This flips the default behavior to "fetch", downloading local copies of required dependencies. This can be disabled by setting `-Dprotobuf_FETCH_DEPENDENCIES=OFF`, in which case we will look for a local installation using find_package. Setting `-Dprotobuf_ABSL_PROVIDER=package` will continue to have the same behavior as before.
See for more details.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 686649864
Mike Kruskal5 months agocommitted byCopybara-Service
set(protobuf_FETCH_DEPENDENCIESOFFCACHEBOOL"Download dependencies from GitHub. If this option is not set, the dependency must be available locally, either as a sub-module or an installed package.")
set(protobuf_FETCH_DEPENDENCIESONCACHEBOOL"Allow downloading dependencies from GitHub. If this option is not set, the dependency must be available locally as an installed package.")
set(protobuf_ABSL_PROVIDER"module"CACHESTRING"Provider of absl library. `module` uses sub-modules, `package` searches for a local installation, and `fetch` downloads from GitHub")
set(protobuf_JSONCPP_PROVIDER"module"CACHESTRING"Provider of jsoncpp library. `module` uses sub-modules, `package` searches for a local installation, and `fetch` downloads from GitHub")
set(protobuf_JSONCPP_PROVIDER"fetch"CACHESTRING"Provider of jsoncpp library. `fetch` downloads from GitHub and `package` searches for a local installation")