// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
#include "upb/message/compare.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "upb/base/descriptor_constants.h"
#include "upb/message/accessors.h"
#include "upb/message/array.h"
#include "upb/message/internal/accessors.h"
#include "upb/message/internal/compare_unknown.h"
#include "upb/message/internal/extension.h"
#include "upb/message/map.h"
#include "upb/message/message.h"
#include "upb/mini_table/extension.h"
#include "upb/mini_table/field.h"
#include "upb/mini_table/internal/field.h"
#include "upb/mini_table/message.h"
// Must be last.
#include "upb/port/def.inc"
#define kUpb_BaseField_Begin ((size_t) - 1)
#define kUpb_Extension_Begin ((size_t) - 1)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
static bool _upb_Message_NextBaseField(const upb_Message* msg,
const upb_MiniTable* m,
const upb_MiniTableField** out_f,
upb_MessageValue* out_v, size_t* iter) {
const size_t count = upb_MiniTable_FieldCount(m);
size_t i = *iter;
while (++i < count) {
const upb_MiniTableField* f = upb_MiniTable_GetFieldByIndex(m, i);
const void* src = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Message_DataPtr)(msg, f);
upb_MessageValue val;
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_MiniTableField_DataCopy)(f, &val, src);
// Skip field if unset or empty.
if (upb_MiniTableField_HasPresence(f)) {
if (!upb_Message_HasBaseField(msg, f)) continue;
} else {
if (UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_MiniTableField_DataIsZero)(f, src)) continue;
if (upb_MiniTableField_IsArray(f)) {
if (upb_Array_Size(val.array_val) == 0) continue;
} else if (upb_MiniTableField_IsMap(f)) {
if (upb_Map_Size(val.map_val) == 0) continue;
*out_f = f;
*out_v = val;
*iter = i;
return true;
return false;
static bool _upb_Message_NextExtension(const upb_Message* msg,
const upb_MiniTable* m,
const upb_MiniTableExtension** out_e,
upb_MessageValue* out_v, size_t* iter) {
size_t count;
const upb_Extension* exts = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Message_Getexts)(msg, &count);
size_t i = *iter;
if (++i < count) {
*out_e = exts[i].ext;
*out_v = exts[i].data;
*iter = i;
return true;
return false;
bool upb_Message_IsEmpty(const upb_Message* msg, const upb_MiniTable* m) {
if (upb_Message_ExtensionCount(msg)) return false;
const upb_MiniTableField* f;
upb_MessageValue v;
size_t iter = kUpb_BaseField_Begin;
return !_upb_Message_NextBaseField(msg, m, &f, &v, &iter);
static bool _upb_Array_IsEqual(const upb_Array* arr1, const upb_Array* arr2,
upb_CType ctype, const upb_MiniTable* m) {
// Check for trivial equality.
if (arr1 == arr2) return true;
// Must have identical element counts.
const size_t size1 = arr1 ? upb_Array_Size(arr1) : 0;
const size_t size2 = arr2 ? upb_Array_Size(arr2) : 0;
if (size1 != size2) return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
const upb_MessageValue val1 = upb_Array_Get(arr1, i);
const upb_MessageValue val2 = upb_Array_Get(arr2, i);
if (!upb_MessageValue_IsEqual(val1, val2, ctype, m)) return false;
return true;
static bool _upb_Map_IsEqual(const upb_Map* map1, const upb_Map* map2,
const upb_MiniTable* m) {
// Check for trivial equality.
if (map1 == map2) return true;
// Must have identical element counts.
size_t size1 = map1 ? upb_Map_Size(map1) : 0;
size_t size2 = map2 ? upb_Map_Size(map2) : 0;
if (size1 != size2) return false;
const upb_MiniTableField* f = upb_MiniTable_MapValue(m);
const upb_MiniTable* m2_value = upb_MiniTable_SubMessage(m, f);
const upb_CType ctype = upb_MiniTableField_CType(f);
upb_MessageValue key, val1, val2;
size_t iter = kUpb_Map_Begin;
while (upb_Map_Next(map1, &key, &val1, &iter)) {
if (!upb_Map_Get(map2, key, &val2)) return false;
if (!upb_MessageValue_IsEqual(val1, val2, ctype, m2_value)) return false;
return true;
static bool _upb_Message_BaseFieldsAreEqual(const upb_Message* msg1,
const upb_Message* msg2,
const upb_MiniTable* m) {
// Iterate over all base fields for each message.
// The order will always match if the messages are equal.
size_t iter1 = kUpb_BaseField_Begin;
size_t iter2 = kUpb_BaseField_Begin;
for (;;) {
const upb_MiniTableField *f1, *f2;
upb_MessageValue val1, val2;
const bool got1 = _upb_Message_NextBaseField(msg1, m, &f1, &val1, &iter1);
const bool got2 = _upb_Message_NextBaseField(msg2, m, &f2, &val2, &iter2);
if (got1 != got2) return false; // Must have identical field counts.
if (!got1) return true; // Loop termination condition.
if (f1 != f2) return false; // Must have identical fields set.
const upb_MiniTable* subm = upb_MiniTable_SubMessage(m, f1);
const upb_CType ctype = upb_MiniTableField_CType(f1);
bool eq;
switch (UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_MiniTableField_Mode)(f1)) {
case kUpb_FieldMode_Array:
eq = _upb_Array_IsEqual(val1.array_val, val2.array_val, ctype, subm);
case kUpb_FieldMode_Map:
eq = _upb_Map_IsEqual(val1.map_val, val2.map_val, subm);
case kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar:
eq = upb_MessageValue_IsEqual(val1, val2, ctype, subm);
if (!eq) return false;
static bool _upb_Message_ExtensionsAreEqual(const upb_Message* msg1,
const upb_Message* msg2,
const upb_MiniTable* m) {
// Must have identical extension counts.
if (upb_Message_ExtensionCount(msg1) != upb_Message_ExtensionCount(msg2)) {
return false;
const upb_MiniTableExtension* e;
upb_MessageValue val1;
// Iterate over all extensions for msg1, and search msg2 for each extension.
size_t iter1 = kUpb_Extension_Begin;
while (_upb_Message_NextExtension(msg1, m, &e, &val1, &iter1)) {
const upb_Extension* ext2 = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Message_Getext)(msg2, e);
if (!ext2) return false;
const upb_MessageValue val2 = ext2->data;
const upb_MiniTableField* f = &e->UPB_PRIVATE(field);
const upb_MiniTable* subm = upb_MiniTableField_IsSubMessage(f)
? upb_MiniTableExtension_GetSubMessage(e)
const upb_CType ctype = upb_MiniTableField_CType(f);
bool eq;
switch (UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_MiniTableField_Mode)(f)) {
case kUpb_FieldMode_Array:
eq = _upb_Array_IsEqual(val1.array_val, val2.array_val, ctype, subm);
case kUpb_FieldMode_Map:
UPB_UNREACHABLE(); // Maps cannot be extensions.
case kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar: {
eq = upb_MessageValue_IsEqual(val1, val2, ctype, subm);
if (!eq) return false;
return true;
bool upb_Message_IsEqual(const upb_Message* msg1, const upb_Message* msg2,
const upb_MiniTable* m) {
if (UPB_UNLIKELY(msg1 == msg2)) return true;
if (!_upb_Message_BaseFieldsAreEqual(msg1, msg2, m)) return false;
if (!_upb_Message_ExtensionsAreEqual(msg1, msg2, m)) return false;
// Check the unknown fields.
size_t usize1, usize2;
const char* uf1 = upb_Message_GetUnknown(msg1, &usize1);
const char* uf2 = upb_Message_GetUnknown(msg2, &usize2);
// The wire encoder enforces a maximum depth of 100 so we match that here.
return UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Message_UnknownFieldsAreEqual)(
uf1, usize1, uf2, usize2, 100) == kUpb_UnknownCompareResult_Equal;