@ -1696,24 +1696,15 @@ static void start_timestamp_zone(upb_json_parser *p, const char *ptr) {
capture_begin ( p , ptr ) ;
static int div_round_up2 ( int n , int d ) {
return ( n + d - 1 ) / d ;
/* epoch_days(1970, 1, 1) == 1970-01-01 == 0. */
static int epoch_days ( int year , int month , int day ) {
static const uint16_t month_yday [ 12 ] = { 0 , 31 , 59 , 90 , 120 , 151 ,
181 , 212 , 243 , 273 , 304 , 334 } ;
int febs_since_0 = month > 2 ? year + 1 : year ;
int leap_days_since_0 = div_round_up2 ( febs_since_0 , 4 ) -
div_round_up2 ( febs_since_0 , 100 ) +
div_round_up2 ( febs_since_0 , 400 ) ;
int days_since_0 =
365 * year + month_yday [ month - 1 ] + ( day - 1 ) + leap_days_since_0 ;
/* Convert from 0-epoch (0001-01-01 BC) to Unix Epoch (1970-01-01 AD).
* Since the " BC " system does not have a year zero , 1 BC = = year zero . */
return days_since_0 - 719528 ;
uint32_t year_adj = year + 4800 ; /* Ensure positive year, multiple of 400. */
uint32_t febs = year_adj - ( month < = 2 ? 1 : 0 ) ; /* Februaries since base. */
uint32_t leap_days = 1 + ( febs / 4 ) - ( febs / 100 ) + ( febs / 400 ) ;
uint32_t days = 365 * year_adj + leap_days + month_yday [ month - 1 ] + day - 1 ;
return days - 2472692 ; /* Adjust to Unix epoch. */
static int64_t upb_timegm ( const struct tm * tp ) {
@ -2582,11 +2573,11 @@ static bool does_fieldmask_end(upb_json_parser *p) {
* final state once , when the closing ' " ' is seen . */
# line 278 7 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2778 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2590 "upb / json / parser.c"
# line 2581 "upb / json / parser.c"
static const char _json_actions [ ] = {
0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 3 , 1 ,
4 , 1 , 6 , 1 , 7 , 1 , 8 , 1 ,
@ -2841,7 +2832,7 @@ static const int json_en_value_machine = 78;
static const int json_en_main = 1 ;
# line 2790 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2781 "upb / json / parser.rl"
size_t parse ( void * closure , const void * hd , const char * buf , size_t size ,
const upb_bufhandle * handle ) {
@ -2864,7 +2855,7 @@ size_t parse(void *closure, const void *hd, const char *buf, size_t size,
capture_resume ( parser , buf ) ;
# line 2868 "upb / json / parser.c"
# line 2859 "upb / json / parser.c"
int _klen ;
unsigned int _trans ;
@ -2939,147 +2930,147 @@ _match:
switch ( * _acts + + )
case 1 :
# line 2595 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2586 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { cs = stack [ - - top ] ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 2 :
# line 2597 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2588 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { stack [ top + + ] = cs ; cs = 23 ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 3 :
# line 2601 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2592 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_text ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 4 :
# line 2602 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2593 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_text ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 5 :
# line 2608 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2599 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_hex ( parser ) ; }
break ;
case 6 :
# line 2609 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2600 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ hexdigit ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 7 :
# line 261 0 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2601 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_hex ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 8 :
# line 2616 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2607 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( escape ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 9 :
# line 2622 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2613 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { cs = stack [ - - top ] ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 10 :
# line 2627 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2618 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_year ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 11 :
# line 2628 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2619 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_year ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 12 :
# line 263 2 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2623 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_month ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 13 :
# line 2633 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2624 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_month ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 14 :
# line 2637 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2628 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_day ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 15 :
# line 2638 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2629 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_day ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 16 :
# line 2642 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2633 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_hour ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 17 :
# line 264 3 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2634 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_hour ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 18 :
# line 2647 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2638 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_minute ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 19 :
# line 2648 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2639 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_minute ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 20 :
# line 2652 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2643 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_second ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 21 :
# line 2653 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2644 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_second ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 22 :
# line 2658 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2649 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_duration_base ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 23 :
# line 2659 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2650 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_duration_base ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 24 :
# line 2661 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2652 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { cs = stack [ - - top ] ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 25 :
# line 2666 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2657 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_timestamp_base ( parser ) ; }
break ;
case 26 :
# line 2668 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2659 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_timestamp_fraction ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 27 :
# line 2669 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2660 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_timestamp_fraction ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 28 :
# line 2671 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2662 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_timestamp_zone ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 29 :
# line 2672 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2663 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_timestamp_zone ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 30 :
# line 2674 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2665 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { cs = stack [ - - top ] ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 31 :
# line 2679 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2670 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_fieldmask_path_text ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 32 :
# line 2680 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2671 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ end_fieldmask_path_text ( parser , p ) ; }
break ;
case 33 :
# line 2685 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2676 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ start_fieldmask_path ( parser ) ; }
break ;
case 34 :
# line 2686 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2677 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ end_fieldmask_path ( parser ) ; }
break ;
case 35 :
# line 2692 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2683 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { cs = stack [ - - top ] ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 36 :
# line 2697 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2688 "upb / json / parser.rl"
if ( is_wellknown_msg ( parser , UPB_WELLKNOWN_TIMESTAMP ) ) {
{ stack [ top + + ] = cs ; cs = 47 ; goto _again ; }
@ -3093,11 +3084,11 @@ _match:
break ;
case 37 :
# line 271 0 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2701 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { stack [ top + + ] = cs ; cs = 78 ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 38 :
# line 2715 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2706 "upb / json / parser.rl"
if ( is_wellknown_msg ( parser , UPB_WELLKNOWN_ANY ) ) {
start_any_member ( parser , p ) ;
@ -3107,11 +3098,11 @@ _match:
break ;
case 39 :
# line 2722 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2713 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_membername ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 40 :
# line 2725 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2716 "upb / json / parser.rl"
if ( is_wellknown_msg ( parser , UPB_WELLKNOWN_ANY ) ) {
end_any_member ( parser , p ) ;
@ -3121,7 +3112,7 @@ _match:
break ;
case 41 :
# line 2736 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2727 "upb / json / parser.rl"
if ( is_wellknown_msg ( parser , UPB_WELLKNOWN_ANY ) ) {
start_any_object ( parser , p ) ;
@ -3131,7 +3122,7 @@ _match:
break ;
case 42 :
# line 2745 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2736 "upb / json / parser.rl"
if ( is_wellknown_msg ( parser , UPB_WELLKNOWN_ANY ) ) {
CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_any_object ( parser , p ) ) ;
@ -3141,54 +3132,54 @@ _match:
break ;
case 43 :
# line 2757 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2748 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( start_array ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 44 :
# line 2761 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2752 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ end_array ( parser ) ; }
break ;
case 45 :
# line 2766 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2757 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( start_number ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 46 :
# line 2767 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2758 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_number ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 47 :
# line 2769 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2760 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( start_stringval ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 48 :
# line 2770 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2761 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_stringval ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 49 :
# line 2772 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2763 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_bool ( parser , true ) ) ; }
break ;
case 50 :
# line 2774 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2765 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_bool ( parser , false ) ) ; }
break ;
case 51 :
# line 277 6 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2767 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_null ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 52 :
# line 2778 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2769 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( start_subobject_full ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 53 :
# line 2779 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2770 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ end_subobject_full ( parser ) ; }
break ;
case 54 :
# line 2784 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2775 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { cs = stack [ - - top ] ; goto _again ; } }
break ;
# line 3192 "upb / json / parser.c"
# line 3183 "upb / json / parser.c"
@ -3205,32 +3196,32 @@ _again:
while ( __nacts - - > 0 ) {
switch ( * __acts + + ) {
case 0 :
# line 2593 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2584 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ p - - ; { cs = stack [ - - top ] ; if ( p = = pe )
goto _test_eof ;
goto _again ; } }
break ;
case 46 :
# line 2767 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2758 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_number ( parser , p ) ) ; }
break ;
case 49 :
# line 2772 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2763 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_bool ( parser , true ) ) ; }
break ;
case 50 :
# line 2774 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2765 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_bool ( parser , false ) ) ; }
break ;
case 51 :
# line 277 6 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2767 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ CHECK_RETURN_TOP ( end_null ( parser ) ) ; }
break ;
case 53 :
# line 2779 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2770 "upb / json / parser.rl"
{ end_subobject_full ( parser ) ; }
break ;
# line 3234 "upb / json / parser.c"
# line 3225 "upb / json / parser.c"
@ -3238,7 +3229,7 @@ goto _again;} }
_out : { }
# line 2812 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2803 "upb / json / parser.rl"
if ( p ! = pe ) {
upb_status_seterrf ( parser - > status , " Parse error at '%.*s' \n " , pe - p , p ) ;
@ -3281,13 +3272,13 @@ static void json_parser_reset(upb_json_parser *p) {
/* Emit Ragel initialization of the parser. */
# line 3285 "upb / json / parser.c"
# line 3276 "upb / json / parser.c"
cs = json_start ;
top = 0 ;
# line 285 4 "upb / json / parser.rl"
# line 2845 "upb / json / parser.rl"
p - > current_state = cs ;
p - > parser_top = top ;
accumulate_clear ( p ) ;