Updated "wrapping" doc.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 447505841
Joshua Haberman 3 years ago committed by Copybara-Service
parent 49f356a801
commit 2a5919deb3
  1. 324

@ -10,160 +10,232 @@ in Visual Studio Code:
# Wrapping upb in other languages
# Building a protobuf library on upb
upb is a C kernel that is designed to be wrapped in other languages. This is a
guide for creating a new protobuf implementation based on upb.
This is a guide for creating a new protobuf implementation based on upb. It
starts from the beginning and walks you through the process, highlighting
some important design choices you will need to make.
## What you will need
## Overview
There are certain things that the language runtime must provide in order to be
wrapped by upb.
A protobuf implementation consists of two main pieces:
1. **Finalizers, Destructors, or Cleaners**: This is one unavoidable
requirement: the language *must* provide finalizers or destructors of some sort.
There must be a way of calling a C function when the language GCs or otherwise
destroys an object. We don't care much whether it is a finalizer, a destructor,
or a cleaner, as long as it gets called eventually when the object is destroyed.
Without finalizers, we would have no way of cleaning up upb data and everything
would leak.
2. **HashMap with weak values**: This is not an absolute requirement, but in
languages with automatic memory management, we generally end up wanting a
hash map with weak values to act as a `upb_msg* -> wrapper` object cache.
We want the values to be weak (not the keys).
1. a code generator, run at compile time, to turn `.proto` files into source
files in your language (we will call this "zlang", assuming an extension of ".z").
2. a runtime component, which implements the wire format and provides the data
structures for representing protobuf data and metadata.
## Reflection vs. Direct Access
Each language wrapping upb gets to decide whether it will access messages
through *reflection* or through *direct access*. This decision has some deep
implications that will affect the design, features, and performance of your
```dot {align="center"}
digraph {
node [style="rounded,filled" shape=box]
"foo.proto" -> protoc;
"foo.proto" [shape=folder];
protoc [fillcolor=lightgrey];
protoc -> "protoc-gen-zlang";
"protoc-gen-zlang" -> "foo.z";
"protoc-gen-zlang" [fillcolor=palegreen3];
"foo.z" [shape=folder];
label="Compile Time";
```dot {align="center"}
digraph {
node [style="rounded,filled" shape=box fillcolor=lightgrey]
"foo.z" -> "zlang/upb glue (FFI)";
"zlang/upb glue (FFI)" -> "upb (C)";
"zlang/upb glue (FFI)" [fillcolor=palegreen3];
The parts in green are what you will need to implement.
Note that your code generator (`protoc-gen-zlang`) does *not* need to generate
any C code (eg. `foo.c`). While upb itself is written in C, upb's parsers and
serializers are fully table-driven, which means there is never any need or even
benefit to generating C code for each proto. upb is capable of full-speed
parsing even when schema data is loaded at runtime from strings embedded into
`foo.z`. This is a key benefit of upb compared with C++ protos, which have
traditionally relied on generated parsers in `foo.pb.cc` files to achieve full
parsing speed, and suffered a ~10x speed penalty in the parser when the schema
data was loaded at runtime.
## Prerequisites
There are a few things that the language runtime must provide in order to wrap
1. **FFI**: To wrap upb, your language must be able to call into a C API
through a Foreign Function Interface (FFI). Most languages support FFI in
some form, either through "native extensions" (in which you write some C
code to implement new methods in your language) or through a direct FFI (in
which you can call into regular C functions directly from your language
using a special library).
2. **Finalizers, Destructors, or Cleaners**: The runtime must provide
finalizers or destructors of some sort. There must be a way of triggering a
call to a C function when the language garbage collects or otherwise
destroys an object. We don't care much whether it is a finalizer, a
destructor, or a cleaner, as long as it gets called eventually when the
object is destroyed. upb allocates memory in C space, and a finalizer is our
only way of making sure that memory is freed and does not leak.
3. **HashMap with weak values**: (optional) This is not a strong requirement,
but it is sometimes helpful to have a global hashmap with weak values to act
as a `upb_msg* -> wrapper` object cache. We want the values to be weak (not
the keys). There is some question about whether we want to continue to use
this pattern going forward.
## Reflection vs. MiniTables
The first key design decision you will need to make is whether your generated
code will access message data via reflection or minitables. Generally more
dynamic languages will want to use reflection and more static languages will
want to use minitables.
### Reflection
The simplest option is to load full reflection data into the upb library at
runtime. You can load reflection data using serialized descriptors, which are a
stable and widely supported format across all protobuf tooling.
// A upb_symtab is a dynamic container that we can load reflection data into.
upb_symtab* symtab = upb_symtab_new();
// We load reflection data via a serialized descriptor. The code generator
// for your language should embed serialized descriptors into your generated
// files. For each generated file loaded by your library, you can add the
// serialized descriptor to the symtab as shown.
upb_arena *tmp = upb_arena_new();
google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto* file =
google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_parse(desc_data, desc_size, tmp);
if (!file || !upb_symtab_addfile(symtab, file, NULL)) {
// Handle error.
Reflection-based data access makes the most sense in highly dynamic language
interpreters, where method dispatch is generally resolved via strings and hash
table lookups.
In such languages, you can often implement a special method like `__getattr__`
(Python) or `method_missing` (Ruby) that receives the method name as a string.
Using upb's reflection, you can look up a field name using the method name,
thereby using a hash table belonging to upb instead of one provided by the
class FooMessage:
# Written in Python for illustration, but in practice we will want to
# implement this in C for speed.
def __getattr__(self, name):
field = FooMessage.descriptor.fields_by_name[name]
return field.get_value(self)
// At application exit, we free the symtab.
Using this design, we only need to attach a single `__getattr__` method to each
message class, instead of defining a getter/setter for each field. In this way
we can avoid duplicating hash tables between upb and the language interpreter,
reducing memory usage.
Reflection-based access requires loading full reflection at runtime. Your
generated code will need to embed serialized descriptors (ie. a serialized
message of `descriptor.proto`), which has some amount of size overhead and
exposes all message/field names to the binary. It also forces a hash table
lookup in the critical path of field access. If method calls in your language
already have this overhead, then this is no added burden, but for statically
dispatched languages it would cause extra overhead.
If we take this path to its logical conclusion, all class creation can be
performed fully dynamically, using only a binary descriptor as input. The
"generated code" becomes little more than an embedded descriptor plus a
library call to load it. Python has recently gone down this path. Generated
code now looks something like this:
# main_pb2.py
from google3.net.proto2.python.internal import builder as _builder
from google3.net.proto2.python.public import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile("<...>")
_builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, globals())
_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'google3.main_pb2', globals())
The `upb_symtab` will give you full access to all data from the `.proto` file,
including convenient APIs like looking up a field by name. It will allow you to
use JSON and text format. The APIs for accessing a message through reflection
are simple and well-supported. These APIs cleanly encapsulate upb's internal
implementation details.
This is all the runtime needs to create all of the classes for messages defined
in that serialized descriptor. This code has no pretense of readability, but
a separate `.pyi` stub file provides a fully expanded and readable list of all
methods a user can expect to be available:
upb_symtab* symtab = BuildSymtab();
# main_pb2.pyi
from google3.net.proto2.python.public import descriptor as _descriptor
from google3.net.proto2.python.public import message as _message
from typing import ClassVar as _ClassVar, Optional as _Optional
// Look up a message type in the symtab.
const upb_msgdef* m = upb_symtab_lookupmsg(symtab, "FooMessage");
DESCRIPTOR: _descriptor.FileDescriptor
// Construct a new message of this type, via reflection.
upb_arena *arena = upb_arena_new();
upb_msg *msg = upb_msg_new(m, arena);
class MyMessage(_message.Message):
__slots__ = ["my_field"]
my_field: str
def __init__(self, my_field: _Optional[str] = ...) -> None: ...
// Set a message field using reflection.
const upb_fielddef* f = upb_msgdef_ntof("bar_field");
upb_msgval val = {.int32_val = 123};
upb_msg_set(m, f, val, arena);
To use reflection-based access:
// Free the message and symtab.
1. Load and access descriptor data using the interfaces in google3/third_party/upb/upb/def.h.
2. Access message data using the interfaces in google3/third_party/upb/upb/reflection.h.
Using reflection is a natural choice in heavily reflective, dynamic runtimes
like Python, Ruby, PHP, or Lua. These languages generally perform method
dispatch through a dictionary/hash table anyway, so we are not adding any extra
overhead by using upb's hash table to lookup fields by name at field access
### Direct Access
Using reflection has some downsides. Reflection data is relatively large, both
in your binary (at rest) and in RAM (at runtime). It contains names of
everything, and these names will be exposed in your binary. Reflection APIs for
accessing a message will have more overhead than you might want, especially if
crossing the FFI boundary for your language runtime imposes significant
We can reduce these overheads by using *direct access*. upb's parser and
serializer do not actually require full reflection data, they use a more compact
data structure known as **mini tables**. Mini tables will take up less space
than reflection, both in the binary and in RAM, and they will not leak field
names. Mini tables will let us parse and serialize binary wire format data
without reflection.
// TODO: demonstrate upb API for loading mini table data at runtime.
// This API does not exist yet.
### MiniTables
To access messages themselves without the reflection API, we will be using
different, lower-level APIs that will require you to supply precise data such as
the offset of a given field. This is information that will come from the upb
compiler framework, and the correctness (and even memory safety!) of the program
will rely on you passing these values through from the upb compiler libraries to
the upb runtime correctly.
MiniTables are a "lite" schema representation that are much smaller that
reflection. MiniTables omit names, options, and almost everything else from the
`.proto` file, retaining only enough information to parse and serialize binary
// TODO: demonstrate using low-level APIs for direct field access.
// These APIs do not exist yet.
MiniTables can be loaded into upb through *MiniDescriptors*. MiniDescriptors are
a byte-oriented format that can be embedded into your generated code and passed
to upb to construct MiniTables. MiniDescriptors only use printable characters,
and therefore do not require escaping when embedding them into generated code
strings. Overall the size savings of MiniDescriptors are ~60x compared with
regular descriptors.
It can even be possible in certain circumstances to bypass the upb API completely
and access raw field data directly at a given offset, using unsafe APIs like
`sun.misc.unsafe`. This can theoretically allow for field access that is no
more expensive than referencing a struct/class field.
MiniTables and MiniDescriptors are a natural choice for compiled languages that
resolve method calls at compile time. For languages that are sometimes compiled
and sometimes interpreted, there might not be an obvious choice. When a method
call is statically bound, we want to remove as much overhead as possible,
especially from accessors. In the extreme case, we can use unsafe APIs to read
raw memory at a known offset:
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
// Example of a maximally-optimized generated accessor.
class FooMessage {
public long getBarField() {
// Using Unsafe should give us performance that is comparable to a
// native member access.
// The constant "24" is obtained from upb at compile time.
sun.misc.Unsafe.getLong(this.ptr, 24);
class FooProto {
private final long addr;
private final Arena arena;
This design is very low-level, and tightly couples the generated code to one
specific version of the schema and compiler. A slower but safer version would
look up a field by field number:
// Accessor that a Java library built on upb could conceivably generate.
long getFoo() {
// The offset 1234 came from the upb compiler library, and was injected by the
// Java+upb code generator.
return Unsafe.getLong(self.addr + 1234);
// Example of a more loosely-coupled accessor.
class FooMessage {
public long getBarField() {
// The constant "2" is the field number. Internally this will look
// up the number "2" in the MiniTable and use that to read the value
// from the message.
upb.glue.getLong(this.ptr, 2);
It is always possible to load reflection data as desired, even if your library
is designed primarily around direct access. Users who want to use JSON, text
format, or reflection could potentially load reflection data from separate
generated modules, for cases where they do not mind the size overhead or the
leaking of field names. You do not give up any of these possibilities by using
direct access.
However, using direct access does have some noticeable downsides. It requires
tighter coupling with upb's implementation details, as the mini table format is
upb-specific and requires building your code generator against upb's compiler
libraries. Any direct access of memory is especially tightly coupled, and would
need to be changed if upb's in-memory format ever changes. It also is more
prone to hard-to-debug memory errors if you make any mistakes.
One downside of MiniTables is that they cannot support parsing or serializing
to JSON or TextFormat, because they do now know the field names. It should be
possible to generate reflection data "on the side", into separate generated
code files, so that reflection is only pulled in if it is being used. However
APIs to do this do not exist yet.
To use MiniTable-based access:
1. Load and access MiniDescriptors data using the interfaces in google3/third_party/upb/upb/mini_table.h.
2. Access message data using the interfaces in google3/third_party/upb/upb/mini_table_accessors.h.
## Memory Management
