@ -1527,312 +1527,10 @@ public class JsonFormatTest {
+ " \"repeatedRecursive\": []\n"
+ "}" ;
// includingDefaultValueFields() and alwaysPrintFieldsWithNoPresence() should
// behave identically on the proto3 test message:
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . print ( message ) )
. isEqualTo ( expectedJsonWithDefaults ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . alwaysPrintFieldsWithNoPresence ( ) . print ( message ) )
. isEqualTo ( expectedJsonWithDefaults ) ;
public void testDefaultValueForSpecificFieldsOptionProto3 ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes message = TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ;
Set < FieldDescriptor > fixedFields = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( FieldDescriptor fieldDesc : TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFields ( ) ) {
if ( fieldDesc . getName ( ) . contains ( "_fixed" ) ) {
fixedFields . add ( fieldDesc ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields ) . print ( message ) )
. isEqualTo (
+ " \"optionalFixed32\": 0,\n"
+ " \"optionalFixed64\": \"0\",\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed64\": []\n"
+ "}" ) ;
TestAllTypes messageNonDefaults =
message . toBuilder ( ) . setOptionalInt64 ( 1234 ) . setOptionalFixed32 ( 3232 ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat (
JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields ) . print ( messageNonDefaults ) )
. isEqualTo (
+ " \"optionalInt64\": \"1234\",\n"
+ " \"optionalFixed32\": 3232,\n"
+ " \"optionalFixed64\": \"0\",\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed64\": []\n"
+ "}" ) ;
public void testDefaultValueForSpecificFieldsProto3_doesntHonorMessageFields ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes message = TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ;
Set < FieldDescriptor > fixedFields =
ImmutableSet . of (
TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . findFieldByName ( "optional_bool" ) ,
TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . findFieldByName ( "optional_recursive" ) ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields ) . print ( message ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n \"optionalBool\": false\n}" ) ;
public void testRejectChangingDefaultFieldOptionMultipleTimes ( ) throws Exception {
Set < FieldDescriptor > fixedFields = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( FieldDescriptor fieldDesc : TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFields ( ) ) {
if ( fieldDesc . getName ( ) . contains ( "_fixed" ) ) {
fixedFields . add ( fieldDesc ) ;
try {
JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "IllegalStateException is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( IllegalStateException e ) {
// Expected.
assertWithMessage ( "Exception message should mention includingDefaultValueFields." )
. that ( e . getMessage ( ) . contains ( "includingDefaultValueFields" ) )
. isTrue ( ) ;
try {
JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "IllegalStateException is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( IllegalStateException e ) {
// Expected.
assertWithMessage ( "Exception message should mention includingDefaultValueFields." )
. that ( e . getMessage ( ) . contains ( "includingDefaultValueFields" ) )
. isTrue ( ) ;
try {
JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "IllegalStateException is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( IllegalStateException e ) {
// Expected.
assertWithMessage ( "Exception message should mention includingDefaultValueFields." )
. that ( e . getMessage ( ) . contains ( "includingDefaultValueFields" ) )
. isTrue ( ) ;
try {
JsonFormat . printer ( )
. includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields )
. includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "IllegalStateException is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( IllegalStateException e ) {
// Expected.
assertWithMessage ( "Exception message should mention includingDefaultValueFields." )
. that ( e . getMessage ( ) . contains ( "includingDefaultValueFields" ) )
. isTrue ( ) ;
Set < FieldDescriptor > intFields = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( FieldDescriptor fieldDesc : TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFields ( ) ) {
if ( fieldDesc . getName ( ) . contains ( "_int" ) ) {
intFields . add ( fieldDesc ) ;
try {
JsonFormat . printer ( )
. includingDefaultValueFields ( intFields )
. includingDefaultValueFields ( fixedFields ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "IllegalStateException is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( IllegalStateException e ) {
// Expected.
assertWithMessage ( "Exception message should mention includingDefaultValueFields." )
. that ( e . getMessage ( ) . contains ( "includingDefaultValueFields" ) )
. isTrue ( ) ;
try {
JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( null ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "IllegalArgumentException is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// Expected.
assertWithMessage ( "Exception message should mention includingDefaultValueFields." )
. that ( e . getMessage ( ) . contains ( "includingDefaultValueFields" ) )
. isTrue ( ) ;
try {
JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( Collections . < FieldDescriptor > emptySet ( ) ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "IllegalArgumentException is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
// Expected.
assertWithMessage ( "Exception message should mention includingDefaultValueFields." )
. that ( e . getMessage ( ) . contains ( "includingDefaultValueFields" ) )
. isTrue ( ) ;
public void testDefaultValuesOptionProto3Maps ( ) throws Exception {
TestMap mapMessage = TestMap . getDefaultInstance ( ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . print ( mapMessage ) ) . isEqualTo ( "{\n}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . print ( mapMessage ) )
. isEqualTo (
+ " \"int32ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int64ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"uint32ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"uint64ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"sint32ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"sint64ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"fixed32ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"fixed64ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"sfixed32ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"sfixed64ToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"boolToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"stringToInt32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToInt64Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToUint32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToUint64Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToSint32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToSint64Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToFixed32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToFixed64Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToSfixed32Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToSfixed64Map\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToFloatMap\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToDoubleMap\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToBoolMap\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToStringMap\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToBytesMap\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToMessageMap\": {\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"int32ToEnumMap\": {\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}" ) ;
public void testDefaultValueOptionsProto3Oneofs ( ) throws Exception {
TestOneof oneofMessage = TestOneof . getDefaultInstance ( ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) ) . isEqualTo ( "{\n}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . alwaysPrintFieldsWithNoPresence ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n}" ) ;
oneofMessage = TestOneof . newBuilder ( ) . setOneofInt32 ( 42 ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) ) . isEqualTo ( "{\n \"oneofInt32\": 42\n}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n \"oneofInt32\": 42\n}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . alwaysPrintFieldsWithNoPresence ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n \"oneofInt32\": 42\n}" ) ;
TestOneof . Builder oneofBuilder = TestOneof . newBuilder ( ) ;
mergeFromJson ( "{\n" + " \"oneofNullValue\": null \n" + "}" , oneofBuilder ) ;
oneofMessage = oneofBuilder . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n \"oneofNullValue\": null\n}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n \"oneofNullValue\": null\n}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . alwaysPrintFieldsWithNoPresence ( ) . print ( oneofMessage ) )
. isEqualTo ( "{\n \"oneofNullValue\": null\n}" ) ;
public void testIncludingDefaultValueOptionsWithProto2Optional ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypesProto2 message = TestAllTypesProto2 . getDefaultInstance ( ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . print ( message ) ) . isEqualTo ( "{\n}" ) ;
// includingDefaultValueFields() and alwaysPrintFieldsWithNoPresence()
// behave differently on a proto2 message: the former includes the proto2 explicit presence
// fields and the latter does not.
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . includingDefaultValueFields ( ) . print ( message ) )
. isEqualTo (
+ " \"optionalInt32\": 0,\n"
+ " \"optionalInt64\": \"0\",\n"
+ " \"optionalUint32\": 0,\n"
+ " \"optionalUint64\": \"0\",\n"
+ " \"optionalSint32\": 0,\n"
+ " \"optionalSint64\": \"0\",\n"
+ " \"optionalFixed32\": 0,\n"
+ " \"optionalFixed64\": \"0\",\n"
+ " \"optionalSfixed32\": 0,\n"
+ " \"optionalSfixed64\": \"0\",\n"
+ " \"optionalFloat\": 0.0,\n"
+ " \"optionalDouble\": 0.0,\n"
+ " \"optionalBool\": false,\n"
+ " \"optionalString\": \"\",\n"
+ " \"optionalBytes\": \"\",\n"
+ " \"optionalNestedEnum\": \"FOO\",\n"
+ " \"repeatedInt32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedInt64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedUint32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedUint64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSint32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSint64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSfixed32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSfixed64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFloat\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedDouble\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedBool\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedString\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedBytes\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedNestedMessage\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedNestedEnum\": [],\n"
+ " \"optionalAliasedEnum\": \"ALIAS_FOO\",\n"
+ " \"repeatedRecursive\": []\n"
+ "}" ) ;
assertThat ( JsonFormat . printer ( ) . alwaysPrintFieldsWithNoPresence ( ) . print ( message ) )
. isEqualTo (
+ " \"repeatedInt32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedInt64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedUint32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedUint64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSint32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSint64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFixed64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSfixed32\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedSfixed64\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedFloat\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedDouble\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedBool\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedString\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedBytes\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedNestedMessage\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedNestedEnum\": [],\n"
+ " \"repeatedRecursive\": []\n"
+ "}" ) ;
public void testDefaultValueForSpecificFieldsOptionProto2 ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypesProto2 message = TestAllTypesProto2 . getDefaultInstance ( ) ;