@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ package com.google.protobuf.nano;
import java.lang.reflect.Array ;
import java.lang.reflect.Field ;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ;
import java.lang.reflect.Method ;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier ;
/ * *
@ -65,6 +67,8 @@ public final class MessageNanoPrinter {
print ( null , message , new StringBuffer ( ) , buf ) ;
} catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
return "Error printing proto: " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
} catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
return "Error printing proto: " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
return buf . toString ( ) ;
@ -81,7 +85,8 @@ public final class MessageNanoPrinter {
* @param buf the output buffer .
* /
private static void print ( String identifier , Object object ,
StringBuffer indentBuf , StringBuffer buf ) throws IllegalAccessException {
StringBuffer indentBuf , StringBuffer buf ) throws IllegalAccessException ,
InvocationTargetException {
if ( object = = null ) {
// This can happen if...
// - we're about to print a message, String, or byte[], but it not present;
@ -94,35 +99,71 @@ public final class MessageNanoPrinter {
buf . append ( indentBuf ) . append ( deCamelCaseify ( identifier ) ) . append ( " <\n" ) ;
indentBuf . append ( INDENT ) ;
Class < ? > clazz = object . getClass ( ) ;
for ( Field field : object . getClass ( ) . getFields ( ) ) {
// Proto fields are public, non-static variables that do not begin or end with '_'
// Proto fields follow one of two formats:
// 1) Public, non-static variables that do not begin or end with '_'
// Find and print these using declared public fields
for ( Field field : clazz . getFields ( ) ) {
int modifiers = field . getModifiers ( ) ;
String fieldName = field . getName ( ) ;
if ( ( modifiers & Modifier . PUBLIC ) ! = Modifier . PUBLIC
| | ( modifiers & Modifier . STATIC ) = = Modifier . STATIC
| | fieldName . startsWith ( "_" ) | | fieldName . endsWith ( "_" ) ) {
continue ;
Class < ? > fieldType = field . getType ( ) ;
Object value = field . get ( object ) ;
if ( ( modifiers & Modifier . PUBLIC ) = = Modifier . PUBLIC
& & ( modifiers & Modifier . STATIC ) ! = Modifier . STATIC
& & ! fieldName . startsWith ( "_" )
& & ! fieldName . endsWith ( "_" ) ) {
Class < ? > fieldType = field . getType ( ) ;
Object value = field . get ( object ) ;
if ( fieldType . isArray ( ) ) {
Class < ? > arrayType = fieldType . getComponentType ( ) ;
if ( fieldType . isArray ( ) ) {
Class < ? > arrayType = fieldType . getComponentType ( ) ;
// bytes is special since it's not repeated, but is represented by an array
if ( arrayType = = byte . class ) {
print ( fieldName , value , indentBuf , buf ) ;
} else {
int len = value = = null ? 0 : Array . getLength ( value ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
Object elem = Array . get ( value , i ) ;
print ( fieldName , elem , indentBuf , buf ) ;
// bytes is special since it's not repeated, but is represented by an array
if ( arrayType = = byte . class ) {
print ( fieldName , value , indentBuf , buf ) ;
} else {
int len = value = = null ? 0 : Array . getLength ( value ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
Object elem = Array . get ( value , i ) ;
print ( fieldName , elem , indentBuf , buf ) ;
} else {
print ( fieldName , value , indentBuf , buf ) ;
} else {
print ( fieldName , value , indentBuf , buf ) ;
// 2) Fields that are accessed via getter methods (when accessors
// mode is turned on)
// Find and print these using getter methods.
for ( Method method : clazz . getMethods ( ) ) {
String name = method . getName ( ) ;
// Check for the setter accessor method since getters and hazzers both have
// non-proto-field name collisions (hashCode() and getSerializedSize())
if ( name . startsWith ( "set" ) ) {
String subfieldName = name . substring ( 3 ) ;
Method hazzer = null ;
try {
hazzer = clazz . getMethod ( "has" + subfieldName ) ;
} catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
continue ;
// If hazzer does't exist or returns false, no need to continue
if ( ! ( Boolean ) hazzer . invoke ( object ) ) {
continue ;
Method getter = null ;
try {
getter = clazz . getMethod ( "get" + subfieldName ) ;
} catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
continue ;
print ( subfieldName , getter . invoke ( object ) , indentBuf , buf ) ;
if ( identifier ! = null ) {