@ -34,18 +34,25 @@ static int div_round_up(int numerator, int denominator) { |
// For defs that participate in cycles we keep two reference counts. One
// tracks references that come from outside the cycle (we call these external
// references), and is incremented and decremented like a regular refcount.
// The other is a count of how many defs within any of our cycles have external
// references. When a def that is part of a cycle has an external reference,
// we say that it has a "cycle reference" on every def that it is part of a
// cycle with. We free the defs with cycles when the cycle refcount drops to
// zero (which cannot happen unless the external refcount drops to zero first).
// The other is a cycle refcount, and works as follows. Every cycle is
// considered distinct, even if two cycles share members. For example, this
// graph has two distinct cycles:
// Note that all refs in a cycle will have the same cycle refcount, except for
// ones that belong to more than one cycle which will have the sum of the
// cycle refcounts for all their cycles.
// A-->B-->C
// ^ | |
// +---+---+
// This algorithm is relatively cheap, since it only requires extra work on
// initialization and when the regular refcount drops to zero.
// The cycles in this graph are AB and ABC. When A's external refcount
// transitions from 0->1, we say that A takes "cycle references" on both
// cycles. Since A and B are common to both cycles, A and B's cycle refcounts
// will be incremented by two, and C's will be incremented by one. Likewise,
// when A's external refcount transitions from 1->0, we decrement A and B's
// cycle refcounts by two and C's by one. We collect a cyclic type when its
// cycle refcount drops to zero. A precondition for this is that the external
// refcount has dropped to zero also.
// This algorithm is relatively cheap, since it only requires extra work when
// the external refcount on a cyclic type transitions from 0->1 or 1->0.
static void msgdef_free(struct upb_msgdef *m); |
static void enumdef_free(struct upb_enumdef *e); |
@ -77,63 +84,77 @@ static void def_free(struct upb_def *def) |
// Depth-first search for all cycles that include cycle_base. Returns the
// number of paths from def that lead to cycle_base, which is equivalent to the
// number of cycles def is in that include cycle_base.
static int cycle_unref(struct upb_def *def, struct upb_def *cycle_base, |
struct upb_def **open_defs, int num_open_defs) { |
// open_defs tracks the set of nodes that are currently being visited in the
// search so we can stop the search if we detect a cycles that do not involve
// cycle_base. We can't color the nodes as we go by writing to a member of the
// def, because another thread could be performing the search concurrently.
static int cycle_ref_or_unref(struct upb_msgdef *m, |
struct upb_msgdef *cycle_base, |
struct upb_msgdef **open_defs, int num_open_defs, |
bool ref) { |
bool found = false; |
for(int i = 0; i < num_open_defs; i++) { |
if(open_defs[i] == def) { |
if(open_defs[i] == m) { |
// We encountered a cycle that did not involve cycle_base.
return 0; |
found = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(def == cycle_base) { |
if(found || num_open_defs == UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN) { |
return 0; |
} else if(m == cycle_base) { |
return 1; |
} else { |
int path_count = 0; |
if(cycle_base == NULL) { |
cycle_base = def; |
cycle_base = m; |
} else { |
open_defs[num_open_defs++] = def; |
open_defs[num_open_defs++] = m; |
} |
struct upb_msgdef *m = upb_downcast_msgdef(def); |
assert(m); |
for(int i = 0; i < m->num_fields; i++) { |
struct upb_fielddef *f = &m->fields[i]; |
if(upb_issubmsg(f) && f->def->max_cycle_len > 0) |
path_count += cycle_unref(f->def, cycle_base, open_defs, num_open_defs); |
struct upb_def *def = f->def; |
if(upb_issubmsg(f) && def->is_cyclic) { |
struct upb_msgdef *sub_m = upb_downcast_msgdef(def); |
path_count += cycle_ref_or_unref(sub_m, cycle_base, open_defs, |
num_open_defs, ref); |
} |
} |
if(ref) { |
upb_atomic_add(&m->cycle_refcount, path_count); |
} else { |
if(upb_atomic_add(&m->cycle_refcount, -path_count)) |
def_free(UPB_UPCAST(m)); |
} |
fprintf(stderr, "removing %d cycle refs from " UPB_STRFMT "\n", path_count, UPB_STRARG(def->fqname)); |
if(upb_atomic_add(&def->cycle_refcount, -path_count)) |
def_free(def); |
return path_count; |
} |
} |
void _upb_def_reftozero(struct upb_def *def) { |
if(def->max_cycle_len > 0) { |
fprintf(stderr, "cycle unreffing " UPB_STRFMT ", max len=%d\n", UPB_STRARG(def->fqname), def->max_cycle_len); |
// Traverse the graph, decrementing the cycle refcounts of all cyclic defs
// and deleting any of them that fall to zero.
// We track the set of nodes that are currently being visited in the search
// so we can detect cycles that do not involve this def and stop the
// search. We can't color the nodes as we go by writing to a member of the
// def, because another thread could be performing the search concurrently.
struct upb_def *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN]; |
cycle_unref(def, NULL, open_defs, 0); |
if(def->is_cyclic) { |
struct upb_msgdef *m = upb_downcast_msgdef(def); |
struct upb_msgdef *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN]; |
cycle_ref_or_unref(m, NULL, open_defs, 0, false); |
} else { |
def_free(def); |
} |
} |
void _upb_def_cyclic_ref(struct upb_def *def) { |
struct upb_msgdef *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN]; |
cycle_ref_or_unref(upb_downcast_msgdef(def), NULL, open_defs, 0, true); |
} |
void upb_def_init(struct upb_def *def, enum upb_def_type type, |
struct upb_string *fqname) { |
def->type = type; |
def->max_cycle_len = 0; // We increment this later, after resolving refs.
def->visiting_submsg = 0; |
def->is_cyclic = 0; // We detect this later, after resolving refs.
def->search_depth = 0; |
def->fqname = fqname; |
upb_string_ref(fqname); |
upb_atomic_refcount_init(&def->refcount, 1); |
upb_atomic_refcount_init(&def->cycle_refcount, 0); |
} |
void upb_def_uninit(struct upb_def *def) { |
@ -257,7 +278,7 @@ static struct upb_msgdef *msgdef_new(struct upb_fielddef **fields, |
} |
struct upb_msgdef *m = malloc(sizeof(*m)); |
upb_def_init(&m->base, UPB_DEF_MSG, fqname); |
fprintf(stderr, "Created msg: " UPB_STRFMT "\n", UPB_STRARG(fqname)); |
upb_atomic_refcount_init(&m->cycle_refcount, 0); |
upb_inttable_init(&m->itof, num_fields, sizeof(struct upb_itof_ent)); |
upb_strtable_init(&m->ntof, num_fields, sizeof(struct upb_ntof_ent)); |
@ -300,7 +321,6 @@ static struct upb_msgdef *msgdef_new(struct upb_fielddef **fields, |
static void msgdef_free(struct upb_msgdef *m) |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, "Freed msg: " UPB_STRFMT "\n", UPB_STRARG(UPB_UPCAST(m)->fqname)); |
for (upb_field_count_t i = 0; i < m->num_fields; i++) |
fielddef_uninit(&m->fields[i]); |
free(m->fields); |
@ -545,69 +565,55 @@ static void insert_message(struct upb_strtable *t, |
insert_enum(t, d->enum_type->elements[i], fqname, status); |
} |
// Traverses the cycle again to count its length and adjust reference counts.
// Returns the total length of the cycle.
static int process_cycle(struct upb_msgdef *m, struct upb_msgdef *cycle_base, |
int partial_cycle_len, struct upb_status *status) { |
if(m == cycle_base && partial_cycle_len > 0) { |
return partial_cycle_len; |
} else { |
struct upb_def *def = UPB_UPCAST(m); |
partial_cycle_len++; |
struct upb_fielddef *f = &m->fields[def->visiting_submsg - 1]; |
struct upb_msgdef *sub_m = upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def); |
assert(sub_m); |
int cycle_len = process_cycle(sub_m, cycle_base, partial_cycle_len, status); |
static bool find_cycles(struct upb_msgdef *m, int search_depth, |
struct upb_status *status) |
{ |
if(search_depth > UPB_MAX_TYPE_DEPTH) { |
// There are many situations in upb where we recurse over the type tree
// (like for example, right now) and an absurdly deep tree could cause us
// to stack overflow on systems with very limited stacks.
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Type " UPB_STRFMT " was found at " |
"depth %d in the type graph, which exceeds the maximum type " |
"depth of %d.", UPB_UPCAST(m)->fqname, search_depth, |
return false; |
} else if(UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth == 1) { |
// Cycle!
int cycle_len = search_depth - 1; |
if(cycle_len > UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN) { |
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Cycle in type " UPB_STRFMT " is of " |
"length %d, exceeds maximum type cycle length of %d", |
cycle_len, UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN); |
return 0; |
} |
// Since we know that each def has exactly one external ref (the symtab's
// ref), the number of defs in the cycle is the number of cycle refs we
// should add to each def in the cycle.
upb_atomic_add(&def->cycle_refcount, cycle_len); |
// Remove the regular ref that comes from the cycle.
fprintf(stderr, UPB_STRFMT "\n", UPB_STRARG(def->fqname)); |
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Type " UPB_STRFMT " was involved " |
"in a cycle of length %d, which exceeds the maximum type " |
"cycle length of %d.", UPB_UPCAST(m)->fqname, cycle_len, |
} |
return true; |
} else if(UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth > 0) { |
// This was a cycle, but did not originate from the base of our search tree.
// We'll find it when we call find_cycles() on this node directly.
return false; |
} else { |
UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth = ++search_depth; |
bool cycle_found = false; |
for(upb_field_count_t i = 0; i < m->num_fields; i++) { |
struct upb_fielddef *f = &m->fields[i]; |
if(!upb_issubmsg(f)) continue; |
struct upb_def *sub_def = f->def; |
struct upb_msgdef *sub_m = upb_downcast_msgdef(sub_def); |
if(find_cycles(sub_m, search_depth, status)) { |
cycle_found = true; |
UPB_UPCAST(m)->is_cyclic = true; |
if(f->owned) { |
bool zero = upb_atomic_unref(&f->def->refcount); |
upb_atomic_unref(&sub_def->refcount); |
f->owned = false; |
assert(!zero); // The symtab should hold an external ref.
(void)zero; // Silence "zero not used" warnings on non-debug builds.
} |
def->max_cycle_len = UPB_MAX(def->max_cycle_len, cycle_len); |
return cycle_len; |
} |
} |
// Depth-first search, detecting and marking cycles.
static void find_cycles(struct upb_def *def, struct upb_status *status) { |
struct upb_msgdef *m = upb_downcast_msgdef(def); |
if(!m) return; |
if(def->visiting_submsg) { |
// Cycle detected!
fprintf(stderr, "Found cycle in " UPB_STRFMT "\n", UPB_STRARG(def->fqname)); |
process_cycle(m, m, 0, status); |
} else if(def->max_cycle_len > 0) { |
// This def is part of at least one cycle, but we have already discovered
// this node (and consequently all of its cycles) by some other path.
} else { |
for(int i = 0; i < m->num_fields; i++) { |
struct upb_fielddef *f = &m->fields[i]; |
// Mark the path we are currently on so we can easily retrace it in
// process_cycle().
UPB_UPCAST(m)->visiting_submsg = i + 1; |
if(upb_issubmsg(f)) find_cycles(f->def, status); |
} |
UPB_UPCAST(m)->visiting_submsg = 0; |
UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth = 0; |
return cycle_found; |
} |
} |
void addfd(struct upb_strtable *addto, struct upb_strtable *existingdefs, |
static void addfd(struct upb_strtable *addto, struct upb_strtable *existingdefs, |
google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto *fd, bool sort, |
struct upb_status *status) |
{ |
@ -643,7 +649,7 @@ void addfd(struct upb_strtable *addto, struct upb_strtable *existingdefs, |
// Attempt to resolve all references.
struct symtab_ent *e; |
for(e = upb_strtable_begin(addto); e; e = upb_strtable_next(addto, &e->e)) { |
struct upb_msgdef *m = upb_downcast_msgdef(e->def); |
struct upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(e->def); |
if(!m) continue; |
struct upb_string *base = e->e.key; |
for(upb_field_count_t i = 0; i < m->num_fields; i++) { |
@ -667,11 +673,17 @@ void addfd(struct upb_strtable *addto, struct upb_strtable *existingdefs, |
} |
} |
// Find cycles and update refcounts appropriately.
// Deal with type cycles.
for(e = upb_strtable_begin(addto); e; e = upb_strtable_next(addto, &e->e)) { |
// TODO: make sure we don't leak memory if this fails due to excessive
// cycle len.
find_cycles(e->def, status); |
struct upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(e->def); |
if(!m) continue; |
// Do an initial pass over the graph to check that there are no cycles
// longer than the maximum length. We also mark all cyclic defs as such,
// and decrement refs on cyclic defs.
find_cycles(m, 0, status); |
struct upb_msgdef *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN]; |
cycle_ref_or_unref(m, NULL, open_defs, 0, true); |
} |
} |
@ -742,8 +754,13 @@ struct upb_def *upb_symtab_lookup(struct upb_symtab *s, |
{ |
upb_rwlock_rdlock(&s->lock); |
struct symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_lookup(&s->symtab, sym); |
struct upb_def *ret = NULL; |
if(e) { |
ret = e->def; |
upb_def_ref(ret); |
} |
upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock); |
return e ? e->def : NULL; |
return ret; |
} |