From 2ed410a9ca29085078a19172707a05980c4c7529 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evan Brown <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 14:22:46 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Automated rollback of commit

PiperOrigin-RevId: 660537336
 src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/ |  17 +-
 src/google/protobuf/ |  11 +-
 src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h          | 567 ++++++++++++------
 .../protobuf/       |  53 +-
 4 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
index a6552e1e1d..a417bbfb09 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <vector>
-#include "google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/unittest.h"
+#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
 #include "absl/strings/cord.h"
+#include "google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/unittest.h"
 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 #ifndef _MSC_VER
 // We exclude this large proto because it's too large for
@@ -482,25 +483,11 @@ TEST(GENERATED_MESSAGE_TEST_NAME, ADLSwap) {
   UNITTEST::TestAllTypes message1, message2;
-  // Note the address of one of the repeated fields, to verify it was swapped
-  // rather than copied.
-  const int32_t* addr = &message1.repeated_int32().Get(0);
-  const int32_t value = *addr;
   using std::swap;
   swap(message1, message2);
-  EXPECT_NE(addr, &message2.repeated_int32().Get(0));
-  EXPECT_EQ(value, message2.repeated_int32().Get(0));
-  EXPECT_EQ(addr, &message2.repeated_int32().Get(0));
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/ b/src/google/protobuf/
index 114f516d87..9c06ceb4db 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "google/protobuf/extension_set.h"
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <string>
@@ -841,10 +842,12 @@ TEST(ExtensionSetTest, SpaceUsedExcludingSelf) {
     const size_t old_capacity =                                                \
         message->GetRepeatedExtension(unittest::repeated_##type##_extension)   \
             .Capacity();                                                       \
-    EXPECT_GE(                                                                 \
-        old_capacity,                                                          \
-        (RepeatedFieldLowerClampLimit<cpptype, std::max(sizeof(cpptype),       \
-                                                        sizeof(void*))>()));   \
+    if (sizeof(cpptype) > 1) {                                                 \
+      EXPECT_GE(                                                               \
+          old_capacity,                                                        \
+          (RepeatedFieldLowerClampLimit<cpptype, std::max(sizeof(cpptype),     \
+                                                          sizeof(void*))>())); \
+    }                                                                          \
     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {                                             \
       message->AddExtension(unittest::repeated_##type##_extension, value);     \
     }                                                                          \
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h b/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h
index 5ff41a4c15..beed1f20d1 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstring>
 #include <iterator>
 #include <limits>
 #include <memory>
@@ -113,6 +115,122 @@ struct HeapRep {
+// We use small object optimization (SOO) to store elements inline when possible
+// for small repeated fields. We do so in order to avoid memory indirections.
+// Note that SOO is disabled on 32-bit platforms due to alignment limitations.
+// SOO data is stored in the same space as the size/capacity ints.
+enum { kSooCapacityBytes = 2 * sizeof(int) };
+// Arena/elements pointers are aligned to at least kSooPtrAlignment bytes so we
+// can use the lower bits to encode whether we're in SOO mode and if so, the
+// SOO size. NOTE: we also tried using all kSooPtrMask bits to encode SOO size
+// and use all ones as a sentinel value for non-SOO mode, but that was slower in
+// benchmarks/loadtests.
+enum { kSooPtrAlignment = 8 };
+// The mask for the size bits in SOO mode, and also a sentinel value indicating
+// that the field is not in SOO mode.
+enum { kSooPtrMask = ~(kSooPtrAlignment - 1) };
+// This bit is 0 when in SOO mode and 1 when in non-SOO mode.
+enum { kNotSooBit = kSooPtrAlignment >> 1 };
+// These bits are used to encode the size when in SOO mode (sizes are 0-3).
+enum { kSooSizeMask = kNotSooBit - 1 };
+// The number of elements that can be stored in the SOO rep. On 64-bit
+// platforms, this is 1 for int64_t, 2 for int32_t, 3 for bool, and 0 for
+// absl::Cord. We return 0 to disable SOO on 32-bit platforms.
+constexpr int SooCapacityElements(size_t element_size) {
+  if (sizeof(void*) < 8) return 0;
+  return std::min<int>(kSooCapacityBytes / element_size, kSooSizeMask);
+struct LongSooRep {
+  // Returns char* rather than void* so callers can do pointer arithmetic.
+  char* elements() const {
+    auto ret = reinterpret_cast<char*>(elements_int & kSooPtrMask);
+    ABSL_DCHECK_NE(ret, nullptr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  uintptr_t elements_int;
+  int size;
+  int capacity;
+struct ShortSooRep {
+  constexpr ShortSooRep() = default;
+  explicit ShortSooRep(Arena* arena)
+      : arena_and_size(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(arena)) {
+    ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(size(), 0);
+  }
+  int size() const { return arena_and_size & kSooSizeMask; }
+  bool is_soo() const { return (arena_and_size & kNotSooBit) == 0; }
+  uintptr_t arena_and_size = 0;
+  union {
+    char data[kSooCapacityBytes];
+    // NOTE: in some language versions, we can't have a constexpr constructor
+    // if we don't initialize all fields, but `data` doesn't need to be
+    // initialized so initialize an empty dummy variable instead.
+    std::true_type dummy = {};
+  };
+struct SooRep {
+  constexpr SooRep() : short_rep() {}
+  explicit SooRep(Arena* arena) : short_rep(arena) {}
+  bool is_soo() const {
+    static_assert(sizeof(LongSooRep) == sizeof(ShortSooRep), "");
+    static_assert(offsetof(SooRep, long_rep) == offsetof(SooRep, short_rep),
+                  "");
+    static_assert(offsetof(LongSooRep, elements_int) ==
+                      offsetof(ShortSooRep, arena_and_size),
+                  "");
+    return short_rep.is_soo();
+  }
+  Arena* soo_arena() const {
+    ABSL_DCHECK(is_soo());
+    return reinterpret_cast<Arena*>(short_rep.arena_and_size & kSooPtrMask);
+  }
+  int size(bool is_soo) const {
+    ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(is_soo, this->is_soo());
+#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
+    return is_soo ? short_rep.size() : long_rep.size;
+#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+  }
+  void set_size(bool is_soo, int size) {
+    ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(is_soo, this->is_soo());
+    if (is_soo) {
+      ABSL_DCHECK_LE(size, kSooSizeMask);
+      short_rep.arena_and_size &= kSooPtrMask;
+      short_rep.arena_and_size |= size;
+    } else {
+      long_rep.size = size;
+    }
+  }
+  // Initializes the SooRep in non-SOO mode with the given capacity and heap
+  // allocation.
+  void set_non_soo(bool was_soo, int capacity, void* elements) {
+    ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(was_soo, is_soo());
+    ABSL_DCHECK_NE(elements, nullptr);
+    ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(elements) % kSooPtrAlignment,
+                   uintptr_t{0});
+    if (was_soo) long_rep.size = short_rep.size();
+    long_rep.capacity = capacity;
+    long_rep.elements_int = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(elements) | kNotSooBit;
+  }
+  union {
+    LongSooRep long_rep;
+    ShortSooRep short_rep;
+  };
 }  // namespace internal
 // RepeatedField is used to represent repeated fields of a primitive type (in
@@ -318,10 +436,7 @@ class RepeatedField final
   // Gets the Arena on which this RepeatedField stores its elements.
   // Note: this can be inaccurate for split default fields so we make this
   // function non-const.
-  inline Arena* GetArena() {
-    return Capacity() == 0 ? static_cast<Arena*>(arena_or_elements_)
-                           : heap_rep()->arena;
-  }
+  inline Arena* GetArena() { return GetArena(is_soo()); }
   // For internal use only.
@@ -339,15 +454,35 @@ class RepeatedField final
   friend class Arena;
+  static constexpr int kSooCapacityElements =
+      internal::SooCapacityElements(sizeof(Element));
   static constexpr int kInitialSize = 0;
   static PROTOBUF_CONSTEXPR const size_t kHeapRepHeaderSize = sizeof(HeapRep);
   RepeatedField(Arena* arena, const RepeatedField& rhs);
   RepeatedField(Arena* arena, RepeatedField&& rhs);
+  inline Arena* GetArena(bool is_soo) const {
+    return is_soo ? soo_rep_.soo_arena() : heap_rep()->arena;
+  }
-  void set_size(int s) { size_ = s; }
-  void set_capacity(int c) { capacity_ = c; }
+  bool is_soo() const { return soo_rep_.is_soo(); }
+  int size(bool is_soo) const { return soo_rep_.size(is_soo); }
+  int Capacity(bool is_soo) const {
+#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
+    return is_soo ? kSooCapacityElements : soo_rep_.long_rep.capacity;
+#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+  }
+  void set_size(bool is_soo, int size) {
+    ABSL_DCHECK_LE(size, Capacity(is_soo));
+    soo_rep_.set_size(is_soo, size);
+  }
   // Swaps entire contents with "other". Should be called only if the caller can
   // guarantee that both repeated fields are on the same arena or are on the
@@ -392,63 +527,83 @@ class RepeatedField final
   // the old container from `old_size` to `Capacity()` (unpoison memory)
   // directly before it is being released, and annotate the new container from
   // `Capacity()` to `old_size` (poison unused memory).
-  void Grow(int old_size, int new_size);
-  void GrowNoAnnotate(int old_size, int new_size);
+  void Grow(bool was_soo, int old_size, int new_size);
+  void GrowNoAnnotate(bool was_soo, int old_size, int new_size);
   // Annotates a change in size of this instance. This function should be called
-  // with (capacity, old_size) after new memory has been allocated and
-  // filled from previous memory), and called with (old_size, capacity)
-  // right before (previously annotated) memory is released.
+  // with (capacity, old_size) after new memory has been allocated and filled
+  // from previous memory, and UnpoisonBuffer() should be called right before
+  // (previously annotated) memory is released.
   void AnnotateSize(int old_size, int new_size) const {
     if (old_size != new_size) {
-          unsafe_elements(), unsafe_elements() + Capacity(),
-          unsafe_elements() + old_size, unsafe_elements() + new_size);
+      ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+      ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+      ABSL_ANNOTATE_CONTIGUOUS_CONTAINER(elem, elem + Capacity(is_soo),
+                                         elem + old_size, elem + new_size);
       if (new_size < old_size) {
-            unsafe_elements() + new_size,
-            (old_size - new_size) * sizeof(Element));
+            elem + new_size, (old_size - new_size) * sizeof(Element));
-  // Replaces size with new_size and returns the previous value of size. This
-  // function is intended to be the only place where size is modified, with the
-  // exception of `AddInputIterator()` where the size of added items is not
-  // known in advance.
-  inline int ExchangeCurrentSize(int new_size) {
-    const int prev_size = size();
+  // Unpoisons the memory buffer.
+  void UnpoisonBuffer() const {
+    AnnotateSize(size(), Capacity());
+    if (is_soo()) {
+      // We need to manually unpoison the SOO buffer because in reflection for
+      // split repeated fields, we poison the whole SOO buffer even when we
+      // don't actually use the whole SOO buffer (e.g. for RepeatedField<bool>).
+                                      sizeof(;
+    }
+  }
+  // Replaces size with new_size and returns the previous value of
+  // size. This function is intended to be the only place where
+  // size is modified, with the exception of `AddInputIterator()`
+  // where the size of added items is not known in advance.
+  inline int ExchangeCurrentSize(bool is_soo, int new_size) {
+    const int prev_size = size(is_soo);
     AnnotateSize(prev_size, new_size);
-    set_size(new_size);
+    set_size(is_soo, new_size);
     return prev_size;
   // Returns a pointer to elements array.
   // pre-condition: Capacity() > 0.
-  Element* elements() const {
-    ABSL_DCHECK_GT(Capacity(), 0);
-    // Because of above pre-condition this cast is safe.
-    return unsafe_elements();
+  Element* elements(bool is_soo) {
+    ABSL_DCHECK_GT(Capacity(is_soo), 0);
+    return unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+  }
+  const Element* elements(bool is_soo) const {
+    return const_cast<RepeatedField*>(this)->elements(is_soo);
-  // Returns a pointer to elements array if it exists; otherwise either null or
-  // an invalid pointer is returned. This only happens for empty repeated
-  // fields, where you can't dereference this pointer anyway (it's empty).
-  Element* unsafe_elements() const {
-    return static_cast<Element*>(arena_or_elements_);
+  // Returns a pointer to elements array if it exists; otherwise an invalid
+  // pointer is returned. This only happens for empty repeated fields, where you
+  // can't dereference this pointer anyway (it's empty).
+  Element* unsafe_elements(bool is_soo) {
+    return is_soo ? reinterpret_cast<Element*>(
+                  : reinterpret_cast<Element*>(soo_rep_.long_rep.elements());
+  }
+  const Element* unsafe_elements(bool is_soo) const {
+    return const_cast<RepeatedField*>(this)->unsafe_elements(is_soo);
   // Returns a pointer to the HeapRep struct.
-  // pre-condition: the HeapRep must have been allocated, ie elements() is safe.
+  // pre-condition: the HeapRep must have been allocated, ie !is_soo().
   HeapRep* heap_rep() const {
-    return reinterpret_cast<HeapRep*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(elements()) -
+    ABSL_DCHECK(!is_soo());
+    return reinterpret_cast<HeapRep*>(soo_rep_.long_rep.elements() -
   // Internal helper to delete all elements and deallocate the storage.
   template <bool in_destructor = false>
   void InternalDeallocate() {
-    const size_t bytes = Capacity() * sizeof(Element) + kHeapRepHeaderSize;
+    ABSL_DCHECK(!is_soo());
+    const size_t bytes = Capacity(false) * sizeof(Element) + kHeapRepHeaderSize;
     if (heap_rep()->arena == nullptr) {
       internal::SizedDelete(heap_rep(), bytes);
     } else if (!in_destructor) {
@@ -468,62 +623,70 @@ class RepeatedField final
   // empty (common case), and add only an 8-byte header to the elements array
   // when non-empty. We make sure to place the size fields directly in the
   // RepeatedField class to avoid costly cache misses due to the indirection.
-  int size_;
-  int capacity_;
-  // If capacity_ == 0 this points to an Arena otherwise it points to the
-  // elements member of a HeapRep struct. Using this invariant allows the
-  // storage of the arena pointer without an extra allocation in the
-  // constructor.
-  void* arena_or_elements_;
+  internal::SooRep soo_rep_{};
 // implementation ====================================================
 template <typename Element>
-constexpr RepeatedField<Element>::RepeatedField()
-    : size_(0), capacity_(0), arena_or_elements_(nullptr) {
+constexpr RepeatedField<Element>::RepeatedField() {
+#ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
+  if (!std::is_constant_evaluated()) {
+    AnnotateSize(kSooCapacityElements, 0);
+  }
+#endif  // __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
 template <typename Element>
-inline RepeatedField<Element>::RepeatedField(Arena* arena)
-    : size_(0), capacity_(0), arena_or_elements_(arena) {
+inline RepeatedField<Element>::RepeatedField(Arena* arena) : soo_rep_(arena) {
+  AnnotateSize(kSooCapacityElements, 0);
 template <typename Element>
 inline RepeatedField<Element>::RepeatedField(Arena* arena,
                                              const RepeatedField& rhs)
-    : size_(0), capacity_(0), arena_or_elements_(arena) {
+    : soo_rep_(arena) {
-  if (auto size = rhs.size()) {
-    Grow(0, size);
-    ExchangeCurrentSize(size);
-    UninitializedCopyN(rhs.elements(), size, unsafe_elements());
+  AnnotateSize(kSooCapacityElements, 0);
+  const bool rhs_is_soo = rhs.is_soo();
+  if (auto size = rhs.size(rhs_is_soo)) {
+    bool is_soo = true;
+    if (size > kSooCapacityElements) {
+      Grow(is_soo, 0, size);
+      is_soo = false;
+    }
+    ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, size);
+    UninitializedCopyN(rhs.elements(rhs_is_soo), size, unsafe_elements(is_soo));
 template <typename Element>
 template <typename Iter, typename>
-RepeatedField<Element>::RepeatedField(Iter begin, Iter end)
-    : size_(0), capacity_(0), arena_or_elements_(nullptr) {
+RepeatedField<Element>::RepeatedField(Iter begin, Iter end) {
+  AnnotateSize(kSooCapacityElements, 0);
   Add(begin, end);
 template <typename Element>
 RepeatedField<Element>::~RepeatedField() {
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
 #ifndef NDEBUG
   // Try to trigger segfault / asan failure in non-opt builds if arena_
   // lifetime has ended before the destructor.
-  auto arena = GetArena();
+  auto arena = GetArena(is_soo);
   if (arena) (void)arena->SpaceAllocated();
-  if (Capacity() > 0) {
-    Destroy(unsafe_elements(), unsafe_elements() + size());
-    InternalDeallocate<true>();
+  const int size = this->size(is_soo);
+  if (size > 0) {
+    Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+    Destroy(elem, elem + size);
+  UnpoisonBuffer();
+  if (!is_soo) InternalDeallocate<true>();
 template <typename Element>
@@ -555,9 +718,10 @@ inline RepeatedField<Element>& RepeatedField<Element>::operator=(
   // We don't just call Swap(&other) here because it would perform 3 copies if
   // the two fields are on different arenas.
   if (this != &other) {
-    if (GetArena() != other.GetArena()
+    const Arena* arena = GetArena();
+    if (arena != other.GetArena()
-        || GetArena() == nullptr
+        || arena == nullptr
     ) {
@@ -575,36 +739,44 @@ inline bool RepeatedField<Element>::empty() const {
 template <typename Element>
 inline int RepeatedField<Element>::size() const {
-  return size_;
+  return size(is_soo());
 template <typename Element>
 inline int RepeatedField<Element>::Capacity() const {
-  return capacity_;
+  return Capacity(is_soo());
 template <typename Element>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::AddAlreadyReserved(Element value) {
-  ABSL_DCHECK_LT(size(), Capacity());
-  void* p = elements() + ExchangeCurrentSize(size() + 1);
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
+  ABSL_DCHECK_LT(old_size, Capacity(is_soo));
+  void* p = elements(is_soo) + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, old_size + 1);
   ::new (p) Element(std::move(value));
 template <typename Element>
 inline Element* RepeatedField<Element>::AddAlreadyReserved()
-  ABSL_DCHECK_LT(size(), Capacity());
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
+  ABSL_DCHECK_LT(old_size, Capacity(is_soo));
   // new (p) <TrivialType> compiles into nothing: this is intentional as this
   // function is documented to return uninitialized data for trivial types.
-  void* p = elements() + ExchangeCurrentSize(size() + 1);
+  void* p = elements(is_soo) + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, old_size + 1);
   return ::new (p) Element;
 template <typename Element>
 inline Element* RepeatedField<Element>::AddNAlreadyReserved(int n)
-  ABSL_DCHECK_GE(Capacity() - size(), n) << Capacity() << ", " << size();
-  Element* p = unsafe_elements() + ExchangeCurrentSize(size() + n);
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const int capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
+  ABSL_DCHECK_GE(capacity - old_size, n) << capacity << ", " << old_size;
+  Element* p =
+      unsafe_elements(is_soo) + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, old_size + n);
   for (Element *begin = p, *end = p + n; begin != end; ++begin) {
     new (static_cast<void*>(begin)) Element;
@@ -614,15 +786,20 @@ inline Element* RepeatedField<Element>::AddNAlreadyReserved(int n)
 template <typename Element>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::Resize(int new_size, const Element& value) {
   ABSL_DCHECK_GE(new_size, 0);
-  const int old_size = size();
+  bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
   if (new_size > old_size) {
-    if (new_size > Capacity()) Grow(old_size, new_size);
-    Element* first = elements() + ExchangeCurrentSize(new_size);
-    std::uninitialized_fill(first, elements() + new_size, value);
+    if (new_size > Capacity(is_soo)) {
+      Grow(is_soo, old_size, new_size);
+      is_soo = false;
+    }
+    Element* elem = elements(is_soo);
+    Element* first = elem + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, new_size);
+    std::uninitialized_fill(first, elem + new_size, value);
   } else if (new_size < old_size) {
-    Element* elem = unsafe_elements();
+    Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
     Destroy(elem + new_size, elem + old_size);
-    ExchangeCurrentSize(new_size);
+    ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, new_size);
@@ -631,7 +808,7 @@ inline const Element& RepeatedField<Element>::Get(int index) const
   ABSL_DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
   ABSL_DCHECK_LT(index, size());
-  return elements()[index];
+  return elements(is_soo())[index];
 template <typename Element>
@@ -639,7 +816,7 @@ inline const Element& RepeatedField<Element>::at(int index) const
   ABSL_CHECK_GE(index, 0);
   ABSL_CHECK_LT(index, size());
-  return elements()[index];
+  return elements(is_soo())[index];
 template <typename Element>
@@ -647,7 +824,7 @@ inline Element& RepeatedField<Element>::at(int index)
   ABSL_CHECK_GE(index, 0);
   ABSL_CHECK_LT(index, size());
-  return elements()[index];
+  return elements(is_soo())[index];
 template <typename Element>
@@ -655,7 +832,7 @@ inline Element* RepeatedField<Element>::Mutable(int index)
   ABSL_DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
   ABSL_DCHECK_LT(index, size());
-  return &elements()[index];
+  return &elements(is_soo())[index];
 template <typename Element>
@@ -665,69 +842,92 @@ inline void RepeatedField<Element>::Set(int index, const Element& value) {
 template <typename Element>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::Add(Element value) {
-  const int old_size = size();
-  int capacity = Capacity();
-  Element* elem = unsafe_elements();
+  bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
+  int capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
+  Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
   if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(old_size == capacity)) {
-    Grow(old_size, old_size + 1);
-    capacity = Capacity();
-    elem = unsafe_elements();
+    Grow(is_soo, old_size, old_size + 1);
+    is_soo = false;
+    capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
+    elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
   int new_size = old_size + 1;
-  void* p = elem + ExchangeCurrentSize(new_size);
+  void* p = elem + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, new_size);
   ::new (p) Element(std::move(value));
   // The below helps the compiler optimize dense loops.
-  ABSL_ASSUME(new_size == size_);
-  ABSL_ASSUME(elem == arena_or_elements_);
-  ABSL_ASSUME(capacity == capacity_);
+  // Note: we can't call functions in PROTOBUF_ASSUME so use local variables.
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const int final_is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(is_soo == final_is_soo);
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const int final_size = size(is_soo);
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(new_size == final_size);
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED Element* const final_elements = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(elem == final_elements);
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const int final_capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(capacity == final_capacity);
 template <typename Element>
 inline Element* RepeatedField<Element>::Add() ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
-  const int old_size = size();
+  bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
   if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(old_size == Capacity())) {
-    Grow(old_size, old_size + 1);
+    Grow(is_soo, old_size, old_size + 1);
+    is_soo = false;
-  void* p = unsafe_elements() + ExchangeCurrentSize(old_size + 1);
+  void* p = unsafe_elements(is_soo) + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, old_size + 1);
   return ::new (p) Element;
 template <typename Element>
 template <typename Iter>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::AddForwardIterator(Iter begin, Iter end) {
-  const int old_size = size();
-  int capacity = Capacity();
-  Element* elem = unsafe_elements();
+  bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
+  int capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
+  Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
   int new_size = old_size + static_cast<int>(std::distance(begin, end));
   if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(new_size > capacity)) {
-    Grow(old_size, new_size);
-    elem = unsafe_elements();
-    capacity = Capacity();
+    Grow(is_soo, old_size, new_size);
+    is_soo = false;
+    elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+    capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
-  UninitializedCopy(begin, end, elem + ExchangeCurrentSize(new_size));
+  UninitializedCopy(begin, end, elem + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, new_size));
   // The below helps the compiler optimize dense loops.
-  ABSL_ASSUME(new_size == size_);
-  ABSL_ASSUME(elem == arena_or_elements_);
-  ABSL_ASSUME(capacity == capacity_);
+  // Note: we can't call functions in PROTOBUF_ASSUME so use local variables.
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const int final_is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(is_soo == final_is_soo);
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const int final_size = size(is_soo);
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(new_size == final_size);
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED Element* const final_elements = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(elem == final_elements);
+  ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED const int final_capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
+  PROTOBUF_ASSUME(capacity == final_capacity);
 template <typename Element>
 template <typename Iter>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::AddInputIterator(Iter begin, Iter end) {
-  Element* elem = unsafe_elements();
-  Element* first = elem + size();
-  Element* last = elem + Capacity();
-  AnnotateSize(size(), Capacity());
+  bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  int size = this->size(is_soo);
+  int capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
+  Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+  Element* first = elem + size;
+  Element* last = elem + capacity;
+  UnpoisonBuffer();
   while (begin != end) {
     if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(first == last)) {
-      int size = first - elem;
-      GrowNoAnnotate(size, size + 1);
-      elem = unsafe_elements();
+      size = first - elem;
+      GrowNoAnnotate(is_soo, size, size + 1);
+      is_soo = false;
+      elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+      capacity = Capacity(is_soo);
       first = elem + size;
-      last = elem + Capacity();
+      last = elem + capacity;
     ::new (static_cast<void*>(first)) Element(*begin);
@@ -735,8 +935,8 @@ inline void RepeatedField<Element>::AddInputIterator(Iter begin, Iter end) {
   const int new_size = first - elem;
-  set_size(new_size);
-  AnnotateSize(Capacity(), new_size);
+  set_size(is_soo, new_size);
+  AnnotateSize(capacity, new_size);
 template <typename Element>
@@ -753,10 +953,11 @@ inline void RepeatedField<Element>::Add(Iter begin, Iter end) {
 template <typename Element>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::RemoveLast() {
-  const int old_size = size();
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
   ABSL_DCHECK_GT(old_size, 0);
-  elements()[old_size - 1].~Element();
-  ExchangeCurrentSize(old_size - 1);
+  elements(is_soo)[old_size - 1].~Element();
+  ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, old_size - 1);
 template <typename Element>
@@ -764,9 +965,10 @@ void RepeatedField<Element>::ExtractSubrange(int start, int num,
                                              Element* elements) {
   ABSL_DCHECK_GE(start, 0);
   ABSL_DCHECK_GE(num, 0);
-  const int old_size = size();
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
   ABSL_DCHECK_LE(start + num, old_size);
-  Element* elem = unsafe_elements();
+  Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
   // Save the values of the removed elements if requested.
   if (elements != nullptr) {
@@ -783,19 +985,23 @@ void RepeatedField<Element>::ExtractSubrange(int start, int num,
 template <typename Element>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::Clear() {
-  Element* elem = unsafe_elements();
-  Destroy(elem, elem + size());
-  ExchangeCurrentSize(0);
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
+  Destroy(elem, elem + size(is_soo));
+  ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, 0);
 template <typename Element>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::MergeFrom(const RepeatedField& other) {
   ABSL_DCHECK_NE(&other, this);
-  if (auto other_size = other.size()) {
+  const bool other_is_soo = other.is_soo();
+  if (auto other_size = other.size(other_is_soo)) {
     const int old_size = size();
     Reserve(old_size + other_size);
-    Element* dst = elements() + ExchangeCurrentSize(old_size + other_size);
-    UninitializedCopyN(other.elements(), other_size, dst);
+    const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+    Element* dst =
+        elements(is_soo) + ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, old_size + other_size);
+    UninitializedCopyN(other.elements(other_is_soo), other_size, dst);
@@ -832,13 +1038,13 @@ inline typename RepeatedField<Element>::iterator RepeatedField<Element>::erase(
 template <typename Element>
 inline Element* RepeatedField<Element>::mutable_data()
-  return unsafe_elements();
+  return unsafe_elements(is_soo());
 template <typename Element>
 inline const Element* RepeatedField<Element>::data() const
-  return unsafe_elements();
+  return unsafe_elements(is_soo());
 template <typename Element>
@@ -846,27 +1052,31 @@ inline void RepeatedField<Element>::InternalSwap(
     RepeatedField* PROTOBUF_RESTRICT other) {
   ABSL_DCHECK(this != other);
-  // Swap all fields at once.
-  static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<RepeatedField<Element>>::value,
-                "offsetof() requires standard layout before c++17");
-  static constexpr size_t kOffset = offsetof(RepeatedField, size_);
-  internal::memswap<offsetof(RepeatedField, arena_or_elements_) +
-                    sizeof(this->arena_or_elements_) - kOffset>(
-      reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + kOffset,
-      reinterpret_cast<char*>(other) + kOffset);
+  // We need to unpoison during the swap in case we're in SOO mode.
+  UnpoisonBuffer();
+  other->UnpoisonBuffer();
+  internal::memswap<sizeof(internal::SooRep)>(
+      reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->soo_rep_),
+      reinterpret_cast<char*>(&other->soo_rep_));
+  AnnotateSize(Capacity(), size());
+  other->AnnotateSize(other->Capacity(), other->size());
 template <typename Element>
 void RepeatedField<Element>::Swap(RepeatedField* other) {
   if (this == other) return;
+  Arena* arena = GetArena();
+  Arena* other_arena = other->GetArena();
-  if (GetArena() != nullptr && GetArena() == other->GetArena()) {
+  if (arena != nullptr && arena == other_arena) {
-  if (GetArena() == other->GetArena()) {
+  if (arena == other_arena) {
   } else {
-    RepeatedField<Element> temp(other->GetArena());
+    RepeatedField<Element> temp(other_arena);
@@ -882,45 +1092,51 @@ void RepeatedField<Element>::UnsafeArenaSwap(RepeatedField* other) {
 template <typename Element>
 void RepeatedField<Element>::SwapElements(int index1, int index2) {
+  Element* elem = elements(is_soo());
   using std::swap;  // enable ADL with fallback
-  swap(elements()[index1], elements()[index2]);
+  swap(elem[index1], elem[index2]);
 template <typename Element>
 inline typename RepeatedField<Element>::iterator RepeatedField<Element>::begin()
-  return iterator(unsafe_elements());
+  return iterator(unsafe_elements(is_soo()));
 template <typename Element>
 inline typename RepeatedField<Element>::const_iterator
 RepeatedField<Element>::begin() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
-  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements());
+  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements(is_soo()));
 template <typename Element>
 inline typename RepeatedField<Element>::const_iterator
 RepeatedField<Element>::cbegin() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
-  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements());
+  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements(is_soo()));
 template <typename Element>
 inline typename RepeatedField<Element>::iterator RepeatedField<Element>::end()
-  return iterator(unsafe_elements() + size());
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  return iterator(unsafe_elements(is_soo) + size(is_soo));
 template <typename Element>
 inline typename RepeatedField<Element>::const_iterator
 RepeatedField<Element>::end() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
-  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements() + size());
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements(is_soo) + size(is_soo));
 template <typename Element>
 inline typename RepeatedField<Element>::const_iterator
 RepeatedField<Element>::cend() const ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND {
-  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements() + size());
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  return const_iterator(unsafe_elements(is_soo) + size(is_soo));
 template <typename Element>
 inline size_t RepeatedField<Element>::SpaceUsedExcludingSelfLong() const {
   const int capacity = Capacity();
-  return capacity > 0 ? capacity * sizeof(Element) + kHeapRepHeaderSize : 0;
+  return capacity > kSooCapacityElements
+             ? capacity * sizeof(Element) + kHeapRepHeaderSize
+             : 0;
 namespace internal {
@@ -928,10 +1144,7 @@ namespace internal {
 // requested 'new_size'. The result is clamped to the closed interval:
 //   [internal::kMinRepeatedFieldAllocationSize,
 //    std::numeric_limits<int>::max()]
-// Requires:
-//     new_size > capacity &&
-//     (capacity == 0 ||
-//      capacity >= kRepeatedFieldLowerClampLimit)
+// Requires: new_size > capacity
 template <typename T, int kHeapRepHeaderSize>
 inline int CalculateReserveSize(int capacity, int new_size) {
   constexpr int lower_limit =
@@ -945,6 +1158,15 @@ inline int CalculateReserveSize(int capacity, int new_size) {
   if (PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE(capacity > kMaxSizeBeforeClamp)) {
     return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+  constexpr int kSooCapacityElements = SooCapacityElements(sizeof(T));
+  if (kSooCapacityElements > 0 && kSooCapacityElements < lower_limit) {
+    // In this case, we need to set capacity to 0 here to ensure power-of-two
+    // sized allocations.
+    if (capacity < lower_limit) capacity = 0;
+  } else {
+    ABSL_DCHECK(capacity == 0 || capacity >= lower_limit)
+        << capacity << " " << lower_limit;
+  }
   // We want to double the number of bytes, not the number of elements, to try
   // to stay within power-of-two allocations.
   // The allocation has kHeapRepHeaderSize + sizeof(T) * capacity.
@@ -955,22 +1177,25 @@ inline int CalculateReserveSize(int capacity, int new_size) {
 template <typename Element>
 void RepeatedField<Element>::Reserve(int new_size) {
-  if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(new_size > Capacity())) {
-    Grow(size(), new_size);
+  const bool was_soo = is_soo();
+  if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(new_size > Capacity(was_soo))) {
+    Grow(was_soo, size(was_soo), new_size);
 // Avoid inlining of Reserve(): new, copy, and delete[] lead to a significant
 // amount of code bloat.
 template <typename Element>
-PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void RepeatedField<Element>::GrowNoAnnotate(int old_size,
+PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void RepeatedField<Element>::GrowNoAnnotate(bool was_soo,
+                                                              int old_size,
                                                               int new_size) {
-  ABSL_DCHECK_GT(new_size, Capacity());
+  const int old_capacity = Capacity(was_soo);
+  ABSL_DCHECK_GT(new_size, old_capacity);
   HeapRep* new_rep;
   Arena* arena = GetArena();
   new_size = internal::CalculateReserveSize<Element, kHeapRepHeaderSize>(
-      Capacity(), new_size);
+      old_capacity, new_size);
                  (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - kHeapRepHeaderSize) /
@@ -994,25 +1219,22 @@ PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void RepeatedField<Element>::GrowNoAnnotate(int old_size,
   new_rep->arena = arena;
-  if (Capacity() > 0) {
-    if (old_size > 0) {
-      Element* pnew = static_cast<Element*>(new_rep->elements());
-      Element* pold = elements();
-      // TODO: add absl::is_trivially_relocatable<Element>
-      if (std::is_trivial<Element>::value) {
-        memcpy(static_cast<void*>(pnew), pold, old_size * sizeof(Element));
-      } else {
-        for (Element* end = pnew + old_size; pnew != end; ++pnew, ++pold) {
-          ::new (static_cast<void*>(pnew)) Element(std::move(*pold));
-          pold->~Element();
-        }
+  if (old_size > 0) {
+    Element* pnew = static_cast<Element*>(new_rep->elements());
+    Element* pold = elements(was_soo);
+    // TODO: add absl::is_trivially_relocatable<Element>
+    if (std::is_trivial<Element>::value) {
+      memcpy(static_cast<void*>(pnew), pold, old_size * sizeof(Element));
+    } else {
+      for (Element* end = pnew + old_size; pnew != end; ++pnew, ++pold) {
+        ::new (static_cast<void*>(pnew)) Element(std::move(*pold));
+        pold->~Element();
-    InternalDeallocate();
+  if (!was_soo) InternalDeallocate();
-  set_capacity(new_size);
-  arena_or_elements_ = static_cast<Element*>(new_rep->elements());
+  soo_rep_.set_non_soo(was_soo, new_size, new_rep->elements());
 // Ideally we would be able to use:
@@ -1021,21 +1243,22 @@ PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void RepeatedField<Element>::GrowNoAnnotate(int old_size,
 // However, as explained in b/266411038#comment9, this causes issues
 // in shared libraries for Youtube (and possibly elsewhere).
 template <typename Element>
-PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void RepeatedField<Element>::Grow(int old_size,
+PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void RepeatedField<Element>::Grow(bool was_soo, int old_size,
                                                     int new_size) {
-  AnnotateSize(old_size, Capacity());
-  GrowNoAnnotate(old_size, new_size);
+  UnpoisonBuffer();
+  GrowNoAnnotate(was_soo, old_size, new_size);
   AnnotateSize(Capacity(), old_size);
 template <typename Element>
 inline void RepeatedField<Element>::Truncate(int new_size) {
-  const int old_size = size();
+  const bool is_soo = this->is_soo();
+  const int old_size = size(is_soo);
   ABSL_DCHECK_LE(new_size, old_size);
   if (new_size < old_size) {
-    Element* elem = unsafe_elements();
+    Element* elem = unsafe_elements(is_soo);
     Destroy(elem + new_size, elem + old_size);
-    ExchangeCurrentSize(new_size);
+    ExchangeCurrentSize(is_soo, new_size);
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/ b/src/google/protobuf/
index 50e43f594e..551b135811 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/
@@ -201,12 +201,10 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, Small) {
   EXPECT_EQ(field.size(), 0);
-  // Additional bytes are for 'struct Rep' header.
-  int expected_usage =
-      (sizeof(Arena*) > sizeof(int) ? sizeof(Arena*) / sizeof(int) : 3) *
-          sizeof(int) +
-      sizeof(Arena*);
-  EXPECT_GE(field.SpaceUsedExcludingSelf(), expected_usage);
+  if (sizeof(void*) == 8) {
+    // Usage should be 0 because this should fit in SOO space.
+    EXPECT_EQ(field.SpaceUsedExcludingSelf(), 0);
+  }
@@ -258,8 +256,11 @@ void CheckAllocationSizes(bool is_ptr) {
         ASSERT_EQ((1 << log2), last_alloc);
-      // The byte size must be a multiple of 8.
-      ASSERT_EQ(rep->Capacity() * sizeof(T) % 8, 0);
+      // The byte size must be a multiple of 8 when not SOO.
+      const int capacity_bytes = rep->Capacity() * sizeof(T);
+      if (capacity_bytes > internal::kSooCapacityBytes) {
+        ASSERT_EQ(capacity_bytes % 8, 0);
+      }
@@ -481,14 +482,6 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, Resize) {
-TEST(RepeatedField, ReserveNothing) {
-  RepeatedField<int> field;
-  EXPECT_EQ(0, field.Capacity());
-  field.Reserve(-1);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0, field.Capacity());
 TEST(RepeatedField, ReserveLowerClamp) {
   int clamped_value = internal::CalculateReserveSize<bool, sizeof(void*)>(0, 1);
   EXPECT_GE(clamped_value, sizeof(void*) / sizeof(bool));
@@ -899,9 +892,7 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, MoveConstruct) {
     RepeatedField<int> source;
-    const int* data =;
     RepeatedField<int> destination = std::move(source);
-    EXPECT_EQ(data,;
     EXPECT_THAT(destination, ElementsAre(1, 2));
     // This property isn't guaranteed but it's useful to have a test that would
     // catch changes in this area.
@@ -928,14 +919,8 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, MoveAssign) {
     RepeatedField<int> destination;
-    const int* source_data =;
-    const int* destination_data =;
     destination = std::move(source);
-    EXPECT_EQ(source_data,;
     EXPECT_THAT(destination, ElementsAre(1, 2));
-    // This property isn't guaranteed but it's useful to have a test that would
-    // catch changes in this area.
-    EXPECT_EQ(destination_data,;
     EXPECT_THAT(source, ElementsAre(3));
@@ -945,9 +930,7 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, MoveAssign) {
     RepeatedField<int>* destination = Arena::Create<RepeatedField<int>>(&arena);
-    const int* source_data = source->data();
     *destination = std::move(*source);
-    EXPECT_EQ(source_data, destination->data());
     EXPECT_THAT(*destination, ElementsAre(1, 2));
     EXPECT_THAT(*source, ElementsAre(3));
@@ -999,9 +982,7 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, MoveAssign) {
     RepeatedField<int>& alias = field;
-    const int* data =;
     field = std::move(alias);
-    EXPECT_EQ(data,;
     EXPECT_THAT(field, ElementsAre(1, 2));
@@ -1009,9 +990,7 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, MoveAssign) {
     RepeatedField<int>* field = Arena::Create<RepeatedField<int>>(&arena);
-    const int* data = field->data();
     *field = std::move(*field);
-    EXPECT_EQ(data, field->data());
     EXPECT_THAT(*field, ElementsAre(1, 2));
@@ -1346,6 +1325,20 @@ TEST(RepeatedField, Cleanups) {
   EXPECT_THAT(growth.cleanups, testing::UnorderedElementsAre(ptr));
+TEST(RepeatedField, InitialSooCapacity) {
+  if (sizeof(void*) == 8) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<bool>().Capacity(), 3);
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<int32_t>().Capacity(), 2);
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<int64_t>().Capacity(), 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<absl::Cord>().Capacity(), 0);
+  } else {
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<bool>().Capacity(), 0);
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<int32_t>().Capacity(), 0);
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<int64_t>().Capacity(), 0);
+    EXPECT_EQ(RepeatedField<absl::Cord>().Capacity(), 0);
+  }
 // ===================================================================
 // RepeatedPtrField tests.  These pretty much just mirror the RepeatedField
 // tests above.