@ -262,11 +262,10 @@ bool ObjectiveCGenerator::GenerateAll(
// This is an experimental option, and could be removed or change at any
// time; it is not documented in the README.md for that reason.
// Enables a mode where each type (message & enum) generates to a unique
// .m file; this is to explore impacts on code size when not
// Enables a mode where each ObjC class (messages and roots) generates to
// a unique .m file; this is to explore impacts on code size when not
// compiling/linking with `-ObjC` as then only linker visible needs should
// be pulled into the builds.
if ( ! StringToBool (
options [ i ] . second ,
& generation_options . experimental_multi_source_generation ) ) {
@ -346,15 +345,17 @@ bool ObjectiveCGenerator::GenerateAll(
for ( int i = 0 ; i < file_generator . NumEnums ( ) ; + + i ) {
// Enums only generate C functions, so they can all go in one file as
// dead stripping anything not used.
if ( file_generator . NumEnums ( ) > 0 ) {
std : : unique_ptr < io : : ZeroCopyOutputStream > output (
context - > Open ( NumberedObjCMFileName ( filepath , file_number + + ) ) ) ;
io : : Printer printer ( output . get ( ) ) ;
file_generator . GenerateSourceForEnum ( i , & printer ) ;
file_generator . GenerateSourceForEnums ( & printer ) ;
if ( printer . failed ( ) ) {
* error = absl : : StrCat (
" error: internal error generating an enum implementation: " ,
file - > name ( ) , " :: " , i ) ;
" error: internal error generating an enum implementation(s) : " ,
file - > name ( ) ) ;
return false ;