// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// clang-format off
// source: google/protobuf/duration.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h"
#import "GPBDuration.pbobjc.h"
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension"
#pragma mark - Objective C Class declarations
// Forward declarations of Objective C classes that we can use as
// static values in struct initializers.
// We don't use [Foo class] because it is not a static value.
#pragma mark - GPBDurationRoot
@implementation GPBDurationRoot
// No extensions in the file and no imports, so no need to generate
// +extensionRegistry.
#pragma mark - GPBDurationRoot_FileDescriptor
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBDurationRoot_FileDescriptor(void) {
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry
// about thread safety of the singleton.
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
if (!descriptor) {
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf"
return descriptor;
#pragma mark - GPBDuration
@implementation GPBDuration
@dynamic seconds;
@dynamic nanos;
typedef struct GPBDuration__storage_ {
uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
int32_t nanos;
int64_t seconds;
} GPBDuration__storage_;
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
// in +initialize for each subclass.
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil;
if (!descriptor) {
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
.name = "seconds",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBDuration_FieldNumber_Seconds,
.hasIndex = 0,
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBDuration__storage_, seconds),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt64,
.name = "nanos",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBDuration_FieldNumber_Nanos,
.hasIndex = 1,
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBDuration__storage_, nanos),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32,
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor =
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:GPBObjCClass(GPBDuration)
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription))
flags:(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlags)(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs | GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_Proto3OptionalKnown | GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_ClosedEnumSupportKnown)];
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!");
#endif // DEBUG
descriptor = localDescriptor;
return descriptor;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
// clang-format on