@ -92,6 +92,20 @@ void EnumGenerator::GenerateHeader(io::Printer* printer) { |
"\n", |
"name", name_); |
// Swift 5 included SE0192 "Handling Future Enum Cases"
// https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0192-non-exhaustive-enums.md
// Since a .proto file can get new values added to an enum at any time, they
// are effectively "non-frozen". Even in a proto3 syntax file where there is
// support for the unknown value, an edit to the file can always add a new
// value moving something from unknown to known. Since Swift is now ABI
// stable, it also means a binary could contain Swift compiled against one
// version of the .pbobjc.h file, but finally linked against an enum with
// more cases. So the Swift code will always have to treat ObjC Proto Enums
// as "non-frozen". The default behavior in SE0192 is for all objc enums to
// be "non-frozen" unless marked as otherwise, so this means this generation
// doesn't have to bother with the `enum_extensibility` attribute, as the
// default will be what is needed.
printer->Print("$comments$typedef$deprecated_attribute$ GPB_ENUM($name$) {\n", |
"comments", enum_comments, |
"deprecated_attribute", GetOptionalDeprecatedAttribute(descriptor_, descriptor_->file()), |