@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
{ ListValue . Descriptor . FullName , ( parser , message , tokenizer ) = >
parser . MergeRepeatedField ( message , message . Descriptor . Fields [ ListValue . ValuesFieldNumber ] , tokenizer ) } ,
{ Struct . Descriptor . FullName , ( parser , message , tokenizer ) = > parser . MergeStruct ( message , tokenizer ) } ,
{ Any . Descriptor . FullName , ( parser , message , tokenizer ) = > parser . MergeAny ( message , tokenizer ) } ,
{ FieldMask . Descriptor . FullName , ( parser , message , tokenizer ) = > MergeFieldMask ( message , tokenizer . Next ( ) ) } ,
{ Int32Value . Descriptor . FullName , MergeWrapperField } ,
{ Int64Value . Descriptor . FullName , MergeWrapperField } ,
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
/// <param name="jsonReader">Reader providing the JSON to parse.</param>
internal void Merge ( IMessage message , TextReader jsonReader )
var tokenizer = new JsonTokeniz er( jsonReader ) ;
var tokenizer = JsonTokenizer . FromTextRead er( jsonReader ) ;
Merge ( message , tokenizer ) ;
var lastToken = tokenizer . Next ( ) ;
if ( lastToken ! = JsonToken . EndDocument )
@ -338,6 +339,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
/// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">The JSON does not represent a Protocol Buffers message correctly</exception>
public T Parse < T > ( string json ) where T : IMessage , new ( )
Preconditions . CheckNotNull ( json , nameof ( json ) ) ;
return Parse < T > ( new StringReader ( json ) ) ;
@ -350,11 +352,42 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
/// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">The JSON does not represent a Protocol Buffers message correctly</exception>
public T Parse < T > ( TextReader jsonReader ) where T : IMessage , new ( )
Preconditions . CheckNotNull ( jsonReader , nameof ( jsonReader ) ) ;
T message = new T ( ) ;
Merge ( message , jsonReader ) ;
return message ;
/// <summary>
/// Parses <paramref name="json"/> into a new message.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="json">The JSON to parse.</param>
/// <param name="descriptor">Descriptor of message type to parse.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidJsonException">The JSON does not comply with RFC 7159</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">The JSON does not represent a Protocol Buffers message correctly</exception>
public IMessage Parse ( string json , MessageDescriptor descriptor )
Preconditions . CheckNotNull ( json , nameof ( json ) ) ;
Preconditions . CheckNotNull ( descriptor , nameof ( descriptor ) ) ;
return Parse ( new StringReader ( json ) , descriptor ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Parses JSON read from <paramref name="jsonReader"/> into a new message.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsonReader">Reader providing the JSON to parse.</param>
/// <param name="descriptor">Descriptor of message type to parse.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidJsonException">The JSON does not comply with RFC 7159</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidProtocolBufferException">The JSON does not represent a Protocol Buffers message correctly</exception>
public IMessage Parse ( TextReader jsonReader , MessageDescriptor descriptor )
Preconditions . CheckNotNull ( jsonReader , nameof ( jsonReader ) ) ;
Preconditions . CheckNotNull ( descriptor , nameof ( descriptor ) ) ;
IMessage message = descriptor . Parser . CreateTemplate ( ) ;
Merge ( message , jsonReader ) ;
return message ;
private void MergeStructValue ( IMessage message , JsonTokenizer tokenizer )
var firstToken = tokenizer . Next ( ) ;
@ -410,6 +443,83 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
MergeMapField ( message , field , tokenizer ) ;
private void MergeAny ( IMessage message , JsonTokenizer tokenizer )
// Record the token stream until we see the @type property. At that point, we can take the value, consult
// the type registry for the relevant message, and replay the stream, omitting the @type property.
var tokens = new List < JsonToken > ( ) ;
var token = tokenizer . Next ( ) ;
if ( token . Type ! = JsonToken . TokenType . StartObject )
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException ( "Expected object value for Any" ) ;
int typeUrlObjectDepth = tokenizer . ObjectDepth ;
// The check for the property depth protects us from nested Any values which occur before the type URL
// for *this* Any.
while ( token . Type ! = JsonToken . TokenType . Name | |
token . StringValue ! = JsonFormatter . AnyTypeUrlField | |
tokenizer . ObjectDepth ! = typeUrlObjectDepth )
tokens . Add ( token ) ;
token = tokenizer . Next ( ) ;
// Don't add the @type property or its value to the recorded token list
token = tokenizer . Next ( ) ;
if ( token . Type ! = JsonToken . TokenType . StringValue )
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException ( "Expected string value for Any.@type" ) ;
string typeUrl = token . StringValue ;
string typeName = JsonFormatter . GetTypeName ( typeUrl ) ;
MessageDescriptor descriptor = settings . TypeRegistry . Find ( typeName ) ;
if ( descriptor = = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( $"Type registry has no descriptor for type name '{typeName}'" ) ;
// Now replay the token stream we've already read and anything that remains of the object, just parsing it
// as normal. Our original tokenizer should end up at the end of the object.
var replay = JsonTokenizer . FromReplayedTokens ( tokens , tokenizer ) ;
var body = descriptor . Parser . CreateTemplate ( ) ;
if ( descriptor . IsWellKnownType )
MergeWellKnownTypeAnyBody ( body , replay ) ;
Merge ( body , replay ) ;
var data = body . ToByteString ( ) ;
// Now that we have the message data, we can pack it into an Any (the message received as a parameter).
message . Descriptor . Fields [ Any . TypeUrlFieldNumber ] . Accessor . SetValue ( message , typeUrl ) ;
message . Descriptor . Fields [ Any . ValueFieldNumber ] . Accessor . SetValue ( message , data ) ;
// Well-known types end up in a property called "value" in the JSON. As there's no longer a @type property
// in the given JSON token stream, we should *only* have tokens of start-object, name("value"), the value
// itself, and then end-object.
private void MergeWellKnownTypeAnyBody ( IMessage body , JsonTokenizer tokenizer )
var token = tokenizer . Next ( ) ; // Definitely start-object; checked in previous method
token = tokenizer . Next ( ) ;
// TODO: What about an absent Int32Value, for example?
if ( token . Type ! = JsonToken . TokenType . Name | | token . StringValue ! = JsonFormatter . AnyWellKnownTypeValueField )
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException ( $"Expected '{JsonFormatter.AnyWellKnownTypeValueField}' property for well-known type Any body" ) ;
Merge ( body , tokenizer ) ;
token = tokenizer . Next ( ) ;
if ( token . Type ! = JsonToken . TokenType . EndObject )
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException ( $"Expected end-object token after @type/value for well-known type" ) ;
#region Utility methods which don't depend on the state (or settings) of the parser.
private static object ParseMapKey ( FieldDescriptor field , string keyText )
@ -789,29 +899,48 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
/// </summary>
public sealed class Settings
private static readonly Settings defaultInstance = new Settings ( CodedInputStream . DefaultRecursionLimit ) ;
private readonly int recursionLimit ;
/// <summary>
/// Default settings, as used by <see cref="JsonParser.Default"/>
/// Default settings, as used by <see cref="JsonParser.Default"/>. This has the same default
/// recursion limit as <see cref="CodedInputStream"/>, and an empty type registry.
/// </summary>
public static Settings Default { get { return defaultInstance ; } }
public static Settings Default { get ; }
// Workaround for the Mono compiler complaining about XML comments not being on
// valid language elements.
static Settings ( )
Default = new Settings ( CodedInputStream . DefaultRecursionLimit ) ;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum depth of messages to parse. Note that this limit only applies to parsing
/// messages, not collections - so a message within a collection within a message only counts as
/// depth 2, not 3.
/// </summary>
public int RecursionLimit { get { return recursionLimit ; } }
public int RecursionLimit { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// The type registry used to parse <see cref="Any"/> messages.
/// </summary>
public TypeRegistry TypeRegistry { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="Settings"/> object with the specified recursion limit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recursionLimit">The maximum depth of messages to parse</param>
public Settings ( int recursionLimit )
public Settings ( int recursionLimit ) : this ( recursionLimit , TypeRegistry . Empty )
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="Settings"/> object with the specified recursion limit and type registry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recursionLimit">The maximum depth of messages to parse</param>
/// <param name="typeRegistry">The type registry used to parse <see cref="Any"/> messages</param>
public Settings ( int recursionLimit , TypeRegistry typeRegistry )
this . recursionLimit = recursionLimit ;
RecursionLimit = recursionLimit ;
TypeRegistry = Preconditions . CheckNotNull ( typeRegistry , nameof ( typeRegistry ) ) ;