Cleanup "mergeable" types.

All types supported by RepeatedPtrField have corresponding merge/copy, hence TypeImplementsMergeBehavior is obsolete.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 585928795
Protobuf Team Bot 1 year ago committed by Copybara-Service
parent 37a8316fc9
commit 150b724d76
  1. 175

@ -81,43 +81,6 @@ inline void memswap(char* PROTOBUF_RESTRICT a, char* PROTOBUF_RESTRICT b) {
std::swap_ranges(a, a + N, b);
// type-traits helper for RepeatedPtrFieldBase: we only want to invoke
// arena-related "copy if on different arena" behavior if the necessary methods
// exist on the contained type. In particular, we rely on MergeFrom() existing
// as a general proxy for the fact that a copy will work, and we also provide a
// specific override for std::string*.
template <typename T>
struct TypeImplementsMergeBehaviorProbeForMergeFrom {
typedef char HasMerge;
typedef long HasNoMerge;
// We accept either of:
// - void MergeFrom(const T& other)
// - bool MergeFrom(const T& other)
// We mangle these names a bit to avoid compatibility issues in 'unclean'
// include environments that may have, e.g., "#define test ..." (yes, this
// exists).
template <typename U, typename RetType, RetType (U::*)(const U& arg)>
struct CheckType;
template <typename U>
static HasMerge Check(CheckType<U, void, &U::MergeFrom>*);
template <typename U>
static HasMerge Check(CheckType<U, bool, &U::MergeFrom>*);
template <typename U>
static HasNoMerge Check(...);
// Resolves to either std::true_type or std::false_type.
typedef std::integral_constant<bool,
(sizeof(Check<T>(0)) == sizeof(HasMerge))>
template <typename T>
using TypeImplementsMergeBehavior =
absl::disjunction<std::is_same<T, std::string>,
template <typename T>
struct IsMovable
: std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_move_constructible<T>::value &&
@ -420,9 +383,24 @@ class PROTOBUF_EXPORT RepeatedPtrFieldBase {
template <typename TypeHandler>
void AddAllocated(Value<TypeHandler>* value) {
typename TypeImplementsMergeBehavior<Value<TypeHandler>>::type t;
ABSL_DCHECK_NE(value, nullptr);
AddAllocatedInternal<TypeHandler>(value, t);
Arena* element_arena = TypeHandler::GetArena(value);
Arena* arena = GetArena();
if (arena != element_arena || AllocatedSizeAtCapacity()) {
AddAllocatedSlowWithCopy<TypeHandler>(value, element_arena, arena);
// Fast path: underlying arena representation (tagged pointer) is equal to
// our arena pointer, and we can add to array without resizing it (at
// least one slot that is not allocated).
void** elems = elements();
if (current_size_ < allocated_size()) {
// Make space at [current] by moving first allocated element to end of
// allocated list.
elems[allocated_size()] = elems[current_size_];
elems[ExchangeCurrentSize(current_size_ + 1)] = value;
if (!using_sso()) ++rep()->allocated_size;
template <typename TypeHandler>
@ -455,8 +433,17 @@ class PROTOBUF_EXPORT RepeatedPtrFieldBase {
template <typename TypeHandler>
PROTOBUF_NODISCARD Value<TypeHandler>* ReleaseLast() {
typename TypeImplementsMergeBehavior<Value<TypeHandler>>::type t;
return ReleaseLastInternal<TypeHandler>(t);
Value<TypeHandler>* result = UnsafeArenaReleaseLast<TypeHandler>();
// Now perform a copy if we're on an arena.
Arena* arena = GetArena();
auto* new_result = copy<TypeHandler>(result);
if (arena == nullptr) delete result;
auto* new_result = (arena == nullptr) ? result : copy<TypeHandler>(result);
return new_result;
// Releases and returns the last element, but does not do out-of-arena copy.
@ -512,48 +499,6 @@ class PROTOBUF_EXPORT RepeatedPtrFieldBase {
// AddAllocated version that implements arena-safe copying behavior.
template <typename TypeHandler>
void AddAllocatedInternal(Value<TypeHandler>* value, std::true_type) {
Arena* element_arena = TypeHandler::GetArena(value);
Arena* arena = GetArena();
if (arena != element_arena || AllocatedSizeAtCapacity()) {
AddAllocatedSlowWithCopy<TypeHandler>(value, element_arena, arena);
// Fast path: underlying arena representation (tagged pointer) is equal to
// our arena pointer, and we can add to array without resizing it (at
// least one slot that is not allocated).
void** elems = elements();
if (current_size_ < allocated_size()) {
// Make space at [current] by moving first allocated element to end of
// allocated list.
elems[allocated_size()] = elems[current_size_];
elems[ExchangeCurrentSize(current_size_ + 1)] = value;
if (!using_sso()) ++rep()->allocated_size;
// AddAllocated version that does not implement arena-safe copying behavior.
template <typename TypeHandler>
void AddAllocatedInternal(Value<TypeHandler>* value, std::false_type) {
if (AllocatedSizeAtCapacity()) {
// Fast path: underlying arena representation (tagged pointer) is equal to
// our arena pointer, and we can add to array without resizing it (at
// least one slot that is not allocated).
void** elems = elements();
if (current_size_ < allocated_size()) {
// Make space at [current] by moving first allocated element to end of
// allocated list.
elems[allocated_size()] = elems[current_size_];
elems[ExchangeCurrentSize(current_size_ + 1)] = value;
if (!using_sso()) ++rep()->allocated_size;
// Slowpath handles all cases, copying if necessary.
template <typename TypeHandler>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void AddAllocatedSlowWithCopy(
@ -576,36 +521,6 @@ class PROTOBUF_EXPORT RepeatedPtrFieldBase {
template <typename TypeHandler>
Value<TypeHandler>* ReleaseLastInternal(std::true_type) {
// ReleaseLast() for types that implement merge/copy behavior.
// First, release an element.
Value<TypeHandler>* result = UnsafeArenaReleaseLast<TypeHandler>();
// Now perform a copy if we're on an arena.
Arena* arena = GetArena();
auto* new_result = copy<TypeHandler>(result);
if (arena == nullptr) delete result;
auto* new_result = (arena == nullptr) ? result : copy<TypeHandler>(result);
return new_result;
template <typename TypeHandler>
Value<TypeHandler>* ReleaseLastInternal(std::false_type) {
// ReleaseLast() for types that *do not* implement merge/copy behavior --
// this is the same as UnsafeArenaReleaseLast(). Note that we
// ABSL_DCHECK-fail if we're on an arena, since the user really should
// implement the copy operation in this case.
ABSL_DCHECK(GetArena() == nullptr)
<< "ReleaseLast() called on a RepeatedPtrField that is on an arena, "
<< "with a type that does not implement MergeFrom. This is unsafe; "
<< "please implement MergeFrom for your type.";
return UnsafeArenaReleaseLast<TypeHandler>();
template <typename TypeHandler>
PROTOBUF_NOINLINE void SwapFallback(RepeatedPtrFieldBase* other) {
@ -1323,15 +1238,6 @@ class RepeatedPtrField final : private internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase {
RepeatedPtrField(Arena* arena, RepeatedPtrField&& rhs);
// Implementations for ExtractSubrange(). The copying behavior must be
// included only if the type supports the necessary operations (e.g.,
// MergeFrom()), so we must resolve this at compile time. ExtractSubrange()
// uses SFINAE to choose one of the below implementations.
void ExtractSubrangeInternal(int start, int num, Element** elements,
void ExtractSubrangeInternal(int start, int num, Element** elements,
void AddAllocatedForParse(Element* p) {
return RepeatedPtrFieldBase::AddAllocatedForParse<TypeHandler>(p);
@ -1508,16 +1414,6 @@ inline void RepeatedPtrField<Element>::DeleteSubrange(int start, int num) {
template <typename Element>
inline void RepeatedPtrField<Element>::ExtractSubrange(int start, int num,
Element** elements) {
typename internal::TypeImplementsMergeBehavior<
typename TypeHandler::Type>::type t;
ExtractSubrangeInternal(start, num, elements, t);
// ExtractSubrange() implementation for types that implement merge/copy
// behavior.
template <typename Element>
inline void RepeatedPtrField<Element>::ExtractSubrangeInternal(
int start, int num, Element** elements, std::true_type) {
ABSL_DCHECK_GE(start, 0);
ABSL_DCHECK_LE(start + num, size());
@ -1555,21 +1451,6 @@ inline void RepeatedPtrField<Element>::ExtractSubrangeInternal(
CloseGap(start, num);
// ExtractSubrange() implementation for types that do not implement merge/copy
// behavior.
template <typename Element>
inline void RepeatedPtrField<Element>::ExtractSubrangeInternal(
int start, int num, Element** elements, std::false_type) {
// This case is identical to UnsafeArenaExtractSubrange(). However, since
// ExtractSubrange() must return heap-allocated objects by contract, and we
// cannot fulfill this contract if we are an on arena, we must ABSL_DCHECK()
// that we are not on an arena.
ABSL_DCHECK(GetArena() == nullptr)
<< "ExtractSubrange() when arena is non-nullptr is only supported when "
<< "the Element type supplies a MergeFrom() operation to make copies.";
UnsafeArenaExtractSubrange(start, num, elements);
template <typename Element>
inline void RepeatedPtrField<Element>::UnsafeArenaExtractSubrange(
int start, int num, Element** elements) {
