Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
Author: Josh Haberman <>
Tests for dump_cinit.lua. Runs first in a mode that generates
some C code for an extension. The C code is compiled and then
loaded by a second invocation of the test which checks that the
generated defs are as expected.
local dump_cinit = require "dump_cinit"
local upb = require "upb"
-- Once APIs for loading descriptors are fleshed out, we should replace this
-- with a descriptor for a meaty protobuf like descriptor.proto.
local symtab = upb.SymbolTable{
upb.EnumDef{full_name = "MyEnum",
values = {
{"FOO", 1},
{"BAR", 77}
upb.MessageDef{full_name = "MyMessage",
fields = {
upb.FieldDef{label = upb.LABEL_REQUIRED, name = "field1", number = 1,
type = upb.TYPE_INT32},
upb.FieldDef{label = upb.LABEL_REPEATED, name = "field2", number = 2,
type = upb.TYPE_ENUM, subdef_name = ".MyEnum"},
upb.FieldDef{name = "field3", number = 3, type = upb.TYPE_MESSAGE,
subdef_name = ".MyMessage"}
if arg[1] == "generate" then
local f = assert([2], "w"))
local f_h = assert([2] .. ".h", "w"))
local appendc = dump_cinit.file_appender(f)
local appendh = dump_cinit.file_appender(f_h)
f:write('#include "lua.h"\n')
f:write('#define ELEMENTS(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(*array))\n')
f:write('#include "bindings/lua/upb.h"\n')
dump_cinit.dump_defs(symtab, "test", appendh, appendc)
f:write([[int luaopen_staticdefs(lua_State *L) {
for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(test_msgs); i++) {
lupb_def_pushnewrapper(L, UPB_UPCAST(&test_msgs[i]), NULL);
lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(test_enums); i++) {
lupb_def_pushnewrapper(L, UPB_UPCAST(&test_enums[i]), NULL);
lua_rawseti(L, -2, ELEMENTS(test_msgs) + i + 1);
return 1;
elseif arg[1] == "test" then
local staticdefs = require "staticdefs"
local msg = assert(staticdefs[1])
local enum = assert(staticdefs[2])
local f2 = assert(msg:field("field2"))
assert(msg:def_type() == upb.DEF_MSG)
assert(msg:full_name() == "MyMessage")
assert(enum:def_type() == upb.DEF_ENUM)
assert(enum:full_name() == "MyEnum")
assert(enum:value("FOO") == 1)
assert(f2:name() == "field2")
assert(f2:containing_type() == msg)
assert(f2:subdef() == enum)
error("Unknown operation " .. arg[1])