// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
#import "GPBMessage.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <os/lock.h>
#import <stdatomic.h>
#import "GPBArray_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBCodedInputStream_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBCodedOutputStream_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDescriptor_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDictionary_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBExtensionInternals.h"
#import "GPBExtensionRegistry.h"
#import "GPBMessage_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBRootObject_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUnknownField.h"
#import "GPBUnknownFieldSet.h"
#import "GPBUnknownFieldSet_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUnknownFields_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h"
// TODO: Consider using on other functions to reduce bloat when
// some compiler optimizations are enabled.
#define GPB_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
// Returns a new instance that was automatically created by |autocreator| for
// its field |field|.
static GPBMessage *GPBCreateMessageWithAutocreator(Class msgClass, GPBMessage *autocreator,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field)
// Direct access is use for speed, to avoid even internally declaring things
// read/write, etc. The warning is enabled in the project to ensure code calling
// protos can turn on -Wdirect-ivar-access without issues.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdirect-ivar-access"
NSString *const GPBMessageErrorDomain = GPBNSStringifySymbol(GPBMessageErrorDomain);
NSString *const GPBErrorReasonKey = @"Reason";
static NSString *const kGPBDataCoderKey = @"GPBData";
// Length-delimited has a max size of 2GB, and thus messages do also.
// src/google/protobuf/message_lite also does this enforcement on the C++ side. Validation for
// parsing is done with GPBCodedInputStream; but for messages, it is less checks to do it within
// the message side since the input stream code calls these same bottlenecks.
// https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/encoding/#cheat-sheet
static const size_t kMaximumMessageSize = 0x7fffffff;
NSString *const GPBMessageExceptionMessageTooLarge =
// This is the base class for *all* messages generated, so any selector defined,
// *public* or *private* could end up colliding with a proto message field. So
// avoid using selectors that could match a property, use C functions to hide
// them, etc.
@interface GPBMessage () {
// Only one of these two is ever set, GPBUnknownFieldSet is being deprecated and will
// eventually be removed, but because that api support mutation, once the property is
// fetch it must continue to be used so any mutations will be honored in future operations
// on the message.
// Read only operations that access these two/cause things to migration between them should
// be protected with an @synchronized(self) block (that way the code also doesn't have to
// worry about throws).
NSMutableData *unknownFieldData_;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
GPBUnknownFieldSet *unknownFields_;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
NSMutableDictionary *extensionMap_;
// Readonly access to autocreatedExtensionMap_ is protected via readOnlyLock_.
NSMutableDictionary *autocreatedExtensionMap_;
// If the object was autocreated, we remember the creator so that if we get
// mutated, we can inform the creator to make our field visible.
GPBMessage *autocreator_;
GPBFieldDescriptor *autocreatorField_;
GPBExtensionDescriptor *autocreatorExtension_;
// Messages can only be mutated from one thread. But some *readonly* operations modify internal
// state because they autocreate things. The autocreatedExtensionMap_ is one such structure.
// Access during readonly operations is protected via this lock.
// Long ago, this was an OSSpinLock, but then it came to light that there were issues for that on
// iOS:
// http://mjtsai.com/blog/2015/12/16/osspinlock-is-unsafe/
// https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-dev/Week-of-Mon-20151214/000372.html
// It was changed to a dispatch_semaphore_t, but that has potential for priority inversion issues.
// The minOS versions are now high enough that os_unfair_lock can be used, and should provide
// all the support we need. For more information in the concurrency/locking space see:
// https://gist.github.com/tclementdev/6af616354912b0347cdf6db159c37057
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Performance/Conceptual/EnergyGuide-iOS/PrioritizeWorkWithQoS.html
// https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/706/
os_unfair_lock readOnlyLock_;
static id CreateArrayForField(GPBFieldDescriptor *field, GPBMessage *autocreator)
static id GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field);
static id GetArrayIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field);
static id CreateMapForField(GPBFieldDescriptor *field, GPBMessage *autocreator)
static id GetOrCreateMapIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field);
static id GetMapIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field);
static NSMutableDictionary *CloneExtensionMap(NSDictionary *extensionMap, NSZone *zone)
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
static NSError *MessageError(NSInteger code, NSDictionary *userInfo) {
return [NSError errorWithDomain:GPBMessageErrorDomain code:code userInfo:userInfo];
static NSError *ErrorFromException(NSException *exception) {
NSError *error = nil;
if ([exception.name isEqual:GPBCodedInputStreamException]) {
NSDictionary *exceptionInfo = exception.userInfo;
error = exceptionInfo[GPBCodedInputStreamUnderlyingErrorKey];
if (!error) {
NSString *reason = exception.reason;
NSDictionary *userInfo = nil;
if ([reason length]) {
userInfo = @{GPBErrorReasonKey : reason};
error = [NSError errorWithDomain:GPBMessageErrorDomain
return error;
// Helper to encode varints onto the mutable data, the max size need is 10 bytes.
static uint8_t *EncodeVarintU64(uint64_t val, uint8_t *ptr) {
do {
uint8_t byte = val & 0x7fU;
val >>= 7;
if (val) byte |= 0x80U;
*(ptr++) = byte;
} while (val);
return ptr;
// Helper to encode varints onto the mutable data, the max size need is 5 bytes.
static uint8_t *EncodeVarintU32(uint32_t val, uint8_t *ptr) {
do {
uint8_t byte = val & 0x7fU;
val >>= 7;
if (val) byte |= 0x80U;
*(ptr++) = byte;
} while (val);
return ptr;
// Helper to encode signed int32 values as varints onto the mutable data, the max size need is 10
// bytes.
static uint8_t *EncodeVarintS32(int32_t val, uint8_t *ptr) {
if (val >= 0) {
return EncodeVarintU32((uint32_t)val, ptr);
} else {
// Must sign-extend
int64_t extended = val;
return EncodeVarintU64((uint64_t)extended, ptr);
static void AddUnknownFieldVarint32(GPBMessage *self, uint32_t fieldNumber, int32_t value) {
if (self->unknownFields_) {
[self->unknownFields_ mergeVarintField:fieldNumber value:value];
uint8_t buf[20];
uint8_t *ptr = buf;
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(GPBWireFormatMakeTag(fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint), ptr);
ptr = EncodeVarintS32(value, ptr);
if (self->unknownFieldData_ == nil) {
self->unknownFieldData_ = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:ptr - buf];
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendBytes:buf length:ptr - buf];
static void AddUnknownFieldLengthDelimited(GPBMessage *self, uint32_t fieldNumber, NSData *value) {
if (self->unknownFields_) {
[self->unknownFields_ mergeLengthDelimited:fieldNumber value:value];
uint8_t buf[20];
uint8_t *ptr = buf;
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(GPBWireFormatMakeTag(fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatLengthDelimited), ptr);
ptr = EncodeVarintU64((uint64_t)value.length, ptr);
if (self->unknownFieldData_ == nil) {
self->unknownFieldData_ = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:(ptr - buf) + value.length];
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendBytes:buf length:ptr - buf];
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendData:value];
static void AddUnknownMessageSetEntry(GPBMessage *self, uint32_t typeId, NSData *value) {
if (self->unknownFields_) {
// Legacy Set does this odd storage for MessageSet.
[self->unknownFields_ mergeLengthDelimited:typeId value:value];
uint8_t buf[60];
uint8_t *ptr = buf;
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(GPBWireFormatMessageSetItemTag, ptr);
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(GPBWireFormatMessageSetTypeIdTag, ptr);
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(typeId, ptr);
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(GPBWireFormatMessageSetMessageTag, ptr);
ptr = EncodeVarintU64((uint64_t)value.length, ptr);
uint8_t *split = ptr;
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(GPBWireFormatMessageSetItemEndTag, ptr);
uint8_t *end = ptr;
if (self->unknownFieldData_ == nil) {
self->unknownFieldData_ = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:(end - buf) + value.length];
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendBytes:buf length:split - buf];
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendData:value];
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendBytes:split length:end - split];
static void ParseUnknownField(GPBMessage *self, uint32_t tag, GPBCodedInputStream *input) {
if (self->unknownFields_) {
if (![self->unknownFields_ mergeFieldFrom:tag input:input]) {
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidTag, @"Unexpected end-group tag");
uint8_t buf[20];
uint8_t *ptr = buf;
ptr = EncodeVarintU32(tag, ptr); // All will need the tag
NSData *bytesToAppend = nil;
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
switch (GPBWireFormatGetTagWireType(tag)) {
case GPBWireFormatVarint: {
ptr = EncodeVarintU64(GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(state), ptr);
case GPBWireFormatFixed64: {
uint64_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed64(state);
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 8) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 16) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 24) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 32) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 40) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 48) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 56) & 0xFF;
case GPBWireFormatLengthDelimited: {
bytesToAppend = GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytes(state);
ptr = EncodeVarintU64((uint64_t)bytesToAppend.length, ptr);
case GPBWireFormatStartGroup: {
bytesToAppend = GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytesToEndGroupNoCopy(
state, GPBWireFormatGetTagFieldNumber(tag));
case GPBWireFormatEndGroup:
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidTag, @"Unexpected end-group tag");
case GPBWireFormatFixed32: {
uint32_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed32(state);
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 8) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 16) & 0xFF;
*(ptr++) = (uint8_t)(value >> 24) & 0xFF;
if (self->unknownFieldData_ == nil) {
self->unknownFieldData_ =
[[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:(ptr - buf) + bytesToAppend.length];
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendBytes:buf length:ptr - buf];
if (bytesToAppend) {
[self->unknownFieldData_ appendData:bytesToAppend];
[bytesToAppend release];
static void CheckExtension(GPBMessage *self, GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension) {
if (![self isKindOfClass:extension.containingMessageClass]) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"Extension %@ used on wrong class (%@ instead of %@)",
extension.singletonName, [self class], extension.containingMessageClass];
static NSMutableDictionary *CloneExtensionMap(NSDictionary *extensionMap, NSZone *zone) {
if (extensionMap.count == 0) {
return nil;
NSMutableDictionary *result =
[[NSMutableDictionary allocWithZone:zone] initWithCapacity:extensionMap.count];
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in extensionMap) {
id value = [extensionMap objectForKey:extension];
BOOL isMessageExtension = GPBExtensionIsMessage(extension);
if (extension.repeated) {
if (isMessageExtension) {
NSMutableArray *list = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[value count]];
for (GPBMessage *listValue in value) {
GPBMessage *copiedValue = [listValue copyWithZone:zone];
[list addObject:copiedValue];
[copiedValue release];
[result setObject:list forKey:extension];
[list release];
} else {
NSMutableArray *copiedValue = [value mutableCopyWithZone:zone];
[result setObject:copiedValue forKey:extension];
[copiedValue release];
} else {
if (isMessageExtension) {
GPBMessage *copiedValue = [value copyWithZone:zone];
[result setObject:copiedValue forKey:extension];
[copiedValue release];
} else {
[result setObject:value forKey:extension];
return result;
static id CreateArrayForField(GPBFieldDescriptor *field, GPBMessage *autocreator) {
id result;
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
result = [[GPBBoolArray alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
result = [[GPBUInt32Array alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
result = [[GPBInt32Array alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
result = [[GPBUInt64Array alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
result = [[GPBInt64Array alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
result = [[GPBFloatArray alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
result = [[GPBDoubleArray alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
result = [[GPBEnumArray alloc] initWithValidationFunction:field.enumDescriptor.enumVerifier];
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeString:
if (autocreator) {
result = [[GPBAutocreatedArray alloc] init];
} else {
result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if (autocreator) {
if (GPBDataTypeIsObject(fieldDataType)) {
GPBAutocreatedArray *autoArray = result;
autoArray->_autocreator = autocreator;
} else {
GPBInt32Array *gpbArray = result;
gpbArray->_autocreator = autocreator;
return result;
static id CreateMapForField(GPBFieldDescriptor *field, GPBMessage *autocreator) {
id result;
GPBDataType keyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
GPBDataType valueDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
switch (keyDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
result = [[GPBBoolBoolDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
result = [[GPBBoolUInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
result = [[GPBBoolInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
result = [[GPBBoolUInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
result = [[GPBBoolInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
result = [[GPBBoolFloatDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
result = [[GPBBoolDoubleDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
result = [[GPBBoolEnumDictionary alloc]
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeString:
result = [[GPBBoolObjectDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
NSCAssert(NO, @"shouldn't happen");
return nil;
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
result = [[GPBUInt32BoolDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
result = [[GPBUInt32UInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
result = [[GPBUInt32Int32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
result = [[GPBUInt32UInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
result = [[GPBUInt32Int64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
result = [[GPBUInt32FloatDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
result = [[GPBUInt32DoubleDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
result = [[GPBUInt32EnumDictionary alloc]
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeString:
result = [[GPBUInt32ObjectDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
NSCAssert(NO, @"shouldn't happen");
return nil;
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
result = [[GPBInt32BoolDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
result = [[GPBInt32UInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
result = [[GPBInt32Int32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
result = [[GPBInt32UInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
result = [[GPBInt32Int64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
result = [[GPBInt32FloatDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
result = [[GPBInt32DoubleDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
result = [[GPBInt32EnumDictionary alloc]
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeString:
result = [[GPBInt32ObjectDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
NSCAssert(NO, @"shouldn't happen");
return nil;
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
result = [[GPBUInt64BoolDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
result = [[GPBUInt64UInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
result = [[GPBUInt64Int32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
result = [[GPBUInt64UInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
result = [[GPBUInt64Int64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
result = [[GPBUInt64FloatDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
result = [[GPBUInt64DoubleDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
result = [[GPBUInt64EnumDictionary alloc]
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeString:
result = [[GPBUInt64ObjectDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
NSCAssert(NO, @"shouldn't happen");
return nil;
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
result = [[GPBInt64BoolDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
result = [[GPBInt64UInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
result = [[GPBInt64Int32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
result = [[GPBInt64UInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
result = [[GPBInt64Int64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
result = [[GPBInt64FloatDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
result = [[GPBInt64DoubleDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
result = [[GPBInt64EnumDictionary alloc]
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeString:
result = [[GPBInt64ObjectDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
NSCAssert(NO, @"shouldn't happen");
return nil;
case GPBDataTypeString:
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
result = [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
result = [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
result = [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
result = [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
result = [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
result = [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
result = [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
result = [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc]
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeString:
if (autocreator) {
result = [[GPBAutocreatedDictionary alloc] init];
} else {
result = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
NSCAssert(NO, @"shouldn't happen");
return nil;
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
NSCAssert(NO, @"shouldn't happen");
return nil;
if (autocreator) {
if ((keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBDataTypeIsObject(valueDataType)) {
GPBAutocreatedDictionary *autoDict = result;
autoDict->_autocreator = autocreator;
} else {
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *gpbDict = result;
gpbDict->_autocreator = autocreator;
return result;
#if !defined(__clang_analyzer__)
// These functions are blocked from the analyzer because the analyzer sees the
// GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate() call as consuming the array/map,
// so use of the array/map after the call returns is flagged as a use after
// free.
// But GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate() is "consuming" the retain
// count be holding onto the object (it is transferring it), the object is
// still valid after returning from the call. The other way to avoid this
// would be to add a -retain/-autorelease, but that would force every
// repeated/map field parsed into the autorelease pool which is both a memory
// and performance hit.
static id GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
id array = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (!array) {
// No lock needed, this is called from places expecting to mutate
// so no threading protection is needed.
array = CreateArrayForField(field, nil);
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, array);
return array;
// This is like GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(), but for arrays, it should
// only be used to wire the method into the class.
static id GetArrayIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
_Atomic(id) *typePtr = (_Atomic(id) *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
id array = atomic_load(typePtr);
if (array) {
return array;
id expected = nil;
id autocreated = CreateArrayForField(field, self);
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(typePtr, &expected, autocreated)) {
// Value was set, return it.
return autocreated;
// Some other thread set it, release the one created and return what got set.
if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
GPBAutocreatedArray *autoArray = autocreated;
autoArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
GPBInt32Array *gpbArray = autocreated;
gpbArray->_autocreator = nil;
[autocreated release];
return expected;
static id GetOrCreateMapIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
id dict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (!dict) {
// No lock needed, this is called from places expecting to mutate
// so no threading protection is needed.
dict = CreateMapForField(field, nil);
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, dict);
return dict;
// This is like GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(), but for maps, it should
// only be used to wire the method into the class.
static id GetMapIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
_Atomic(id) *typePtr = (_Atomic(id) *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
id dict = atomic_load(typePtr);
if (dict) {
return dict;
id expected = nil;
id autocreated = CreateMapForField(field, self);
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(typePtr, &expected, autocreated)) {
// Value was set, return it.
return autocreated;
// Some other thread set it, release the one created and return what got set.
if ((field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
GPBAutocreatedDictionary *autoDict = autocreated;
autoDict->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *gpbDict = autocreated;
gpbDict->_autocreator = nil;
[autocreated release];
return expected;
#endif // !defined(__clang_analyzer__)
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
static void DecodeSingleValueFromInputStream(GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension,
GPBMessage *messageToGetExtension,
GPBCodedInputStream *input,
id<GPBExtensionRegistry> extensionRegistry,
BOOL isRepeated, GPBMessage *targetMessage) {
GPBExtensionDescription *description = extension->description_;
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
if (GPBDataTypeIsMessage(description->dataType)) {
NSCAssert(targetMessage != nil, @"Internal error: must have a target message");
} else {
NSCAssert(targetMessage == nil, @"Internal error: should not have a target message");
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
id nsValue;
switch (description->dataType) {
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
case GPBDataTypeBool: {
BOOL value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadBool(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:value];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32: {
uint32_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed32(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithUnsignedInt:value];
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32: {
int32_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadSFixed32(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:value];
case GPBDataTypeFloat: {
float value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadFloat(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:value];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64: {
uint64_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed64(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithUnsignedLongLong:value];
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64: {
int64_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadSFixed64(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithLongLong:value];
case GPBDataTypeDouble: {
double value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadDouble(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithDouble:value];
case GPBDataTypeInt32: {
int32_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt32(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:value];
case GPBDataTypeInt64: {
int64_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt64(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithLongLong:value];
case GPBDataTypeSInt32: {
int32_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadSInt32(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:value];
case GPBDataTypeSInt64: {
int64_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadSInt64(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithLongLong:value];
case GPBDataTypeUInt32: {
uint32_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt32(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithUnsignedInt:value];
case GPBDataTypeUInt64: {
uint64_t value = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(state);
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithUnsignedLongLong:value];
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
nsValue = GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytes(state);
case GPBDataTypeString:
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
nsValue = GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedString(state);
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t val = GPBCodedInputStreamReadEnum(&input->state_);
GPBEnumDescriptor *enumDescriptor = extension.enumDescriptor;
// If run with source generated before the closed enum support, all enums
// will be considers not closed, so casing to the enum type for a switch
// could cause things to fall off the end of a switch.
if (!enumDescriptor.isClosed || enumDescriptor.enumVerifier(val)) {
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
nsValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:val];
} else {
AddUnknownFieldVarint32(messageToGetExtension, extension->description_->fieldNumber, val);
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
nsValue = nil;
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage: {
if (description->dataType == GPBDataTypeGroup) {
[input readGroup:description->fieldNumber
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
} else {
// description->dataType == GPBDataTypeMessage
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
@"Internal error: got a MessageSet extension when not expected.");
[input readMessage:targetMessage extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
// Nothing to add below since the caller provided the message (and added it).
nsValue = nil;
} // switch
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
if (nsValue) {
if (isRepeated) {
[messageToGetExtension addExtension:extension value:nsValue];
} else {
[messageToGetExtension setExtension:extension value:nsValue];
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
[nsValue release];
static void ExtensionMergeFromInputStream(GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension, BOOL isPackedOnStream,
GPBCodedInputStream *input,
id<GPBExtensionRegistry> extensionRegistry,
GPBMessage *message) {
GPBExtensionDescription *description = extension->description_;
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
if (isPackedOnStream) {
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
NSCAssert(GPBExtensionIsRepeated(description), @"How was it packed if it isn't repeated?");
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
int32_t length = GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt32(state);
size_t limit = GPBCodedInputStreamPushLimit(state, length);
while (GPBCodedInputStreamBytesUntilLimit(state) > 0) {
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
DecodeSingleValueFromInputStream(extension, message, input, extensionRegistry,
/*isRepeated=*/YES, nil);
GPBCodedInputStreamPopLimit(state, limit);
} else {
BOOL isRepeated = GPBExtensionIsRepeated(description);
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
GPBMessage *targetMessage = nil;
if (GPBDataTypeIsMessage(description->dataType)) {
// For messages/groups create the targetMessage out here and add it to the objects graph in
// advance, that way if DecodeSingleValueFromInputStream() throw for a parsing issue, the
// object won't be leaked.
if (isRepeated) {
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [extension.msgClass descriptor];
targetMessage = [[descriptor.messageClass alloc] init];
[message addExtension:extension value:targetMessage];
[targetMessage release];
} else {
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
targetMessage = [message getExistingExtension:extension];
if (!targetMessage) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [extension.msgClass descriptor];
targetMessage = [[descriptor.messageClass alloc] init];
[message setExtension:extension value:targetMessage];
[targetMessage release];
[ObjC] Ensure objects aren't leaked on extension parsing failures.
For PODs, parse the data before making the NSNumber used for extension
For messages/groups, create the message first, add it to the object graph,
and balance the retain count before doing the parsing. This ensure if an
error is hit (and a throw happens), the object(s) won't be leaked.
Parsing will always mutates the graph, so yes this includes more mutations
in failure cases, but other fields could always be modified before the
bad data is encountered. But even then, that edge case *only* apples to api
users that are explicitly *merge* (-mergeFrom...), the majority of the calls
are to +parseFromData:error:, so the entire graph is released on failure.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 511871398
2 years ago
DecodeSingleValueFromInputStream(extension, message, input, extensionRegistry, isRepeated,
static GPBMessage *GPBCreateMessageWithAutocreator(Class msgClass, GPBMessage *autocreator,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
GPBMessage *message = [[msgClass alloc] init];
message->autocreator_ = autocreator;
message->autocreatorField_ = [field retain];
return message;
static GPBMessage *CreateMessageWithAutocreatorForExtension(Class msgClass, GPBMessage *autocreator,
GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension)
static GPBMessage *CreateMessageWithAutocreatorForExtension(Class msgClass, GPBMessage *autocreator,
GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension) {
GPBMessage *message = [[msgClass alloc] init];
message->autocreator_ = autocreator;
message->autocreatorExtension_ = [extension retain];
return message;
BOOL GPBWasMessageAutocreatedBy(GPBMessage *message, GPBMessage *parent) {
return (message->autocreator_ == parent);
void GPBBecomeVisibleToAutocreator(GPBMessage *self) {
// Message objects that are implicitly created by accessing a message field
// are initially not visible via the hasX selector. This method makes them
// visible.
if (self->autocreator_) {
// This will recursively make all parent messages visible until it reaches a
// super-creator that's visible.
if (self->autocreatorField_) {
GPBSetObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self->autocreator_, self->autocreatorField_, self);
} else {
[self->autocreator_ setExtension:self->autocreatorExtension_ value:self];
void GPBAutocreatedArrayModified(GPBMessage *self, id array) {
// When one of our autocreated arrays adds elements, make it visible.
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[self class] descriptor];
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
id curArray = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (curArray == array) {
if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
GPBAutocreatedArray *autoArray = array;
autoArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
GPBInt32Array *gpbArray = array;
gpbArray->_autocreator = nil;
NSCAssert(NO, @"Unknown autocreated %@ for %@.", [array class], self);
void GPBAutocreatedDictionaryModified(GPBMessage *self, id dictionary) {
// When one of our autocreated dicts adds elements, make it visible.
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[self class] descriptor];
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap) {
id curDict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (curDict == dictionary) {
if ((field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
GPBAutocreatedDictionary *autoDict = dictionary;
autoDict->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *gpbDict = dictionary;
gpbDict->_autocreator = nil;
NSCAssert(NO, @"Unknown autocreated %@ for %@.", [dictionary class], self);
void GPBClearMessageAutocreator(GPBMessage *self) {
if ((self == nil) || !self->autocreator_) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
// Either the autocreator must have its "has" flag set to YES, or it must be
// NO and not equal to ourselves.
BOOL autocreatorHas =
(self->autocreatorField_ ? GPBGetHasIvarField(self->autocreator_, self->autocreatorField_)
: [self->autocreator_ hasExtension:self->autocreatorExtension_]);
GPBMessage *autocreatorFieldValue =
? GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self->autocreator_, self->autocreatorField_)
: [self->autocreator_->autocreatedExtensionMap_
NSCAssert(autocreatorHas || autocreatorFieldValue != self,
@"Cannot clear autocreator because it still refers to self, self: %@.", self);
#endif // DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
self->autocreator_ = nil;
[self->autocreatorField_ release];
self->autocreatorField_ = nil;
[self->autocreatorExtension_ release];
self->autocreatorExtension_ = nil;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
static void MergeUnknownFieldDataIntoFieldSet(GPBMessage *self, NSData *data,
GPBUnknownFieldSet *targetSet) {
GPBUnknownFieldSet *unknownFields = targetSet ? targetSet : self->unknownFields_;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(unknownFields != nil, @"Internal error: unknown fields not initialized.");
BOOL isMessageSet = self.descriptor.isWireFormat;
GPBUnknownFieldSet *decodeInto = isMessageSet ? [[GPBUnknownFieldSet alloc] init] : unknownFields;
GPBCodedInputStream *input = [[GPBCodedInputStream alloc] initWithData:data];
@try {
[decodeInto mergeFromCodedInputStream:input];
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSLog(@"%@: Internal exception while parsing the unknown fields into a Set: %@", [self class],
[input release];
if (isMessageSet) {
// Need to transform the groups back into how Message feeds the data into a MessageSet when
// doing a full MessageSet based decode.
GPBUnknownField *groupField = [decodeInto getField:GPBWireFormatMessageSetItem];
for (GPBUnknownFieldSet *group in groupField.groupList) {
GPBUnknownField *typeIdField = [group getField:GPBWireFormatMessageSetTypeId];
GPBUnknownField *messageField = [group getField:GPBWireFormatMessageSetMessage];
if (typeIdField.varintList.count != 1 || messageField.lengthDelimitedList.count != 1) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(NO, @"Internal error: MessageSet group missing typeId or message.");
int32_t fieldNumber = (int32_t)[typeIdField.varintList valueAtIndex:0];
GPBUnknownField *messageSetField = [[GPBUnknownField alloc] initWithNumber:fieldNumber];
[messageSetField addLengthDelimited:messageField.lengthDelimitedList[0]];
[unknownFields addField:messageSetField];
[messageSetField release];
[decodeInto release];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
@implementation GPBMessage
+ (void)initialize {
Class pbMessageClass = [GPBMessage class];
if ([self class] == pbMessageClass) {
// This is here to start up the "base" class descriptor.
[self descriptor];
// Message shares extension method resolving with GPBRootObject so insure
// it is started up at the same time.
(void)[GPBRootObject class];
} else if ([self superclass] == pbMessageClass) {
// This is here to start up all the "message" subclasses. Just needs to be
// done for the messages, not any of the subclasses.
// This must be done in initialize to enforce thread safety of start up of
// the protocol buffer library.
// Note: The generated code for -descriptor calls
// +[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:...], passing the GPBRootObject
// subclass for the file. That call chain is what ensures that *Root class
// is started up to support extension resolution off the message class
// (+resolveClassMethod: below) in a thread safe manner.
[self descriptor];
+ (instancetype)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
// Override alloc to allocate our classes with the additional storage
// required for the instance variables.
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
return NSAllocateObject(self, descriptor->storageSize_, zone);
+ (instancetype)alloc {
return [self allocWithZone:nil];
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
// This is thread safe because it is called from +initialize.
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
static GPBFileDescription fileDescription = {
.package = "internal", .prefix = "", .syntax = GPBFileSyntaxProto2};
if (!descriptor) {
descriptor = [GPBDescriptor
allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBMessage class]
flags:(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs |
GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_Proto3OptionalKnown |
return descriptor;
+ (instancetype)message {
return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
- (instancetype)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
messageStorage_ =
(GPBMessage_StoragePtr)(((uint8_t *)self) + class_getInstanceSize([self class]));
readOnlyLock_ = OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT;
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
return [self initWithData:data extensionRegistry:nil error:errorPtr];
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data
error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
if ((self = [self init])) {
if (![self mergeFromData:data extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry error:errorPtr]) {
[self release];
self = nil;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
} else if (!self.initialized) {
[self release];
self = nil;
if (errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = MessageError(GPBMessageErrorCodeMissingRequiredField, nil);
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithCodedInputStream:(GPBCodedInputStream *)input
error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
if ((self = [self init])) {
@try {
[self mergeFromCodedInputStream:input extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry endingTag:0];
if (errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = nil;
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
[self release];
self = nil;
if (errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = ErrorFromException(exception);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (self && !self.initialized) {
[self release];
self = nil;
if (errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = MessageError(GPBMessageErrorCodeMissingRequiredField, nil);
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[self internalClear:NO];
NSCAssert(!autocreator_, @"Autocreator was not cleared before dealloc.");
[super dealloc];
- (void)copyFieldsInto:(GPBMessage *)message
zone:(NSZone *)zone
descriptor:(GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
// Copy all the storage...
memcpy(message->messageStorage_, messageStorage_, descriptor->storageSize_);
// Loop over the fields doing fixup...
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field)) {
id value = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (value) {
// We need to copy the array/map, but the catch is for message fields,
// we also need to ensure all the messages as those need copying also.
id newValue;
if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsMessage(field)) {
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
NSArray *existingArray = (NSArray *)value;
NSMutableArray *newArray =
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:existingArray.count];
newValue = newArray;
for (GPBMessage *msg in existingArray) {
GPBMessage *copiedMsg = [msg copyWithZone:zone];
[newArray addObject:copiedMsg];
[copiedMsg release];
} else {
if (field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
// Map is an NSDictionary.
NSDictionary *existingDict = value;
NSMutableDictionary *newDict =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:existingDict.count];
newValue = newDict;
[existingDict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, GPBMessage *msg,
__unused BOOL *stop) {
GPBMessage *copiedMsg = [msg copyWithZone:zone];
[newDict setObject:copiedMsg forKey:key];
[copiedMsg release];
} else {
// Is one of the GPB*ObjectDictionary classes. Type doesn't
// matter, just need one to invoke the selector.
GPBInt32ObjectDictionary *existingDict = value;
newValue = [existingDict deepCopyWithZone:zone];
} else {
// Not messages (but is a map/array)...
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
// NSArray
newValue = [value mutableCopyWithZone:zone];
} else {
// GPB*Array
newValue = [value copyWithZone:zone];
} else {
if ((field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
// NSDictionary
newValue = [value mutableCopyWithZone:zone];
} else {
// Is one of the GPB*Dictionary classes. Type doesn't matter,
// just need one to invoke the selector.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *existingDict = value;
newValue = [existingDict copyWithZone:zone];
// We retain here because the memcpy picked up the pointer value and
// the next call to SetRetainedObject... will release the current value.
[value retain];
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(message, field, newValue);
} else if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsMessage(field)) {
// For object types, if we have a value, copy it. If we don't,
// zero it to remove the pointer to something that was autocreated
// (and the ptr just got memcpyed).
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
GPBMessage *value = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
GPBMessage *newValue = [value copyWithZone:zone];
// We retain here because the memcpy picked up the pointer value and
// the next call to SetRetainedObject... will release the current value.
[value retain];
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(message, field, newValue);
} else {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)message->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
*typePtr = NULL;
} else if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field) && GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
// A set string/data value (message picked off above), copy it.
id value = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
id newValue = [value copyWithZone:zone];
// We retain here because the memcpy picked up the pointer value and
// the next call to SetRetainedObject... will release the current value.
[value retain];
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(message, field, newValue);
} else {
// memcpy took care of the rest of the primitive fields if they were set.
} // for (field in descriptor->fields_)
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
GPBMessage *result = [[descriptor.messageClass allocWithZone:zone] init];
[self copyFieldsInto:result zone:zone descriptor:descriptor];
@synchronized(self) {
result->unknownFields_ = [unknownFields_ copyWithZone:zone];
result->unknownFieldData_ = [unknownFieldData_ mutableCopyWithZone:zone];
result->extensionMap_ = CloneExtensionMap(extensionMap_, zone);
return result;
- (void)clear {
[self internalClear:YES];
- (void)internalClear:(BOOL)zeroStorage {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field)) {
id arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (arrayOrMap) {
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
if ([arrayOrMap isKindOfClass:[GPBAutocreatedArray class]]) {
GPBAutocreatedArray *autoArray = arrayOrMap;
if (autoArray->_autocreator == self) {
autoArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
// Type doesn't matter, it is a GPB*Array.
GPBInt32Array *gpbArray = arrayOrMap;
if (gpbArray->_autocreator == self) {
gpbArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
if ((field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field)) {
if ([arrayOrMap isKindOfClass:[GPBAutocreatedDictionary class]]) {
GPBAutocreatedDictionary *autoDict = arrayOrMap;
if (autoDict->_autocreator == self) {
autoDict->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
// Type doesn't matter, it is a GPB*Dictionary.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *gpbDict = arrayOrMap;
if (gpbDict->_autocreator == self) {
gpbDict->_autocreator = nil;
[arrayOrMap release];
} else if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsMessage(field)) {
GPBClearAutocreatedMessageIvarWithField(self, field);
GPBMessage *value = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[value release];
} else if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(field) && GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
id value = GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
[value release];
// GPBClearMessageAutocreator() expects that its caller has already been
// removed from autocreatedExtensionMap_ so we set to nil first.
NSArray *autocreatedValues = [autocreatedExtensionMap_ allValues];
[autocreatedExtensionMap_ release];
autocreatedExtensionMap_ = nil;
// Since we're clearing all of our extensions, make sure that we clear the
// autocreator on any that we've created so they no longer refer to us.
for (GPBMessage *value in autocreatedValues) {
NSCAssert(GPBWasMessageAutocreatedBy(value, self),
@"Autocreated extension does not refer back to self.");
[extensionMap_ release];
extensionMap_ = nil;
[unknownFieldData_ release];
unknownFieldData_ = nil;
[unknownFields_ release];
unknownFields_ = nil;
// Note that clearing does not affect autocreator_. If we are being cleared
// because of a dealloc, then autocreator_ should be nil anyway. If we are
// being cleared because someone explicitly clears us, we don't want to
// sever our relationship with our autocreator.
if (zeroStorage) {
memset(messageStorage_, 0, descriptor->storageSize_);
- (void)clearUnknownFields {
[unknownFieldData_ release];
unknownFieldData_ = nil;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
[unknownFields_ release];
unknownFields_ = nil;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- (BOOL)mergeUnknownFields:(GPBUnknownFields *)unknownFields
extensionRegistry:(nullable id<GPBExtensionRegistry>)extensionRegistry
error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
return [self mergeFromData:[unknownFields serializeAsData]
- (BOOL)isInitialized {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (field.isRequired) {
if (!GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
return NO;
if (GPBFieldDataTypeIsMessage(field)) {
GPBFieldType fieldType = field.fieldType;
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
if (field.isRequired) {
GPBMessage *message = GPBGetMessageMessageField(self, field);
if (!message.initialized) {
return NO;
} else {
NSAssert(field.isOptional, @"%@: Single message field %@ not required or optional?",
[self class], field.name);
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
GPBMessage *message = GPBGetMessageMessageField(self, field);
if (!message.initialized) {
return NO;
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
NSArray *array = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
for (GPBMessage *message in array) {
if (!message.initialized) {
return NO;
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
if (field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
NSDictionary *map = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (map && !GPBDictionaryIsInitializedInternalHelper(map, field)) {
return NO;
} else {
// Real type is GPB*ObjectDictionary, exact type doesn't matter.
GPBInt32ObjectDictionary *map = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
if (map && ![map isInitialized]) {
return NO;
__block BOOL result = YES;
enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
if (GPBExtensionIsMessage(extension)) {
if (extension.isRepeated) {
for (GPBMessage *msg in obj) {
if (!msg.initialized) {
result = NO;
*stop = YES;
} else {
GPBMessage *asMsg = obj;
if (!asMsg.initialized) {
result = NO;
*stop = YES;
return result;
- (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
return [[self class] descriptor];
- (NSData *)data {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (!self.initialized) {
return nil;
size_t expectedSize = [self serializedSize];
if (expectedSize > kMaximumMessageSize) {
return nil;
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:expectedSize];
GPBCodedOutputStream *stream = [[GPBCodedOutputStream alloc] initWithData:data];
@try {
[self writeToCodedOutputStream:stream];
[stream flush];
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
// This really shouldn't happen. Normally, this could mean there was a bug in the library and it
// failed to match between computing the size and writing out the bytes. However, the more
// common cause is while one thread was writing out the data, some other thread had a reference
// to this message or a message used as a nested field, and that other thread mutated that
// message, causing the pre computed serializedSize to no longer match the final size after
// serialization. It is not safe to mutate a message while accessing it from another thread.
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSLog(@"%@: Internal exception while building message data: %@", [self class], exception);
data = nil;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(!data || [stream bytesWritten] == expectedSize, @"Internal error within the library");
[stream release];
return data;
- (NSData *)delimitedData {
size_t serializedSize = [self serializedSize];
size_t varintSize = GPBComputeRawVarint32SizeForInteger(serializedSize);
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:(serializedSize + varintSize)];
GPBCodedOutputStream *stream = [[GPBCodedOutputStream alloc] initWithData:data];
@try {
[self writeDelimitedToCodedOutputStream:stream];
[stream flush];
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
// This really shouldn't happen. Normally, this could mean there was a bug in the library and it
// failed to match between computing the size and writing out the bytes. However, the more
// common cause is while one thread was writing out the data, some other thread had a reference
// to this message or a message used as a nested field, and that other thread mutated that
// message, causing the pre computed serializedSize to no longer match the final size after
// serialization. It is not safe to mutate a message while accessing it from another thread.
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSLog(@"%@: Internal exception while building message delimitedData: %@", [self class],
// If it happens, return an empty data.
[stream release];
return [NSData data];
[stream release];
return data;
- (void)writeToOutputStream:(NSOutputStream *)output {
GPBCodedOutputStream *stream = [[GPBCodedOutputStream alloc] initWithOutputStream:output];
@try {
[self writeToCodedOutputStream:stream];
[stream flush];
size_t bytesWritten = [stream bytesWritten];
if (bytesWritten > kMaximumMessageSize) {
[NSException raise:GPBMessageExceptionMessageTooLarge
format:@"Message would have been %zu bytes", bytesWritten];
} @finally {
[stream release];
- (void)writeToCodedOutputStream:(GPBCodedOutputStream *)output {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
NSArray *fieldsArray = descriptor->fields_;
NSUInteger fieldCount = fieldsArray.count;
const GPBExtensionRange *extensionRanges = descriptor.extensionRanges;
NSUInteger extensionRangesCount = descriptor.extensionRangesCount;
NSArray *sortedExtensions =
[[extensionMap_ allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compareByFieldNumber:)];
for (NSUInteger i = 0, j = 0; i < fieldCount || j < extensionRangesCount;) {
if (i == fieldCount) {
[self writeExtensionsToCodedOutputStream:output
} else if (j == extensionRangesCount ||
GPBFieldNumber(fieldsArray[i]) < extensionRanges[j].start) {
[self writeField:fieldsArray[i++] toCodedOutputStream:output];
} else {
[self writeExtensionsToCodedOutputStream:output
@synchronized(self) {
if (unknownFieldData_) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(unknownFields_ == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
[output writeRawData:unknownFieldData_];
} else {
if (descriptor.isWireFormat) {
[unknownFields_ writeAsMessageSetTo:output];
} else {
[unknownFields_ writeToCodedOutputStream:output];
} // @synchronized(self)
- (void)writeDelimitedToOutputStream:(NSOutputStream *)output {
GPBCodedOutputStream *codedOutput = [[GPBCodedOutputStream alloc] initWithOutputStream:output];
@try {
[self writeDelimitedToCodedOutputStream:codedOutput];
[codedOutput flush];
} @finally {
[codedOutput release];
- (void)writeDelimitedToCodedOutputStream:(GPBCodedOutputStream *)output {
size_t expectedSize = [self serializedSize];
if (expectedSize > kMaximumMessageSize) {
[NSException raise:GPBMessageExceptionMessageTooLarge
format:@"Message would have been %zu bytes", expectedSize];
[output writeRawVarintSizeTAs32:expectedSize];
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
size_t initialSize = [output bytesWritten];
[self writeToCodedOutputStream:output];
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
NSAssert(([output bytesWritten] - initialSize) == expectedSize,
@"Internal error within the library");
- (void)writeField:(GPBFieldDescriptor *)field toCodedOutputStream:(GPBCodedOutputStream *)output {
GPBFieldType fieldType = field.fieldType;
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
BOOL has = GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field);
if (!has) {
uint32_t fieldNumber = GPBFieldNumber(field);
switch (GPBGetFieldDataType(field)) {
// clang-format off
//% case GPBDataType##TYPE:
//% if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
//% uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
//% GPB##ARRAY_TYPE##Array *array =
//% GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
//% [output write##TYPE##Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
//% } else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
//% [output write##TYPE:fieldNumber
//% TYPE$S value:GPBGetMessage##REAL_TYPE##Field(self, field)];
//% } else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
//% // Exact type here doesn't matter.
//% GPBInt32##ARRAY_TYPE##Dictionary *dict =
//% GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
//% [dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
//% }
//% break;
//% case GPBDataType##TYPE:
//% if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
//% NSArray *array = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
//% [output write##TYPE##Array:fieldNumber values:array];
//% } else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
//% // GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate() avoids doing the has check
//% // again.
//% [output write##TYPE:fieldNumber
//% TYPE$S value:GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field)];
//% } else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
//% // Exact type here doesn't matter.
//% id dict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
//% GPBDataType mapKeyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
//% if (mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
//% GPBDictionaryWriteToStreamInternalHelper(output, dict, field);
//% } else {
//% [dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
//% }
//% }
//% break;
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeBool:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBBoolArray *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeBoolArray:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeBool:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageBoolField(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32BoolDictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBUInt32Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeFixed32Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeFixed32:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageUInt32Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32UInt32Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBInt32Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeSFixed32Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeSFixed32:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBFloatArray *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeFloatArray:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeFloat:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageFloatField(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32FloatDictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBUInt64Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeFixed64Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeFixed64:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageUInt64Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32UInt64Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBInt64Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeSFixed64Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeSFixed64:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageInt64Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int64Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBDoubleArray *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeDoubleArray:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeDouble:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageDoubleField(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32DoubleDictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBInt32Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeInt32Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeInt32:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBInt64Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeInt64Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeInt64:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageInt64Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int64Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBInt32Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeSInt32Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeSInt32:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBInt64Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeSInt64Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeSInt64:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageInt64Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int64Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBUInt32Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeUInt32Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeUInt32:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageUInt32Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32UInt32Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBUInt64Array *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeUInt64Array:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeUInt64:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageUInt64Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32UInt64Dictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
uint32_t tag = field.isPackable ? GPBFieldTag(field) : 0;
GPBEnumArray *array =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeEnumArray:fieldNumber values:array tag:tag];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
[output writeEnum:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
GPBInt32EnumDictionary *dict =
GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
NSArray *array = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeBytesArray:fieldNumber values:array];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
// GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate() avoids doing the has check
// again.
[output writeBytes:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
id dict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
GPBDataType mapKeyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
if (mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
GPBDictionaryWriteToStreamInternalHelper(output, dict, field);
} else {
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeString:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
NSArray *array = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeStringArray:fieldNumber values:array];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
// GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate() avoids doing the has check
// again.
[output writeString:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
id dict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
GPBDataType mapKeyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
if (mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
GPBDictionaryWriteToStreamInternalHelper(output, dict, field);
} else {
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
NSArray *array = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeMessageArray:fieldNumber values:array];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
// GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate() avoids doing the has check
// again.
[output writeMessage:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
id dict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
GPBDataType mapKeyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
if (mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
GPBDictionaryWriteToStreamInternalHelper(output, dict, field);
} else {
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
NSArray *array = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[output writeGroupArray:fieldNumber values:array];
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
// GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate() avoids doing the has check
// again.
[output writeGroup:fieldNumber
value:GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field)];
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// Exact type here doesn't matter.
id dict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
GPBDataType mapKeyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
if (mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
GPBDictionaryWriteToStreamInternalHelper(output, dict, field);
} else {
[dict writeToCodedOutputStream:output asField:field];
//%PDDM-EXPAND-END (18 expansions)
// clang-format on
#pragma mark - Extensions
- (id)getExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)extension {
CheckExtension(self, extension);
id value = [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
if (value != nil) {
return value;
// No default for repeated.
if (extension.isRepeated) {
return nil;
// Non messages get their default.
if (!GPBExtensionIsMessage(extension)) {
return extension.defaultValue;
// Check for an autocreated value.
value = [autocreatedExtensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
if (!value) {
// Auto create the message extensions to match normal fields.
value = CreateMessageWithAutocreatorForExtension(extension.msgClass, self, extension);
if (autocreatedExtensionMap_ == nil) {
autocreatedExtensionMap_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// We can't simply call setExtension here because that would clear the new
// value's autocreator.
[autocreatedExtensionMap_ setObject:value forKey:extension];
[value release];
return value;
- (id)getExistingExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)extension {
// This is an internal method so we don't need to call CheckExtension().
return [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
- (BOOL)hasExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)extension {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
CheckExtension(self, extension);
#endif // DEBUG
return nil != [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
- (NSArray *)extensionsCurrentlySet {
return [extensionMap_ allKeys];
- (void)writeExtensionsToCodedOutputStream:(GPBCodedOutputStream *)output
sortedExtensions:(NSArray *)sortedExtensions {
uint32_t start = range.start;
uint32_t end = range.end;
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in sortedExtensions) {
uint32_t fieldNumber = extension.fieldNumber;
if (fieldNumber < start) {
if (fieldNumber >= end) {
id value = [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
GPBWriteExtensionValueToOutputStream(extension, value, output);
- (void)setExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)extension value:(id)value {
if (!value) {
[self clearExtension:extension];
CheckExtension(self, extension);
if (extension.repeated) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"Must call addExtension() for repeated types."];
if (extensionMap_ == nil) {
extensionMap_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Without it, the compiler complains we're passing an id nullable when
// setObject:forKey: requires a id nonnull for the value. The check for
// !value at the start of the method ensures it isn't nil, but the check
// isn't smart enough to realize that.
[extensionMap_ setObject:(id)value forKey:extension];
GPBExtensionDescriptor *descriptor = extension;
if (GPBExtensionIsMessage(descriptor) && !descriptor.isRepeated) {
GPBMessage *autocreatedValue = [[autocreatedExtensionMap_ objectForKey:extension] retain];
// Must remove from the map before calling GPBClearMessageAutocreator() so
// that GPBClearMessageAutocreator() knows its safe to clear.
[autocreatedExtensionMap_ removeObjectForKey:extension];
[autocreatedValue release];
- (void)addExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)extension value:(id)value {
CheckExtension(self, extension);
if (!extension.repeated) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"Must call setExtension() for singular types."];
if (extensionMap_ == nil) {
extensionMap_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *list = [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
if (list == nil) {
list = [NSMutableArray array];
[extensionMap_ setObject:list forKey:extension];
[list addObject:value];
- (void)setExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)extension index:(NSUInteger)idx value:(id)value {
CheckExtension(self, extension);
if (!extension.repeated) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"Must call setExtension() for singular types."];
if (extensionMap_ == nil) {
extensionMap_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *list = [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
[list replaceObjectAtIndex:idx withObject:value];
- (void)clearExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)extension {
CheckExtension(self, extension);
// Only become visible if there was actually a value to clear.
if ([extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension]) {
[extensionMap_ removeObjectForKey:extension];
#pragma mark - mergeFrom
- (void)mergeFromData:(NSData *)data extensionRegistry:(id<GPBExtensionRegistry>)extensionRegistry {
GPBCodedInputStream *input = [[GPBCodedInputStream alloc] initWithData:data];
@try {
[self mergeFromCodedInputStream:input extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry endingTag:0];
} @finally {
[input release];
- (BOOL)mergeFromData:(NSData *)data
extensionRegistry:(nullable id<GPBExtensionRegistry>)extensionRegistry
error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
GPBCodedInputStream *input = [[GPBCodedInputStream alloc] initWithData:data];
@try {
[self mergeFromCodedInputStream:input extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry endingTag:0];
[input checkLastTagWas:0];
if (errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = nil;
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
[input release];
if (errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = ErrorFromException(exception);
return NO;
[input release];
return YES;
#pragma mark - Parse From Data Support
+ (instancetype)parseFromData:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
return [self parseFromData:data extensionRegistry:nil error:errorPtr];
+ (instancetype)parseFromData:(NSData *)data
error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
return [[[self alloc] initWithData:data extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry
error:errorPtr] autorelease];
+ (instancetype)parseFromCodedInputStream:(GPBCodedInputStream *)input
error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
return [[[self alloc] initWithCodedInputStream:input
error:errorPtr] autorelease];
#pragma mark - Parse Delimited From Data Support
+ (instancetype)parseDelimitedFromCodedInputStream:(GPBCodedInputStream *)input
error:(NSError **)errorPtr {
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
// This doesn't completely match the C++, but if the stream has nothing, just make an empty
// message.
if (GPBCodedInputStreamIsAtEnd(state)) {
return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
// Manually extract the data and parse it. If we read a varint and push a limit, that consumes
// some of the recursion buffer which isn't correct, it also can result in a change in error
// codes for attempts to parse partial data; and there are projects sensitive to that, so this
// maintains existing error flows.
// Extract the data, but in a "no copy" mode since we will immediately parse it so this NSData
// is transient.
NSData *data = nil;
@try {
data = GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytesNoCopy(state);
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
if (errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = ErrorFromException(exception);
return nil;
GPBMessage *result = [self parseFromData:data extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry error:errorPtr];
[data release];
if (result && errorPtr) {
*errorPtr = nil;
return result;
#pragma mark - Unknown Field Support
- (GPBUnknownFieldSet *)unknownFields {
@synchronized(self) {
if (unknownFieldData_) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(unknownFields_ == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
unknownFields_ = [[GPBUnknownFieldSet alloc] init];
MergeUnknownFieldDataIntoFieldSet(self, unknownFieldData_, nil);
[unknownFieldData_ release];
unknownFieldData_ = nil;
return unknownFields_;
} // @synchronized(self)
- (void)setUnknownFields:(GPBUnknownFieldSet *)unknownFields {
if (unknownFields != unknownFields_ || unknownFieldData_ != nil) {
// Changing sets or clearing.
[unknownFieldData_ release];
unknownFieldData_ = nil;
[unknownFields_ release];
unknownFields_ = [unknownFields copy];
- (void)parseMessageSet:(GPBCodedInputStream *)input
extensionRegistry:(id<GPBExtensionRegistry>)extensionRegistry {
uint32_t typeId = 0;
NSData *rawBytes = nil;
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
BOOL gotType = NO;
BOOL gotBytes = NO;
while (true) {
uint32_t tag = GPBCodedInputStreamReadTag(state);
if (tag == GPBWireFormatMessageSetItemEndTag || tag == 0) {
if (tag == GPBWireFormatMessageSetTypeIdTag) {
uint32_t tmp = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt32(state);
// Spec says only use the first value.
if (!gotType) {
gotType = YES;
typeId = tmp;
} else if (tag == GPBWireFormatMessageSetMessageTag) {
if (gotBytes) {
// Skip over the payload instead of collecting it.
[input skipField:tag];
} else {
rawBytes = [GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytesNoCopy(state) autorelease];
gotBytes = YES;
} else {
// Don't capture unknowns within the message set impl group.
if (![input skipField:tag]) {
// If we get here because of end of input (tag zero) or the wrong end tag (within the skipField:),
// this will error.
GPBCodedInputStreamCheckLastTagWas(state, GPBWireFormatMessageSetItemEndTag);
if (!gotType || !gotBytes) {
// upb_Decoder_DecodeMessageSetItem does't keep this partial as an unknown field, it just drops
// it, so do the same thing.
GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension = [extensionRegistry extensionForDescriptor:[self descriptor]
if (extension) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
NSAssert(extension.dataType == GPBDataTypeMessage,
@"Internal Error: MessageSet extension must be a message field.");
@"Internal Error: MessageSet extension must have message_set_wire_format set.");
@"Internal Error: MessageSet extension can't be repeated.");
// Look up the existing one to merge to or create a new one.
GPBMessage *targetMessage = [self getExistingExtension:extension];
if (!targetMessage) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [extension.msgClass descriptor];
targetMessage = [[descriptor.messageClass alloc] init];
[self setExtension:extension value:targetMessage];
[targetMessage release];
GPBCodedInputStream *newInput = [[GPBCodedInputStream alloc] initWithData:rawBytes];
@try {
[targetMessage mergeFromCodedInputStream:newInput
} @finally {
[newInput release];
} else {
// The extension isn't in the registry, but it was well formed, so the whole group structure
// get preserved as an unknown field.
// rawBytes was created via a NoCopy, so it can be reusing a
// subrange of another NSData that might go out of scope as things
// unwind, so a copy is needed to ensure what is saved in the
// unknown fields stays valid.
NSData *cloned = [NSData dataWithData:rawBytes];
AddUnknownMessageSetEntry(self, typeId, cloned);
- (void)addUnknownMapEntry:(int32_t)fieldNum value:(NSData *)data {
AddUnknownFieldLengthDelimited(self, fieldNum, data);
#pragma mark - MergeFromCodedInputStream Support
static void MergeSingleFieldFromCodedInputStream(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
GPBCodedInputStream *input,
id<GPBExtensionRegistry> extensionRegistry) {
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
TYPE val = GPBCodedInputStreamRead##NAME(&input->state_); \
GPBSet##FUNC_TYPE##IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, val); \
break; \
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
id val = GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetained##NAME(&input->state_); \
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, val); \
break; \
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Float, float, Float)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Double, double, Double)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Int32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Int64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SInt32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SInt64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64)
case GPBDataTypeMessage: {
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
// GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate() avoids doing the has
// check again.
GPBMessage *message = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[input readMessage:message extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
} else {
GPBMessage *message = [[field.msgClass alloc] init];
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, message);
[input readMessage:message extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
case GPBDataTypeGroup: {
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
// GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate() avoids doing the has
// check again.
GPBMessage *message = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[input readGroup:GPBFieldNumber(field) message:message extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
} else {
GPBMessage *message = [[field.msgClass alloc] init];
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, message);
[input readGroup:GPBFieldNumber(field) message:message extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t val = GPBCodedInputStreamReadEnum(&input->state_);
if (!GPBFieldIsClosedEnum(field) || [field isValidEnumValue:val]) {
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, val);
} else {
AddUnknownFieldVarint32(self, GPBFieldNumber(field), val);
} // switch
static void MergeRepeatedPackedFieldFromCodedInputStream(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
GPBCodedInputStream *input) {
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
id genericArray = GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(self, field);
int32_t length = GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt32(state);
size_t limit = GPBCodedInputStreamPushLimit(state, length);
while (GPBCodedInputStreamBytesUntilLimit(state) > 0) {
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
TYPE val = GPBCodedInputStreamRead##NAME(state); \
[(GPB##ARRAY_TYPE##Array *)genericArray addValue:val]; \
break; \
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(Double, double, Double)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(Int32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(Int64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(SInt32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(SInt64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_REPEATED_PACKED_POD(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64)
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
NSCAssert(NO, @"Non primitive types can't be packed");
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t val = GPBCodedInputStreamReadEnum(state);
if (!GPBFieldIsClosedEnum(field) || [field isValidEnumValue:val]) {
[(GPBEnumArray *)genericArray addRawValue:val];
} else {
AddUnknownFieldVarint32(self, GPBFieldNumber(field), val);
} // switch
} // while(BytesUntilLimit() > 0)
GPBCodedInputStreamPopLimit(state, limit);
static void MergeRepeatedNotPackedFieldFromCodedInputStream(
GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, GPBCodedInputStream *input,
id<GPBExtensionRegistry> extensionRegistry) {
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
id genericArray = GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(self, field);
switch (GPBGetFieldDataType(field)) {
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
TYPE val = GPBCodedInputStreamRead##NAME(state); \
[(GPB##ARRAY_TYPE##Array *)genericArray addValue:val]; \
break; \
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
id val = GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetained##NAME(state); \
[(NSMutableArray *)genericArray addObject:val]; \
[val release]; \
break; \
CASE_REPEATED_NOT_PACKED_POD(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_REPEATED_NOT_PACKED_POD(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_REPEATED_NOT_PACKED_POD(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_REPEATED_NOT_PACKED_POD(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_REPEATED_NOT_PACKED_POD(Double, double, Double)
case GPBDataTypeMessage: {
GPBMessage *message = [[field.msgClass alloc] init];
[(NSMutableArray *)genericArray addObject:message];
// The array will now retain message, so go ahead and release it in case
// -readMessage:extensionRegistry: throws so it won't be leaked.
[message release];
[input readMessage:message extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
case GPBDataTypeGroup: {
GPBMessage *message = [[field.msgClass alloc] init];
[(NSMutableArray *)genericArray addObject:message];
// The array will now retain message, so go ahead and release it in case
// -readGroup:extensionRegistry: throws so it won't be leaked.
[message release];
[input readGroup:GPBFieldNumber(field) message:message extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t val = GPBCodedInputStreamReadEnum(state);
if (!GPBFieldIsClosedEnum(field) || [field isValidEnumValue:val]) {
[(GPBEnumArray *)genericArray addRawValue:val];
} else {
AddUnknownFieldVarint32(self, GPBFieldNumber(field), val);
} // switch
- (void)mergeFromCodedInputStream:(GPBCodedInputStream *)input
endingTag:(uint32_t)endingTag {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(endingTag == 0 || GPBWireFormatGetTagWireType(endingTag) == GPBWireFormatEndGroup,
@"endingTag should have been an endGroup tag");
#endif // DEBUG
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
GPBCodedInputStreamState *state = &input->state_;
uint32_t tag = 0;
NSUInteger startingIndex = 0;
NSArray *fields = descriptor->fields_;
BOOL isMessageSetWireFormat = descriptor.isWireFormat;
NSUInteger numFields = fields.count;
while (YES) {
BOOL merged = NO;
tag = GPBCodedInputStreamReadTag(state);
if (tag == endingTag || tag == 0) {
// If we got to the end (tag zero), when we were expecting the end group, this will
// raise the error.
GPBCodedInputStreamCheckLastTagWas(state, endingTag);
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numFields; ++i) {
if (startingIndex >= numFields) startingIndex = 0;
GPBFieldDescriptor *fieldDescriptor = fields[startingIndex];
if (GPBFieldTag(fieldDescriptor) == tag) {
GPBFieldType fieldType = fieldDescriptor.fieldType;
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
MergeSingleFieldFromCodedInputStream(self, fieldDescriptor, input, extensionRegistry);
// Well formed protos will only have a single field once, advance
// the starting index to the next field.
startingIndex += 1;
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
if (fieldDescriptor.isPackable) {
MergeRepeatedPackedFieldFromCodedInputStream(self, fieldDescriptor, input);
// Well formed protos will only have a repeated field that is
// packed once, advance the starting index to the next field.
startingIndex += 1;
} else {
MergeRepeatedNotPackedFieldFromCodedInputStream(self, fieldDescriptor, input,
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
// GPB*Dictionary or NSDictionary, exact type doesn't matter at this
// point.
id map = GetOrCreateMapIvarWithField(self, fieldDescriptor);
[input readMapEntry:map
merged = YES;
} else {
startingIndex += 1;
} // for(i < numFields)
if (merged) continue; // On to the next tag
// Primitive, repeated types can be packed or unpacked on the wire, and
// are parsed either way. The above loop covered tag in the preferred
// for, so this need to check the alternate form.
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numFields; ++i) {
if (startingIndex >= numFields) startingIndex = 0;
GPBFieldDescriptor *fieldDescriptor = fields[startingIndex];
if ((fieldDescriptor.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) &&
!GPBFieldDataTypeIsObject(fieldDescriptor) &&
(GPBFieldAlternateTag(fieldDescriptor) == tag)) {
BOOL alternateIsPacked = !fieldDescriptor.isPackable;
if (alternateIsPacked) {
MergeRepeatedPackedFieldFromCodedInputStream(self, fieldDescriptor, input);
// Well formed protos will only have a repeated field that is
// packed once, advance the starting index to the next field.
startingIndex += 1;
} else {
MergeRepeatedNotPackedFieldFromCodedInputStream(self, fieldDescriptor, input,
merged = YES;
} else {
startingIndex += 1;
if (merged) continue; // On to the next tag
if (isMessageSetWireFormat) {
if (GPBWireFormatMessageSetItemTag == tag) {
[self parseMessageSet:input extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry];
continue; // On to the next tag
} else {
// ObjC Runtime currently doesn't track if a message supported extensions, so the check is
// always done.
GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension =
[extensionRegistry extensionForDescriptor:descriptor
if (extension) {
GPBWireFormat wireType = GPBWireFormatGetTagWireType(tag);
if (extension.wireType == wireType) {
ExtensionMergeFromInputStream(extension, extension.packable, input, extensionRegistry,
continue; // On to the next tag
// Primitive, repeated types can be packed on unpacked on the wire, and are
// parsed either way.
if ([extension isRepeated] && !GPBDataTypeIsObject(extension->description_->dataType) &&
(extension.alternateWireType == wireType)) {
ExtensionMergeFromInputStream(extension, !extension.packable, input, extensionRegistry,
continue; // On to the next tag
ParseUnknownField(self, tag, input);
} // while(YES)
#pragma mark - MergeFrom Support
- (void)mergeFrom:(GPBMessage *)other {
Class selfClass = [self class];
Class otherClass = [other class];
if (!([selfClass isSubclassOfClass:otherClass] || [otherClass isSubclassOfClass:selfClass])) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"Classes must match %@ != %@", selfClass, otherClass];
// We assume something will be done and become visible.
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[self class] descriptor];
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
GPBFieldType fieldType = field.fieldType;
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
int32_t hasIndex = GPBFieldHasIndex(field);
uint32_t fieldNumber = GPBFieldNumber(field);
if (!GPBGetHasIvar(other, hasIndex, fieldNumber)) {
// Other doesn't have the field set, on to the next.
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
GPBSetBoolIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, GPBGetMessageBoolField(other, field));
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, GPBGetMessageInt32Field(other, field));
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
GPBSetUInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, GPBGetMessageUInt32Field(other, field));
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
GPBSetInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, GPBGetMessageInt64Field(other, field));
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
GPBSetUInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, GPBGetMessageUInt64Field(other, field));
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
GPBSetFloatIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, GPBGetMessageFloatField(other, field));
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
GPBSetDoubleIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, GPBGetMessageDoubleField(other, field));
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString: {
id otherVal = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(other, field);
GPBSetObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, otherVal);
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup: {
id otherVal = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(other, field);
if (GPBGetHasIvar(self, hasIndex, fieldNumber)) {
GPBMessage *message = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
[message mergeFrom:otherVal];
} else {
GPBMessage *message = [otherVal copy];
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, message);
} // switch()
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
// In the case of a list, they need to be appended, and there is no
// _hasIvar to worry about setting.
id otherArray = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(other, field);
if (otherArray) {
GPBDataType fieldDataType = field->description_->dataType;
if (GPBDataTypeIsObject(fieldDataType)) {
NSMutableArray *resultArray = GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(self, field);
[resultArray addObjectsFromArray:otherArray];
} else if (fieldDataType == GPBDataTypeEnum) {
GPBEnumArray *resultArray = GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(self, field);
[resultArray addRawValuesFromArray:otherArray];
} else {
// The array type doesn't matter, that all implement
// -addValuesFromArray:.
GPBInt32Array *resultArray = GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(self, field);
[resultArray addValuesFromArray:otherArray];
} else { // fieldType = GPBFieldTypeMap
// In the case of a map, they need to be merged, and there is no
// _hasIvar to worry about setting.
id otherDict = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(other, field);
if (otherDict) {
GPBDataType keyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
GPBDataType valueDataType = field->description_->dataType;
if (GPBDataTypeIsObject(keyDataType) && GPBDataTypeIsObject(valueDataType)) {
NSMutableDictionary *resultDict = GetOrCreateMapIvarWithField(self, field);
[resultDict addEntriesFromDictionary:otherDict];
} else if (valueDataType == GPBDataTypeEnum) {
// The exact type doesn't matter, just need to know it is a
// GPB*EnumDictionary.
GPBInt32EnumDictionary *resultDict = GetOrCreateMapIvarWithField(self, field);
[resultDict addRawEntriesFromDictionary:otherDict];
} else {
// The exact type doesn't matter, they all implement
// -addEntriesFromDictionary:.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *resultDict = GetOrCreateMapIvarWithField(self, field);
[resultDict addEntriesFromDictionary:otherDict];
} // if (fieldType)..else if...else
} // for(fields)
// Unknown fields.
if (unknownFields_) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(unknownFieldData_ == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
@synchronized(other) {
if (other->unknownFields_) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(other->unknownFieldData_ == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
[unknownFields_ mergeUnknownFields:other->unknownFields_];
} else if (other->unknownFieldData_) {
MergeUnknownFieldDataIntoFieldSet(self, other->unknownFieldData_, nil);
} // @synchronized(other)
} else {
NSData *otherData = GPBMessageUnknownFieldsData(other);
if (otherData) {
if (unknownFieldData_) {
[unknownFieldData_ appendData:otherData];
} else {
unknownFieldData_ = [otherData mutableCopy];
// Extensions
if (other->extensionMap_.count == 0) {
if (extensionMap_ == nil) {
extensionMap_ = CloneExtensionMap(other->extensionMap_, NSZoneFromPointer(self));
} else {
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in other->extensionMap_) {
id otherValue = [other->extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
id value = [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
BOOL isMessageExtension = GPBExtensionIsMessage(extension);
if (extension.repeated) {
NSMutableArray *list = value;
if (list == nil) {
list = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[extensionMap_ setObject:list forKey:extension];
[list release];
if (isMessageExtension) {
for (GPBMessage *otherListValue in otherValue) {
GPBMessage *copiedValue = [otherListValue copy];
[list addObject:copiedValue];
[copiedValue release];
} else {
[list addObjectsFromArray:otherValue];
} else {
if (isMessageExtension) {
if (value) {
[(GPBMessage *)value mergeFrom:(GPBMessage *)otherValue];
} else {
GPBMessage *copiedValue = [otherValue copy];
[extensionMap_ setObject:copiedValue forKey:extension];
[copiedValue release];
} else {
[extensionMap_ setObject:otherValue forKey:extension];
if (isMessageExtension && !extension.isRepeated) {
GPBMessage *autocreatedValue = [[autocreatedExtensionMap_ objectForKey:extension] retain];
// Must remove from the map before calling GPBClearMessageAutocreator()
// so that GPBClearMessageAutocreator() knows its safe to clear.
[autocreatedExtensionMap_ removeObjectForKey:extension];
[autocreatedValue release];
#pragma mark - isEqual: & hash Support
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other {
if (other == self) {
return YES;
if (![other isKindOfClass:[GPBMessage class]]) {
return NO;
GPBMessage *otherMsg = other;
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[self class] descriptor];
if ([[otherMsg class] descriptor] != descriptor) {
return NO;
uint8_t *selfStorage = (uint8_t *)messageStorage_;
uint8_t *otherStorage = (uint8_t *)otherMsg->messageStorage_;
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field)) {
// In the case of a list or map, there is no _hasIvar to worry about.
// NOTE: These are NSArray/GPB*Array or NSDictionary/GPB*Dictionary, but
// the type doesn't really matter as the objects all support -count and
// -isEqual:.
NSArray *resultMapOrArray = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
NSArray *otherMapOrArray = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(other, field);
// nil and empty are equal
if (resultMapOrArray.count != 0 || otherMapOrArray.count != 0) {
if (![resultMapOrArray isEqual:otherMapOrArray]) {
return NO;
} else { // Single field
int32_t hasIndex = GPBFieldHasIndex(field);
uint32_t fieldNum = GPBFieldNumber(field);
BOOL selfHas = GPBGetHasIvar(self, hasIndex, fieldNum);
BOOL otherHas = GPBGetHasIvar(other, hasIndex, fieldNum);
if (selfHas != otherHas) {
return NO; // Differing has values, not equal.
if (!selfHas) {
// Same has values, was no, nothing else to check for this field.
// Now compare the values.
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
size_t fieldOffset = field->description_->offset;
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool: {
// Bools are stored in has_bits to avoid needing explicit space in
// the storage structure.
// (the field number passed to the HasIvar helper doesn't really
// matter since the offset is never negative)
BOOL selfValue = GPBGetHasIvar(self, (int32_t)(fieldOffset), 0);
BOOL otherValue = GPBGetHasIvar(other, (int32_t)(fieldOffset), 0);
if (selfValue != otherValue) {
return NO;
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
case GPBDataTypeFloat: {
GPBInternalCompileAssert(sizeof(float) == sizeof(uint32_t), float_not_32_bits);
// These are all 32bit, signed/unsigned doesn't matter for equality.
uint32_t *selfValPtr = (uint32_t *)&selfStorage[fieldOffset];
uint32_t *otherValPtr = (uint32_t *)&otherStorage[fieldOffset];
if (*selfValPtr != *otherValPtr) {
return NO;
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
case GPBDataTypeDouble: {
GPBInternalCompileAssert(sizeof(double) == sizeof(uint64_t), double_not_64_bits);
// These are all 64bit, signed/unsigned doesn't matter for equality.
uint64_t *selfValPtr = (uint64_t *)&selfStorage[fieldOffset];
uint64_t *otherValPtr = (uint64_t *)&otherStorage[fieldOffset];
if (*selfValPtr != *otherValPtr) {
return NO;
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup: {
// Type doesn't matter here, they all implement -isEqual:.
id *selfValPtr = (id *)&selfStorage[fieldOffset];
id *otherValPtr = (id *)&otherStorage[fieldOffset];
if (![*selfValPtr isEqual:*otherValPtr]) {
return NO;
} // switch()
} // if(mapOrArray)...else
} // for(fields)
// nil and empty are equal
if (extensionMap_.count != 0 || otherMsg->extensionMap_.count != 0) {
if (![extensionMap_ isEqual:otherMsg->extensionMap_]) {
return NO;
// Mutation while another thread is doing read only access is invalid, so the only thing we
// need to guard against is concurrent r/o access, so we can grab the values (and retain them)
// so we have a version to compare against safely incase the second access causes the transform
// between internal states.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
GPBUnknownFieldSet *selfUnknownFields;
NSData *selfUnknownFieldData;
@synchronized(self) {
selfUnknownFields = [unknownFields_ retain];
selfUnknownFieldData = [unknownFieldData_ retain];
GPBUnknownFieldSet *otherUnknownFields;
NSData *otherUnknownFieldData;
@synchronized(otherMsg) {
otherUnknownFields = [otherMsg->unknownFields_ retain];
otherUnknownFieldData = [otherMsg->unknownFieldData_ retain];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS)
if (selfUnknownFields) {
NSAssert(selfUnknownFieldData == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
if (otherUnknownFields) {
NSAssert(otherUnknownFieldData == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
// Since a developer can set the legacy unknownFieldSet, treat nil and empty as the same.
if (selfUnknownFields && selfUnknownFields.countOfFields == 0) {
[selfUnknownFields release];
selfUnknownFields = nil;
if (otherUnknownFields && otherUnknownFields.countOfFields == 0) {
[otherUnknownFields release];
otherUnknownFields = nil;
BOOL result = YES;
if (selfUnknownFieldData && otherUnknownFieldData) {
// Both had data, compare it.
result = [selfUnknownFieldData isEqual:otherUnknownFieldData];
} else if (selfUnknownFields && otherUnknownFields) {
// Both had fields set, compare them.
result = [selfUnknownFields isEqual:otherUnknownFields];
} else {
// At this point, we're done to one have a set/nothing, and the other having data/nothing.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
GPBUnknownFieldSet *theSet = selfUnknownFields ? selfUnknownFields : otherUnknownFields;
NSData *theData = selfUnknownFieldData ? selfUnknownFieldData : otherUnknownFieldData;
if (theSet) {
if (theData) {
GPBUnknownFieldSet *tempSet = [[GPBUnknownFieldSet alloc] init];
MergeUnknownFieldDataIntoFieldSet(self, theData, tempSet);
result = [tempSet isEqual:theSet];
[tempSet release];
} else {
result = NO;
} else {
// It was a data/nothing and nothing, so they equal if the other didn't have data.
result = theData == nil;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
[selfUnknownFields release];
[selfUnknownFieldData release];
[otherUnknownFields release];
[otherUnknownFieldData release];
return result;
// It is very difficult to implement a generic hash for ProtoBuf messages that
// will perform well. If you need hashing on your ProtoBufs (eg you are using
// them as dictionary keys) you will probably want to implement a ProtoBuf
// message specific hash as a category on your protobuf class. Do not make it a
// category on GPBMessage as you will conflict with this hash, and will possibly
// override hash for all generated protobufs. A good implementation of hash will
// be really fast, so we would recommend only hashing protobufs that have an
// identifier field of some kind that you can easily hash. If you implement
// hash, we would strongly recommend overriding isEqual: in your category as
// well, as the default implementation of isEqual: is extremely slow, and may
// drastically affect performance in large sets.
- (NSUInteger)hash {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[self class] descriptor];
const NSUInteger prime = 19;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)messageStorage_;
// Start with the descriptor and then mix it with some instance info.
// Hopefully that will give a spread based on classes and what fields are set.
NSUInteger result = (NSUInteger)descriptor;
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field)) {
// Exact type doesn't matter, just check if there are any elements.
NSArray *mapOrArray = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
NSUInteger count = mapOrArray.count;
if (count) {
// NSArray/NSDictionary use count, use the field number and the count.
result = prime * result + GPBFieldNumber(field);
result = prime * result + count;
} else if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
// Just using the field number seemed simple/fast, but then a small
// message class where all the same fields are always set (to different
// things would end up all with the same hash, so pull in some data).
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
size_t fieldOffset = field->description_->offset;
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool: {
// Bools are stored in has_bits to avoid needing explicit space in
// the storage structure.
// (the field number passed to the HasIvar helper doesn't really
// matter since the offset is never negative)
BOOL value = GPBGetHasIvar(self, (int32_t)(fieldOffset), 0);
result = prime * result + value;
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
case GPBDataTypeFloat: {
GPBInternalCompileAssert(sizeof(float) == sizeof(uint32_t), float_not_32_bits);
// These are all 32bit, just mix it in.
uint32_t *valPtr = (uint32_t *)&storage[fieldOffset];
result = prime * result + *valPtr;
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
case GPBDataTypeDouble: {
GPBInternalCompileAssert(sizeof(double) == sizeof(uint64_t), double_not_64_bits);
// These are all 64bit, just mix what fits into an NSUInteger in.
uint64_t *valPtr = (uint64_t *)&storage[fieldOffset];
result = prime * result + (NSUInteger)(*valPtr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString: {
// Type doesn't matter here, they both implement -hash:.
id *valPtr = (id *)&storage[fieldOffset];
result = prime * result + [*valPtr hash];
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup: {
GPBMessage **valPtr = (GPBMessage **)&storage[fieldOffset];
// Could call -hash on the sub message, but that could recurse pretty
// deep; follow the lead of NSArray/NSDictionary and don't really
// recurse for hash, instead use the field number and the descriptor
// of the sub message. Yes, this could suck for a bunch of messages
// where they all only differ in the sub messages, but if you are
// using a message with sub messages for something that needs -hash,
// odds are you are also copying them as keys, and that deep copy
// will also suck.
result = prime * result + GPBFieldNumber(field);
result = prime * result + (NSUInteger)[[*valPtr class] descriptor];
} // switch()
// Unknowns and extensions are not included.
return result;
#pragma mark - Description Support
- (NSString *)description {
NSString *textFormat = GPBTextFormatForMessage(self, @" ");
NSString *description =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@ %p>: {\n%@}", [self class], self, textFormat];
return description;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
// Xcode 5.1 added support for custom quick look info.
// https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/CustomClassDisplay_in_QuickLook/CH01-quick_look_for_custom_objects/CH01-quick_look_for_custom_objects.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014001-CH2-SW1
- (id)debugQuickLookObject {
return GPBTextFormatForMessage(self, nil);
#endif // DEBUG
#pragma mark - SerializedSize
- (size_t)serializedSize {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[self class] descriptor];
size_t result = 0;
// Has check is done explicitly, so GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate()
// avoids doing the has check again.
// Fields.
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *fieldDescriptor in descriptor->fields_) {
GPBFieldType fieldType = fieldDescriptor.fieldType;
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(fieldDescriptor);
// Single Fields
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeSingle) {
BOOL selfHas = GPBGetHasIvarField(self, fieldDescriptor);
if (!selfHas) {
continue; // Nothing to do.
uint32_t fieldNumber = GPBFieldNumber(fieldDescriptor);
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
TYPE fieldVal = GPBGetMessage##FUNC_TYPE##Field(self, fieldDescriptor); \
result += GPBCompute##NAME##Size(fieldNumber, fieldVal); \
break; \
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
id fieldVal = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, fieldDescriptor); \
result += GPBCompute##NAME##Size(fieldNumber, fieldVal); \
break; \
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Float, float, Float)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Double, double, Double)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Int32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Int64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SInt32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(SInt64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_SINGLE_POD(Enum, int32_t, Int32)
// Repeated Fields
} else if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
id genericArray = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, fieldDescriptor);
NSUInteger count = [genericArray count];
if (count == 0) {
continue; // Nothing to add.
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
GPB##ARRAY_TYPE##Array *array = genericArray; \
[array enumerate##ARRAY_ACCESSOR_NAME## \
ValuesWithBlock:^(TYPE value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL * stop) { \
dataSize += GPBCompute##NAME##SizeNoTag(value); \
}]; \
break; \
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
for (id value in genericArray) { \
dataSize += GPBCompute##NAME##SizeNoTag(value); \
} \
break; \
CASE_REPEATED_POD(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(Float, float, Float)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(Double, double, Double)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(Int32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(Int64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(SInt32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(SInt64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_REPEATED_POD(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_REPEATED_POD_EXTRA(Enum, int32_t, Enum, Raw)
} // switch
result += dataSize;
size_t tagSize = GPBComputeTagSize(GPBFieldNumber(fieldDescriptor));
if (fieldDataType == GPBDataTypeGroup) {
// Groups have both a start and an end tag.
tagSize *= 2;
if (fieldDescriptor.isPackable) {
result += tagSize;
result += GPBComputeSizeTSizeAsInt32NoTag(dataSize);
} else {
result += count * tagSize;
// Map<> Fields
} else { // fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap
if (GPBDataTypeIsObject(fieldDataType) &&
(fieldDescriptor.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString)) {
// If key type was string, then the map is an NSDictionary.
NSDictionary *map = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, fieldDescriptor);
if (map) {
result += GPBDictionaryComputeSizeInternalHelper(map, fieldDescriptor);
} else {
// Type will be GPB*GroupDictionary, exact type doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *map = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, fieldDescriptor);
result += [map computeSerializedSizeAsField:fieldDescriptor];
} // for(fields)
// Add any unknown fields.
@synchronized(self) {
if (unknownFieldData_) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(unknownFields_ == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
result += [unknownFieldData_ length];
} else {
if (descriptor.wireFormat) {
result += [unknownFields_ serializedSizeAsMessageSet];
} else {
result += [unknownFields_ serializedSize];
} // @synchronized(self)
// Add any extensions.
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in extensionMap_) {
id value = [extensionMap_ objectForKey:extension];
result += GPBComputeExtensionSerializedSizeIncludingTag(extension, value);
return result;
#pragma mark - Resolve Methods Support
typedef struct ResolveIvarAccessorMethodResult {
IMP impToAdd;
SEL encodingSelector;
} ResolveIvarAccessorMethodResult;
// |field| can be __unsafe_unretained because they are created at startup
// and are essentially global. No need to pay for retain/release when
// they are captured in blocks.
static void ResolveIvarGet(__unsafe_unretained GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
ResolveIvarAccessorMethodResult *result) {
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
result->impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj) { \
return GPBGetMessage##TRUE_NAME##Field(obj, field); \
}); \
result->encodingSelector = @selector(get##NAME); \
break; \
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
result->impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj) { \
return GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(obj, field); \
}); \
result->encodingSelector = @selector(get##NAME); \
break; \
CASE_GET(Bool, BOOL, Bool)
CASE_GET(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_GET(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_GET(Float, float, Float)
CASE_GET(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_GET(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_GET(Double, double, Double)
CASE_GET(Int32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_GET(Int64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_GET(SInt32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_GET(SInt64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_GET(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_GET(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_GET_OBJECT(Bytes, id, Object)
CASE_GET_OBJECT(String, id, Object)
CASE_GET_OBJECT(Message, id, Object)
CASE_GET_OBJECT(Group, id, Object)
CASE_GET(Enum, int32_t, Enum)
#undef CASE_GET
// See comment about __unsafe_unretained on ResolveIvarGet.
static void ResolveIvarSet(__unsafe_unretained GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
ResolveIvarAccessorMethodResult *result) {
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
result->impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj, TYPE value) { \
return GPBSet##TRUE_NAME##IvarWithFieldPrivate(obj, field, value); \
}); \
result->encodingSelector = @selector(set##NAME:); \
break; \
case GPBDataType##NAME: { \
result->impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj, id value) { \
return GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(obj, field, [value copy]); \
}); \
result->encodingSelector = @selector(set##NAME:); \
break; \
CASE_SET(Bool, BOOL, Bool)
CASE_SET(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_SET(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SET(Float, float, Float)
CASE_SET(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_SET(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SET(Double, double, Double)
CASE_SET(Int32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SET(Int64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SET(SInt32, int32_t, Int32)
CASE_SET(SInt64, int64_t, Int64)
CASE_SET(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32)
CASE_SET(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64)
CASE_SET(Message, id, Object)
CASE_SET(Group, id, Object)
CASE_SET(Enum, int32_t, Enum)
#undef CASE_SET
// Highly optimized routines for determining selector types.
// Meant to only be used by GPBMessage when resolving selectors in
// `+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel`.
// These routines are intended to make negative decisions as fast as possible.
GPB_INLINE char GPBFastToUpper(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? (c - 'a' + 'A') : c; }
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBIsGetSelForField(const char *selName, GPBFieldDescriptor *descriptor) {
// Does 'selName' == '<name>'?
// selName and <name> have to be at least two characters long (i.e. ('a', '\0')" is the shortest
// selector you can have).
return (selName[0] == descriptor->description_->name[0]) &&
(selName[1] == descriptor->description_->name[1]) &&
(strcmp(selName + 1, descriptor->description_->name + 1) == 0);
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBIsSetSelForField(const char *selName, size_t selNameLength,
GPBFieldDescriptor *descriptor) {
// Does 'selName' == 'set<Name>:'?
// Do fastest compares up front
const size_t kSetLength = strlen("set");
// kSetLength is 3 and one for the colon.
if (selNameLength <= kSetLength + 1) {
return NO;
if (selName[kSetLength] != GPBFastToUpper(descriptor->description_->name[0])) {
return NO;
// NB we check for "set" and the colon later in this routine because we have already checked for
// starting with "s" and ending with ":" in `+resolveInstanceMethod:` before we get here.
if (selName[0] != 's' || selName[1] != 'e' || selName[2] != 't') {
return NO;
if (selName[selNameLength - 1] != ':') {
return NO;
// Slow path.
size_t nameLength = strlen(descriptor->description_->name);
size_t setSelLength = nameLength + kSetLength + 1;
if (selNameLength != setSelLength) {
return NO;
if (strncmp(&selName[kSetLength + 1], descriptor->description_->name + 1, nameLength - 1) != 0) {
return NO;
return YES;
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBFieldHasHas(GPBFieldDescriptor *descriptor) {
// It gets has/setHas selectors if...
// - not in a oneof (negative has index)
// - not clearing on zero
return (descriptor->description_->hasIndex >= 0) &&
((descriptor->description_->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0);
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBIsHasSelForField(const char *selName, size_t selNameLength,
GPBFieldDescriptor *descriptor) {
// Does 'selName' == 'has<Name>'?
// Do fastest compares up front.
const size_t kHasLength = strlen("has");
if (selNameLength <= kHasLength) {
return NO;
if (selName[0] != 'h' || selName[1] != 'a' || selName[2] != 's') {
return NO;
if (selName[kHasLength] != GPBFastToUpper(descriptor->description_->name[0])) {
return NO;
if (!GPBFieldHasHas(descriptor)) {
return NO;
// Slow path.
size_t nameLength = strlen(descriptor->description_->name);
size_t setSelLength = nameLength + kHasLength;
if (selNameLength != setSelLength) {
return NO;
if (strncmp(&selName[kHasLength + 1], descriptor->description_->name + 1, nameLength - 1) != 0) {
return NO;
return YES;
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBIsCountSelForField(const char *selName, size_t selNameLength,
GPBFieldDescriptor *descriptor) {
// Does 'selName' == '<name>_Count'?
// Do fastest compares up front.
if (selName[0] != descriptor->description_->name[0]) {
return NO;
const size_t kCountLength = strlen("_Count");
if (selNameLength <= kCountLength) {
return NO;
if (selName[selNameLength - kCountLength] != '_') {
return NO;
// Slow path.
size_t nameLength = strlen(descriptor->description_->name);
size_t setSelLength = nameLength + kCountLength;
if (selNameLength != setSelLength) {
return NO;
if (strncmp(selName, descriptor->description_->name, nameLength) != 0) {
return NO;
if (strncmp(&selName[nameLength], "_Count", kCountLength) != 0) {
return NO;
return YES;
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBIsSetHasSelForField(const char *selName, size_t selNameLength,
GPBFieldDescriptor *descriptor) {
// Does 'selName' == 'setHas<Name>:'?
// Do fastest compares up front.
const size_t kSetHasLength = strlen("setHas");
// kSetHasLength is 6 and one for the colon.
if (selNameLength <= kSetHasLength + 1) {
return NO;
if (selName[selNameLength - 1] != ':') {
return NO;
if (selName[kSetHasLength] != GPBFastToUpper(descriptor->description_->name[0])) {
return NO;
if (selName[0] != 's' || selName[1] != 'e' || selName[2] != 't' || selName[3] != 'H' ||
selName[4] != 'a' || selName[5] != 's') {
return NO;
if (!GPBFieldHasHas(descriptor)) {
return NO;
// Slow path.
size_t nameLength = strlen(descriptor->description_->name);
size_t setHasSelLength = nameLength + kSetHasLength + 1;
if (selNameLength != setHasSelLength) {
return NO;
if (strncmp(&selName[kSetHasLength + 1], descriptor->description_->name + 1, nameLength - 1) !=
0) {
return NO;
return YES;
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBIsCaseOfSelForOneOf(const char *selName, size_t selNameLength,
GPBOneofDescriptor *descriptor) {
// Does 'selName' == '<name>OneOfCase'?
// Do fastest compares up front.
if (selName[0] != descriptor->name_[0]) {
return NO;
const size_t kOneOfCaseLength = strlen("OneOfCase");
if (selNameLength <= kOneOfCaseLength) {
return NO;
if (selName[selNameLength - kOneOfCaseLength] != 'O') {
return NO;
// Slow path.
size_t nameLength = strlen(descriptor->name_);
size_t setSelLength = nameLength + kOneOfCaseLength;
if (selNameLength != setSelLength) {
return NO;
if (strncmp(&selName[nameLength], "OneOfCase", kOneOfCaseLength) != 0) {
return NO;
if (strncmp(selName, descriptor->name_, nameLength) != 0) {
return NO;
return YES;
+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel {
const GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
if (!descriptor) {
return [super resolveInstanceMethod:sel];
ResolveIvarAccessorMethodResult result = {NULL, NULL};
const char *selName = sel_getName(sel);
const size_t selNameLength = strlen(selName);
// A setter has a leading 's' and a trailing ':' (e.g. 'setFoo:' or 'setHasFoo:').
BOOL couldBeSetter = selName[0] == 's' && selName[selNameLength - 1] == ':';
if (couldBeSetter) {
// See comment about __unsafe_unretained on ResolveIvarGet.
for (__unsafe_unretained GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
BOOL isMapOrArray = GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field);
if (GPBIsSetSelForField(selName, selNameLength, field)) {
if (isMapOrArray) {
// Local for syntax so the block can directly capture it and not the
// full lookup.
result.impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj, id value) {
GPBSetObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(obj, field, value);
result.encodingSelector = @selector(setArray:);
} else {
ResolveIvarSet(field, &result);
} else if (!isMapOrArray && GPBIsSetHasSelForField(selName, selNameLength, field)) {
result.impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj, BOOL value) {
if (value) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@: %@ can only be set to NO (to clear field).", [obj class],
GPBClearMessageField(obj, field);
result.encodingSelector = @selector(setBool:);
} else {
// See comment about __unsafe_unretained on ResolveIvarGet.
for (__unsafe_unretained GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
BOOL isMapOrArray = GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field);
if (GPBIsGetSelForField(selName, field)) {
if (isMapOrArray) {
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
result.impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj) {
return GetArrayIvarWithField(obj, field);
} else {
result.impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj) {
return GetMapIvarWithField(obj, field);
result.encodingSelector = @selector(getArray);
} else {
ResolveIvarGet(field, &result);
if (!isMapOrArray) {
if (GPBIsHasSelForField(selName, selNameLength, field)) {
int32_t index = GPBFieldHasIndex(field);
uint32_t fieldNum = GPBFieldNumber(field);
result.impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj) {
return GPBGetHasIvar(obj, index, fieldNum);
result.encodingSelector = @selector(getBool);
} else {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
if (oneof && GPBIsCaseOfSelForOneOf(selName, selNameLength, oneof)) {
int32_t index = GPBFieldHasIndex(field);
result.impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj) {
return GPBGetHasOneof(obj, index);
result.encodingSelector = @selector(getEnum);
} else {
if (GPBIsCountSelForField(selName, selNameLength, field)) {
result.impToAdd = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id obj) {
// Type doesn't matter, all *Array and *Dictionary types support
// -count.
NSArray *arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(obj, field);
return [arrayOrMap count];
result.encodingSelector = @selector(getArrayCount);
if (result.impToAdd) {
const char *encoding = GPBMessageEncodingForSelector(result.encodingSelector, YES);
Class msgClass = descriptor.messageClass;
BOOL methodAdded = class_addMethod(msgClass, sel, result.impToAdd, encoding);
// class_addMethod() is documented as also failing if the method was already
// added; so we check if the method is already there and return success so
// the method dispatch will still happen. Why would it already be added?
// Two threads could cause the same method to be bound at the same time,
// but only one will actually bind it; the other still needs to return true
// so things will dispatch.
if (!methodAdded) {
methodAdded = GPBClassHasSel(msgClass, sel);
return methodAdded;
return [super resolveInstanceMethod:sel];
+ (BOOL)resolveClassMethod:(SEL)sel {
// Extensions scoped to a Message and looked up via class methods.
if (GPBResolveExtensionClassMethod(self, sel)) {
return YES;
return [super resolveClassMethod:sel];
#pragma mark - NSCoding Support
+ (BOOL)supportsSecureCoding {
return YES;
- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
self = [self init];
if (self) {
NSData *data = [aDecoder decodeObjectOfClass:[NSData class] forKey:kGPBDataCoderKey];
if (data.length) {
GPBCodedInputStream *input = [[GPBCodedInputStream alloc] initWithData:data];
@try {
[self mergeFromCodedInputStream:input extensionRegistry:nil endingTag:0];
} @finally {
[input release];
return self;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (extensionMap_.count) {
// Hint to go along with the docs on GPBMessage about this.
// Note: This is incomplete, in that it only checked the "root" message,
// if a sub message in a field has extensions, the issue still exists. A
// recursive check could be done here (like the work in
// GPBMessageDropUnknownFieldsRecursively()), but that has the potential to
// be expensive and could slow down serialization in DEBUG enough to cause
// developers other problems.
NSLog(@"Warning: writing out a GPBMessage (%@) via NSCoding and it"
@" has %ld extensions; when read back in, those fields will be"
@" in the unknownFields property instead.",
[self class], (long)extensionMap_.count);
NSData *data = [self data];
if (data.length) {
[aCoder encodeObject:data forKey:kGPBDataCoderKey];
#pragma mark - KVC Support
+ (BOOL)accessInstanceVariablesDirectly {
// Make sure KVC doesn't use instance variables.
return NO;
#pragma mark - Messages from GPBUtilities.h but defined here for access to helpers.
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
id GPBGetMessageRepeatedField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (field.fieldType != GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@ is not a repeated field.", [self class], field.name];
return GetOrCreateArrayIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
id GPBGetMessageMapField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (field.fieldType != GPBFieldTypeMap) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@ is not a map<> field.", [self class], field.name];
return GetOrCreateMapIvarWithField(self, field);
id GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
NSCAssert(!GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field), @"Shouldn't get here");
if (!GPBFieldDataTypeIsMessage(field)) {
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
// Not set...non messages (string/data), get their default.
return field.defaultValue.valueMessage;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
_Atomic(id) *typePtr = (_Atomic(id) *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
id msg = atomic_load(typePtr);
if (msg) {
return msg;
id expected = nil;
id autocreated = GPBCreateMessageWithAutocreator(field.msgClass, self, field);
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(typePtr, &expected, autocreated)) {
// Value was set, return it.
return autocreated;
// Some other thread set it, release the one created and return what got set.
[autocreated release];
return expected;
NSData *GPBMessageUnknownFieldsData(GPBMessage *self) {
NSData *result = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
GPBUnknownFieldSet *unknownFields = self->unknownFields_;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (unknownFields) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->unknownFieldData_ == nil, @"Internal error both unknown states were set");
if (self.descriptor.isWireFormat) {
NSMutableData *mutableData =
[NSMutableData dataWithLength:unknownFields.serializedSizeAsMessageSet];
GPBCodedOutputStream *output = [[GPBCodedOutputStream alloc] initWithData:mutableData];
[unknownFields writeAsMessageSetTo:output];
[output flush];
[output release];
result = mutableData;
} else {
result = [unknownFields data];
} else {
// Internally we can borrow it without a copy since this is immediately used by callers
// and multithreaded access with any mutation is not allow on messages.
result = self->unknownFieldData_;
} // @synchronized(self)
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop