UINT64, uint64); |
TYPE(UINT32, uint32); |
TYPE(DOUBLE, double); |
TYPE(FLOAT, float); |
TYPE(BOOL, bool); |
default: UPB_ASSERT(false); break; |
} |
#undef TYPE |
upb_handlerattr_uninit(&attr); |
return ok; |
} |
const upb_shim_data *upb_shim_getdata(const upb_handlers *h, upb_selector_t s, |
upb_fieldtype_t *type) { |
upb_func *f = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, s); |
if ((upb_int64_handlerfunc*)f == upb_shim_setint64) { |
*type = UPB_TYPE_INT64; |
} else if ((upb_int32_handlerfunc*)f == upb_shim_setint32) { |
*type = UPB_TYPE_INT32; |
} else if ((upb_uint64_handlerfunc*)f == upb_shim_setuint64) { |
*type = UPB_TYPE_UINT64; |
} else if ((upb_uint32_handlerfunc*)f == upb_shim_setuint32) { |
*type = UPB_TYPE_UINT32; |
} else if ((upb_double_handlerfunc*)f == upb_shim_setdouble) { |
*type = UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE; |
} else if ((upb_float_handlerfunc*)f == upb_shim_setfloat) { |
*type = UPB_TYPE_FLOAT; |
} else if ((upb_bool_handlerfunc*)f == upb_shim_setbool) { |
*type = UPB_TYPE_BOOL; |
} else { |
return NULL; |
} |
return (const upb_shim_data*)upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, s); |
} |
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ |
** For handlers that do very tiny, very simple operations, the function call |
** overhead of calling a handler can be significant. This file allows the |
** user to define handlers that do something very simple like store the value |
** to memory and/or set a hasbit. JIT compilers can then special-case these |
** handlers and emit specialized code for them instead of actually calling the |
** handler. |
** |
** The functionality is very simple/limited right now but may expand to be able |
** to call another function. |
*/ |
#ifndef UPB_SHIM_H |
#define UPB_SHIM_H |
#include "upb/handlers.h" |
typedef struct { |
size_t offset; |
int32_t hasbit; |
} upb_shim_data; |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
namespace upb { |
struct Shim { |
typedef upb_shim_data Data; |
/* Sets a handler for the given field that writes the value to the given
* offset and, if hasbit >= 0, sets a bit at the given bit offset. Returns |
* true if the handler was set successfully. */ |
static bool Set(Handlers *h, const FieldDef *f, size_t ofs, int32_t hasbit); |
/* If this handler is a shim, returns the corresponding upb::Shim::Data and
* stores the type in "type". Otherwise returns NULL. */ |
static const Data* GetData(const Handlers* h, Handlers::Selector s, |
FieldDef::Type* type); |
}; |
} /* namespace upb */ |
#endif |
/* C API. */ |
bool upb_shim_set(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, size_t offset, |
int32_t hasbit); |
const upb_shim_data *upb_shim_getdata(const upb_handlers *h, upb_selector_t s, |
upb_fieldtype_t *type); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
/* C++ Wrappers. */ |
namespace upb { |
inline bool Shim::Set(Handlers* h, const FieldDef* f, size_t ofs, |
int32_t hasbit) { |
return upb_shim_set(h, f, ofs, hasbit); |
} |
inline const Shim::Data* Shim::GetData(const Handlers* h, Handlers::Selector s, |
FieldDef::Type* type) { |
return upb_shim_getdata(h, s, type); |
} |
} /* namespace upb */ |
#endif |
#endif /* UPB_SHIM_H */ |
Reference in new issue