Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
#import "GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "GPBArray_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDescriptor_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDictionary_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBMessage_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUnknownField.h"
#import "GPBUnknownFieldSet.h"
// Direct access is use for speed, to avoid even internally declaring things
// read/write, etc. The warning is enabled in the project to ensure code calling
// protos can turn on -Wdirect-ivar-access without issues.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdirect-ivar-access"
static void AppendTextFormatForMessage(GPBMessage *message,
NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent);
// Are two datatypes the same basic type representation (ex Int32 and SInt32).
// Marked unused because currently only called from asserts/debug.
static BOOL DataTypesEquivalent(GPBDataType type1,
GPBDataType type2) __attribute__ ((unused));
// Basic type representation for a type (ex: for SInt32 it is Int32).
// Marked unused because currently only called from asserts/debug.
static GPBDataType BaseDataType(GPBDataType type) __attribute__ ((unused));
// String name for a data type.
// Marked unused because currently only called from asserts/debug.
static NSString *TypeToString(GPBDataType dataType) __attribute__ ((unused));
// Helper for clearing oneofs.
static void GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof,
int32_t oneofHasIndex,
uint32_t fieldNumberNotToClear);
NSData *GPBEmptyNSData(void) {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
static NSData *defaultNSData = nil;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
defaultNSData = [[NSData alloc] init];
return defaultNSData;
void GPBMessageDropUnknownFieldsRecursively(GPBMessage *initialMessage) {
if (!initialMessage) {
// Use an array as a list to process to avoid recursion.
NSMutableArray *todo = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:initialMessage];
while (todo.count) {
GPBMessage *msg = todo.lastObject;
[todo removeLastObject];
// Clear unknowns.
msg.unknownFields = nil;
// Handle the message fields.
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[msg class] descriptor];
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (!GPBFieldDataTypeIsMessage(field)) {
switch (field.fieldType) {
case GPBFieldTypeSingle:
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(msg, field)) {
GPBMessage *fieldMessage = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(msg, field);
[todo addObject:fieldMessage];
case GPBFieldTypeRepeated: {
NSArray *fieldMessages = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(msg, field);
if (fieldMessages.count) {
[todo addObjectsFromArray:fieldMessages];
case GPBFieldTypeMap: {
id rawFieldMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(msg, field);
switch (field.mapKeyDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
[(GPBBoolObjectDictionary*)rawFieldMap enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(
BOOL key, id _Nonnull object, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
#pragma unused(key, stop)
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
[(GPBUInt32ObjectDictionary*)rawFieldMap enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(
uint32_t key, id _Nonnull object, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
#pragma unused(key, stop)
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
[(GPBInt32ObjectDictionary*)rawFieldMap enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(
int32_t key, id _Nonnull object, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
#pragma unused(key, stop)
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
[(GPBUInt64ObjectDictionary*)rawFieldMap enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(
uint64_t key, id _Nonnull object, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
#pragma unused(key, stop)
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
[(GPBInt64ObjectDictionary*)rawFieldMap enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(
int64_t key, id _Nonnull object, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
#pragma unused(key, stop)
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeString:
[(NSDictionary*)rawFieldMap enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(
NSString * _Nonnull key, GPBMessage * _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
#pragma unused(key, stop)
[todo addObject:obj];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
NSCAssert(NO, @"Aren't valid key types.");
} // switch(field.mapKeyDataType)
} // switch(field.fieldType)
} // for(fields)
// Handle any extensions holding messages.
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in [msg extensionsCurrentlySet]) {
if (!GPBDataTypeIsMessage(extension.dataType)) {
if (extension.isRepeated) {
NSArray *extMessages = [msg getExtension:extension];
[todo addObjectsFromArray:extMessages];
} else {
GPBMessage *extMessage = [msg getExtension:extension];
[todo addObject:extMessage];
} // for(extensionsCurrentlySet)
} // while(todo.count)
// -- About Version Checks --
// There's actually 3 places these checks all come into play:
// 1. When the generated source is compile into .o files, the header check
// happens. This is checking the protoc used matches the library being used
// when making the .o.
// 2. Every place a generated proto header is included in a developer's code,
// the header check comes into play again. But this time it is checking that
// the current library headers being used still support/match the ones for
// the generated code.
// 3. At runtime the final check here (GPBCheckRuntimeVersionsInternal), is
// called from the generated code passing in values captured when the
// generated code's .o was made. This checks that at runtime the generated
// code and runtime library match.
void GPBCheckRuntimeVersionSupport(int32_t objcRuntimeVersion) {
// NOTE: This is passing the value captured in the compiled code to check
// against the values captured when the runtime support was compiled. This
// ensures the library code isn't in a different framework/library that
// was generated with a non matching version.
if (GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_OBJC_VERSION < objcRuntimeVersion) {
// Library is too old for headers.
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:@"Linked to ProtocolBuffer runtime version %d,"
@" but code compiled needing atleast %d!",
// Headers are too old for library.
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:@"Proto generation source compiled against runtime"
@" version %d, but this version of the runtime only"
@" supports back to %d!",
// This api is no longer used for version checks. 30001 is the last version
// using this old versioning model. When that support is removed, this function
// can be removed (along with the declaration in GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h).
void GPBCheckRuntimeVersionInternal(int32_t version) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:@"Linked to ProtocolBuffer runtime version %d,"
@" but code compiled with version %d!",
BOOL GPBMessageHasFieldNumberSet(GPBMessage *self, uint32_t fieldNumber) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:fieldNumber];
return GPBMessageHasFieldSet(self, field);
BOOL GPBMessageHasFieldSet(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return NO;
// Repeated/Map don't use the bit, they check the count.
if (GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field)) {
// Array/map type doesn't matter, since GPB*Array/NSArray and
// GPB*Dictionary/NSDictionary all support -count;
NSArray *arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
return (arrayOrMap.count > 0);
} else {
return GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field);
void GPBClearMessageField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
// If not set, nothing to do.
if (!GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (GPBFieldStoresObject(field)) {
// Object types are handled slightly differently, they need to be released.
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
[*typePtr release];
*typePtr = nil;
} else {
// POD types just need to clear the has bit as the Get* method will
// fetch the default when needed.
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, NO);
void GPBClearOneof(GPBMessage *self, GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor]] == oneof,
@"OneofDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
GPBFieldDescriptor *firstField = oneof->fields_[0];
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, firstField->description_->hasIndex, 0);
BOOL GPBGetHasIvar(GPBMessage *self, int32_t idx, uint32_t fieldNumber) {
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
if (idx < 0) {
NSCAssert(fieldNumber != 0, @"Invalid field number.");
BOOL hasIvar = (self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_[-idx] == fieldNumber);
return hasIvar;
} else {
NSCAssert(idx != GPBNoHasBit, @"Invalid has bit.");
uint32_t byteIndex = idx / 32;
uint32_t bitMask = (1U << (idx % 32));
BOOL hasIvar =
(self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_[byteIndex] & bitMask) ? YES : NO;
return hasIvar;
uint32_t GPBGetHasOneof(GPBMessage *self, int32_t idx) {
NSCAssert(idx < 0, @"%@: invalid index (%d) for oneof.",
[self class], idx);
uint32_t result = self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_[-idx];
return result;
void GPBSetHasIvar(GPBMessage *self, int32_t idx, uint32_t fieldNumber,
BOOL value) {
if (idx < 0) {
NSCAssert(fieldNumber != 0, @"Invalid field number.");
uint32_t *has_storage = self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_;
has_storage[-idx] = (value ? fieldNumber : 0);
} else {
NSCAssert(idx != GPBNoHasBit, @"Invalid has bit.");
uint32_t *has_storage = self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_;
uint32_t byte = idx / 32;
uint32_t bitMask = (1U << (idx % 32));
if (value) {
has_storage[byte] |= bitMask;
} else {
has_storage[byte] &= ~bitMask;
static void GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof,
int32_t oneofHasIndex,
uint32_t fieldNumberNotToClear) {
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
uint32_t fieldNumberSet = GPBGetHasOneof(self, oneofHasIndex);
if ((fieldNumberSet == fieldNumberNotToClear) || (fieldNumberSet == 0)) {
// Do nothing/nothing set in the oneof.
// Like GPBClearMessageField(), free the memory if an objecttype is set,
// pod types don't need to do anything.
GPBFieldDescriptor *fieldSet = [oneof fieldWithNumber:fieldNumberSet];
@"%@: oneof set to something (%u) not in the oneof?",
[self class], fieldNumberSet);
if (fieldSet && GPBFieldStoresObject(fieldSet)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[fieldSet->description_->offset];
[*typePtr release];
*typePtr = nil;
// Set to nothing stored in the oneof.
// (field number doesn't matter since setting to nothing).
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
GPBSetHasIvar(self, oneofHasIndex, 1, NO);
#pragma mark - IVar accessors
//%TYPE GPBGetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% TYPE$S NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
//% @"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",
//%, [self class]);
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to get value of TYPE from field %@ "
//% @"of %@ which is of type %@.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
//% uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
//% TYPE *typePtr = (TYPE *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
//% return *typePtr;
//% } else {
//% return field.defaultValue.value##NAME;
//% }
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%void GPBSetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE value) {
//% if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
//% @"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",
//%, [self class]);
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
//% @"value of type TYPE.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% GPBSet##NAME##IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
//%void GPBSet##NAME##IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE value) {
//% GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
//% GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
//% if (oneof) {
//% GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
//% }
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
//% @"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
//% [self class]);
//%#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
//% if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
//% uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
//% TYPE *typePtr = (TYPE *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
//% *typePtr = value;
//% // If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
//% // shouldn't auto clear on zero.
//% BOOL hasValue = ((value != (TYPE)0)
//% || ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
//% GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
//% GPBBecomeVisibleToAutocreator(self);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%TYPE *GPBGetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% TYPE$S NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to get value of TYPE from field %@ "
//% @"of %@ which is of type %@.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% return (TYPE *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%void GPBSetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE *value) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
//% @"value of type TYPE.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%TYPE *GPBGetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% TYPE$S NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to get value of TYPE from field %@ "
//% @"of %@ which is of type %@.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% return (TYPE *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%void GPBSetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE *value) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
//% @"value of type TYPE.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// Object types are handled slightly differently, they need to be released
// and retained.
void GPBSetAutocreatedRetainedObjectIvarWithField(
GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
id __attribute__((ns_consumed)) value) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
NSCAssert(*typePtr == NULL, @"Can't set autocreated object more than once.");
*typePtr = value;
void GPBClearAutocreatedMessageIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
GPBMessage *oldValue = *typePtr;
*typePtr = NULL;
[oldValue release];
// This exists only for bridging some aliased types, nothing else should use it.
static void GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, [value retain]);
static void GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value);
// GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField is blocked from the analyzer because it flags
// a leak for the -copy even though GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate
// is marked as consuming the value. Note: For some reason this doesn't happen
// with the -retain in GPBSetObjectIvarWithField.
#if !defined(__clang_analyzer__)
// This exists only for bridging some aliased types, nothing else should use it.
static void GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, [value copy]);
#endif // !defined(__clang_analyzer__)
void GPBSetObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value) {
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, [value retain]);
void GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
id value) {
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
GPBDataType fieldType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
BOOL isMapOrArray = GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field);
BOOL fieldIsMessage = GPBDataTypeIsMessage(fieldType);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (value == nil && !isMapOrArray && !fieldIsMessage &&
field.hasDefaultValue) {
// Setting a message to nil is an obvious way to "clear" the value
// as there is no way to set a non-empty default value for messages.
// For Strings and Bytes that have default values set it is not clear what
// should be done when their value is set to nil. Is the intention just to
// clear the set value and reset to default, or is the intention to set the
// value to the empty string/data? Arguments can be made for both cases.
// 'nil' has been abused as a replacement for an empty string/data in ObjC.
// We decided to be consistent with all "object" types and clear the has
// field, and fall back on the default value. The warning below will only
// appear in debug, but the could should be changed so the intention is
// clear.
NSString *hasSel = NSStringFromSelector(field->hasOrCountSel_);
NSString *propName =;
NSString *className =;
NSLog(@"warning: '%@.%@ = nil;' is not clearly defined for fields with "
@"default values. Please use '%@.%@ = %@' if you want to set it to "
@"empty, or call '%@.%@ = NO' to reset it to it's default value of "
@"'%@'. Defaulting to resetting default value.",
className, propName, className, propName,
(fieldType == GPBDataTypeString) ? @"@\"\"" : @"GPBEmptyNSData()",
className, hasSel, field.defaultValue.valueString);
// Note: valueString, depending on the type, it could easily be
// valueData/valueMessage.
#endif // DEBUG
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (!isMapOrArray) {
// Non repeated/map can be in an oneof, clear any existing value from the
// oneof.
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
// Clear "has" if they are being set to nil.
BOOL setHasValue = (value != nil);
// If the field should clear on a "zero" value, then check if the string/data
// was zero length, and clear instead.
if (((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) != 0) &&
([value length] == 0)) {
setHasValue = NO;
// The value passed in was retained, it must be released since we
// aren't saving anything in the field.
[value release];
value = nil;
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, setHasValue);
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
id oldValue = *typePtr;
*typePtr = value;
if (oldValue) {
if (isMapOrArray) {
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
// If the old array was autocreated by us, then clear it.
if (GPBDataTypeIsObject(fieldType)) {
if ([oldValue isKindOfClass:[GPBAutocreatedArray class]]) {
GPBAutocreatedArray *autoArray = oldValue;
if (autoArray->_autocreator == self) {
autoArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
// Type doesn't matter, it is a GPB*Array.
GPBInt32Array *gpbArray = oldValue;
if (gpbArray->_autocreator == self) {
gpbArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else { // GPBFieldTypeMap
// If the old map was autocreated by us, then clear it.
if ((field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) &&
GPBDataTypeIsObject(fieldType)) {
if ([oldValue isKindOfClass:[GPBAutocreatedDictionary class]]) {
GPBAutocreatedDictionary *autoDict = oldValue;
if (autoDict->_autocreator == self) {
autoDict->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
// Type doesn't matter, it is a GPB*Dictionary.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *gpbDict = oldValue;
if (gpbDict->_autocreator == self) {
gpbDict->_autocreator = nil;
} else if (fieldIsMessage) {
// If the old message value was autocreated by us, then clear it.
GPBMessage *oldMessageValue = oldValue;
if (GPBWasMessageAutocreatedBy(oldMessageValue, self)) {
[oldValue release];
id GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
if (self->messageStorage_ == nil) {
return nil;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
int32_t GPBGetMessageEnumField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(GPBGetFieldDataType(field) == GPBDataTypeEnum,
@"Attempting to get value of type Enum from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
int32_t result = GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field);
// If this is presevering unknown enums, make sure the value is valid before
// returning it.
GPBFileSyntax syntax = [self descriptor].file.syntax;
if (GPBHasPreservingUnknownEnumSemantics(syntax) &&
![field isValidEnumValue:result]) {
result = kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue;
return result;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageEnumField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int32_t value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(GPBGetFieldDataType(field) == GPBDataTypeEnum,
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type Enum.",
[self class],,
GPBSetEnumIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetEnumIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field, int32_t value) {
// Don't allow in unknown values. Proto3 can use the Raw method.
if (![field isValidEnumValue:value]) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@: Attempt to set an unknown enum value (%d)",
[self class],, value];
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
int32_t GPBGetMessageRawEnumField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
int32_t result = GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field);
return result;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageRawEnumField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int32_t value) {
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
BOOL GPBGetMessageBoolField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field), GPBDataTypeBool),
@"Attempting to get value of type bool from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
// Bools are stored in the has bits to avoid needing explicit space in the
// storage structure.
// (the field number passed to the HasIvar helper doesn't really matter
// since the offset is never negative)
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
return GPBGetHasIvar(self, (int32_t)(fieldDesc->offset), fieldDesc->number);
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueBool;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageBoolField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
BOOL value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field), GPBDataTypeBool),
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type bool.",
[self class],,
GPBSetBoolIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetBoolIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
BOOL value) {
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
// Bools are stored in the has bits to avoid needing explicit space in the
// storage structure.
// (the field number passed to the HasIvar helper doesn't really matter since
// the offset is never negative)
GPBSetHasIvar(self, (int32_t)(fieldDesc->offset), fieldDesc->number, value);
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (BOOL)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
int32_t GPBGetMessageInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of int32_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int32_t *typePtr = (int32_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueInt32;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int32_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type int32_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int32_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int32_t *typePtr = (int32_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (int32_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
uint32_t GPBGetMessageUInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of uint32_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint32_t *typePtr = (uint32_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueUInt32;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageUInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint32_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type uint32_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetUInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetUInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint32_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint32_t *typePtr = (uint32_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (uint32_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
int64_t GPBGetMessageInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of int64_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int64_t *typePtr = (int64_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueInt64;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int64_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type int64_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int64_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int64_t *typePtr = (int64_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (int64_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
uint64_t GPBGetMessageUInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of uint64_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint64_t *typePtr = (uint64_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueUInt64;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageUInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint64_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type uint64_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetUInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetUInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint64_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint64_t *typePtr = (uint64_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (uint64_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
float GPBGetMessageFloatField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of float from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
float *typePtr = (float *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueFloat;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageFloatField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
float value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type float.",
[self class],,
GPBSetFloatIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetFloatIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
float value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
float *typePtr = (float *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (float)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
double GPBGetMessageDoubleField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of double from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
double *typePtr = (double *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueDouble;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageDoubleField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
double value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type double.",
[self class],,
GPBSetDoubleIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetDoubleIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
double value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
double *typePtr = (double *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (double)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// clang-format on
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
//%PDDM-EXPAND-END (6 expansions)
// Aliases are function calls that are virtually the same.
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
NSString *GPBGetMessageStringField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of NSString from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (NSString *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageStringField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
NSString *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type NSString.",
[self class],,
GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
NSData *GPBGetMessageBytesField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of NSData from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (NSData *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageBytesField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
NSData *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type NSData.",
[self class],,
GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
GPBMessage *GPBGetMessageMessageField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of GPBMessage from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (GPBMessage *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageMessageField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
GPBMessage *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type GPBMessage.",
[self class],,
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// clang-format on
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// clang-format off
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
GPBMessage *GPBGetMessageGroupField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of GPBMessage from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (GPBMessage *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageGroupField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
GPBMessage *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type GPBMessage.",
[self class],,
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// clang-format on
//%PDDM-EXPAND-END (4 expansions)
// GPBGetMessageRepeatedField is defined in GPBMessage.m
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageRepeatedField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id array) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (field.fieldType != GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@ is not a repeated field.",
[self class],];
Class expectedClass = Nil;
switch (GPBGetFieldDataType(field)) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
expectedClass = [GPBBoolArray class];
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
expectedClass = [GPBInt32Array class];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
expectedClass = [GPBUInt32Array class];
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
expectedClass = [GPBInt64Array class];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
expectedClass = [GPBUInt64Array class];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
expectedClass = [GPBFloatArray class];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
expectedClass = [GPBDoubleArray class];
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
expectedClass = [NSMutableArray class];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
expectedClass = [GPBEnumArray class];
if (array && ![array isKindOfClass:expectedClass]) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@: Expected %@ object, got %@.",
[self class],, expectedClass, [array class]];
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, array);
static GPBDataType BaseDataType(GPBDataType type) {
switch (type) {
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
return GPBDataTypeInt32;
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
return GPBDataTypeUInt32;
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
return GPBDataTypeInt64;
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
return GPBDataTypeUInt64;
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
return GPBDataTypeMessage;
case GPBDataTypeBool:
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
return type;
static BOOL DataTypesEquivalent(GPBDataType type1, GPBDataType type2) {
return BaseDataType(type1) == BaseDataType(type2);
static NSString *TypeToString(GPBDataType dataType) {
switch (dataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
return @"Bool";
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
return @"Int32";
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
return @"UInt32";
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
return @"Int64";
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
return @"UInt64";
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
return @"Float";
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
return @"Double";
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
return @"Object";
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
return @"Enum";
// GPBGetMessageMapField is defined in GPBMessage.m
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageMapField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
id dictionary) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (field.fieldType != GPBFieldTypeMap) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@ is not a map<> field.",
[self class],];
if (dictionary) {
GPBDataType keyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
GPBDataType valueDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
NSString *keyStr = TypeToString(keyDataType);
NSString *valueStr = TypeToString(valueDataType);
if (keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
keyStr = @"String";
Class expectedClass = Nil;
if ((keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) &&
GPBDataTypeIsObject(valueDataType)) {
expectedClass = [NSMutableDictionary class];
} else {
NSString *className =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"GPB%@%@Dictionary", keyStr, valueStr];
expectedClass = NSClassFromString(className);
NSCAssert(expectedClass, @"Missing a class (%@)?", expectedClass);
if (![dictionary isKindOfClass:expectedClass]) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@: Expected %@ object, got %@.",
[self class],, expectedClass,
[dictionary class]];
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, dictionary);
#pragma mark - Misc Dynamic Runtime Utils
const char *GPBMessageEncodingForSelector(SEL selector, BOOL instanceSel) {
Protocol *protocol =
NSCAssert(protocol, @"Missing GPBMessageSignatureProtocol");
struct objc_method_description description =
protocol_getMethodDescription(protocol, selector, NO, instanceSel);
NSCAssert( != Nil && description.types != nil,
@"Missing method for selector %@", NSStringFromSelector(selector));
return description.types;
#pragma mark - Text Format Support
static void AppendStringEscaped(NSString *toPrint, NSMutableString *destStr) {
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
NSUInteger len = [toPrint length];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
unichar aChar = [toPrint characterAtIndex:i];
switch (aChar) {
case '\n': [destStr appendString:@"\\n"]; break;
case '\r': [destStr appendString:@"\\r"]; break;
case '\t': [destStr appendString:@"\\t"]; break;
case '\"': [destStr appendString:@"\\\""]; break;
case '\'': [destStr appendString:@"\\\'"]; break;
case '\\': [destStr appendString:@"\\\\"]; break;
// This differs slightly from the C++ code in that the C++ doesn't
// generate UTF8; it looks at the string in UTF8, but escapes every
// byte > 0x7E.
if (aChar < 0x20) {
[destStr appendFormat:@"\\%d%d%d",
(aChar / 64), ((aChar % 64) / 8), (aChar % 8)];
} else {
[destStr appendFormat:@"%C", aChar];
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
static void AppendBufferAsString(NSData *buffer, NSMutableString *destStr) {
const char *src = (const char *)[buffer bytes];
size_t srcLen = [buffer length];
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
for (const char *srcEnd = src + srcLen; src < srcEnd; src++) {
switch (*src) {
case '\n': [destStr appendString:@"\\n"]; break;
case '\r': [destStr appendString:@"\\r"]; break;
case '\t': [destStr appendString:@"\\t"]; break;
case '\"': [destStr appendString:@"\\\""]; break;
case '\'': [destStr appendString:@"\\\'"]; break;
case '\\': [destStr appendString:@"\\\\"]; break;
if (isprint(*src)) {
[destStr appendFormat:@"%c", *src];
} else {
// NOTE: doing hex means you have to worry about the letter after
// the hex being another hex char and forcing that to be escaped, so
// use octal to keep it simple.
[destStr appendFormat:@"\\%03o", (uint8_t)(*src)];
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
static void AppendTextFormatForMapMessageField(
id map, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent, NSString *fieldName, NSString *lineEnding) {
GPBDataType keyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
GPBDataType valueDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
BOOL isMessageValue = GPBDataTypeIsMessage(valueDataType);
NSString *msgStartFirst =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@ {%@\n", lineIndent, fieldName, lineEnding];
NSString *msgStart =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@ {\n", lineIndent, fieldName];
NSString *msgEnd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@}\n", lineIndent];
NSString *keyLine = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ key: ", lineIndent];
NSString *valueLine = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ value%s ", lineIndent,
(isMessageValue ? "" : ":")];
__block BOOL isFirst = YES;
if ((keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) &&
GPBDataTypeIsObject(valueDataType)) {
// map is an NSDictionary.
NSDictionary *dict = map;
[dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id value, BOOL *stop) {
#pragma unused(stop)
[toStr appendString:(isFirst ? msgStartFirst : msgStart)];
isFirst = NO;
[toStr appendString:keyLine];
AppendStringEscaped(key, toStr);
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
[toStr appendString:valueLine];
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeString:
AppendStringEscaped(value, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
AppendBufferAsString(value, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
[toStr appendString:@"{\n"];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(value, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@ }", lineIndent];
NSCAssert(NO, @"Can't happen");
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
[toStr appendString:msgEnd];
} else {
// map is one of the GPB*Dictionary classes, type doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *dict = map;
[dict enumerateForTextFormat:^(id keyObj, id valueObj) {
[toStr appendString:(isFirst ? msgStartFirst : msgStart)];
isFirst = NO;
// Key always is a NSString.
if (keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
[toStr appendString:keyLine];
AppendStringEscaped(keyObj, toStr);
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%@\n", keyLine, keyObj];
[toStr appendString:valueLine];
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeString:
AppendStringEscaped(valueObj, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
AppendBufferAsString(valueObj, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
[toStr appendString:@"{\n"];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(valueObj, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@ }", lineIndent];
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t enumValue = [valueObj intValue];
NSString *valueStr = nil;
GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = field.enumDescriptor;
if (descriptor) {
valueStr = [descriptor textFormatNameForValue:enumValue];
if (valueStr) {
[toStr appendString:valueStr];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%d", enumValue];
NSCAssert(valueDataType != GPBDataTypeGroup, @"Can't happen");
// Everything else is a NSString.
[toStr appendString:valueObj];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
[toStr appendString:msgEnd];
static void AppendTextFormatForMessageField(GPBMessage *message,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent) {
id arrayOrMap;
NSUInteger count;
GPBFieldType fieldType = field.fieldType;
switch (fieldType) {
case GPBFieldTypeSingle:
arrayOrMap = nil;
count = (GPBGetHasIvarField(message, field) ? 1 : 0);
case GPBFieldTypeRepeated:
// Will be NSArray or GPB*Array, type doesn't matter, they both
// implement count.
arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(message, field);
count = [(NSArray *)arrayOrMap count];
case GPBFieldTypeMap: {
// Will be GPB*Dictionary or NSMutableDictionary, type doesn't matter,
// they both implement count.
arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(message, field);
count = [(NSDictionary *)arrayOrMap count];
if (count == 0) {
// Nothing to print, out of here.
NSString *lineEnding = @"";
// If the name can't be reversed or support for extra info was turned off,
// this can return nil.
NSString *fieldName = [field textFormatName];
if ([fieldName length] == 0) {
fieldName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u", GPBFieldNumber(field)];
// If there is only one entry, put the objc name as a comment, other wise
// add it before the repeated values.
if (count > 1) {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@# %@\n", lineIndent,];
} else {
lineEnding = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" # %@",];
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap) {
AppendTextFormatForMapMessageField(arrayOrMap, field, toStr, lineIndent,
fieldName, lineEnding);
id array = arrayOrMap;
const BOOL isRepeated = (array != nil);
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
BOOL isMessageField = GPBDataTypeIsMessage(fieldDataType);
for (NSUInteger j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
// Start the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%@%s ", lineIndent, fieldName,
(isMessageField ? "" : ":")];
// The value.
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##GPBDATATYPE: { \
CTYPE v = (isRepeated ? [(GPB##REAL_TYPE##Array *)array valueAtIndex:j] \
: GPBGetMessage##REAL_TYPE##Field(message, field)); \
[toStr appendFormat:__VA_ARGS__, v]; \
break; \
FIELD_CASE(Int32, int32_t, Int32, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SInt32, int32_t, Int32, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Int64, int64_t, Int64, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SInt64, int64_t, Int64, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Float, float, Float, @"%.*g", FLT_DIG)
FIELD_CASE(Double, double, Double, @"%.*lg", DBL_DIG)
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t v = (isRepeated ? [(GPBEnumArray *)array rawValueAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field));
NSString *valueStr = nil;
GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = field.enumDescriptor;
if (descriptor) {
valueStr = [descriptor textFormatNameForValue:v];
if (valueStr) {
[toStr appendString:valueStr];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%d", v];
case GPBDataTypeBool: {
BOOL v = (isRepeated ? [(GPBBoolArray *)array valueAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageBoolField(message, field));
[toStr appendString:(v ? @"true" : @"false")];
case GPBDataTypeString: {
NSString *v = (isRepeated ? [(NSArray *)array objectAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageStringField(message, field));
AppendStringEscaped(v, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes: {
NSData *v = (isRepeated ? [(NSArray *)array objectAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageBytesField(message, field));
AppendBufferAsString(v, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage: {
GPBMessage *v =
(isRepeated ? [(NSArray *)array objectAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(message, field));
[toStr appendFormat:@"{%@\n", lineEnding];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(v, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@}", lineIndent];
lineEnding = @"";
} // switch(fieldDataType)
// End the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@\n", lineEnding];
} // for(count)
static void AppendTextFormatForMessageExtensionRange(GPBMessage *message,
NSArray *activeExtensions,
GPBExtensionRange range,
NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent) {
uint32_t start = range.start;
uint32_t end = range.end;
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in activeExtensions) {
uint32_t fieldNumber = extension.fieldNumber;
if (fieldNumber < start) {
// Not there yet.
if (fieldNumber >= end) {
// Done.
id rawExtValue = [message getExtension:extension];
BOOL isRepeated = extension.isRepeated;
NSUInteger numValues = 1;
NSString *lineEnding = @"";
if (isRepeated) {
numValues = [(NSArray *)rawExtValue count];
NSString *singletonName = extension.singletonName;
if (numValues == 1) {
lineEnding = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" # [%@]", singletonName];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@# [%@]\n", lineIndent, singletonName];
GPBDataType extDataType = extension.dataType;
for (NSUInteger j = 0; j < numValues; ++j) {
id curValue = (isRepeated ? [rawExtValue objectAtIndex:j] : rawExtValue);
// Start the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%u%s ", lineIndent, fieldNumber,
(GPBDataTypeIsMessage(extDataType) ? "" : ":")];
// The value.
switch (extDataType) {
case GPBDataType##GPBDATATYPE: { \
CTYPE v = [(NSNumber *)curValue NUMSELECTOR]; \
[toStr appendFormat:__VA_ARGS__, v]; \
break; \
FIELD_CASE(Int32, int32_t, intValue, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SInt32, int32_t, intValue, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed32, int32_t, unsignedIntValue, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(UInt32, uint32_t, unsignedIntValue, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed32, uint32_t, unsignedIntValue, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Int64, int64_t, longLongValue, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SInt64, int64_t, longLongValue, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed64, int64_t, longLongValue, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(UInt64, uint64_t, unsignedLongLongValue, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed64, uint64_t, unsignedLongLongValue, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Float, float, floatValue, @"%.*g", FLT_DIG)
FIELD_CASE(Double, double, doubleValue, @"%.*lg", DBL_DIG)
// TODO: Add a comment with the enum name from enum descriptors
// (might not be real value, so leave it as a comment, ObjC compiler
// name mangles differently). Doesn't look like we actually generate
// an enum descriptor reference like we do for normal fields, so this
// will take a compiler change.
FIELD_CASE(Enum, int32_t, intValue, @"%d")
case GPBDataTypeBool:
[toStr appendString:([(NSNumber *)curValue boolValue] ? @"true"
: @"false")];
case GPBDataTypeString:
AppendStringEscaped(curValue, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
AppendBufferAsString((NSData *)curValue, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage: {
[toStr appendFormat:@"{%@\n", lineEnding];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(curValue, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@}", lineIndent];
lineEnding = @"";
} // switch(extDataType)
// End the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@\n", lineEnding];
} // for(numValues)
} //
static void AppendTextFormatForMessage(GPBMessage *message,
NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [message descriptor];
NSArray *fieldsArray = descriptor->fields_;
NSUInteger fieldCount = fieldsArray.count;
const GPBExtensionRange *extensionRanges = descriptor.extensionRanges;
NSUInteger extensionRangesCount = descriptor.extensionRangesCount;
NSArray *activeExtensions = [[message extensionsCurrentlySet]
for (NSUInteger i = 0, j = 0; i < fieldCount || j < extensionRangesCount;) {
if (i == fieldCount) {
message, activeExtensions, extensionRanges[j++], toStr, lineIndent);
} else if (j == extensionRangesCount ||
GPBFieldNumber(fieldsArray[i]) < extensionRanges[j].start) {
AppendTextFormatForMessageField(message, fieldsArray[i++], toStr,
} else {
message, activeExtensions, extensionRanges[j++], toStr, lineIndent);
NSString *unknownFieldsStr =
GPBTextFormatForUnknownFieldSet(message.unknownFields, lineIndent);
if ([unknownFieldsStr length] > 0) {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@# --- Unknown fields ---\n", lineIndent];
[toStr appendString:unknownFieldsStr];
NSString *GPBTextFormatForMessage(GPBMessage *message, NSString *lineIndent) {
if (message == nil) return @"";
if (lineIndent == nil) lineIndent = @"";
NSMutableString *buildString = [NSMutableString string];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(message, buildString, lineIndent);
return buildString;
NSString *GPBTextFormatForUnknownFieldSet(GPBUnknownFieldSet *unknownSet,
NSString *lineIndent) {
if (unknownSet == nil) return @"";
if (lineIndent == nil) lineIndent = @"";
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString string];
for (GPBUnknownField *field in [unknownSet sortedFields]) {
int32_t fieldNumber = [field number];
[field.PROPNAME \
enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(CTYPE value, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * stop) { \
_Pragma("unused(idx, stop)"); \
[result \
appendFormat:@"%@%d: " #FORMAT "\n", lineIndent, fieldNumber, value]; \
PRINT_LOOP(varintList, uint64_t, %llu);
PRINT_LOOP(fixed32List, uint32_t, 0x%X);
PRINT_LOOP(fixed64List, uint64_t, 0x%llX);
// NOTE: C++ version of TextFormat tries to parse this as a message
// and print that if it succeeds.
for (NSData *data in field.lengthDelimitedList) {
[result appendFormat:@"%@%d: ", lineIndent, fieldNumber];
AppendBufferAsString(data, result);
[result appendString:@"\n"];
for (GPBUnknownFieldSet *subUnknownSet in field.groupList) {
[result appendFormat:@"%@%d: {\n", lineIndent, fieldNumber];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
NSString *subUnknwonSetStr =
GPBTextFormatForUnknownFieldSet(subUnknownSet, subIndent);
[result appendString:subUnknwonSetStr];
[result appendFormat:@"%@}\n", lineIndent];
return result;
// Helpers to decode a varint. Not using GPBCodedInputStream version because
// that needs a state object, and we don't want to create an input stream out
// of the data.
GPB_INLINE int8_t ReadRawByteFromData(const uint8_t **data) {
int8_t result = *((int8_t *)(*data));
return result;
static int32_t ReadRawVarint32FromData(const uint8_t **data) {
int8_t tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data);
if (tmp >= 0) {
return tmp;
int32_t result = tmp & 0x7f;
if ((tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) >= 0) {
result |= tmp << 7;
} else {
result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 7;
if ((tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) >= 0) {
result |= tmp << 14;
} else {
result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 14;
if ((tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) >= 0) {
result |= tmp << 21;
} else {
result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 21;
result |= (tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) << 28;
if (tmp < 0) {
// Discard upper 32 bits.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (ReadRawByteFromData(data) >= 0) {
return result;
[NSException raise:NSParseErrorException
format:@"Unable to read varint32"];
return result;
NSString *GPBDecodeTextFormatName(const uint8_t *decodeData, int32_t key,
NSString *inputStr) {
// decodData form:
// varint32: num entries
// for each entry:
// varint32: key
// bytes*: decode data
// decode data one of two forms:
// 1: a \0 followed by the string followed by an \0
// 2: bytecodes to transform an input into the right thing, ending with \0
// the bytes codes are of the form:
// 0xabbccccc
// 0x0 (all zeros), end.
// a - if set, add an underscore
// bb - 00 ccccc bytes as is
// bb - 10 ccccc upper first, as is on rest, ccccc byte total
// bb - 01 ccccc lower first, as is on rest, ccccc byte total
// bb - 11 ccccc all upper, ccccc byte total
if (!decodeData || !inputStr) {
return nil;
// Find key
const uint8_t *scan = decodeData;
int32_t numEntries = ReadRawVarint32FromData(&scan);
BOOL foundKey = NO;
while (!foundKey && (numEntries > 0)) {
int32_t dataKey = ReadRawVarint32FromData(&scan);
if (dataKey == key) {
foundKey = YES;
} else {
// If it is a inlined string, it will start with \0; if it is bytecode it
// will start with a code. So advance one (skipping the inline string
// marker), and then loop until reaching the end marker (\0).
while (*scan != 0) ++scan;
// Now move past the end marker.
if (!foundKey) {
return nil;
// Decode
if (*scan == 0) {
// Inline string. Move over the marker, and NSString can take it as
// UTF8.
NSString *result = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)scan];
return result;
NSMutableString *result =
[NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:[inputStr length]];
const uint8_t kAddUnderscore = 0b10000000;
const uint8_t kOpMask = 0b01100000;
// const uint8_t kOpAsIs = 0b00000000;
const uint8_t kOpFirstUpper = 0b01000000;
const uint8_t kOpFirstLower = 0b00100000;
const uint8_t kOpAllUpper = 0b01100000;
const uint8_t kSegmentLenMask = 0b00011111;
NSInteger i = 0;
for (; *scan != 0; ++scan) {
if (*scan & kAddUnderscore) {
[result appendString:@"_"];
int segmentLen = *scan & kSegmentLenMask;
uint8_t decodeOp = *scan & kOpMask;
// Do op specific handling of the first character.
if (decodeOp == kOpFirstUpper) {
unichar c = [inputStr characterAtIndex:i];
[result appendFormat:@"%c", toupper((char)c)];
} else if (decodeOp == kOpFirstLower) {
unichar c = [inputStr characterAtIndex:i];
[result appendFormat:@"%c", tolower((char)c)];
// else op == kOpAsIs || op == kOpAllUpper
// Now pull over the rest of the length for this segment.
for (int x = 0; x < segmentLen; ++x) {
unichar c = [inputStr characterAtIndex:(i + x)];
if (decodeOp == kOpAllUpper) {
[result appendFormat:@"%c", toupper((char)c)];
} else {
[result appendFormat:@"%C", c];
i += segmentLen;
return result;
#pragma mark Legacy methods old generated code calls
// Shim from the older generated code into the runtime.
void GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int32_t value,
GPBFileSyntax syntax) {
#pragma unused(syntax)
GPBSetMessageInt32Field(self, field, value);
void GPBMaybeClearOneof(GPBMessage *self, GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof,
int32_t oneofHasIndex, uint32_t fieldNumberNotToClear) {
#pragma unused(fieldNumberNotToClear)
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor]] == oneof,
@"OneofDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
GPBFieldDescriptor *firstField = oneof->fields_[0];
NSCAssert(firstField->description_->hasIndex == oneofHasIndex,
@"Internal error, oneofHasIndex (%d) doesn't match (%d).",
firstField->description_->hasIndex, oneofHasIndex);
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, oneofHasIndex, 0);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#pragma mark Misc Helpers
BOOL GPBClassHasSel(Class aClass, SEL sel) {
// NOTE: We have to use class_copyMethodList, all other runtime method
// lookups actually also resolve the method implementation and this
// is called from within those methods.
BOOL result = NO;
unsigned int methodCount = 0;
Method *methodList = class_copyMethodList(aClass, &methodCount);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i) {
SEL methodSelector = method_getName(methodList[i]);
if (methodSelector == sel) {
result = YES;
return result;