Generate an error early while parsing if the message nesting is too large. It

will fail anyway later on when trying to create a descriptor but this way we
prevent stack overflows on the parser.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 613245970
Protobuf Team Bot 1 year ago committed by Copybara-Service
parent 53ad6a4478
commit 3dadd0e1ee
  1. 1
  2. 9
  3. 1
  4. 54
  5. 2
  6. 5

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ cc_library(

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/casts.h"
#include "absl/cleanup/cleanup.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
@ -774,6 +775,8 @@ bool Parser::ParseTopLevelStatement(FileDescriptorProto* file,
LocationRecorder location(root_location,
// Maximum depth allowed by the DescriptorPool.
recursion_depth_ = internal::cpp::MaxMessageDeclarationNestingDepth();
return ParseMessageDefinition(file->add_message_type(), location, file);
} else if (LookingAt("enum")) {
LocationRecorder location(root_location,
@ -851,6 +854,12 @@ PROTOBUF_NOINLINE static void GenerateSyntheticOneofs(
bool Parser::ParseMessageDefinition(
DescriptorProto* message, const LocationRecorder& message_location,
const FileDescriptorProto* containing_file) {
const auto undo_depth = absl::MakeCleanup([&] { ++recursion_depth_; });
if (--recursion_depth_ <= 0) {
RecordError("Reached maximum recursion limit for nested messages.");
return false;
LocationRecorder location(message_location,

@ -563,6 +563,7 @@ class PROTOBUF_EXPORT Parser final {
bool stop_after_syntax_identifier_;
std::string syntax_identifier_;
Edition edition_ = Edition::EDITION_UNKNOWN;
int recursion_depth_;
// Leading doc comments for the next declaration. These are not complete
// yet; use ConsumeEndOfDeclaration() to get the complete comments.

@ -19,11 +19,13 @@
#include "google/protobuf/any.pb.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "google/protobuf/testing/googletest.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/substitute.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/retention.h"
@ -131,7 +133,8 @@ class ParserTest : public testing::Test {
// Parse the text and expect that the given errors are reported.
void ExpectHasErrors(const char* text, const char* expected_errors) {
void ExpectHasErrors(absl::string_view text,
const testing::Matcher<std::string>& expected_errors) {
ExpectHasEarlyExitErrors(text, expected_errors);
EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
@ -148,20 +151,22 @@ class ParserTest : public testing::Test {
// Same as above but does not expect that the parser parses the complete
// input.
void ExpectHasEarlyExitErrors(absl::string_view text,
absl::string_view expected_errors) {
void ExpectHasEarlyExitErrors(
absl::string_view text,
const testing::Matcher<std::string>& expected_errors) {
SourceLocationTable source_locations;
FileDescriptorProto file;
EXPECT_FALSE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_errors, error_collector_.text_);
EXPECT_THAT(error_collector_.text_, expected_errors);
// Parse the text as a file and validate it (with a DescriptorPool), and
// expect that the validation step reports the given errors.
void ExpectHasValidationErrors(const char* text,
const char* expected_errors) {
void ExpectHasValidationErrors(
absl::string_view text,
const testing::Matcher<std::string>& expected_errors) {
SourceLocationTable source_locations;
@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ class ParserTest : public testing::Test {
file, &validation_error_collector) == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_errors, error_collector_.text_);
EXPECT_THAT(error_collector_.text_, expected_errors);
MockErrorCollector error_collector_;
@ -1454,6 +1459,41 @@ TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EofInMessage) {
"0:21: Reached end of input in message definition (missing '}').\n");
TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, NestingIsLimitedWithoutCrashing) {
std::string start = "syntax = \"proto2\";\n";
std::string end;
const auto add = [&] {
absl::StrAppend(&start, "message M {");
absl::StrAppend(&end, "}");
const auto input = [&] { return absl::StrCat(start, end); };
// The first ones work correctly.
for (int i = 1; i < internal::cpp::MaxMessageDeclarationNestingDepth(); ++i) {
const std::string str = input();
FileDescriptorProto proto;
EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &proto)) << input();
EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
ASSERT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
DescriptorPool pool;
// The rest have parsing errors but they don't crash no matter how deep we
// make them.
const auto error = testing::HasSubstr(
"Reached maximum recursion limit for nested messages.");
ExpectHasErrors(input(), error);
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
ExpectHasErrors(input(), error);
TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MissingFieldNumber) {
"message TestMessage {\n"

@ -4051,7 +4051,7 @@ class DescriptorBuilder {
// Counts down to 0 when there is no depth remaining.
// Maximum recursion depth corresponds to 32 nested message declarations.
int recursion_depth_ = 32;
int recursion_depth_ = internal::cpp::MaxMessageDeclarationNestingDepth();
// Note: Both AddError and AddWarning functions are extremely sensitive to
// the *caller* stack space used. We call these functions many times in

@ -2845,6 +2845,11 @@ bool ParseNoReflection(absl::string_view from, google::protobuf::MessageLite& to
// In particular, questions like "does this field have a has bit?" have a
// different answer depending on the language.
namespace cpp {
// The maximum allowed nesting for message declarations.
// Going over this limit will make the proto definition invalid.
constexpr int MaxMessageDeclarationNestingDepth() { return 32; }
// Returns true if 'enum' semantics are such that unknown values are preserved
// in the enum field itself, rather than going to the UnknownFieldSet.
PROTOBUF_EXPORT bool HasPreservingUnknownEnumSemantics(
