Split varint decoders into separate .h file.

This makes it easier to benchmark and test the
multiple possible implementations of varint decoding.
Joshua Haberman 14 years ago
parent da95bf34ae
commit 0c6786c6fa
  1. 120
  2. 216
  3. 27

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
* A number of routines for varint decoding (we keep them all around to have
* multiple approaches available for benchmarking). All of these functions
* require the buffer to have at least 10 bytes available; if we don't know
* for sure that there are 10 bytes, then there is only one viable option
* (branching on every byte).
* Copyright (c) 2011 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
#include "upb.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// All decoding functions return this struct by value.
typedef struct {
const char *p; // NULL if the varint was unterminated.
uint64_t val;
} upb_decoderet;
// A basic branch-based decoder, uses 32-bit values to get good performance
// on 32-bit architectures (but performs well on 64-bits also).
INLINE upb_decoderet upb_decode_varint_branch32(const char *p) {
upb_decoderet r = {NULL, 0};
uint32_t low, high = 0;
uint32_t b;
b = *(p++); low = (b & 0x7f) ; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 7; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 14; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 21; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 28;
high = (b & 0x7f) >> 4; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 3; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 10; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 17; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 24; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 31; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
return r;
r.val = ((uint64_t)high << 32) | low;
r.p = p;
return r;
// Like the previous, but uses 64-bit values.
INLINE upb_decoderet upb_decode_varint_branch64(const char *p) {
uint64_t val;
uint64_t b;
upb_decoderet r = {(void*)0, 0};
b = *(p++); val = (b & 0x7f) ; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 7; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 14; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 21; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 28; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 35; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 42; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 49; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 56; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 63; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
return r;
r.val = val;
r.p = p;
return r;
#ifdef __SSE__
#include <xmmintrin.h>
// Avoids branches (this can very likely be improved). Requires SSE.
INLINE upb_decoderet upb_decode_varint_nobranch(const char *p) {
upb_decoderet r = {(void*)0, 0};
__m128i val128 = _mm_loadu_si128((void*)p);
unsigned int continuation_bits = _mm_movemask_epi8(val128);
unsigned int bsr_val = ~continuation_bits;
int varint_length = __builtin_ffs(bsr_val);
if (varint_length > 10) return r;
uint16_t twob;
memcpy(&twob, p, 2);
twob &= 0x7f7f;
twob = ((twob & 0xff00) >> 1) | (twob & 0xff);
uint64_t eightb;
memcpy(&eightb, p + 2, 8);
eightb &= 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f;
eightb = ((eightb & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00) >> 1) | (eightb & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff);
eightb = ((eightb & 0xffff0000ffff0000) >> 2) | (eightb & 0x0000ffff0000ffff);
eightb = ((eightb & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 4) | (eightb & 0x00000000ffffffff);
uint64_t all_bits = twob | (eightb << 14);
int varint_bits = varint_length * 7;
uint64_t mask = varint_bits == 70 ? (uint64_t)-1 : (1ULL << (varint_bits)) - 1;
r.val = all_bits & mask;
r.p = p + varint_length;
return r;
// For now, always use the branch32 decoder.
#define upb_decode_varint_fast upb_decode_varint_branch32
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* UPB_VARINT_DECODER_H_ */

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
#include "upb_varint_decoder.h"
#include "upb_test.h"
static void test_varint_decoder(upb_decoderet (*decoder)(const char*)) {
#define TEST(bytes, expected_val) {\
const char buf[] = bytes "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" ; \
upb_decoderet r = decoder(buf); \
ASSERT(r.val == expected_val); \
ASSERT(r.p == buf + sizeof(buf) - 16); /* - 1 for NULL */ \
TEST("\x00", 0ULL);
TEST("\x01", 1ULL);
TEST("\x81\x14", 0xa01ULL);
TEST("\x81\x03", 0x181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x07", 0x1c181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x87\x0f", 0x1e1c181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x1f", 0x1f1e1c181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\x3f", 0x1f9f1e1c181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\x7f", 0x1fdf9f1e1c181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x01", 0x3fdf9f1e1c181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x81\x03", 0x303fdf9f1e1c181ULL);
TEST("\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x81\x83\x07", 0x8303fdf9f1e1c181ULL);
#undef TEST
char twelvebyte[16] = {0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01};
const char *twelvebyte_buf = twelvebyte;
// A varint that terminates before hitting the end of the provided buffer,
// but in too many bytes (11 instead of 10).
upb_decoderet r = upb_decode_varint_fast(twelvebyte_buf);
ASSERT(r.p == NULL);
#define TEST_VARINT_DECODER(decoder) \
/* Create non-inline versions for convenient inspection of assembly language \
* output. */ \
upb_decoderet _upb_decode_varint_ ## decoder(const char *p) { \
return upb_decode_varint_ ## decoder(p); \
} \
void test_ ## decoder() { \
test_varint_decoder(&_upb_decode_varint_ ## decoder); \
} \
#ifdef __SSE__
int main() {
#ifdef __SSE__
#if 0
static void test_get_v_uint32_t()
#define TEST(name, bytes, val) {\
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; \
const uint8_t name[] = bytes; \
const uint8_t *name ## _buf = name; \
uint32_t name ## _val = 0; \
name ## _buf = upb_get_v_uint32_t(name, name + sizeof(name), &name ## _val, &status); \
ASSERT(upb_ok(&status)); \
ASSERT(name ## _val == val); \
ASSERT(name ## _buf == name + sizeof(name) - 1); /* - 1 for NULL */ \
/* Test NEED_MORE_DATA. */ \
if(sizeof(name) > 2) { \
name ## _buf = upb_get_v_uint32_t(name, name + sizeof(name) - 2, &name ## _val, &status); \
} \
TEST(zero, "\x00", 0UL);
TEST(one, "\x01", 1UL);
TEST(twob, "\x81\x03", 0x181UL);
TEST(threeb, "\x81\x83\x07", 0x1c181UL);
TEST(fourb, "\x81\x83\x87\x0f", 0x1e1c181UL);
/* get_v_uint32_t truncates, so all the rest return the same thing. */
TEST(fiveb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x1f", 0xf1e1c181UL);
TEST(sixb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\x3f", 0xf1e1c181UL);
TEST(sevenb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\x7f", 0xf1e1c181UL);
TEST(eightb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x01", 0xf1e1c181UL);
TEST(nineb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x81\x03", 0xf1e1c181UL);
TEST(tenb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x81\x83\x07", 0xf1e1c181UL);
#undef TEST
uint8_t twelvebyte[] = {0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01};
uint32_t twelvebyte_val = 0;
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT;
/* A varint that terminates before hitting the end of the provided buffer,
* but in too many bytes (11 instead of 10). */
upb_get_v_uint32_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 12, &twelvebyte_val, &status);
/* A varint that terminates simultaneously with the end of the provided
* buffer, but in too many bytes (11 instead of 10). */
upb_get_v_uint32_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 11, &twelvebyte_val, &status);
/* A varint whose buffer ends on exactly the byte where the varint must
* terminate, but the final byte does not terminate. The absolutely most
* correct return code here is UPB_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_VARINT, because we know
* by this point that the varint does not properly terminate. But we also
* allow a return value of UPB_STATUS_NEED_MORE_DATA here, because it does not
* compromise overall correctness -- clients who supply more data later will
* then receive a UPB_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_VARINT error; clients who have no
* more data to supply will (rightly) conclude that their protobuf is corrupt.
upb_get_v_uint32_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 10, &twelvebyte_val, &status);
status.code == UPB_STATUS_NEED_MORE_DATA);
upb_get_v_uint32_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 9, &twelvebyte_val, &status);
static void test_skip_v_uint64_t()
#define TEST(name, bytes) {\
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; \
const uint8_t name[] = bytes; \
const uint8_t *name ## _buf = name; \
name ## _buf = upb_skip_v_uint64_t(name ## _buf, name + sizeof(name), &status); \
ASSERT(upb_ok(&status)); \
ASSERT(name ## _buf == name + sizeof(name) - 1); /* - 1 for NULL */ \
/* Test NEED_MORE_DATA. */ \
if(sizeof(name) > 2) { \
name ## _buf = upb_skip_v_uint64_t(name, name + sizeof(name) - 2, &status); \
} \
TEST(zero, "\x00");
TEST(one, "\x01");
TEST(twob, "\x81\x03");
TEST(threeb, "\x81\x83\x07");
TEST(fourb, "\x81\x83\x87\x0f");
TEST(fiveb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x1f");
TEST(sixb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\x3f");
TEST(sevenb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\x7f");
TEST(eightb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x01");
TEST(nineb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x81\x03");
TEST(tenb, "\x81\x83\x87\x8f\x9f\xbf\xff\x81\x83\x07");
#undef TEST
uint8_t twelvebyte[] = {0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01};
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT;
/* A varint that terminates before hitting the end of the provided buffer,
* but in too many bytes (11 instead of 10). */
upb_skip_v_uint64_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 12, &status);
/* A varint that terminates simultaneously with the end of the provided
* buffer, but in too many bytes (11 instead of 10). */
upb_skip_v_uint64_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 11, &status);
/* A varint whose buffer ends on exactly the byte where the varint must
* terminate, but the final byte does not terminate. The absolutely most
* correct return code here is UPB_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_VARINT, because we know
* by this point that the varint does not properly terminate. But we also
* allow a return value of UPB_STATUS_NEED_MORE_DATA here, because it does not
* compromise overall correctness -- clients who supply more data later will
* then receive a UPB_ERROR_UNTERMINATED_VARINT error; clients who have no
* more data to supply will (rightly) conclude that their protobuf is corrupt.
upb_skip_v_uint64_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 10, &status);
status.code == UPB_STATUS_NEED_MORE_DATA);
upb_skip_v_uint64_t(twelvebyte, twelvebyte + 9, &status);
static void test_get_f_uint32_t()
#define TEST(name, bytes, val) {\
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; \
const uint8_t name[] = bytes; \
const uint8_t *name ## _buf = name; \
uint32_t name ## _val = 0; \
name ## _buf = upb_get_f_uint32_t(name ## _buf, name + sizeof(name), &name ## _val, &status); \
ASSERT(upb_ok(&status)); \
ASSERT(name ## _val == val); \
ASSERT(name ## _buf == name + sizeof(name) - 1); /* - 1 for NULL */ \
TEST(zero, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", 0x0UL);
TEST(one, "\x01\x00\x00\x00", 0x1UL);
uint8_t threeb[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint32_t threeb_val;
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT;
upb_get_f_uint32_t(threeb, threeb + sizeof(threeb), &threeb_val, &status);
#undef TEST

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
#ifndef UPB_TEST_H_
#define UPB_TEST_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int num_assertions = 0;
#define ASSERT(expr) do { \
++num_assertions; \
if (!(expr)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
abort(); \
} \
} while(0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* UPB_DECODER_H_ */