Migrate Repeated::{push, set} and Map::insert to use the IntoProxied trait.

* The public Repeated::{push, set} and Map::insert methods now accept any value that implements IntoProxied<T>, allowing us to move owned values instead of copying them.
  * This change also updates the FFI layer for strings/bytes in the repeated and maps thunks to accept a std::string* that can be moved rather than a PtrAndLen type that needs to be copied.
  * Tests are updated to no longer .as_view() when setting a message / string on a repeated / map field. The IntoProxied trait makes calling .as_view() obsolete.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 650580788
Jakob Buchgraber 8 months ago committed by Copybara-Service
parent e2c4d0f27e
commit 0d6e9794d1
  1. 77
  2. 31
  3. 163
  4. 79
  5. 24
  6. 9
  7. 97
  8. 6
  9. 8
  10. 19
  11. 2
  12. 4
  13. 54
  14. 30
  15. 79

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use crate::__internal::{Enum, Private};
use crate::{
Map, MapIter, Mut, ProtoBytes, ProtoStr, ProtoString, Proxied, ProxiedInMapValue,
IntoProxied, Map, MapIter, Mut, ProtoBytes, ProtoStr, ProtoString, Proxied, ProxiedInMapValue,
ProxiedInRepeated, Repeated, RepeatedMut, RepeatedView, View,
use core::fmt::Debug;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use std::convert::identity;
use std::ffi::{c_int, c_void};
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::mem::{ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
use std::slice;
@ -393,20 +393,27 @@ impl<'msg> InnerRepeatedMut<'msg> {
trait CppTypeConversions: Proxied {
type InsertElemType;
type ElemType;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: Self::ElemType) -> View<'msg, Self>;
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> Self::InsertElemType;
macro_rules! impl_cpp_type_conversions_for_scalars {
($($t:ty),* $(,)?) => {
impl CppTypeConversions for $t {
type InsertElemType = Self;
type ElemType = Self;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: Self) -> View<'msg, Self> {
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> Self {
@ -415,19 +422,31 @@ macro_rules! impl_cpp_type_conversions_for_scalars {
impl_cpp_type_conversions_for_scalars!(i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64, bool);
impl CppTypeConversions for ProtoString {
type InsertElemType = CppStdString;
type ElemType = PtrAndLen;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: PtrAndLen) -> View<'msg, ProtoString> {
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> CppStdString {
let v = ManuallyDrop::new(v);
impl CppTypeConversions for ProtoBytes {
type InsertElemType = CppStdString;
type ElemType = PtrAndLen;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: Self::ElemType) -> View<'msg, Self> {
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> CppStdString {
let v = ManuallyDrop::new(v);
macro_rules! impl_repeated_primitives {
@ -446,7 +465,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_repeated_primitives {
extern "C" {
fn $new_thunk() -> RawRepeatedField;
fn $free_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField);
fn $add_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField, v: <$t as CppTypeConversions>::ElemType);
fn $add_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField, v: <$t as CppTypeConversions>::InsertElemType);
fn $size_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField) -> usize;
fn $get_thunk(
f: RawRepeatedField,
@ -454,7 +473,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_repeated_primitives {
fn $set_thunk(
f: RawRepeatedField,
i: usize,
v: <$t as CppTypeConversions>::ElemType);
v: <$t as CppTypeConversions>::InsertElemType);
fn $clear_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField);
fn $copy_from_thunk(src: RawRepeatedField, dst: RawRepeatedField);
fn $reserve_thunk(
@ -480,8 +499,8 @@ macro_rules! impl_repeated_primitives {
unsafe { $size_thunk(f.as_raw(Private)) }
fn repeated_push(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, v: View<$t>) {
unsafe { $add_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), v.into()) }
fn repeated_push(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, v: impl IntoProxied<$t>) {
unsafe { $add_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), <$t as CppTypeConversions>::into_insertelem(v.into_proxied(Private))) }
fn repeated_clear(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>) {
@ -493,8 +512,8 @@ macro_rules! impl_repeated_primitives {
unsafe { $get_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), i) })
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, i: usize, v: View<$t>) {
unsafe { $set_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), i, v.into()) }
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, i: usize, v: impl IntoProxied<$t>) {
unsafe { $set_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), i, <$t as CppTypeConversions>::into_insertelem(v.into_proxied(Private))) }
fn repeated_copy_from(src: View<Repeated<$t>>, mut dest: Mut<Repeated<$t>>) {
@ -686,18 +705,18 @@ extern "C" {
macro_rules! impl_ProxiedInMapValue_for_non_generated_value_types {
($key_t:ty, $ffi_key_t:ty, $to_ffi_key:expr, $from_ffi_key:expr, for $($t:ty, $ffi_t:ty, $to_ffi_value:expr, $from_ffi_value:expr;)*) => {
($key_t:ty, $ffi_key_t:ty, $to_ffi_key:expr, $from_ffi_key:expr, for $($t:ty, $ffi_view_t:ty, $ffi_value_t:ty, $to_ffi_value:expr, $from_ffi_value:expr;)*) => {
paste! { $(
extern "C" {
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _new >]() -> RawMap;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _free >](m: RawMap);
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _clear >](m: RawMap);
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _size >](m: RawMap) -> usize;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _insert >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: $ffi_t) -> bool;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _get >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_t) -> bool;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _insert >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: $ffi_value_t) -> bool;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _get >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_view_t) -> bool;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _iter >](m: RawMap) -> UntypedMapIterator;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _iter_get >](iter: &mut UntypedMapIterator, key: *mut $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_t);
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _remove >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_t) -> bool;
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _iter_get >](iter: &mut UntypedMapIterator, key: *mut $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_view_t);
fn [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _remove >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_view_t) -> bool;
impl ProxiedInMapValue<$key_t> for $t {
@ -728,9 +747,9 @@ macro_rules! impl_ProxiedInMapValue_for_non_generated_value_types {
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _size >](map.as_raw(Private)) }
fn map_insert(mut map: Mut<'_, Map<$key_t, Self>>, key: View<'_, $key_t>, value: View<'_, Self>) -> bool {
fn map_insert(mut map: Mut<'_, Map<$key_t, Self>>, key: View<'_, $key_t>, value: impl IntoProxied<Self>) -> bool {
let ffi_key = $to_ffi_key(key);
let ffi_value = $to_ffi_value(value);
let ffi_value = $to_ffi_value(value.into_proxied(Private));
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_thunk_Map_ $key_t _ $t _insert >](map.as_raw(Private), ffi_key, ffi_value) }
@ -797,8 +816,14 @@ fn ptrlen_to_str<'msg>(val: PtrAndLen) -> &'msg ProtoStr {
unsafe { ProtoStr::from_utf8_unchecked(val.as_ref()) }
fn bytes_to_ptrlen(val: &[u8]) -> PtrAndLen {
fn protostr_into_cppstdstring(val: ProtoString) -> CppStdString {
let m = ManuallyDrop::new(val);
fn protobytes_into_cppstdstring(val: ProtoBytes) -> CppStdString {
let m = ManuallyDrop::new(val);
// Warning: this function is unsound on its own! `val.as_ref()` must be safe to
@ -813,15 +838,15 @@ macro_rules! impl_ProxiedInMapValue_for_key_types {
$t, $ffi_t, $to_ffi_key, $from_ffi_key, for
f32, f32, identity, identity;
f64, f64, identity, identity;
i32, i32, identity, identity;
u32, u32, identity, identity;
i64, i64, identity, identity;
u64, u64, identity, identity;
bool, bool, identity, identity;
ProtoString, PtrAndLen, str_to_ptrlen, ptrlen_to_str;
ProtoBytes, PtrAndLen, bytes_to_ptrlen, ptrlen_to_bytes;
f32, f32, f32, identity, identity;
f64, f64, f64, identity, identity;
i32, i32, i32, identity, identity;
u32, u32, u32, identity, identity;
i64, i64, i64, identity, identity;
u64, u64, u64, identity, identity;
bool, bool, bool, identity, identity;
ProtoString, PtrAndLen, CppStdString, protostr_into_cppstdstring, ptrlen_to_str;
ProtoBytes, PtrAndLen, CppStdString, protobytes_into_cppstdstring, ptrlen_to_bytes;

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "google/protobuf/map.h"
#include "rust/cpp_kernel/strings.h"
@ -13,27 +14,27 @@ void proto2_rust_thunk_UntypedMapIterator_increment(
__PB_RUST_EXPOSE_SCALAR_MAP_METHODS_FOR_VALUE_TYPE(int32_t, i32, int32_t, value,
int32_t, value, cpp_value);
uint32_t, value, cpp_value);
value, cpp_value);
value, cpp_value);
value, cpp_value);
__PB_RUST_EXPOSE_SCALAR_MAP_METHODS_FOR_VALUE_TYPE(int64_t, i64, int64_t, value,
uint64_t, value, cpp_value);
int64_t, value, cpp_value);
std::string, ProtoBytes, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen,
std::string(value.ptr, value.len),
std::string, ProtoBytes, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen, std::string*,
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen(cpp_value.data(), cpp_value.size()));
std::string, ProtoString, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen,
std::string(value.ptr, value.len),
std::string, ProtoString, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen, std::string*,
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen(cpp_value.data(), cpp_value.size()));
} // extern "C"

@ -2,89 +2,90 @@
// Defines concrete thunks to access typed map methods from Rust.
key_ty, rust_key_ty, ffi_key_ty, to_cpp_key, to_ffi_key, value_ty, \
rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value) \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* \
proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_new() { \
return new google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>(); \
} \
void proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_free( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
delete m; \
} \
void proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_clear( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
m->clear(); \
} \
size_t proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_size( \
const google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
return m->size(); \
} \
bool proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_insert( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m, ffi_key_ty key, ffi_value_ty value) { \
auto iter_and_inserted = m->try_emplace(to_cpp_key, to_cpp_value); \
if (!iter_and_inserted.second) { \
iter_and_inserted.first->second = to_cpp_value; \
} \
return iter_and_inserted.second; \
} \
bool proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_get( \
const google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m, ffi_key_ty key, \
ffi_value_ty* value) { \
auto cpp_key = to_cpp_key; \
auto it = m->find(cpp_key); \
if (it == m->end()) { \
return false; \
} \
auto& cpp_value = it->second; \
*value = to_ffi_value; \
return true; \
} \
google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator \
proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_iter( \
const google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
return google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator::FromTyped(m->cbegin()); \
} \
void proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_iter_get( \
const google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator* iter, ffi_key_ty* key, \
ffi_value_ty* value) { \
auto typed_iter = \
iter->ToTyped<google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>::const_iterator>(); \
const auto& cpp_key = typed_iter->first; \
const auto& cpp_value = typed_iter->second; \
*key = to_ffi_key; \
*value = to_ffi_value; \
} \
bool proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_remove( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m, ffi_key_ty key, ffi_value_ty* value) { \
auto cpp_key = to_cpp_key; \
auto num_removed = m->erase(cpp_key); \
return num_removed > 0; \
key_ty, rust_key_ty, ffi_key_ty, to_cpp_key, to_ffi_key, value_ty, \
rust_value_ty, ffi_view_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value) \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* \
proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_new() { \
return new google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>(); \
} \
void proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_free( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
delete m; \
} \
void proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_clear( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
m->clear(); \
} \
size_t proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_size( \
const google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
return m->size(); \
} \
bool proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_insert( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m, ffi_key_ty key, ffi_value_ty value) { \
auto iter_and_inserted = m->try_emplace(to_cpp_key, to_cpp_value); \
if (!iter_and_inserted.second) { \
iter_and_inserted.first->second = to_cpp_value; \
} \
return iter_and_inserted.second; \
} \
bool proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_get( \
const google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m, ffi_key_ty key, \
ffi_view_ty* value) { \
auto cpp_key = to_cpp_key; \
auto it = m->find(cpp_key); \
if (it == m->end()) { \
return false; \
} \
auto& cpp_value = it->second; \
*value = to_ffi_value; \
return true; \
} \
google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator \
proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_iter( \
const google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m) { \
return google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator::FromTyped(m->cbegin()); \
} \
void proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_iter_get( \
const google::protobuf::internal::UntypedMapIterator* iter, ffi_key_ty* key, \
ffi_view_ty* value) { \
auto typed_iter = \
iter->ToTyped<google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>::const_iterator>(); \
const auto& cpp_key = typed_iter->first; \
const auto& cpp_value = typed_iter->second; \
*key = to_ffi_key; \
*value = to_ffi_value; \
} \
bool proto2_rust_thunk_Map_##rust_key_ty##_##rust_value_ty##_remove( \
google::protobuf::Map<key_ty, value_ty>* m, ffi_key_ty key, ffi_view_ty* value) { \
auto cpp_key = to_cpp_key; \
auto num_removed = m->erase(cpp_key); \
return num_removed > 0; \
// Defines the map thunks for all supported key types for a given value type.
value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value) \
__PB_RUST_EXPOSE_SCALAR_MAP_METHODS(int32_t, i32, int32_t, key, cpp_key, \
value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, \
to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
__PB_RUST_EXPOSE_SCALAR_MAP_METHODS(uint32_t, u32, uint32_t, key, cpp_key, \
value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, \
to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
__PB_RUST_EXPOSE_SCALAR_MAP_METHODS(bool, bool, bool, key, cpp_key, \
value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, \
to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
__PB_RUST_EXPOSE_SCALAR_MAP_METHODS(uint64_t, u64, uint64_t, key, cpp_key, \
value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, \
to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
__PB_RUST_EXPOSE_SCALAR_MAP_METHODS(int64_t, i64, int64_t, key, cpp_key, \
value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, \
to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
std::string, ProtoString, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen, \
std::string(key.ptr, key.len), \
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen(cpp_key.data(), cpp_key.size()), value_ty, \
rust_value_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value);
value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_view_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, \
to_ffi_value) \
int32_t, i32, int32_t, key, cpp_key, value_ty, rust_value_ty, \
ffi_view_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
uint32_t, u32, uint32_t, key, cpp_key, value_ty, rust_value_ty, \
ffi_view_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
bool, bool, bool, key, cpp_key, value_ty, rust_value_ty, ffi_view_ty, \
ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
uint64_t, u64, uint64_t, key, cpp_key, value_ty, rust_value_ty, \
ffi_view_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
int64_t, i64, int64_t, key, cpp_key, value_ty, rust_value_ty, \
ffi_view_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value); \
std::string, ProtoString, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen, \
std::string(key.ptr, key.len), \
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen(cpp_key.data(), cpp_key.size()), value_ty, \
rust_value_ty, ffi_view_ty, ffi_value_ty, to_cpp_value, to_ffi_value);

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
@ -56,45 +57,45 @@ expose_repeated_field_methods(uint64_t, u64);
expose_repeated_field_methods(int64_t, i64);
#undef expose_repeated_field_methods
#define expose_repeated_ptr_field_methods(ty) \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* \
proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_new() { \
return new google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>(); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_free( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r) { \
delete r; \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_add( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen val) { \
r->Add(std::string(val.ptr, val.len)); \
} \
size_t proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_size( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r) { \
return r->size(); \
} \
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_get( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, size_t index) { \
const std::string& s = r->Get(index); \
return google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen(s.data(), s.size()); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_set( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, size_t index, \
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen val) { \
*r->Mutable(index) = std::string(val.ptr, val.len); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_copy_from( \
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* src, \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* dst) { \
dst->CopyFrom(*src); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_clear( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r) { \
r->Clear(); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_reserve( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, size_t additional) { \
r->Reserve(r->size() + additional); \
#define expose_repeated_ptr_field_methods(ty) \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* \
proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_new() { \
return new google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>(); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_free( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r) { \
delete r; \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_add( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, std::string* val) { \
r->AddAllocated(val); \
} \
size_t proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_size( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r) { \
return r->size(); \
} \
google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_get( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, size_t index) { \
const std::string& s = r->Get(index); \
return google::protobuf::rust::PtrAndLen(s.data(), s.size()); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_set( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, size_t index, \
std::string* val) { \
*r->Mutable(index) = std::move(*val); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_copy_from( \
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* src, \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* dst) { \
dst->CopyFrom(*src); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_clear( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r) { \
r->Clear(); \
} \
void proto2_rust_RepeatedField_##ty##_reserve( \
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* r, size_t additional) { \
r->Reserve(r->size() + additional); \

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
use crate::{
Mut, MutProxied, MutProxy, Proxied, View, ViewProxy,
IntoProxied, Mut, MutProxied, MutProxy, Proxied, View, ViewProxy,
__runtime::{InnerMap, InnerMapMut, RawMap, RawMapIter},
@ -92,7 +92,11 @@ where
fn map_clear(map: Mut<'_, Map<K, Self>>);
fn map_len(map: View<'_, Map<K, Self>>) -> usize;
fn map_insert(map: Mut<'_, Map<K, Self>>, key: View<'_, K>, value: View<'_, Self>) -> bool;
fn map_insert(
map: Mut<'_, Map<K, Self>>,
key: View<'_, K>,
value: impl IntoProxied<Self>,
) -> bool;
fn map_get<'a>(map: View<'a, Map<K, Self>>, key: View<'_, K>) -> Option<View<'a, Self>>;
fn map_remove(map: Mut<'_, Map<K, Self>>, key: View<'_, K>) -> bool;
@ -283,16 +287,11 @@ where
/// Adds a key-value pair to the map.
/// Returns `true` if the entry was newly inserted.
pub fn insert<'a, 'b>(
&mut self,
key: impl Into<View<'a, K>>,
value: impl Into<View<'b, V>>,
) -> bool
pub fn insert<'a>(&mut self, key: impl Into<View<'a, K>>, value: impl IntoProxied<V>) -> bool
K: 'a,
V: 'b,
V::map_insert(self.as_mut(), key.into(), value.into())
V::map_insert(self.as_mut(), key.into(), value)
pub fn remove<'a>(&mut self, key: impl Into<View<'a, K>>) -> bool
@ -313,12 +312,11 @@ where
V::map_get(self.as_view(), key.into())
pub fn copy_from<'a, 'b>(
pub fn copy_from<'a>(
&mut self,
src: impl IntoIterator<Item = (impl Into<View<'a, K>>, impl Into<View<'b, V>>)>,
src: impl IntoIterator<Item = (impl Into<View<'a, K>>, impl IntoProxied<V>)>,
) where
K: 'a,
V: 'b,
@ -446,7 +444,7 @@ where
K: Proxied + ?Sized + 'msg + 'k,
V: ProxiedInMapValue<K> + ?Sized + 'msg + 'v,
KView: Into<View<'k, K>>,
VView: Into<View<'v, V>>,
VView: IntoProxied<V>,
fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = (KView, VView)>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
for (k, v) in iter.into_iter() {

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
use crate::{Proxied, View, ViewProxy};
use crate::__internal::Private;
use crate::{IntoProxied, Proxied, View, ViewProxy};
macro_rules! impl_singular_primitives {
($($t:ty),*) => {
@ -25,6 +26,12 @@ macro_rules! impl_singular_primitives {
impl IntoProxied<$t> for $t {
fn into_proxied(self, _private: Private) -> $t {
// ProxiedInRepeated is implemented in {cpp,upb}.rs

@ -22,44 +22,44 @@ use crate::{
/// Views the elements in a `repeated` field of `T`.
pub struct RepeatedView<'msg, T: ?Sized> {
pub struct RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
// This does not need to carry an arena in upb, so it can be just the raw repeated field
raw: RawRepeatedField,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'msg T>,
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Copy for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {}
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Clone for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> Copy for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {}
impl<'msg, T> Clone for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
unsafe impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Sync for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {}
unsafe impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Send for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {}
unsafe impl<'msg, T> Sync for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {}
unsafe impl<'msg, T> Send for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {}
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Debug for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> Debug for RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("RepeatedView").field("raw", &self.raw).finish()
/// Mutates the elements in a `repeated` field of `T`.
pub struct RepeatedMut<'msg, T: ?Sized> {
pub struct RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
pub(crate) inner: InnerRepeatedMut<'msg>,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'msg mut T>,
unsafe impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Sync for RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {}
unsafe impl<'msg, T> Sync for RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {}
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Debug for RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> Debug for RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("RepeatedMut").field("raw", &self.inner.raw).finish()
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
pub fn as_raw(&self, _private: Private) -> RawRepeatedField {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> RepeatedView<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> RepeatedView<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
/// Gets the length of the repeated field.
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ where
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
/// # Safety
/// - `inner` must be valid to read and write from for `'msg`
/// - There must be no aliasing references or mutations on the same
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> RepeatedMut<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
/// Gets the length of the repeated field.
@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ where
/// Appends `val` to the end of the repeated field.
pub fn push(&mut self, val: View<T>) {
// TODO: b/320936046 - Use SettableValue instead of View for added ergonomics.
pub fn push(&mut self, val: impl IntoProxied<T>) {
T::repeated_push(self.as_mut(), val);
@ -184,13 +183,11 @@ where
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index >= len`
pub fn set(&mut self, index: usize, val: View<T>) {
pub fn set(&mut self, index: usize, val: impl IntoProxied<T>) {
let len = self.len();
if index >= len {
panic!("index {index} >= repeated len {len}");
// TODO: b/320936046 - Use SettableValue instead of View for added ergonomics.
// SAFETY: `index` has been checked to be in-bounds.
unsafe { self.set_unchecked(index, val) }
@ -199,9 +196,7 @@ where
/// # Safety
/// Undefined behavior if `index >= len`
pub unsafe fn set_unchecked(&mut self, index: usize, val: View<T>) {
// TODO: b/320936046 - Use SettableValue instead of View for added ergonomics.
// SAFETY: `index` is in-bounds as promised by the caller.
pub unsafe fn set_unchecked(&mut self, index: usize, val: impl IntoProxied<T>) {
unsafe { T::repeated_set_unchecked(self.as_mut(), index, val) }
@ -225,7 +220,7 @@ where
impl<T> Repeated<T>
T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated,
T: ProxiedInRepeated,
pub fn as_view(&self) -> View<Repeated<T>> {
RepeatedView { raw: self.inner.raw(), _phantom: PhantomData }
@ -239,7 +234,7 @@ where
impl<T> IntoProxied<Repeated<T>> for Repeated<T>
T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated,
T: ProxiedInRepeated,
fn into_proxied(self, _private: Private) -> Repeated<T> {
@ -248,7 +243,7 @@ where
impl<'msg, T> IntoProxied<Repeated<T>> for RepeatedView<'msg, T>
T: 'msg + ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated,
T: 'msg + ProxiedInRepeated,
fn into_proxied(self, _private: Private) -> Repeated<T> {
let mut repeated: Repeated<T> = Repeated::new();
@ -259,7 +254,7 @@ where
impl<'msg, T> IntoProxied<Repeated<T>> for RepeatedMut<'msg, T>
T: 'msg + ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated,
T: 'msg + ProxiedInRepeated,
fn into_proxied(self, _private: Private) -> Repeated<T> {
IntoProxied::into_proxied(self.as_view(), _private)
@ -296,7 +291,7 @@ pub unsafe trait ProxiedInRepeated: Proxied {
fn repeated_len(repeated: View<Repeated<Self>>) -> usize;
/// Appends a new element to the end of the repeated field.
fn repeated_push(repeated: Mut<Repeated<Self>>, val: View<Self>);
fn repeated_push(repeated: Mut<Repeated<Self>>, val: impl IntoProxied<Self>);
/// Clears the repeated field of elements.
fn repeated_clear(repeated: Mut<Repeated<Self>>);
@ -307,7 +302,11 @@ pub unsafe trait ProxiedInRepeated: Proxied {
/// # Safety
/// `index` must be less than `Self::repeated_len(repeated)`
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(repeated: Mut<Repeated<Self>>, index: usize, val: View<Self>);
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(
repeated: Mut<Repeated<Self>>,
index: usize,
val: impl IntoProxied<Self>,
/// Copies the values in the `src` repeated field into `dest`.
fn repeated_copy_from(src: View<Repeated<Self>>, dest: Mut<Repeated<Self>>);
@ -318,12 +317,12 @@ pub unsafe trait ProxiedInRepeated: Proxied {
/// An iterator over the values inside of a [`View<Repeated<T>>`](RepeatedView).
pub struct RepeatedIter<'msg, T: ?Sized> {
pub struct RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {
view: RepeatedView<'msg, T>,
current_index: usize,
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Debug for RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> Debug for RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("view", &self.view)
@ -336,19 +335,19 @@ impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Debug for RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {
/// Users will generally write [`View<Repeated<T>>`](RepeatedView) or
/// [`Mut<Repeated<T>>`](RepeatedMut) to access the repeated elements
pub struct Repeated<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> {
pub struct Repeated<T: ProxiedInRepeated> {
pub(crate) inner: InnerRepeated,
_phantom: PhantomData<T>,
// SAFETY: `Repeated` is Sync because it does not implement interior mutability.
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> Sync for Repeated<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: ProxiedInRepeated> Sync for Repeated<T> {}
// SAFETY: `Repeated` is Send because it's not bound to a specific thread e.g.
// it does not use thread-local data or similar.
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> Send for Repeated<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: ProxiedInRepeated> Send for Repeated<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> Repeated<T> {
impl<T: ProxiedInRepeated> Repeated<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
@ -362,13 +361,13 @@ impl<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> Repeated<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> Default for Repeated<T> {
impl<T: ProxiedInRepeated> Default for Repeated<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> Drop for Repeated<T> {
impl<T: ProxiedInRepeated> Drop for Repeated<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: only called once
unsafe { T::repeated_free(Private, self) }
@ -377,21 +376,21 @@ impl<T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> Drop for Repeated<T> {
impl<T> Proxied for Repeated<T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized,
T: ProxiedInRepeated,
type View<'msg> = RepeatedView<'msg, T> where Repeated<T>: 'msg;
impl<T> MutProxied for Repeated<T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized,
T: ProxiedInRepeated,
type Mut<'msg> = RepeatedMut<'msg, T> where Repeated<T>: 'msg;
impl<'msg, T> ViewProxy<'msg> for RepeatedView<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
type Proxied = Repeated<T>;
@ -411,7 +410,7 @@ where
impl<'msg, T> ViewProxy<'msg> for RepeatedMut<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
type Proxied = Repeated<T>;
@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ where
impl<'msg, T> MutProxy<'msg> for RepeatedMut<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Mut<'_, Self::Proxied> {
@ -449,7 +448,7 @@ where
impl<'msg, T> iter::Iterator for RepeatedIter<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
type Item = View<'msg, T>;
@ -468,18 +467,18 @@ where
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> ExactSizeIterator for RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedInRepeated> ExactSizeIterator for RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
self.view.len() - self.current_index
// TODO: impl DoubleEndedIterator
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized + ProxiedInRepeated> FusedIterator for RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {}
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedInRepeated> FusedIterator for RepeatedIter<'msg, T> {}
impl<'msg, T> iter::IntoIterator for RepeatedView<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
type Item = View<'msg, T>;
type IntoIter = RepeatedIter<'msg, T>;
@ -491,7 +490,7 @@ where
impl<'msg, T> iter::IntoIterator for &'_ RepeatedView<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'msg,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'msg,
type Item = View<'msg, T>;
type IntoIter = RepeatedIter<'msg, T>;
@ -503,7 +502,7 @@ where
impl<'borrow, T> iter::IntoIterator for &'borrow RepeatedMut<'_, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'borrow,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'borrow,
type Item = View<'borrow, T>;
type IntoIter = RepeatedIter<'borrow, T>;
@ -515,14 +514,14 @@ where
impl<'msg, 'view, T, ViewT> Extend<ViewT> for RepeatedMut<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedInRepeated + ?Sized + 'view,
ViewT: Into<View<'view, T>>,
T: ProxiedInRepeated + 'view,
ViewT: IntoProxied<T>,
fn extend<I: IntoIterator<Item = ViewT>>(&mut self, iter: I) {
let iter = iter.into_iter();
T::repeated_reserve(self.as_mut(), iter.size_hint().0);
for item in iter {

@ -164,6 +164,12 @@ impl ProtoString {
impl From<ProtoString> for ProtoBytes {
fn from(v: ProtoString) -> Self {
ProtoBytes { inner: v.inner }
impl From<&str> for ProtoString {
fn from(v: &str) -> Self {

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ fn test_bytes_and_string_copied() {
// Ensure val is dropped after inserting into the map.
let mut key = String::from("hello");
let mut val = String::from("world");
msg.map_string_string_mut().insert(key.as_str(), val.as_str());
msg.map_string_string_mut().insert(key.as_str(), &val);
msg.map_int32_bytes_mut().insert(1, val.as_bytes());
// Validate that map keys are copied by mutating the originals.
key.replace_range(.., "ayo");
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ macro_rules! generate_map_with_msg_values_tests {
msg.[< map_ $k_field _all_types_mut >]().insert($k_nonzero, TestAllTypes::new().as_view()),
msg.[< map_ $k_field _all_types_mut >]().insert($k_nonzero, TestAllTypes::new()),
msg.[< map_ $k_field _all_types_mut >]().remove($k_nonzero),
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ macro_rules! generate_map_with_msg_values_tests {
// single element iter
msg.[< map_ $k_field _all_types_mut >]().insert($k_nonzero, TestAllTypes::new().as_view()),
msg.[< map_ $k_field _all_types_mut >]().insert($k_nonzero, TestAllTypes::new()),
// assert_that!(
// msg.[< map_ $k_field _all_types >]().iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ macro_rules! generate_map_with_msg_values_tests {
.[< map_ $k_field _all_types_mut >]()
.insert($k_other, TestAllTypes::new().as_view()),
.insert($k_other, TestAllTypes::new()),

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ fn test_repeated_message() {
assert_that!(msg.repeated_nested_message().len(), eq(0));
let mut nested = NestedMessage::new();
assert_that!(msg.repeated_nested_message().get(0).unwrap().bb(), eq(1));
let mut msg2 = TestAllTypes::new();
@ -203,8 +203,7 @@ fn test_repeated_message() {
let mut nested2 = NestedMessage::new();
// TODO: b/320936046 - Test SettableValue once available
msg.repeated_nested_message_mut().set(0, nested2.as_view());
msg.repeated_nested_message_mut().set(0, nested2);
assert_that!(msg.repeated_nested_message().get(0).unwrap().bb(), eq(2));
@ -227,14 +226,12 @@ fn test_repeated_strings() {
assert_that!(msg.repeated_string(), empty());
let s = String::from("set from Mut");
// TODO: b/320936046 - Test SettableValue once available
msg.repeated_string_mut().push("second str".into());
msg.repeated_string_mut().push("second str");
let s2 = String::from("set second str");
// TODO: b/320936046 - Test SettableValue once available
msg.repeated_string_mut().set(1, s2.as_str().into());
msg.repeated_string_mut().set(1, s2);
assert_that!(msg.repeated_string().len(), eq(2));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_string().get(0).unwrap(), eq("set from Mut"));
@ -264,14 +261,12 @@ fn test_repeated_bytes() {
assert_that!(msg.repeated_bytes(), empty());
let s = Vec::from(b"set from Mut");
// TODO: b/320936046 - Test SettableValue once available
msg.repeated_bytes_mut().push(b"second bytes");
let s2 = Vec::from(b"set second bytes");
// TODO: b/320936046 - Test SettableValue once available
msg.repeated_bytes_mut().set(1, &s2[..]);
msg.repeated_bytes_mut().set(1, s2);
assert_that!(msg.repeated_bytes().len(), eq(2));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_bytes().get(0).unwrap(), eq(b"set from Mut"));

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ fn string_view_works() {
fn repeated_string_view_works() {
let mut msg = edition2023_rust_proto::EditionsMessage::new();
assert_that!(msg.repeated_str_view().len(), eq(0));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_str_view().len(), eq(1));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_str_view().get(0), some(eq("first")));

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use unittest_proto3_rust_proto::TestAllTypes;
fn test_stringpiece_repeated() {
let mut msg = TestAllTypes::new();
assert_that!(msg.repeated_string_piece().len(), eq(0));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_string_piece().len(), eq(1));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_string_piece().get(0), some(eq("hello")));
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ fn test_cord() {
fn test_cord_repeated() {
let mut msg = TestAllTypes::new();
assert_that!(msg.repeated_cord().len(), eq(0));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_cord().len(), eq(1));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_cord().get(0), some(eq("hello")));

@ -226,12 +226,15 @@ macro_rules! impl_repeated_base {
unsafe { upb_Array_Size(f.as_raw(Private)) }
fn repeated_push(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, v: View<$t>) {
fn repeated_push(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, v: impl IntoProxied<$t>) {
let arena = f.raw_arena(Private);
unsafe {
<$t as UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value_copy_if_required(arena, v),
<$t as UpbTypeConversions>::into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
@ -249,13 +252,20 @@ macro_rules! impl_repeated_base {
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, i: usize, v: View<$t>) {
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(
mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>,
i: usize,
v: impl IntoProxied<$t>,
) {
let arena = f.raw_arena(Private);
unsafe {
<$t as UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value_copy_if_required(arena, v.into()),
<$t as UpbTypeConversions>::into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
@ -340,7 +350,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_repeated_bytes {
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
impl<'msg, T> RepeatedMut<'msg, T> {
// Returns a `RawArena` which is live for at least `'msg`
pub fn raw_arena(&mut self, _private: Private) -> RawArena {
@ -538,13 +548,14 @@ impl<'msg> InnerMapMut<'msg> {
pub trait UpbTypeConversions: Proxied {
fn upb_type() -> upb::CType;
fn to_message_value(val: View<'_, Self>) -> upb_MessageValue;
/// # Safety
/// - `raw_arena` must point to a valid upb arena.
unsafe fn to_message_value_copy_if_required(
unsafe fn into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
raw_arena: RawArena,
val: View<'_, Self>,
val: Self,
) -> upb_MessageValue;
/// # Safety
@ -568,7 +579,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_upb_type_conversions_for_scalars {
unsafe fn to_message_value_copy_if_required(_: RawArena, val: View<'_, $t>) -> upb_MessageValue {
unsafe fn into_message_value_fuse_if_required(_: RawArena, val: $t) -> upb_MessageValue {
@ -600,14 +611,17 @@ impl UpbTypeConversions for ProtoBytes {
upb_MessageValue { str_val: val.into() }
unsafe fn to_message_value_copy_if_required(
raw_arena: RawArena,
val: View<'_, ProtoBytes>,
unsafe fn into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
raw_parent_arena: RawArena,
val: ProtoBytes,
) -> upb_MessageValue {
// SAFETY: The arena memory is not freed due to `ManuallyDrop`.
let arena = ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { Arena::from_raw(raw_arena) });
let copied = copy_bytes_in_arena(&arena, val);
let msg_val = Self::to_message_value(copied);
let parent_arena = ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { Arena::from_raw(raw_parent_arena) });
let (data, arena) = val.inner.0.into_parts();
let msg_val = Self::to_message_value(unsafe { data.as_ref() });
@ -625,15 +639,15 @@ impl UpbTypeConversions for ProtoString {
upb_MessageValue { str_val: val.as_bytes().into() }
unsafe fn to_message_value_copy_if_required(
unsafe fn into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
raw_arena: RawArena,
val: View<'_, ProtoString>,
val: ProtoString,
) -> upb_MessageValue {
// SAFETY: `raw_arena` is valid as promised by the caller
unsafe {
<ProtoBytes as UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value_copy_if_required(
<ProtoBytes as UpbTypeConversions>::into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
@ -701,13 +715,13 @@ macro_rules! impl_ProxiedInMapValue_for_non_generated_value_types {
fn map_insert(mut map: Mut<'_, Map<$key_t, Self>>, key: View<'_, $key_t>, value: View<'_, Self>) -> bool {
fn map_insert(mut map: Mut<'_, Map<$key_t, Self>>, key: View<'_, $key_t>, value: impl IntoProxied<Self>) -> bool {
let arena = map.raw_arena(Private);
unsafe {
<$key_t as UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value(key),
<$t as UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value_copy_if_required(arena, value),
<$t as UpbTypeConversions>::into_message_value_fuse_if_required(arena, value.into_proxied(Private)),

@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ void EnumProxiedInMapValue(Context& ctx, const EnumDescriptor& desc) {
unsafe { $map_size_thunk$(map.as_raw($pbi$::Private)) }
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: $pb$::View<'_, Self>) -> bool {
unsafe { $map_insert_thunk$(map.as_raw($pbi$::Private), $to_ffi_key_expr$, value) }
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>) -> bool {
unsafe { $map_insert_thunk$(map.as_raw($pbi$::Private), $to_ffi_key_expr$, value.into_proxied($pbi$::Private)) }
fn map_get<'a>(map: $pb$::View<'a, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>) -> Option<$pb$::View<'a, Self>> {
@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ void EnumProxiedInMapValue(Context& ctx, const EnumDescriptor& desc) {
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: $pb$::View<'_, Self>) -> bool {
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>) -> bool {
let arena = map.inner($pbi$::Private).raw_arena($pbi$::Private);
unsafe {
<$key_t$ as $pbr$::UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value(key),
$pbr$::upb_MessageValue { int32_val: value.0 },
$pbr$::upb_MessageValue { int32_val: value.into_proxied($pbi$::Private).0 },
@ -389,6 +389,18 @@ void GenerateEnumDefinition(Context& ctx, const EnumDescriptor& desc) {
impl $pb$::IntoProxied<$name$> for $name$ {
fn into_proxied(self, _: $pbi$::Private) -> Self {
impl $pb$::IntoProxied<i32> for $name$ {
fn into_proxied(self, _: $pbi$::Private) -> i32 {
impl $pb$::Proxied for $name$ {
type View<'a> = $name$;
@ -410,8 +422,8 @@ void GenerateEnumDefinition(Context& ctx, const EnumDescriptor& desc) {
$pbr$::cast_enum_repeated_view($pbi$::Private, r).len()
fn repeated_push(r: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>, val: $name$) {
$pbr$::cast_enum_repeated_mut($pbi$::Private, r).push(val.into())
fn repeated_push(r: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>, val: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<$name$>) {
$pbr$::cast_enum_repeated_mut($pbi$::Private, r).push(val.into_proxied($pbi$::Private))
fn repeated_clear(r: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>) {
@ -434,12 +446,12 @@ void GenerateEnumDefinition(Context& ctx, const EnumDescriptor& desc) {
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(
r: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>,
index: usize,
val: $name$,
val: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<$name$>,
) {
// SAFETY: In-bounds as promised by the caller.
unsafe {
$pbr$::cast_enum_repeated_mut($pbi$::Private, r)
.set_unchecked(index, val.into())
.set_unchecked(index, val.into_proxied($pbi$::Private))
@ -484,7 +496,7 @@ void GenerateEnumThunksCc(Context& ctx, const EnumDescriptor& desc) {
extern $abi$ {
$cpp_t$, $rs_t$, $cpp_t$, value, cpp_value)
$cpp_t$, $rs_t$, $cpp_t$, $cpp_t$, value, cpp_value)

@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ void MessageProxiedInRepeated(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(
mut f: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>,
i: usize,
v: $pb$::View<Self>,
v: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>,
) {
// - `f.as_raw()` is a valid `RepeatedPtrField*`.
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void MessageProxiedInRepeated(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
unsafe {
$repeated_get_mut_thunk$(f.as_raw($pbi$::Private), i),
@ -404,13 +404,13 @@ void MessageProxiedInRepeated(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
unsafe { $repeated_clear_thunk$(f.as_raw($pbi$::Private)) };
fn repeated_push(mut f: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>, v: $pb$::View<Self>) {
fn repeated_push(mut f: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>, v: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>) {
// - `f.as_raw()` is a valid `RepeatedPtrField*`.
// - `v.raw_msg()` is a valid `const Message&`.
unsafe {
let new_elem = $repeated_add_thunk$(f.as_raw($pbi$::Private));
$copy_from_thunk$(new_elem, v.raw_msg());
$copy_from_thunk$(new_elem, v.into_proxied($pbi$::Private).raw_msg());
@ -452,26 +452,18 @@ void MessageProxiedInRepeated(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(
mut f: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>,
i: usize,
v: $pb$::View<Self>,
v: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>,
) {
// - `f.as_raw()` is a valid `upb_Array*`.
// - `i < len(f)` is promised by the caller.
let dest_msg = unsafe {
$pbr$::upb_Array_GetMutable(f.as_raw($pbi$::Private), i).msg
}.expect("upb_Array* element should not be NULL");
// - `dest_msg` is a valid `upb_Message*`.
// - `v.raw_msg()` and `dest_msg` both have message minitable `$minitable$`.
unsafe {
<Self as $pbr$::UpbTypeConversions>::into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
unsafe fn repeated_get_unchecked(
@ -493,26 +485,15 @@ void MessageProxiedInRepeated(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
$pbr$::upb_Array_Resize(f.as_raw($pbi$::Private), 0, f.raw_arena($pbi$::Private))
fn repeated_push(mut f: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>, v: $pb$::View<Self>) {
// - `v.raw_msg()` is a valid `const upb_Message*` with minitable `$minitable$`.
let msg_ptr = unsafe {
}.expect("upb_Message_DeepClone failed.");
// Append new default message to array.
fn repeated_push(mut f: $pb$::Mut<$pb$::Repeated<Self>>, v: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>) {
// - `f.as_raw()` is a valid `upb_Array*`.
// - `msg_ptr` is a valid `upb_Message*`.
unsafe {
$pbr$::upb_MessageValue{msg_val: Some(msg_ptr)},
<Self as $pbr$::UpbTypeConversions>::into_message_value_fuse_if_required(f.raw_arena($pbi$::Private), v.into_proxied($pbi$::Private)),
@ -605,8 +586,8 @@ void MessageProxiedInMapValue(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
unsafe { $map_size_thunk$(map.as_raw($pbi$::Private)) }
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: $pb$::View<'_, Self>) -> bool {
unsafe { $map_insert_thunk$(map.as_raw($pbi$::Private), $key_expr$, value.raw_msg()) }
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>) -> bool {
unsafe { $map_insert_thunk$(map.as_raw($pbi$::Private), $key_expr$, value.into_proxied($pbi$::Private).raw_msg()) }
fn map_get<'a>(map: $pb$::View<'a, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>) -> Option<$pb$::View<'a, Self>> {
@ -675,17 +656,15 @@ void MessageProxiedInMapValue(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
$pbr$::upb_MessageValue { msg_val: Some(val.raw_msg()) }
unsafe fn to_message_value_copy_if_required(
arena: $pbr$::RawArena,
val: $pb$::View<'_, Self>) -> $pbr$::upb_MessageValue {
// Self::to_message_value(val)
unsafe fn into_message_value_fuse_if_required(
raw_parent_arena: $pbr$::RawArena,
mut val: Self) -> $pbr$::upb_MessageValue {
// SAFETY: The arena memory is not freed due to `ManuallyDrop`.
let cloned_msg = $pbr$::upb_Message_DeepClone(
val.raw_msg(), $std$::ptr::addr_of!($minitable$), arena)
.expect("upb_Message_DeepClone failed.");
$Msg$View::new($pbi$::Private, cloned_msg))
let parent_arena = core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { $pbr$::Arena::from_raw(raw_parent_arena) });
$pbr$::upb_MessageValue { msg_val: Some(val.raw_msg()) }
unsafe fn from_message_value<'msg>(msg: $pbr$::upb_MessageValue)
-> $pb$::View<'msg, Self> {
@ -731,13 +710,13 @@ void MessageProxiedInMapValue(Context& ctx, const Descriptor& msg) {
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: $pb$::View<'_, Self>) -> bool {
fn map_insert(mut map: $pb$::Mut<'_, $pb$::Map<$key_t$, Self>>, key: $pb$::View<'_, $key_t$>, value: impl $pb$::IntoProxied<Self>) -> bool {
let arena = map.inner($pbi$::Private).raw_arena($pbi$::Private);
unsafe {
<$key_t$ as $pbr$::UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value(key),
<Self as $pbr$::UpbTypeConversions>::to_message_value_copy_if_required(arena, value),
<Self as $pbr$::UpbTypeConversions>::into_message_value_fuse_if_required(arena, value.into_proxied($pbi$::Private)),
