Generated code interface for maps is complete, though not yet tested.

Joshua Haberman 5 years ago
parent 7f5fe52dfa
commit 2a85bef825
  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 1
  4. 24
  5. 80
  6. 25
  7. 52
  8. 4
  9. 89
  10. 24
  11. 252
  12. 2
  13. 1
  14. 147
  15. 60
  16. 13
  17. 5
  18. 2
  19. 98

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ cc_library(
srcs = [
@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ cc_library(
name = "generated_code_support__only_for_generated_code_do_not_use__i_give_permission_to_break_me",
hdrs = [
copts = select({

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ enable_testing()

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include "upb/generated_util.h"
#include "upb/msg.h"
#include "upb/decode.h"
#include "upb/encode.h"

@ -49,6 +49,18 @@ function test_msg_map()
assert_equal(10, msg.map_int32_int32[5])
assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6])
-- Test overwrite.
msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 20
assert_equal(20, msg.map_int32_int32[5])
assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6])
msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10
-- Test delete.
msg.map_int32_int32[5] = nil
assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6])
msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10
local serialized = upb.encode(msg)
assert_true(#serialized > 0)
local msg2 = upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized)
@ -64,6 +76,18 @@ function test_msg_string_map()
assert_equal("bar", msg.map_string_string["foo"])
assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"])
-- Test overwrite.
msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "123"
assert_equal("123", msg.map_string_string["foo"])
assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"])
msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar"
-- Test delete
msg.map_string_string["foo"] = nil
assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"])
msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar"
local serialized = upb.encode(msg)
assert_true(#serialized > 0)
local msg2 = upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized)

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-- Require "pb" first to ensure that the transitive require of "upb" is
-- handled properly by the "pb" module.
local pb = require "upb.pb"
local upb = require "upb"
local lunit = require "lunit"
if _VERSION >= 'Lua 5.2' then
_ENV = lunit.module("testupb_pb", "seeall")
module("testupb_pb", lunit.testcase, package.seeall)
local symtab = upb.SymbolTable{
upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage", fields = {
upb.FieldDef{name = "i32", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32},
upb.FieldDef{name = "u32", number = 2, type = upb.TYPE_UINT32},
upb.FieldDef{name = "i64", number = 3, type = upb.TYPE_INT64},
upb.FieldDef{name = "u64", number = 4, type = upb.TYPE_UINT64},
upb.FieldDef{name = "dbl", number = 5, type = upb.TYPE_DOUBLE},
upb.FieldDef{name = "flt", number = 6, type = upb.TYPE_FLOAT},
upb.FieldDef{name = "bool", number = 7, type = upb.TYPE_BOOL},
local factory = upb.MessageFactory(symtab);
local TestMessage = factory:get_message_class("TestMessage")
function test_parse_primitive()
local binary_pb =
.. "\128\128\128\128\128\002\032\128\128\128\128\128\128\128\001\041\000"
.. "\000\000\000\000\000\248\063\053\000\000\096\064\056\001"
local msg = TestMessage()
pb.decode(msg, binary_pb)
assert_equal(536870912, msg.i32)
assert_equal(1073741824, msg.u32)
assert_equal(1125899906842624, msg.i64)
assert_equal(562949953421312, msg.u64)
assert_equal(1.5, msg.dbl)
assert_equal(3.5, msg.flt)
assert_equal(true, msg.bool)
local encoded = pb.encode(msg)
local msg2 = TestMessage()
pb.decode(msg2, encoded)
assert_equal(536870912, msg.i32)
assert_equal(1073741824, msg.u32)
assert_equal(1125899906842624, msg.i64)
assert_equal(562949953421312, msg.u64)
assert_equal(1.5, msg.dbl)
assert_equal(3.5, msg.flt)
assert_equal(true, msg.bool)
function test_parse_string()
local symtab = upb.SymbolTable{
upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage", fields = {
upb.FieldDef{name = "str", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_STRING},
local factory = upb.MessageFactory(symtab);
local TestMessage = factory:get_message_class("TestMessage")
local binary_pb = "\010\005Hello"
msg = TestMessage()
pb.decode(msg, binary_pb)
-- TODO(haberman): re-enable when this stuff works better.
-- assert_equal("Hello", msg.str)
local stats = lunit.main()
if stats.failed > 0 or stats.errors > 0 then
error("One or more errors in test suite")

@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ static int lupb_map_newindex(lua_State *L) {
upb_msgval key = lupb_tomsgval(L, lmap->key_type, 2, 1, LUPB_REF);
if (lua_isnil(L, 3)) {
upb_map_delete(map, key, lupb_arenaget(L, 1));
upb_map_delete(map, key);
} else {
upb_msgval val = lupb_tomsgval(L, lmap->value_type, 3, 1, LUPB_COPY);
upb_map_set(map, key, val, lupb_arenaget(L, 1));
@ -603,18 +603,19 @@ static int lupb_map_newindex(lua_State *L) {
static int lupb_mapiter_next(lua_State *L) {
int map = lua_upvalueindex(2);
upb_mapiter *i = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
size_t *iter = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
lupb_map *lmap = lupb_map_check(L, map);
if (upb_mapiter_done(i)) {
if (upb_mapiter_next(lmap->map, iter)) {
upb_msgval key = upb_mapiter_key(lmap->map, *iter);
upb_msgval val = upb_mapiter_value(lmap->map, *iter);
lupb_pushmsgval(L, map, lmap->key_type, key);
lupb_pushmsgval(L, map, lmap->value_type, val);
return 2;
} else {
return 0;
lupb_pushmsgval(L, map, lmap->key_type, upb_mapiter_key(i));
lupb_pushmsgval(L, map, lmap->value_type, upb_mapiter_value(i));
return 2;
@ -624,13 +625,13 @@ static int lupb_mapiter_next(lua_State *L) {
* pairs(map)
static int lupb_map_pairs(lua_State *L) {
lupb_map *lmap = lupb_map_check(L, 1);
upb_mapiter *i = lua_newuserdata(L, upb_mapiter_sizeof());
lupb_map_check(L, 1);
size_t *iter = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*iter));
upb_mapiter_begin(i, lmap->map);
*iter = UPB_MAP_BEGIN;
lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
/* Upvalues are [upb_mapiter, lupb_map]. */
/* Upvalues are [iter, lupb_map]. */
lua_pushcclosure(L, &lupb_mapiter_next, 2);
return 1;

@ -28,6 +28,29 @@ const uint8_t desctype_to_fieldtype[] = {
UPB_TYPE_INT64, /* SINT64 */
/* Maps descriptor type -> upb map size. */
const uint8_t desctype_to_mapsize[] = {
8, /* DOUBLE */
4, /* FLOAT */
8, /* INT64 */
8, /* UINT64 */
4, /* INT32 */
8, /* FIXED64 */
4, /* FIXED32 */
1, /* BOOL */
sizeof(void*), /* GROUP */
sizeof(void*), /* MESSAGE */
4, /* UINT32 */
4, /* ENUM */
4, /* SFIXED32 */
8, /* SFIXED64 */
4, /* SINT32 */
8, /* SINT64 */
/* Data pertaining to the parse. */
typedef struct {
const char *ptr; /* Current parsing position. */
@ -464,10 +487,7 @@ static bool upb_decode_toarray(upb_decstate *d, upb_decframe *frame,
static bool upb_decode_mapfield(upb_decstate *d, upb_decframe *frame,
const upb_msglayout_field *field, int len) {
upb_map *map = *(upb_map**)&frame->msg[field->offset];
upb_alloc *alloc = upb_arena_alloc(d->arena);
const upb_msglayout *entry = frame->layout->submsgs[field->submsg_index];
upb_strview key;
upb_strtable *t;
/* The compiler ensures that all map entry messages have this layout. */
struct map_entry {
@ -486,13 +506,13 @@ static bool upb_decode_mapfield(upb_decstate *d, upb_decframe *frame,
/* Lazily create map. */
const upb_msglayout_field *key_field = &entry->fields[0];
const upb_msglayout_field *val_field = &entry->fields[1];
upb_fieldtype_t key_type = desctype_to_fieldtype[key_field->descriptortype];
upb_fieldtype_t val_type = desctype_to_fieldtype[val_field->descriptortype];
char key_size = desctype_to_mapsize[key_field->descriptortype];
char val_size = desctype_to_mapsize[val_field->descriptortype];
UPB_ASSERT(key_field->number == 1);
UPB_ASSERT(val_field->number == 2);
UPB_ASSERT(key_field->offset == 0);
UPB_ASSERT(val_field->offset == sizeof(upb_strview));
map = upb_map_new(frame->state->arena, key_type, val_type);
map = _upb_map_new(frame->state->arena, key_size, val_size);
*(upb_map**)&frame->msg[field->offset] = map;
@ -501,25 +521,7 @@ static bool upb_decode_mapfield(upb_decstate *d, upb_decframe *frame,
CHK(upb_decode_msgfield(d, &ent.k, entry, len));
/* Insert into map. */
t = &map->table;
if (map->key_size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
key = ent.k.str;
} else { = (const char*)&ent.k;
key.size = 1 << map->key_size_lg2;
if (map->val_size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
upb_strview* val_view = upb_arena_malloc(d->arena, sizeof(*val_view));
*val_view = ent.v.str;
ent.v.val = upb_value_ptr(val_view);
/* Have to remove first, since upb's table won't overwrite. */
upb_strtable_remove3(t,, key.size, NULL, alloc);
upb_strtable_insert3(t,, key.size, ent.v.val, alloc);
_upb_map_set(map, &ent.k, map->key_size, &ent.v, map->val_size, d->arena);
return true;

@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ static bool upb_encode_map(upb_encstate *e, const char *field_mem,
upb_strview key = upb_strtable_iter_key(&i);
const upb_value val = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
const void *keyp =
map->key_size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING ? (void*)&key :;
map->key_size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING ? (void *)&key :;
const void *valp =
map->val_size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING ? upb_value_getptr(val) : &val;
map->val_size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING ? upb_value_getptr(val) : &val;
CHK(upb_encode_scalarfield(e, valp, entry, val_field, false));
CHK(upb_encode_scalarfield(e, keyp, entry, key_field, false));

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
** Functions for use by generated code. These are not public and users must
** not call them directly.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "upb/msg.h"
#include "upb/"
#define PTR_AT(msg, ofs, type) (type*)((const char*)msg + ofs)
UPB_INLINE const void *_upb_array_accessor(const void *msg, size_t ofs,
size_t *size) {
const upb_array *arr = *PTR_AT(msg, ofs, const upb_array*);
if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->len;
return _upb_array_constptr(arr);
} else {
if (size) *size = 0;
return NULL;
UPB_INLINE void *_upb_array_mutable_accessor(void *msg, size_t ofs,
size_t *size) {
upb_array *arr = *PTR_AT(msg, ofs, upb_array*);
if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->len;
return _upb_array_ptr(arr);
} else {
if (size) *size = 0;
return NULL;
UPB_INLINE void *_upb_array_resize_accessor(void *msg, size_t ofs, size_t size,
upb_fieldtype_t type,
upb_arena *arena) {
upb_array **arr_ptr = PTR_AT(msg, ofs, upb_array*);
upb_array *arr = *arr_ptr;
if (!arr || arr->size < size) {
return _upb_array_resize_fallback(arr_ptr, size, type, arena);
arr->len = size;
return _upb_array_ptr(arr);
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_array_append_accessor(void *msg, size_t ofs,
size_t elem_size,
upb_fieldtype_t type,
const void *value,
upb_arena *arena) {
upb_array **arr_ptr = PTR_AT(msg, ofs, upb_array*);
upb_array *arr = *arr_ptr;
void* ptr;
if (!arr || arr->len == arr->size) {
return _upb_array_append_fallback(arr_ptr, value, type, arena);
ptr = _upb_array_ptr(arr);
memcpy(PTR_AT(ptr, arr->len * elem_size, char), value, elem_size);
return true;
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_has_field(const void *msg, size_t idx) {
return (*PTR_AT(msg, idx / 8, const char) & (1 << (idx % 8))) != 0;
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_sethas(const void *msg, size_t idx) {
return (*PTR_AT(msg, idx / 8, char)) |= (char)(1 << (idx % 8));
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_clearhas(const void *msg, size_t idx) {
return (*PTR_AT(msg, idx / 8, char)) &= (char)(~(1 << (idx % 8)));
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_has_oneof_field(const void *msg, size_t case_ofs, int32_t num) {
return *PTR_AT(msg, case_ofs, int32_t) == num;
#undef PTR_AT
#include "upb/"
#endif /* UPB_GENERATED_UTIL_H_ */

@ -24,22 +24,6 @@ static char _upb_fieldtype_to_sizelg2[12] = {
/* Strings/bytes are special-cased in maps. */
static char _upb_fieldtype_to_mapsizelg2[12] = {
0, /* UPB_TYPE_BOOL */
2, /* UPB_TYPE_INT32 */
2, /* UPB_TYPE_UINT32 */
2, /* UPB_TYPE_ENUM */
3, /* UPB_TYPE_INT64 */
3, /* UPB_TYPE_UINT64 */
static uintptr_t tag_arrptr(void* ptr, int elem_size_lg2) {
UPB_ASSERT(elem_size_lg2 <= 4);
return (uintptr_t)ptr | elem_size_lg2;
@ -172,8 +156,7 @@ void *_upb_array_resize_fallback(upb_array **arr_ptr, size_t size,
/** upb_map *******************************************************************/
upb_map *upb_map_new(upb_arena *a, upb_fieldtype_t key_type,
upb_fieldtype_t value_type) {
upb_map *_upb_map_new(upb_arena *a, size_t key_size, size_t value_size) {
upb_map *map = upb_arena_malloc(a, sizeof(upb_map));
if (!map) {
@ -181,11 +164,10 @@ upb_map *upb_map_new(upb_arena *a, upb_fieldtype_t key_type,
upb_strtable_init2(&map->table, UPB_CTYPE_INT32, upb_arena_alloc(a));
map->key_size_lg2 = _upb_fieldtype_to_mapsizelg2[key_type];
map->val_size_lg2 = _upb_fieldtype_to_mapsizelg2[value_type];
map->key_size = key_size;
map->val_size = value_size;
return map;

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
** Our memory representation for parsing tables and messages themselves.
** Functions in this file are used by generated code and possible reflection.
** Functions in this file are used by generated code and possibly reflection.
** The definitions in this file are internal to upb.
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
extern "C" {
#define PTR_AT(msg, ofs, type) (type*)((const char*)msg + ofs)
typedef void upb_msg;
/** upb_msglayout *************************************************************/
@ -86,6 +88,22 @@ void upb_msg_addunknown(upb_msg *msg, const char *data, size_t len,
/* Returns a reference to the message's unknown data. */
const char *upb_msg_getunknown(const upb_msg *msg, size_t *len);
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_has_field(const void *msg, size_t idx) {
return (*PTR_AT(msg, idx / 8, const char) & (1 << (idx % 8))) != 0;
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_sethas(const void *msg, size_t idx) {
return (*PTR_AT(msg, idx / 8, char)) |= (char)(1 << (idx % 8));
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_clearhas(const void *msg, size_t idx) {
return (*PTR_AT(msg, idx / 8, char)) &= (char)(~(1 << (idx % 8)));
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_has_oneof_field(const void *msg, size_t case_ofs, int32_t num) {
return *PTR_AT(msg, case_ofs, int32_t) == num;
/** upb_array *****************************************************************/
/* Our internal representation for repeated fields. */
@ -115,21 +133,243 @@ void *_upb_array_resize_fallback(upb_array **arr_ptr, size_t size,
bool _upb_array_append_fallback(upb_array **arr_ptr, const void *value,
upb_fieldtype_t type, upb_arena *arena);
UPB_INLINE const void *_upb_array_accessor(const void *msg, size_t ofs,
size_t *size) {
const upb_array *arr = *PTR_AT(msg, ofs, const upb_array*);
if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->len;
return _upb_array_constptr(arr);
} else {
if (size) *size = 0;
return NULL;
UPB_INLINE void *_upb_array_mutable_accessor(void *msg, size_t ofs,
size_t *size) {
upb_array *arr = *PTR_AT(msg, ofs, upb_array*);
if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->len;
return _upb_array_ptr(arr);
} else {
if (size) *size = 0;
return NULL;
UPB_INLINE void *_upb_array_resize_accessor(void *msg, size_t ofs, size_t size,
upb_fieldtype_t type,
upb_arena *arena) {
upb_array **arr_ptr = PTR_AT(msg, ofs, upb_array*);
upb_array *arr = *arr_ptr;
if (!arr || arr->size < size) {
return _upb_array_resize_fallback(arr_ptr, size, type, arena);
arr->len = size;
return _upb_array_ptr(arr);
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_array_append_accessor(void *msg, size_t ofs,
size_t elem_size,
upb_fieldtype_t type,
const void *value,
upb_arena *arena) {
upb_array **arr_ptr = PTR_AT(msg, ofs, upb_array*);
upb_array *arr = *arr_ptr;
void* ptr;
if (!arr || arr->len == arr->size) {
return _upb_array_append_fallback(arr_ptr, value, type, arena);
ptr = _upb_array_ptr(arr);
memcpy(PTR_AT(ptr, arr->len * elem_size, char), value, elem_size);
return true;
/** upb_map *******************************************************************/
/* Right now we use strmaps for everything. We'll likely want to use
* integer-specific maps for integer-keyed maps.*/
typedef struct {
/* We should pack these better and move them into table to avoid padding. */
char key_size_lg2;
char val_size_lg2;
/* Size of key and val, based on the map type. Strings are represented as '0'
* because they must be handled specially. */
char key_size;
char val_size;
upb_strtable table;
} upb_map;
/* Creates a new map on the given arena with this key/value type. */
upb_map *upb_map_new(upb_arena *a, upb_fieldtype_t key_type,
upb_fieldtype_t value_type);
upb_map *_upb_map_new(upb_arena *a, size_t key_size, size_t value_size);
/* Converting between internal table representation and user values.
* _upb_map_tokey() and _upb_map_fromkey() are inverses.
* _upb_map_tovalue() and _upb_map_fromvalue() are inverses.
* These functions account for the fact that strings are treated differently
* from other types when stored in a map.
UPB_INLINE upb_strview _upb_map_tokey(const void *key, size_t size) {
if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
return *(upb_strview*)key;
} else {
return upb_strview_make((const char*)key, size);
UPB_INLINE void _upb_map_fromkey(upb_strview key, void* out, size_t size) {
if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
memcpy(out, &key, sizeof(key));
} else {
memcpy(out,, size);
UPB_INLINE upb_value _upb_map_tovalue(const void *val, size_t size,
upb_arena *a) {
upb_value ret = {0};
if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
upb_strview *strp = (upb_strview*)upb_arena_malloc(a, sizeof(*strp));
*strp = *(upb_strview*)val;
memcpy(&ret, &strp, sizeof(strp));
} else {
memcpy(&ret, val, size);
return ret;
UPB_INLINE void _upb_map_fromvalue(upb_value val, void* out, size_t size) {
if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
const upb_strview *strp = (const upb_strview*)upb_value_getptr(val);
memcpy(out, strp, sizeof(upb_strview));
} else {
memcpy(out, &val, size);
/* Map operations, shared by reflection and generated code. */
UPB_INLINE size_t _upb_map_size(const upb_map *map) {
return map->table.t.count;
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_map_get(const upb_map *map, const void *key,
size_t key_size, void *val, size_t val_size) {
upb_value tabval;
upb_strview k = _upb_map_tokey(key, key_size);
bool ret = upb_strtable_lookup2(&map->table,, k.size, &tabval);
if (ret) {
_upb_map_fromvalue(tabval, val, val_size);
return ret;
UPB_INLINE void* _upb_map_next(const upb_map *map, size_t *iter) {
upb_strtable_iter it = {&map->table, *iter};
if (upb_strtable_done(&it)) return NULL;
*iter = it.index;
return (void*)str_tabent(&it);
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_map_set(upb_map *map, const void *key, size_t key_size,
void *val, size_t val_size, upb_arena *arena) {
upb_strview strkey = _upb_map_tokey(key, key_size);
upb_value tabval = _upb_map_tovalue(val, val_size, arena);
upb_alloc *a = upb_arena_alloc(arena);
/* TODO(haberman): add overwrite operation to minimize number of lookups. */
upb_strtable_remove3(&map->table,, strkey.size, NULL, a);
return upb_strtable_insert3(&map->table,, strkey.size, tabval, a);
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_map_delete(upb_map *map, const void *key, size_t key_size) {
upb_strview k = _upb_map_tokey(key, key_size);
return upb_strtable_remove3(&map->table,, k.size, NULL, NULL);
UPB_INLINE void _upb_map_clear(upb_map *map) {
/* Message map operations, these get the map from the message first. */
UPB_INLINE size_t _upb_msg_map_size(const upb_msg *msg, size_t ofs) {
upb_map *map = UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, upb_map *, ofs);
return map ? _upb_map_size(map) : 0;
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_msg_map_get(const upb_msg *msg, size_t ofs,
const void *key, size_t key_size, void *val,
size_t val_size) {
upb_map *map = UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, upb_map *, ofs);
if (!map) return false;
return _upb_map_get(map, key, key_size, val, val_size);
UPB_INLINE void *_upb_msg_map_next(const upb_msg *msg, size_t ofs,
size_t *iter) {
upb_map *map = UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, upb_map *, ofs);
if (!map) return NULL;
return _upb_map_next(map, iter);
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_msg_map_set(upb_msg *msg, size_t ofs, const void *key,
size_t key_size, void *val, size_t val_size,
upb_arena *arena) {
upb_map **map = PTR_AT(msg, ofs, upb_map *);
if (!*map) {
*map = _upb_map_new(arena, key_size, val_size);
return _upb_map_set(*map, key, key_size, val, val_size, arena);
UPB_INLINE bool _upb_msg_map_delete(upb_msg *msg, size_t ofs, const void *key,
size_t key_size) {
upb_map *map = UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, upb_map *, ofs);
if (!map) return false;
return _upb_map_delete(map, key, key_size);
UPB_INLINE void _upb_msg_map_clear(upb_msg *msg, size_t ofs) {
upb_map *map = UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, upb_map *, ofs);
if (!map) return;
/* Accessing map key/value from a pointer, used by generated code only. */
UPB_INLINE void _upb_msg_map_key(const void* msg, void* key, size_t size) {
const upb_tabent *ent = (const upb_tabent*)msg;
uint32_t u32len;
upb_strview k = {upb_tabstr(ent->key, &u32len)};
k.size = u32len;
_upb_map_fromkey(k, key, size);
UPB_INLINE void _upb_msg_map_value(const void* msg, void* val, size_t size) {
const upb_tabent *ent = (const upb_tabent*)msg;
upb_value v;
_upb_value_setval(&v, ent->val.val);
_upb_map_fromvalue(v, val, size);
UPB_INLINE void _upb_msg_map_set_value(void* msg, const void* val, size_t size) {
upb_tabent *ent = (upb_tabent*)msg;
/* This is like _upb_map_tovalue() except the entry already exists so we can
* reuse the allocated upb_strview for string fields. */
if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
upb_strview *strp = (upb_strview*)ent->val.val;
memcpy(strp, val, sizeof(*strp));
} else {
memcpy(&ent->val.val, val, size);
#undef PTR_AT
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, int, case_offset) = case_val; \
UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, fieldtype, offset) = value;
/* UPB_INLINE: inline if possible, emit standalone code if required. */
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* See This should #undef all macros #defined there. */
#undef UPB_SIZE

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "upb/"
char field_size[] = {
static char field_size[] = {
0,/* 0 */
@ -29,6 +29,22 @@ char field_size[] = {
/* Strings/bytes are special-cased in maps. */
static char _upb_fieldtype_to_mapsize[12] = {
1, /* UPB_TYPE_BOOL */
4, /* UPB_TYPE_INT32 */
4, /* UPB_TYPE_UINT32 */
4, /* UPB_TYPE_ENUM */
sizeof(void*), /* UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE */
8, /* UPB_TYPE_INT64 */
8, /* UPB_TYPE_UINT64 */
/** upb_msg *******************************************************************/
/* If we always read/write as a consistent type to each address, this shouldn't
@ -66,7 +82,8 @@ upb_msgval upb_msg_get(const upb_msg *msg, const upb_fielddef *f) {
const char *mem = PTR_AT(msg, field->offset, char);
upb_msgval val;
if (field->presence == 0 || upb_msg_has(msg, f)) {
int size = upb_fielddef_isseq(f) ? sizeof(void*) : field_size[field->descriptortype];
int size = upb_fielddef_isseq(f) ? sizeof(void *)
: field_size[field->descriptortype];
memcpy(&val, mem, size);
} else {
/* TODO(haberman): change upb_fielddef to not require this switch(). */
@ -132,7 +149,8 @@ void upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg, const upb_fielddef *f, upb_msgval val,
upb_arena *a) {
const upb_msglayout_field *field = upb_fielddef_layout(f);
char *mem = PTR_AT(msg, field->offset, char);
int size = upb_fielddef_isseq(f) ? sizeof(void*) : field_size[field->descriptortype];
int size = upb_fielddef_isseq(f) ? sizeof(void *)
: field_size[field->descriptortype];
memcpy(mem, &val, size);
if (in_oneof(field)) {
*oneofcase(msg, field) = field->number;
@ -180,123 +198,48 @@ bool upb_array_resize(upb_array *arr, size_t size, upb_arena *arena) {
/** upb_map *******************************************************************/
size_t upb_map_size(const upb_map *map) {
return upb_strtable_count(&map->table);
upb_map *upb_map_new(upb_arena *a, upb_fieldtype_t key_type,
upb_fieldtype_t value_type) {
return _upb_map_new(a, _upb_fieldtype_to_mapsize[key_type],
static upb_strview upb_map_tokey(int size_lg2, upb_msgval *key) {
if (size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
return key->str_val;
} else {
return upb_strview_make((const char*)key, 1 << size_lg2);
static upb_msgval upb_map_fromvalue(int size_lg2, upb_value val) {
upb_msgval ret;
if (size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
upb_strview *strp = upb_value_getptr(val);
ret.str_val = *strp;
} else {
memcpy(&ret, &val, 8);
return ret;
static upb_value upb_map_tovalue(int size_lg2, upb_msgval val, upb_arena *a) {
upb_value ret;
if (size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
upb_strview *strp = upb_arena_malloc(a, sizeof(*strp));
*strp = val.str_val;
ret = upb_value_ptr(strp);
} else {
memcpy(&ret, &val, 8);
return ret;
size_t upb_map_size(const upb_map *map) {
return _upb_map_size(map);
bool upb_map_get(const upb_map *map, upb_msgval key, upb_msgval *val) {
upb_strview strkey = upb_map_tokey(map->key_size_lg2, &key);
upb_value tabval;
bool ret;
ret = upb_strtable_lookup2(&map->table,, strkey.size, &tabval);
if (ret) {
*val = upb_map_fromvalue(map->val_size_lg2, tabval);
return ret;
return _upb_map_get(map, &key, map->key_size, val, map->val_size);
bool upb_map_set(upb_map *map, upb_msgval key, upb_msgval val,
upb_arena *arena) {
upb_strview strkey = upb_map_tokey(map->key_size_lg2, &key);
upb_value tabval = upb_map_tovalue(map->val_size_lg2, val, arena);
upb_alloc *a = upb_arena_alloc(arena);
/* TODO(haberman): add overwrite operation to minimize number of lookups. */
if (upb_strtable_lookup2(&map->table,, strkey.size, NULL)) {
upb_strtable_remove3(&map->table,, strkey.size, NULL, a);
return upb_strtable_insert3(&map->table,, strkey.size, tabval, a);
return _upb_map_set(map, &key, map->key_size, &val, map->val_size, arena);
bool upb_map_delete(upb_map *map, upb_msgval key, upb_arena *arena) {
upb_strview strkey = upb_map_tokey(map->key_size_lg2, &key);
upb_alloc *a = upb_arena_alloc(arena);
return upb_strtable_remove3(&map->table,, strkey.size, NULL, a);
bool upb_map_delete(upb_map *map, upb_msgval key) {
return _upb_map_delete(map, &key, map->key_size);
/** upb_mapiter ***************************************************************/
struct upb_mapiter {
upb_strtable_iter iter;
char key_size_lg2;
char val_size_lg2;
size_t upb_mapiter_sizeof(void) {
return sizeof(upb_mapiter);
bool upb_mapiter_next(const upb_map *map, size_t *iter) {
return _upb_map_next(map, iter);
void upb_mapiter_begin(upb_mapiter *i, upb_map *map) {
upb_strtable_begin(&i->iter, &map->table);
i->key_size_lg2 = map->key_size_lg2;
i->val_size_lg2 = map->val_size_lg2;
void upb_mapiter_free(upb_mapiter *i, upb_alloc *a) {
upb_free(a, i);
void upb_mapiter_next(upb_mapiter *i) {
bool upb_mapiter_done(const upb_mapiter *i) {
return upb_strtable_done(&i->iter);
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_key(const upb_mapiter *i) {
upb_strview key = upb_strtable_iter_key(&i->iter);
/* Returns the key and value for this entry of the map. */
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_key(const upb_map *map, size_t iter) {
upb_strtable_iter i = {&map->table, iter};
upb_strview key = upb_strtable_iter_key(&i);
upb_msgval ret;
if (i->key_size_lg2 == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) {
ret.str_val = key;
} else {
memcpy(&ret,, 1 << i->key_size_lg2);
_upb_map_fromkey(key, &ret, map->key_size);
return ret;
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_value(const upb_mapiter *i) {
return upb_map_fromvalue(i->val_size_lg2, upb_strtable_iter_value(&i->iter));
void upb_mapiter_setdone(upb_mapiter *i) {
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_value(const upb_map *map, size_t iter) {
upb_strtable_iter i = {&map->table, iter};
upb_value val = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
upb_msgval ret;
_upb_map_fromvalue(val, &ret, map->val_size);
return ret;
bool upb_mapiter_isequal(const upb_mapiter *i1, const upb_mapiter *i2) {
return upb_strtable_iter_isequal(&i1->iter, &i2->iter);
/* void upb_mapiter_setvalue(upb_map *map, size_t iter, upb_msgval value); */

@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ bool upb_array_resize(upb_array *array, size_t size, upb_arena *arena);
/** upb_map *******************************************************************/
/* Creates a new map on the given arena with the given key/value size. */
upb_map *upb_map_new(upb_arena *a, upb_fieldtype_t key_type,
upb_fieldtype_t value_type);
/* Returns the number of entries in the map. */
size_t upb_map_size(const upb_map *map);
@ -89,48 +93,30 @@ bool upb_map_set(upb_map *map, upb_msgval key, upb_msgval val,
upb_arena *arena);
/* Deletes this key from the table. Returns true if the key was present. */
/* TODO(haberman): can |arena| be removed once upb_table is arena-only and no
* longer tries to free keys? */
bool upb_map_delete(upb_map *map, upb_msgval key, upb_arena *arena);
/** upb_mapiter ***************************************************************/
/* For iterating over a map. Map iterators are invalidated by mutations to the
* map, but an invalidated iterator will never return junk or crash the process
* (this is an important property when exposing iterators to interpreted
* languages like Ruby, PHP, etc). An invalidated iterator may return entries
* that were already returned though, and if you keep invalidating the iterator
* during iteration, the program may enter an infinite loop. */
struct upb_mapiter;
typedef struct upb_mapiter upb_mapiter;
size_t upb_mapiter_sizeof(void);
/* Starts iteration. If the map is mutable then we can modify entries while
* iterating. */
void upb_mapiter_constbegin(upb_mapiter *i, const upb_map *map);
void upb_mapiter_begin(upb_mapiter *i, upb_map *map);
/* Sets the iterator to "done" state. This will return "true" from
* upb_mapiter_done() and will compare equal to other "done" iterators. */
void upb_mapiter_setdone(upb_mapiter *i);
/* Advances to the next entry. The iterator must not be done. */
void upb_mapiter_next(upb_mapiter *i);
bool upb_map_delete(upb_map *map, upb_msgval key);
/* Map iteration:
* size_t iter = UPB_MAP_BEGIN;
* while (upb_mapiter_next(map, &iter)) {
* upb_msgval key = upb_mapiter_key(map, iter);
* upb_msgval val = upb_mapiter_value(map, iter);
* // If mutating is desired.
* upb_mapiter_setvalue(map, iter, value2);
* }
/* Advances to the next entry. Returns false if no more entries are present. */
bool upb_mapiter_next(const upb_map *map, size_t *iter);
/* Returns the key and value for this entry of the map. */
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_key(const upb_mapiter *i);
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_value(const upb_mapiter *i);
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_key(const upb_map *map, size_t iter);
upb_msgval upb_mapiter_value(const upb_map *map, size_t iter);
/* Sets the value for this entry. The iterator must not be done, and the
* iterator must not have been initialized const. */
void upb_mapiter_setvalue(const upb_mapiter *i, upb_msgval value);
/* Returns true if the iterator is done. */
bool upb_mapiter_done(const upb_mapiter *i);
/* Compares two iterators for equality. */
bool upb_mapiter_isequal(const upb_mapiter *i1, const upb_mapiter *i2);
void upb_mapiter_setvalue(upb_map *map, size_t iter, upb_msgval value);
#include "upb/"

@ -284,6 +284,12 @@ bool upb_strtable_init2(upb_strtable *t, upb_ctype_t ctype, upb_alloc *a) {
return init(&t->t, 2, a);
void upb_strtable_clear(upb_strtable *t) {
size_t bytes = upb_table_size(&t->t) * sizeof(upb_tabent);
t->t.count = 0;
memset((char*)t->t.entries, 0, bytes);
void upb_strtable_uninit2(upb_strtable *t, upb_alloc *a) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < upb_table_size(&t->t); i++)
@ -342,7 +348,10 @@ bool upb_strtable_remove3(upb_strtable *t, const char *key, size_t len,
uint32_t hash = upb_murmur_hash2(key, len, 0);
upb_tabkey tabkey;
if (rm(&t->t, strkey2(key, len), val, &tabkey, hash, &streql)) {
if (alloc) {
/* Arena-based allocs don't need to free and won't pass this. */
upb_free(alloc, (void*)tabkey);
return true;
} else {
return false;
@ -351,10 +360,6 @@ bool upb_strtable_remove3(upb_strtable *t, const char *key, size_t len,
/* Iteration */
static const upb_tabent *str_tabent(const upb_strtable_iter *i) {
return &i->t->t.entries[i->index];
void upb_strtable_begin(upb_strtable_iter *i, const upb_strtable *t) {
i->t = t;
i->index = begin(&t->t);

@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ upb_inttable *upb_inttable_pack(const upb_inttable *t, void *p, size_t *ofs,
size_t size);
upb_strtable *upb_strtable_pack(const upb_strtable *t, void *p, size_t *ofs,
size_t size);
void upb_strtable_clear(upb_strtable *t);
/* Inserts the given key into the hashtable with the given value. The key must
* not already exist in the hash table. For string tables, the key must be
@ -451,6 +452,10 @@ typedef struct {
bool array_part;
} upb_inttable_iter;
UPB_INLINE const upb_tabent *str_tabent(const upb_strtable_iter *i) {
return &i->t->t.entries[i->index];
void upb_inttable_begin(upb_inttable_iter *i, const upb_inttable *t);
void upb_inttable_next(upb_inttable_iter *i);
bool upb_inttable_done(const upb_inttable_iter *i);

@ -358,6 +358,8 @@ typedef enum {
} upb_descriptortype_t;
#define UPB_MAP_BEGIN -1
#include "upb/"
#endif /* UPB_H_ */

@ -331,6 +331,8 @@ void GenerateMessageInHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Output& output
output("/* $0 */\n\n", message->full_name());
std::string msgname = ToCIdent(message->full_name());
if (!message->options().map_entry()) {
"UPB_INLINE $0 *$0_new(upb_arena *arena) {\n"
" return ($0 *)_upb_msg_new(&$1, arena);\n"
@ -346,6 +348,7 @@ void GenerateMessageInHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Output& output
MessageName(message), MessageInit(message));
for (int i = 0; i < message->oneof_decl_count(); i++) {
const protobuf::OneofDescriptor* oneof = message->oneof_decl(i);
@ -386,7 +389,42 @@ void GenerateMessageInHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Output& output
// Generate getter.
if (field->is_repeated()) {
if (field->is_map()) {
const protobuf::Descriptor* entry = field->message_type();
const protobuf::FieldDescriptor* key = entry->FindFieldByNumber(1);
const protobuf::FieldDescriptor* val = entry->FindFieldByNumber(2);
"UPB_INLINE size_t $0_$1_size(const $0 *msg) {"
"return _upb_msg_map_size(msg, $2); }\n",
msgname, field->name(), GetSizeInit(layout.GetFieldOffset(field)));
"UPB_INLINE bool $0_$1_get(const $0 *msg, $2 key, $3 *val) { "
"return _upb_msg_map_get(msg, $4, &key, $5, val, $6); }\n",
msgname, field->name(), CType(key), CType(val),
key->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING
? "0"
: "sizeof(key)",
val->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING
? "0"
: "sizeof(*val)");
"UPB_INLINE $0 $1_$2_next(const $1 *msg, size_t* iter) { "
"return ($0)_upb_msg_map_next(msg, $3, iter); }\n",
CTypeConst(field), msgname, field->name(),
} else if (message->options().map_entry()) {
"UPB_INLINE $0 $1_$2(const $1 *msg) {\n"
" $3 ret;\n"
" _upb_msg_map_$2(msg, &ret, $4);\n"
" return ret;\n"
CTypeConst(field), msgname, field->name(), CType(field),
field->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING
? "0"
: "sizeof(ret)");
} else if (field->is_repeated()) {
"UPB_INLINE $0 const* $1_$2(const $1 *msg, size_t *len) { "
"return ($0 const*)_upb_array_accessor(msg, $3, len); }\n",
@ -414,11 +452,39 @@ void GenerateMessageInHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Output& output
// Generate mutable methods.
for (auto field : FieldNumberOrder(message)) {
if (message->options().map_entry() && field->name() == "key") {
// Emit nothing, map keys cannot be changed directly. Users must use
// the mutators of the map itself.
} else if (field->is_map()) {
if (field->is_map()) {
// TODO(haberman): add map-based mutators.
const protobuf::Descriptor* entry = field->message_type();
const protobuf::FieldDescriptor* key = entry->FindFieldByNumber(1);
const protobuf::FieldDescriptor* val = entry->FindFieldByNumber(2);
"UPB_INLINE void $0_$1_clear($0 *msg) { _upb_msg_map_clear(msg, $2); }\n",
msgname, field->name(),
"UPB_INLINE bool $0_$1_set($0 *msg, $2 key, $3 val, upb_arena *a) { "
"return _upb_msg_map_set(msg, $4, &key, $5, &val, $6, a); }\n",
msgname, field->name(), CType(key), CType(val),
key->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING
? "0"
: "sizeof(key)",
val->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING
? "0"
: "sizeof(val)");
"UPB_INLINE bool $0_$1_delete($0 *msg, $2 key) { "
"return _upb_msg_map_delete(msg, $3, &key, $4); }\n",
msgname, field->name(), CType(key),
key->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING
? "0"
: "sizeof(key)");
"UPB_INLINE $0 $1_$2_nextmutable($1 *msg, size_t* iter) { "
"return ($0)_upb_msg_map_next(msg, $3, iter); }\n",
CType(field), msgname, field->name(),
} else if (field->is_repeated()) {
"UPB_INLINE $0* $1_mutable_$2($1 *msg, size_t *len) {\n"
@ -461,9 +527,24 @@ void GenerateMessageInHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Output& output
} else {
// Non-repeated field.
if (message->options().map_entry() && field->name() == "key") {
// Key cannot be mutated.
// The common function signature for all setters. Varying implementations
// follow.
output("UPB_INLINE void $0_set_$1($0 *msg, $2 value) {\n", msgname,
field->name(), CType(field));
if (field->containing_oneof()) {
if (message->options().map_entry()) {
" _upb_msg_map_set_value(msg, &value, $0);\n"
field->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING
? "0"
: "sizeof(" + CType(field) + ")");
} else if (field->containing_oneof()) {
" UPB_WRITE_ONEOF(msg, $0, $1, value, $2, $3);\n"
@ -479,7 +560,9 @@ void GenerateMessageInHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Output& output
CType(field), GetSizeInit(layout.GetFieldOffset(field)));
if (field->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
if (field->cpp_type() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE &&
!message->options().map_entry()) {
"UPB_INLINE struct $0* $1_mutable_$2($1 *msg, upb_arena *arena) {\n"
" struct $0* sub = (struct $0*)$1_$2(msg);\n"
@ -504,7 +587,6 @@ void WriteHeader(const protobuf::FileDescriptor* file, Output& output) {
"#ifndef $0_UPB_H_\n"
"#define $0_UPB_H_\n\n"
"#include \"upb/generated_util.h\"\n"
"#include \"upb/msg.h\"\n"
"#include \"upb/decode.h\"\n"
"#include \"upb/encode.h\"\n\n",
