Main 202212161220 (#11340)

Closes #11340

COPYBARA_INTEGRATE_REVIEW= from protocolbuffers:main-202212161220 c39ccb73fb
PiperOrigin-RevId: 496029356
Matt Fowles Kulukundis 2 years ago committed by Copybara-Service
parent 832faf85dc
commit 1697e4558b
  1. 13
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  6. 240
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@ -81,6 +81,19 @@
* Print full path name of source .proto file on error * Print full path name of source .proto file on error
* Include proto message type in the annotation comments. * Include proto message type in the annotation comments.
2022-12-13 version 21.12 (C++/Java/Python/PHP/Objective-C/C#/Ruby)
* Fix broken enum ranges (#11171)
* Stop requiring extension fields to have a sythetic oneof (#11091)
* Python runtime 4.21.10 not works generated code can not load valid proto.
2022-12-07 version 21.11 (C++/Java/Python/PHP/Objective-C/C#/Ruby)
* Add license file to pypi wheels (#10936)
* Fix round-trip bug (#10158)
2022-11-29 version 21.10 (C++/Java/Python/PHP/Objective-C/C#/Ruby) 2022-11-29 version 21.10 (C++/Java/Python/PHP/Objective-C/C#/Ruby)
Java Java

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ do |s| do |s| = 'Protobuf-C++' = 'Protobuf-C++'
s.version = '3.21.10' s.version = '3.21.12'
s.summary = 'Protocol Buffers v3 runtime library for C++.' s.summary = 'Protocol Buffers v3 runtime library for C++.'
s.homepage = '' s.homepage = ''
s.license = 'BSD-3-Clause' s.license = 'BSD-3-Clause'

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# dependent projects use the :git notation to refer to the library. # dependent projects use the :git notation to refer to the library. do |s| do |s| = 'Protobuf' = 'Protobuf'
s.version = '3.21.10' s.version = '3.21.12'
s.summary = 'Protocol Buffers v.3 runtime library for Objective-C.' s.summary = 'Protocol Buffers v.3 runtime library for Objective-C.'
s.homepage = '' s.homepage = ''
s.license = 'BSD-3-Clause' s.license = 'BSD-3-Clause'

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<title>Google Protocol Buffers tools</title> <title>Google Protocol Buffers tools</title>
<summary>Tools for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.</summary> <summary>Tools for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.</summary>
<description>See project site for more info.</description> <description>See project site for more info.</description>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
<authors>Google Inc.</authors> <authors>Google Inc.</authors>
<owners>protobuf-packages</owners> <owners>protobuf-packages</owners>
<licenseUrl></licenseUrl> <licenseUrl></licenseUrl>

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<Description>C# runtime library for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.</Description> <Description>C# runtime library for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.</Description>
<Copyright>Copyright 2015, Google Inc.</Copyright> <Copyright>Copyright 2015, Google Inc.</Copyright>
<AssemblyTitle>Google Protocol Buffers</AssemblyTitle> <AssemblyTitle>Google Protocol Buffers</AssemblyTitle>
<VersionPrefix>3.21.10</VersionPrefix> <VersionPrefix>3.21.12</VersionPrefix>
<LangVersion>10.0</LangVersion> <LangVersion>10.0</LangVersion>
<Authors>Google Inc.</Authors> <Authors>Google Inc.</Authors>
<TargetFrameworks>netstandard1.1;netstandard2.0;net45;net50</TargetFrameworks> <TargetFrameworks>netstandard1.1;netstandard2.0;net45;net50</TargetFrameworks>

@ -107,62 +107,64 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
"ZXRlZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJw", "ZXRlZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJw",
"AgoOTWVzc2FnZU9wdGlvbnMSJgoXbWVzc2FnZV9zZXRfd2lyZV9mb3JtYXQY", "AgoOTWVzc2FnZU9wdGlvbnMSJgoXbWVzc2FnZV9zZXRfd2lyZV9mb3JtYXQY",
"CW1hcF9lbnRyeRgHIAEoCBJDChR1bmludGVycHJldGVkX29wdGlvbhjnByAD", "CW1hcF9lbnRyeRgHIAEoCBIyCiZkZXByZWNhdGVkX2xlZ2FjeV9qc29uX2Zp",
"KAsyJC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZE9wdGlvbioJCOgH", "ZWxkX2NvbmZsaWN0cxgLIAEoCEICGAESQwoUdW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZF9vcHRp",
"bGRPcHRpb25zLkNUeXBlOgZTVFJJTkcSDgoGcGFja2VkGAIgASgIEj8KBmpz", "AwoMRmllbGRPcHRpb25zEjoKBWN0eXBlGAEgASgOMiMuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3Rv",
"dHlwZRgGIAEoDjIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GaWVsZE9wdGlvbnMuSlNU", "YnVmLkZpZWxkT3B0aW9ucy5DVHlwZToGU1RSSU5HEg4KBnBhY2tlZBgCIAEo",
"eXBlOglKU19OT1JNQUwSEwoEbGF6eRgFIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USHgoPdW52ZXJp", "CBI/CgZqc3R5cGUYBiABKA4yJC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmllbGRPcHRp",
"dGlvbhjnByADKAsyJC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZE9w", "IAEoCDoFZmFsc2USEwoEd2VhaxgKIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USQwoUdW5pbnRlcnBy",
"ZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uKgkI6AcQgICAgAIikwEK", "DE9uZW9mT3B0aW9ucxJDChR1bmludGVycHJldGVkX29wdGlvbhjnByADKAsy",
"JC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZE9wdGlvbioJCOgHEICA", "JC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZE9wdGlvbioJCOgHEICA",
"gIACInsKDlNlcnZpY2VPcHRpb25zEhkKCmRlcHJlY2F0ZWQYISABKAg6BWZh", "gIACIscBCgtFbnVtT3B0aW9ucxITCgthbGxvd19hbGlhcxgCIAEoCBIZCgpk",
"cm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uKgkI6AcQgICAgAIirQIKDU1l", "c29uX2ZpZWxkX2NvbmZsaWN0cxgGIAEoCEICGAESQwoUdW5pbnRlcnByZXRl",
"dGhvZE9wdGlvbnMSGQoKZGVwcmVjYXRlZBghIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USXwoRaWRl", "ZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJwcmV0",
"bXBvdGVuY3lfbGV2ZWwYIiABKA4yLy5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuTWV0aG9k", "ZWRPcHRpb24qCQjoBxCAgICAAkoECAUQBiJ9ChBFbnVtVmFsdWVPcHRpb25z",
"EkMKFHVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRfb3B0aW9uGOcHIAMoCzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90", "b3B0aW9uGOcHIAMoCzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVk",
"b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uIlAKEElkZW1wb3RlbmN5TGV2ZWwS", "T3B0aW9uKgkI6AcQgICAgAIiewoOU2VydmljZU9wdGlvbnMSGQoKZGVwcmVj",
"Eg4KCklERU1QT1RFTlQQAioJCOgHEICAgIACIp4CChNVbmludGVycHJldGVk", "AygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRPcHRpb24qCQjo",
"T3B0aW9uEjsKBG5hbWUYAiADKAsyLS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5pbnRl", "BxCAgICAAiKtAgoNTWV0aG9kT3B0aW9ucxIZCgpkZXByZWNhdGVkGCEgASgI",
"cnByZXRlZE9wdGlvbi5OYW1lUGFydBIYChBpZGVudGlmaWVyX3ZhbHVlGAMg", "OgVmYWxzZRJfChFpZGVtcG90ZW5jeV9sZXZlbBgiIAEoDjIvLmdvb2dsZS5w",
"ASgJEhoKEnBvc2l0aXZlX2ludF92YWx1ZRgEIAEoBBIaChJuZWdhdGl2ZV9p", "cm90b2J1Zi5NZXRob2RPcHRpb25zLklkZW1wb3RlbmN5TGV2ZWw6E0lERU1Q",
"bnRfdmFsdWUYBSABKAMSFAoMZG91YmxlX3ZhbHVlGAYgASgBEhQKDHN0cmlu", "T1RFTkNZX1VOS05PV04SQwoUdW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygL",
"Z192YWx1ZRgHIAEoDBIXCg9hZ2dyZWdhdGVfdmFsdWUYCCABKAkaMwoITmFt", "MiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRPcHRpb24iUAoQSWRl",
"bGUucHJvdG9idWYuU291cmNlQ29kZUluZm8uTG9jYXRpb24ahgEKCExvY2F0", "E1VuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRPcHRpb24SOwoEbmFtZRgCIAMoCzItLmdvb2dsZS5w",
"YWRpbmdfY29tbWVudHMYAyABKAkSGQoRdHJhaWxpbmdfY29tbWVudHMYBCAB", "aWZpZXJfdmFsdWUYAyABKAkSGgoScG9zaXRpdmVfaW50X3ZhbHVlGAQgASgE",
"KAkSIQoZbGVhZGluZ19kZXRhY2hlZF9jb21tZW50cxgGIAMoCSKcAgoRR2Vu", "EhoKEm5lZ2F0aXZlX2ludF92YWx1ZRgFIAEoAxIUCgxkb3VibGVfdmFsdWUY",
"ZXJhdGVkQ29kZUluZm8SQQoKYW5ub3RhdGlvbhgBIAMoCzItLmdvb2dsZS5w", "BiABKAESFAoMc3RyaW5nX3ZhbHVlGAcgASgMEhcKD2FnZ3JlZ2F0ZV92YWx1",
"cm90b2J1Zi5HZW5lcmF0ZWRDb2RlSW5mby5Bbm5vdGF0aW9uGsMBCgpBbm5v", "ZRgIIAEoCRozCghOYW1lUGFydBIRCgluYW1lX3BhcnQYASACKAkSFAoMaXNf",
"Eg0KBWJlZ2luGAMgASgFEgsKA2VuZBgEIAEoBRJICghzZW1hbnRpYxgFIAEo", "bhgBIAMoCzIoLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5Tb3VyY2VDb2RlSW5mby5Mb2Nh",
"DjI2Lmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5HZW5lcmF0ZWRDb2RlSW5mby5Bbm5vdGF0", "dGlvbhqGAQoITG9jYXRpb24SEAoEcGF0aBgBIAMoBUICEAESEAoEc3BhbhgC",
"CgVBTElBUxACQn4KE2NvbS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWZCEERlc2NyaXB0b3JQ", "Z19jb21tZW50cxgEIAEoCRIhChlsZWFkaW5nX2RldGFjaGVkX2NvbW1lbnRz",
"cm90b3NIAVotZ29vZ2xlLmdvbGFuZy5vcmcvcHJvdG9idWYvdHlwZXMvZGVz", "GAYgAygJIpwCChFHZW5lcmF0ZWRDb2RlSW5mbxJBCgphbm5vdGF0aW9uGAEg",
"Y3JpcHRvcnBi+AEBogIDR1BCqgIaR29vZ2xlLlByb3RvYnVmLlJlZmxlY3Rp", "AygLMi0uZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkdlbmVyYXRlZENvZGVJbmZvLkFubm90",
"b24=")); "YXRpb24awwEKCkFubm90YXRpb24SEAoEcGF0aBgBIAMoBUICEAESEwoLc291",
descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.FromGeneratedCode(descriptorData, descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.FromGeneratedCode(descriptorData,
new pbr::FileDescriptor[] { }, new pbr::FileDescriptor[] { },
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(null, null, new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo[] { new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(null, null, new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo[] {
@ -178,10 +180,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "Method", "Options" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "Method", "Options" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "InputType", "OutputType", "Options", "ClientStreaming", "ServerStreaming" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "InputType", "OutputType", "Options", "ClientStreaming", "ServerStreaming" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Parser, new[]{ "JavaPackage", "JavaOuterClassname", "JavaMultipleFiles", "JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash", "JavaStringCheckUtf8", "OptimizeFor", "GoPackage", "CcGenericServices", "JavaGenericServices", "PyGenericServices", "PhpGenericServices", "Deprecated", "CcEnableArenas", "ObjcClassPrefix", "CsharpNamespace", "SwiftPrefix", "PhpClassPrefix", "PhpNamespace", "PhpMetadataNamespace", "RubyPackage", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Types.OptimizeMode) }, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Parser, new[]{ "JavaPackage", "JavaOuterClassname", "JavaMultipleFiles", "JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash", "JavaStringCheckUtf8", "OptimizeFor", "GoPackage", "CcGenericServices", "JavaGenericServices", "PyGenericServices", "PhpGenericServices", "Deprecated", "CcEnableArenas", "ObjcClassPrefix", "CsharpNamespace", "SwiftPrefix", "PhpClassPrefix", "PhpNamespace", "PhpMetadataNamespace", "RubyPackage", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Types.OptimizeMode) }, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions.Parser, new[]{ "MessageSetWireFormat", "NoStandardDescriptorAccessor", "Deprecated", "MapEntry", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions.Parser, new[]{ "MessageSetWireFormat", "NoStandardDescriptorAccessor", "Deprecated", "MapEntry", "DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Ctype", "Packed", "Jstype", "Lazy", "UnverifiedLazy", "Deprecated", "Weak", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.CType), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.JSType) }, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Ctype", "Packed", "Jstype", "Lazy", "UnverifiedLazy", "Deprecated", "Weak", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.CType), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.JSType) }, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions.Parser, new[]{ "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions.Parser, new[]{ "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumOptions.Parser, new[]{ "AllowAlias", "Deprecated", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumOptions.Parser, new[]{ "AllowAlias", "Deprecated", "DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Deprecated", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Deprecated", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Deprecated", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Deprecated", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Deprecated", "IdempotencyLevel", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodOptions.Types.IdempotencyLevel) }, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Deprecated", "IdempotencyLevel", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodOptions.Types.IdempotencyLevel) }, null, null),
@ -6512,6 +6514,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
noStandardDescriptorAccessor_ = other.noStandardDescriptorAccessor_; noStandardDescriptorAccessor_ = other.noStandardDescriptorAccessor_;
deprecated_ = other.deprecated_; deprecated_ = other.deprecated_;
mapEntry_ = other.mapEntry_; mapEntry_ = other.mapEntry_;
deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_ = other.deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_;
uninterpretedOption_ = other.uninterpretedOption_.Clone(); uninterpretedOption_ = other.uninterpretedOption_.Clone();
_unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields); _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
_extensions = pb::ExtensionSet.Clone(other._extensions); _extensions = pb::ExtensionSet.Clone(other._extensions);
@ -6685,6 +6688,48 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
_hasBits0 &= ~8; _hasBits0 &= ~8;
} }
/// <summary>Field number for the "deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts" field.</summary>
public const int DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflictsFieldNumber = 11;
private readonly static bool DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflictsDefaultValue = false;
private bool deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_;
/// <summary>
/// Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
/// and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
/// The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
/// well.
/// This should only be used as a temporary measure against broken builds due
/// to the change in behavior for JSON field name conflicts.
/// TODO(b/261750190) This is legacy behavior we plan to remove once downstream
/// teams have had time to migrate.
/// </summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public bool DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts {
get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_; } else { return DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflictsDefaultValue; } }
set {
_hasBits0 |= 16;
deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_ = value;
/// <summary>Gets whether the "deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts" field is set</summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public bool HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts {
get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
/// <summary>Clears the value of the "deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts" field</summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public void ClearDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts() {
_hasBits0 &= ~16;
/// <summary>Field number for the "uninterpreted_option" field.</summary> /// <summary>Field number for the "uninterpreted_option" field.</summary>
public const int UninterpretedOptionFieldNumber = 999; public const int UninterpretedOptionFieldNumber = 999;
private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.UninterpretedOption> _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.UninterpretedOption> _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec
@ -6718,6 +6763,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (NoStandardDescriptorAccessor != other.NoStandardDescriptorAccessor) return false; if (NoStandardDescriptorAccessor != other.NoStandardDescriptorAccessor) return false;
if (Deprecated != other.Deprecated) return false; if (Deprecated != other.Deprecated) return false;
if (MapEntry != other.MapEntry) return false; if (MapEntry != other.MapEntry) return false;
if (DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts != other.DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) return false;
if(!uninterpretedOption_.Equals(other.uninterpretedOption_)) return false; if(!uninterpretedOption_.Equals(other.uninterpretedOption_)) return false;
if (!Equals(_extensions, other._extensions)) { if (!Equals(_extensions, other._extensions)) {
return false; return false;
@ -6733,6 +6779,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (HasNoStandardDescriptorAccessor) hash ^= NoStandardDescriptorAccessor.GetHashCode(); if (HasNoStandardDescriptorAccessor) hash ^= NoStandardDescriptorAccessor.GetHashCode();
if (HasDeprecated) hash ^= Deprecated.GetHashCode(); if (HasDeprecated) hash ^= Deprecated.GetHashCode();
if (HasMapEntry) hash ^= MapEntry.GetHashCode(); if (HasMapEntry) hash ^= MapEntry.GetHashCode();
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) hash ^= DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts.GetHashCode();
hash ^= uninterpretedOption_.GetHashCode(); hash ^= uninterpretedOption_.GetHashCode();
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
hash ^= _extensions.GetHashCode(); hash ^= _extensions.GetHashCode();
@ -6771,6 +6818,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
output.WriteRawTag(56); output.WriteRawTag(56);
output.WriteBool(MapEntry); output.WriteBool(MapEntry);
} }
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
_extensions.WriteTo(output); _extensions.WriteTo(output);
@ -6801,6 +6852,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
output.WriteRawTag(56); output.WriteRawTag(56);
output.WriteBool(MapEntry); output.WriteBool(MapEntry);
} }
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
_extensions.WriteTo(ref output); _extensions.WriteTo(ref output);
@ -6827,6 +6882,9 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (HasMapEntry) { if (HasMapEntry) {
size += 1 + 1; size += 1 + 1;
} }
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
size += 1 + 1;
size += uninterpretedOption_.CalculateSize(_repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); size += uninterpretedOption_.CalculateSize(_repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
size += _extensions.CalculateSize(); size += _extensions.CalculateSize();
@ -6855,6 +6913,9 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (other.HasMapEntry) { if (other.HasMapEntry) {
MapEntry = other.MapEntry; MapEntry = other.MapEntry;
} }
if (other.HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts = other.DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts;
uninterpretedOption_.Add(other.uninterpretedOption_); uninterpretedOption_.Add(other.uninterpretedOption_);
pb::ExtensionSet.MergeFrom(ref _extensions, other._extensions); pb::ExtensionSet.MergeFrom(ref _extensions, other._extensions);
_unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields); _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
@ -6890,6 +6951,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
MapEntry = input.ReadBool(); MapEntry = input.ReadBool();
break; break;
} }
case 88: {
DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts = input.ReadBool();
case 7994: { case 7994: {
uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
break; break;
@ -6927,6 +6992,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
MapEntry = input.ReadBool(); MapEntry = input.ReadBool();
break; break;
} }
case 88: {
DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts = input.ReadBool();
case 7994: { case 7994: {
uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
break; break;
@ -7922,6 +7991,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
_hasBits0 = other._hasBits0; _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
allowAlias_ = other.allowAlias_; allowAlias_ = other.allowAlias_;
deprecated_ = other.deprecated_; deprecated_ = other.deprecated_;
deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_ = other.deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_;
uninterpretedOption_ = other.uninterpretedOption_.Clone(); uninterpretedOption_ = other.uninterpretedOption_.Clone();
_unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields); _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
_extensions = pb::ExtensionSet.Clone(other._extensions); _extensions = pb::ExtensionSet.Clone(other._extensions);
@ -7997,6 +8067,44 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
_hasBits0 &= ~2; _hasBits0 &= ~2;
} }
/// <summary>Field number for the "deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts" field.</summary>
public const int DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflictsFieldNumber = 6;
private readonly static bool DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflictsDefaultValue = false;
private bool deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_;
/// <summary>
/// Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
/// and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
/// The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
/// well.
/// TODO(b/261750190) Remove this legacy behavior once downstream teams have
/// had time to migrate.
/// </summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public bool DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts {
get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_; } else { return DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflictsDefaultValue; } }
set {
_hasBits0 |= 4;
deprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts_ = value;
/// <summary>Gets whether the "deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts" field is set</summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public bool HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts {
get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
/// <summary>Clears the value of the "deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts" field</summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public void ClearDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts() {
_hasBits0 &= ~4;
/// <summary>Field number for the "uninterpreted_option" field.</summary> /// <summary>Field number for the "uninterpreted_option" field.</summary>
public const int UninterpretedOptionFieldNumber = 999; public const int UninterpretedOptionFieldNumber = 999;
private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.UninterpretedOption> _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.UninterpretedOption> _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec
@ -8028,6 +8136,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
} }
if (AllowAlias != other.AllowAlias) return false; if (AllowAlias != other.AllowAlias) return false;
if (Deprecated != other.Deprecated) return false; if (Deprecated != other.Deprecated) return false;
if (DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts != other.DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) return false;
if(!uninterpretedOption_.Equals(other.uninterpretedOption_)) return false; if(!uninterpretedOption_.Equals(other.uninterpretedOption_)) return false;
if (!Equals(_extensions, other._extensions)) { if (!Equals(_extensions, other._extensions)) {
return false; return false;
@ -8041,6 +8150,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
int hash = 1; int hash = 1;
if (HasAllowAlias) hash ^= AllowAlias.GetHashCode(); if (HasAllowAlias) hash ^= AllowAlias.GetHashCode();
if (HasDeprecated) hash ^= Deprecated.GetHashCode(); if (HasDeprecated) hash ^= Deprecated.GetHashCode();
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) hash ^= DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts.GetHashCode();
hash ^= uninterpretedOption_.GetHashCode(); hash ^= uninterpretedOption_.GetHashCode();
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
hash ^= _extensions.GetHashCode(); hash ^= _extensions.GetHashCode();
@ -8071,6 +8181,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
output.WriteRawTag(24); output.WriteRawTag(24);
output.WriteBool(Deprecated); output.WriteBool(Deprecated);
} }
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
_extensions.WriteTo(output); _extensions.WriteTo(output);
@ -8093,6 +8207,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
output.WriteRawTag(24); output.WriteRawTag(24);
output.WriteBool(Deprecated); output.WriteBool(Deprecated);
} }
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
_extensions.WriteTo(ref output); _extensions.WriteTo(ref output);
@ -8113,6 +8231,9 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (HasDeprecated) { if (HasDeprecated) {
size += 1 + 1; size += 1 + 1;
} }
if (HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
size += 1 + 1;
size += uninterpretedOption_.CalculateSize(_repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); size += uninterpretedOption_.CalculateSize(_repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
if (_extensions != null) { if (_extensions != null) {
size += _extensions.CalculateSize(); size += _extensions.CalculateSize();
@ -8135,6 +8256,9 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (other.HasDeprecated) { if (other.HasDeprecated) {
Deprecated = other.Deprecated; Deprecated = other.Deprecated;
} }
if (other.HasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts) {
DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts = other.DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts;
uninterpretedOption_.Add(other.uninterpretedOption_); uninterpretedOption_.Add(other.uninterpretedOption_);
pb::ExtensionSet.MergeFrom(ref _extensions, other._extensions); pb::ExtensionSet.MergeFrom(ref _extensions, other._extensions);
_unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields); _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
@ -8162,6 +8286,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
Deprecated = input.ReadBool(); Deprecated = input.ReadBool();
break; break;
} }
case 48: {
DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts = input.ReadBool();
case 7994: { case 7994: {
uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
break; break;
@ -8191,6 +8319,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
Deprecated = input.ReadBool(); Deprecated = input.ReadBool();
break; break;
} }
case 48: {
DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts = input.ReadBool();
case 7994: { case 7994: {
uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec); uninterpretedOption_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_uninterpretedOption_codec);
break; break;

@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes {
/// if ( { /// if ( {
/// foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); /// foo = any.unpack(Foo.class);
/// } /// }
/// // or ...
/// if (any.isSameTypeAs(Foo.getDefaultInstance())) {
/// foo = any.unpack(Foo.getDefaultInstance());
/// }
/// ///
/// Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. /// Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python.
/// ///

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If you are using Maven, use the following:
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-java</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-java</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
``` ```
@ -37,17 +37,16 @@ protobuf-java-util package:
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-java-util</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-java-util</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
``` ```
### Gradle ### Gradle
If you are using Gradle, add the following to your `build.gradle` file's dependencies: If you are using Gradle, add the following to your `build.gradle` file's
``` dependencies: `implementation ''`
implementation '' Again, be sure to check that the version number matches (or is newer than) the
``` version number of protoc that you are using.
Again, be sure to check that the version number matches (or is newer than) the version number of protoc that you are using.
### Use Java Protocol Buffers on Android ### Use Java Protocol Buffers on Android

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-bom</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-bom</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
<packaging>pom</packaging> <packaging>pom</packaging>
<name>Protocol Buffers [BOM]</name> <name>Protocol Buffers [BOM]</name>

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</parent> </parent>
<artifactId>protobuf-java</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-java</artifactId>

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</parent> </parent>
<artifactId>protobuf-kotlin-lite</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-kotlin-lite</artifactId>

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</parent> </parent>
<artifactId>protobuf-kotlin</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-kotlin</artifactId>

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ protobuf Java Lite runtime. If you are using Maven, include the following:
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-javalite</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-javalite</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
``` ```

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</parent> </parent>
<artifactId>protobuf-javalite</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-javalite</artifactId>

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
<packaging>pom</packaging> <packaging>pom</packaging>
<name>Protocol Buffers [Parent]</name> <name>Protocol Buffers [Parent]</name>

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<parent> <parent>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-parent</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</parent> </parent>
<artifactId>protobuf-java-util</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-java-util</artifactId>

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_setter, 0, 0, 1)
ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, value) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, value)
#define PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION "3.21.10" #define PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION "3.21.12"
// ptr -> PHP object cache. This is a weak map that caches lazily-created // ptr -> PHP object cache. This is a weak map that caches lazily-created
// wrapper objects around upb types: // wrapper objects around upb types:

@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ class Descriptor
->optional('no_standard_descriptor_accessor', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 2) ->optional('no_standard_descriptor_accessor', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 2)
->optional('deprecated', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 3) ->optional('deprecated', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 3)
->optional('map_entry', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 7) ->optional('map_entry', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 7)
->optional('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 11)
->repeated('uninterpreted_option', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::MESSAGE, 999, 'google.protobuf.internal.UninterpretedOption') ->repeated('uninterpreted_option', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::MESSAGE, 999, 'google.protobuf.internal.UninterpretedOption')
->finalizeToPool(); ->finalizeToPool();
@ -210,6 +211,7 @@ class Descriptor
$pool->addMessage('google.protobuf.internal.EnumOptions', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\EnumOptions::class) $pool->addMessage('google.protobuf.internal.EnumOptions', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\EnumOptions::class)
->optional('allow_alias', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 2) ->optional('allow_alias', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 2)
->optional('deprecated', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 3) ->optional('deprecated', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 3)
->optional('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::BOOL, 6)
->repeated('uninterpreted_option', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::MESSAGE, 999, 'google.protobuf.internal.UninterpretedOption') ->repeated('uninterpreted_option', \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::MESSAGE, 999, 'google.protobuf.internal.UninterpretedOption')
->finalizeToPool(); ->finalizeToPool();

@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
* if ( { * if ( {
* foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); * foo = any.unpack(Foo.class);
* } * }
* // or ...
* if (any.isSameTypeAs(Foo.getDefaultInstance())) {
* foo = any.unpack(Foo.getDefaultInstance());
* }
* Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. * Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python.
* foo = Foo(...) * foo = Foo(...)
* any = Any() * any = Any()

@ -31,6 +31,18 @@ class EnumOptions extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated = 3 [default = false];</code> * Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated = 3 [default = false];</code>
*/ */
protected $deprecated = null; protected $deprecated = null;
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* TODO(b/261750190) Remove this legacy behavior once downstream teams have
* had time to migrate.
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = 6 [deprecated = true];</code>
* @deprecated
protected $deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = null;
/** /**
* The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above. * The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
* *
@ -52,6 +64,13 @@ class EnumOptions extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations * Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
* for the enum, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this * for the enum, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this
* is a formalization for deprecating enums. * is a formalization for deprecating enums.
* @type bool $deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* TODO(b/261750190) Remove this legacy behavior once downstream teams have
* had time to migrate.
* @type array<\Google\Protobuf\Internal\UninterpretedOption>|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $uninterpreted_option * @type array<\Google\Protobuf\Internal\UninterpretedOption>|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $uninterpreted_option
* The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above. * The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
* } * }
@ -141,6 +160,58 @@ class EnumOptions extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
return $this; return $this;
} }
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* TODO(b/261750190) Remove this legacy behavior once downstream teams have
* had time to migrate.
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = 6 [deprecated = true];</code>
* @return bool
* @deprecated
public function getDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts()
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return isset($this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts) ? $this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts : false;
public function hasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts()
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return isset($this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts);
public function clearDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts()
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* TODO(b/261750190) Remove this legacy behavior once downstream teams have
* had time to migrate.
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = 6 [deprecated = true];</code>
* @param bool $var
* @return $this
* @deprecated
public function setDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts($var)
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = $var;
return $this;
/** /**
* The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above. * The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
* *

@ -37,12 +37,16 @@ class Annotation extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
protected $begin = null; protected $begin = null;
/** /**
* Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that * Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that
* relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past * relates to the identified object. The end offset should be one past
* the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin). * the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).
* *
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional int32 end = 4;</code> * Generated from protobuf field <code>optional int32 end = 4;</code>
*/ */
protected $end = null; protected $end = null;
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional .google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.Semantic semantic = 5;</code>
protected $semantic = null;
/** /**
* Constructor. * Constructor.
@ -60,8 +64,9 @@ class Annotation extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* that relates to the identified object. * that relates to the identified object.
* @type int $end * @type int $end
* Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that * Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that
* relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past * relates to the identified object. The end offset should be one past
* the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin). * the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).
* @type int $semantic
* } * }
*/ */
public function __construct($data = NULL) { public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ class Annotation extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
/** /**
* Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that * Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that
* relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past * relates to the identified object. The end offset should be one past
* the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin). * the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).
* *
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional int32 end = 4;</code> * Generated from protobuf field <code>optional int32 end = 4;</code>
@ -196,7 +201,7 @@ class Annotation extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
/** /**
* Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that * Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that
* relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past * relates to the identified object. The end offset should be one past
* the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin). * the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).
* *
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional int32 end = 4;</code> * Generated from protobuf field <code>optional int32 end = 4;</code>
@ -211,6 +216,38 @@ class Annotation extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
return $this; return $this;
} }
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional .google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.Semantic semantic = 5;</code>
* @return int
public function getSemantic()
return isset($this->semantic) ? $this->semantic : 0;
public function hasSemantic()
return isset($this->semantic);
public function clearSemantic()
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional .google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.Semantic semantic = 5;</code>
* @param int $var
* @return $this
public function setSemantic($var)
GPBUtil::checkEnum($var, \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GeneratedCodeInfo\Annotation\Semantic::class);
$this->semantic = $var;
return $this;
} }
// Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name.

@ -75,6 +75,20 @@ class MessageOptions extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool map_entry = 7;</code> * Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool map_entry = 7;</code>
*/ */
protected $map_entry = null; protected $map_entry = null;
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* This should only be used as a temporary measure against broken builds due
* to the change in behavior for JSON field name conflicts.
* TODO(b/261750190) This is legacy behavior we plan to remove once downstream
* teams have had time to migrate.
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = 11 [deprecated = true];</code>
* @deprecated
protected $deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = null;
/** /**
* The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above. * The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
* *
@ -132,6 +146,15 @@ class MessageOptions extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* use a native map in the target language to hold the keys and values. * use a native map in the target language to hold the keys and values.
* The reflection APIs in such implementations still need to work as * The reflection APIs in such implementations still need to work as
* if the field is a repeated message field. * if the field is a repeated message field.
* @type bool $deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* This should only be used as a temporary measure against broken builds due
* to the change in behavior for JSON field name conflicts.
* TODO(b/261750190) This is legacy behavior we plan to remove once downstream
* teams have had time to migrate.
* @type array<\Google\Protobuf\Internal\UninterpretedOption>|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $uninterpreted_option * @type array<\Google\Protobuf\Internal\UninterpretedOption>|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $uninterpreted_option
* The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above. * The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
* } * }
@ -357,6 +380,62 @@ class MessageOptions extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
return $this; return $this;
} }
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* This should only be used as a temporary measure against broken builds due
* to the change in behavior for JSON field name conflicts.
* TODO(b/261750190) This is legacy behavior we plan to remove once downstream
* teams have had time to migrate.
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = 11 [deprecated = true];</code>
* @return bool
* @deprecated
public function getDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts()
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return isset($this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts) ? $this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts : false;
public function hasDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts()
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return isset($this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts);
public function clearDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts()
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
* Enable the legacy handling of JSON field name conflicts. This lowercases
* and strips underscored from the fields before comparison in proto3 only.
* The new behavior takes `json_name` into account and applies to proto2 as
* well.
* This should only be used as a temporary measure against broken builds due
* to the change in behavior for JSON field name conflicts.
* TODO(b/261750190) This is legacy behavior we plan to remove once downstream
* teams have had time to migrate.
* Generated from protobuf field <code>optional bool deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = 11 [deprecated = true];</code>
* @param bool $var
* @return $this
* @deprecated
public function setDeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts($var)
@trigger_error('deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$this->deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts = $var;
return $this;
/** /**
* The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above. * The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
* *

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

@ -30,4 +30,4 @@
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
__version__ = '4.21.10' __version__ = '4.21.12'

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ do |s| do |s| = "google-protobuf" = "google-protobuf"
s.version = "3.21.10" s.version = "3.21.12"
git_tag = "v#{s.version.to_s.sub('.rc.', '-rc')}" # Converts X.Y.Z.rc.N to vX.Y.Z-rcN, used for the git tag git_tag = "v#{s.version.to_s.sub('.rc.', '-rc')}" # Converts X.Y.Z.rc.N to vX.Y.Z-rcN, used for the git tag
s.licenses = ["BSD-3-Clause"] s.licenses = ["BSD-3-Clause"]
s.summary = "Protocol Buffers" s.summary = "Protocol Buffers"

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-jruby</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-jruby</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
<name>Protocol Buffer JRuby native extension</name> <name>Protocol Buffer JRuby native extension</name>
<description> <description>
Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId></groupId> <groupId></groupId>
<artifactId>protobuf-java-util</artifactId> <artifactId>protobuf-java-util</artifactId>
<version>3.21.10</version> <version>3.21.12</version>
</dependency> </dependency>
<dependency> <dependency>
<groupId>org.jruby</groupId> <groupId>org.jruby</groupId>

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#error "your headers." #error "your headers."
#error "This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is" #error "This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is"
#error "incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please" #error "incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please"
#error "regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc." #error "regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc."

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#error "your headers." #error "your headers."
#error "This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is" #error "This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is"
#error "incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please" #error "incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please"
#error "regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc." #error "regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc."

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
#error PROTOBUF_VERSION was previously defined #error PROTOBUF_VERSION was previously defined
#endif #endif
#define PROTOBUF_VERSION 3021010 #define PROTOBUF_VERSION 3021012
#error PROTOBUF_MIN_HEADER_VERSION_FOR_PROTOC was previously defined #error PROTOBUF_MIN_HEADER_VERSION_FOR_PROTOC was previously defined

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace internal {
// The current version, represented as a single integer to make comparison // The current version, represented as a single integer to make comparison
// easier: major * 10^6 + minor * 10^3 + micro // easier: major * 10^6 + minor * 10^3 + micro
// A suffix string for alpha, beta or rc releases. Empty for stable releases. // A suffix string for alpha, beta or rc releases. Empty for stable releases.
