@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors; |
using Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos; |
using NUnit.Framework; |
namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers { |
[TestFixture] |
public class UnknownFieldSetTest { |
private MessageDescriptor descriptor; |
private TestAllTypes allFields; |
private ByteString allFieldsData; |
/// <summary> |
/// An empty message that has been parsed from allFieldsData. So, it has |
/// unknown fields of every type. |
/// </summary> |
private TestEmptyMessage emptyMessage; |
private UnknownFieldSet unknownFields; |
[SetUp] |
public void SetUp() { |
descriptor = TestAllTypes.Descriptor; |
allFields = TestUtil.GetAllSet(); |
allFieldsData = allFields.ToByteString(); |
emptyMessage = TestEmptyMessage.ParseFrom(allFieldsData); |
unknownFields = emptyMessage.UnknownFields; |
} |
private UnknownField GetField(String name) { |
FieldDescriptor field = descriptor.FindDescriptor<FieldDescriptor>(name); |
Assert.IsNotNull(field); |
return unknownFields.FieldDictionary[field.FieldNumber]; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Constructs a protocol buffer which contains fields with all the same |
/// numbers as allFieldsData except that each field is some other wire |
/// type. |
/// </summary> |
private ByteString GetBizarroData() { |
UnknownFieldSet.Builder bizarroFields = UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(); |
UnknownField varintField = UnknownField.CreateBuilder().AddVarint(1).Build(); |
UnknownField fixed32Field = UnknownField.CreateBuilder().AddFixed32(1).Build(); |
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, UnknownField> entry in unknownFields.FieldDictionary) { |
if (entry.Value.VarintList.Count == 0) { |
// Original field is not a varint, so use a varint. |
bizarroFields.AddField(entry.Key, varintField); |
} else { |
// Original field *is* a varint, so use something else. |
bizarroFields.AddField(entry.Key, fixed32Field); |
} |
} |
return bizarroFields.Build().ToByteString(); |
} |
// ================================================================= |
[Test] |
public void Varint() { |
UnknownField field = GetField("optional_int32"); |
Assert.AreEqual(1, field.VarintList.Count); |
Assert.AreEqual(allFields.OptionalInt32, (long) field.VarintList[0]); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Fixed32() { |
UnknownField field = GetField("optional_fixed32"); |
Assert.AreEqual(1, field.Fixed32List.Count); |
Assert.AreEqual(allFields.OptionalFixed32, (int) field.Fixed32List[0]); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Fixed64() { |
UnknownField field = GetField("optional_fixed64"); |
Assert.AreEqual(1, field.Fixed64List.Count); |
Assert.AreEqual(allFields.OptionalFixed64, (long) field.Fixed64List[0]); |
} |
[Test] |
public void LengthDelimited() { |
UnknownField field = GetField("optional_bytes"); |
Assert.AreEqual(1, field.LengthDelimitedList.Count); |
Assert.AreEqual(allFields.OptionalBytes, field.LengthDelimitedList[0]); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Group() { |
FieldDescriptor nestedFieldDescriptor = |
TestAllTypes.Types.OptionalGroup.Descriptor.FindDescriptor<FieldDescriptor>("a"); |
Assert.IsNotNull(nestedFieldDescriptor); |
UnknownField field = GetField("optionalgroup"); |
Assert.AreEqual(1, field.GroupList.Count); |
UnknownFieldSet group = field.GroupList[0]; |
Assert.AreEqual(1, group.FieldDictionary.Count); |
Assert.IsTrue(group.HasField(nestedFieldDescriptor.FieldNumber)); |
UnknownField nestedField = group[nestedFieldDescriptor.FieldNumber]; |
Assert.AreEqual(1, nestedField.VarintList.Count); |
Assert.AreEqual(allFields.OptionalGroup.A, (long) nestedField.VarintList[0]); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Serialize() { |
// Check that serializing the UnknownFieldSet produces the original data again. |
ByteString data = emptyMessage.ToByteString(); |
Assert.AreEqual(allFieldsData, data); |
} |
[Test] |
public void CopyFrom() { |
TestEmptyMessage message = |
TestEmptyMessage.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(emptyMessage).Build(); |
Assert.AreEqual(emptyMessage.ToString(), message.ToString()); |
} |
[Test] |
public void MergeFrom() { |
TestEmptyMessage source = |
TestEmptyMessage.CreateBuilder() |
.SetUnknownFields( |
UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder() |
.AddField(2, |
UnknownField.CreateBuilder() |
.AddVarint(2).Build()) |
.AddField(3, |
UnknownField.CreateBuilder() |
.AddVarint(4).Build()) |
.Build()) |
.Build(); |
TestEmptyMessage destination = |
TestEmptyMessage.CreateBuilder() |
.SetUnknownFields( |
UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder() |
.AddField(1, |
UnknownField.CreateBuilder() |
.AddVarint(1).Build()) |
.AddField(3, |
UnknownField.CreateBuilder() |
.AddVarint(3).Build()) |
.Build()) |
.MergeFrom(source) |
.Build(); |
Assert.AreEqual( |
"1: 1\n" + |
"2: 2\n" + |
"3: 3\n" + |
"3: 4\n", |
destination.ToString()); |
} |
[Test] |
public void Clear() { |
UnknownFieldSet fields = |
UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(unknownFields).Clear().Build(); |
Assert.AreEqual(0, fields.FieldDictionary.Count); |
} |
[Test] |
public void ClearMessage() { |
TestEmptyMessage message = |
TestEmptyMessage.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(emptyMessage).Clear().Build(); |
Assert.AreEqual(0, message.SerializedSize); |
} |
[Test] |
public void ParseKnownAndUnknown() { |
// Test mixing known and unknown fields when parsing. |
UnknownFieldSet fields = |
UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(unknownFields) |
.AddField(123456, |
UnknownField.CreateBuilder().AddVarint(654321).Build()) |
.Build(); |
ByteString data = fields.ToByteString(); |
TestAllTypes destination = TestAllTypes.ParseFrom(data); |
TestUtil.AssertAllFieldsSet(destination); |
Assert.AreEqual(1, destination.UnknownFields.FieldDictionary.Count); |
UnknownField field = destination.UnknownFields[123456]; |
Assert.AreEqual(1, field.VarintList.Count); |
Assert.AreEqual(654321, (long) field.VarintList[0]); |
} |
[Test] |
public void WrongTypeTreatedAsUnknown() { |
// Test that fields of the wrong wire type are treated like unknown fields |
// when parsing. |
ByteString bizarroData = GetBizarroData(); |
TestAllTypes allTypesMessage = TestAllTypes.ParseFrom(bizarroData); |
TestEmptyMessage emptyMessage = TestEmptyMessage.ParseFrom(bizarroData); |
// All fields should have been interpreted as unknown, so the debug strings |
// should be the same. |
Assert.AreEqual(emptyMessage.ToString(), allTypesMessage.ToString()); |
} |
[Test] |
public void UnknownExtensions() { |
// Make sure fields are properly parsed to the UnknownFieldSet even when |
// they are declared as extension numbers. |
TestEmptyMessageWithExtensions message = |
TestEmptyMessageWithExtensions.ParseFrom(allFieldsData); |
Assert.AreEqual(unknownFields.FieldDictionary.Count, |
message.UnknownFields.FieldDictionary.Count); |
Assert.AreEqual(allFieldsData, message.ToByteString()); |
} |
[Test] |
public void WrongExtensionTypeTreatedAsUnknown() { |
// Test that fields of the wrong wire type are treated like unknown fields |
// when parsing extensions. |
ByteString bizarroData = GetBizarroData(); |
TestAllExtensions allExtensionsMessage = TestAllExtensions.ParseFrom(bizarroData); |
TestEmptyMessage emptyMessage = TestEmptyMessage.ParseFrom(bizarroData); |
// All fields should have been interpreted as unknown, so the debug strings |
// should be the same. |
Assert.AreEqual(emptyMessage.ToString(), |
allExtensionsMessage.ToString()); |
} |
[Test] |
public void ParseUnknownEnumValue() { |
FieldDescriptor singularField = TestAllTypes.Descriptor.FindDescriptor<FieldDescriptor>("optional_nested_enum"); |
FieldDescriptor repeatedField = TestAllTypes.Descriptor.FindDescriptor<FieldDescriptor>("repeated_nested_enum"); |
Assert.IsNotNull(singularField); |
Assert.IsNotNull(repeatedField); |
ByteString data = |
UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder() |
.AddField(singularField.FieldNumber, |
UnknownField.CreateBuilder() |
.AddVarint((int) TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.BAR) |
.AddVarint(5) // not valid |
.Build()) |
.AddField(repeatedField.FieldNumber, |
UnknownField.CreateBuilder() |
.AddVarint((int) TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.FOO) |
.AddVarint(4) // not valid |
.AddVarint((int) TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.BAZ) |
.AddVarint(6) // not valid |
.Build()) |
.Build() |
.ToByteString(); |
{ |
TestAllTypes message = TestAllTypes.ParseFrom(data); |
Assert.AreEqual(TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.BAR, |
message.OptionalNestedEnum); |
TestUtil.AssertEqual(new [] {TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.FOO, TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.BAZ}, |
message.RepeatedNestedEnumList); |
TestUtil.AssertEqual(new[] {5UL}, message.UnknownFields[singularField.FieldNumber].VarintList); |
TestUtil.AssertEqual(new[] {4UL, 6UL}, message.UnknownFields[repeatedField.FieldNumber].VarintList); |
} |
{ |
TestAllExtensions message = |
TestAllExtensions.ParseFrom(data, TestUtil.CreateExtensionRegistry()); |
Assert.AreEqual(TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.BAR, |
message.GetExtension(UnitTestProtoFile.OptionalNestedEnumExtension)); |
TestUtil.AssertEqual(new[] { TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.FOO, TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.BAZ }, |
message.GetExtension(UnitTestProtoFile.RepeatedNestedEnumExtension)); |
TestUtil.AssertEqual(new[] { 5UL }, message.UnknownFields[singularField.FieldNumber].VarintList); |
TestUtil.AssertEqual(new[] { 4UL, 6UL }, message.UnknownFields[repeatedField.FieldNumber].VarintList); |
} |
} |
} |
} |