// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "upb/base/status.hpp"
#include "upb/mem/arena.hpp"
#include "upb/message/copy.h"
#include "upb/message/internal/accessors.h"
#include "upb/message/internal/extension.h"
#include "upb/mini_table/extension.h"
#include "upb/wire/decode.h"
#include "upb/wire/encode.h"
namespace protos {
using Arena = ::upb::Arena;
class ExtensionRegistry;
template <typename T>
using Proxy = std::conditional_t<std::is_const<T>::value,
typename std::remove_const_t<T>::CProxy,
typename T::Proxy>;
// Provides convenient access to Proxy and CProxy message types.
// Using rebinding and handling of const, Ptr<Message> and Ptr<const Message>
// allows copying const with T* const and avoids using non-copyable Proxy types
// directly.
template <typename T>
class Ptr final {
Ptr() = delete;
// Implicit conversions
Ptr(T* m) : p_(m) {} // NOLINT
Ptr(const Proxy<T>* p) : p_(*p) {} // NOLINT
Ptr(Proxy<T> p) : p_(p) {} // NOLINT
Ptr(const Ptr& m) = default;
Ptr& operator=(Ptr v) & {
Proxy<T>::Rebind(p_, v.p_);
return *this;
Proxy<T> operator*() const { return p_; }
Proxy<T>* operator->() const {
return const_cast<Proxy<T>*>(std::addressof(p_));
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wclass-conversion"
template <typename U = T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const<U>::value, int> = 0>
operator Ptr<const T>() const {
Proxy<const T> p(p_);
return Ptr<const T>(&p);
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
Ptr(void* msg, upb_Arena* arena) : p_(msg, arena) {} // NOLINT
friend class Ptr<const T>;
friend typename T::Access;
Proxy<T> p_;
inline absl::string_view UpbStrToStringView(upb_StringView str) {
return absl::string_view(str.data, str.size);
// TODO: update bzl and move to upb runtime / protos.cc.
inline upb_StringView UpbStrFromStringView(absl::string_view str,
upb_Arena* arena) {
const size_t str_size = str.size();
char* buffer = static_cast<char*>(upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, str_size));
memcpy(buffer, str.data(), str_size);
return upb_StringView_FromDataAndSize(buffer, str_size);
template <typename T>
typename T::Proxy CreateMessage(::protos::Arena& arena) {
return typename T::Proxy(upb_Message_New(T::minitable(), arena.ptr()),
// begin:github_only
// This type exists to work around an absl type that has not yet been
// released.
struct SourceLocation {
static SourceLocation current() { return {}; }
absl::string_view file_name() { return "<unknown>"; }
int line() { return 0; }
// end:github_only
// begin:google_only
// using SourceLocation = absl::SourceLocation;
// end:google_only
absl::Status MessageAllocationError(
SourceLocation loc = SourceLocation::current());
absl::Status ExtensionNotFoundError(
int extension_number, SourceLocation loc = SourceLocation::current());
absl::Status MessageDecodeError(upb_DecodeStatus status,
SourceLocation loc = SourceLocation::current());
absl::Status MessageEncodeError(upb_EncodeStatus status,
SourceLocation loc = SourceLocation::current());
namespace internal {
struct PrivateAccess {
template <typename T>
static auto* GetInternalMsg(T&& message) {
return message->msg();
template <typename T>
static auto Proxy(void* p, upb_Arena* arena) {
return typename T::Proxy(p, arena);
template <typename T>
static auto CProxy(const void* p, upb_Arena* arena) {
return typename T::CProxy(p, arena);
template <typename T>
auto* GetInternalMsg(T&& message) {
return PrivateAccess::GetInternalMsg(std::forward<T>(message));
template <typename T>
T CreateMessage() {
return T();
template <typename T>
typename T::Proxy CreateMessageProxy(void* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
return typename T::Proxy(msg, arena);
template <typename T>
typename T::CProxy CreateMessage(const upb_Message* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
return PrivateAccess::CProxy<T>(msg, arena);
class ExtensionMiniTableProvider {
constexpr explicit ExtensionMiniTableProvider(
const upb_MiniTableExtension* mini_table_ext)
: mini_table_ext_(mini_table_ext) {}
const upb_MiniTableExtension* mini_table_ext() const {
return mini_table_ext_;
const upb_MiniTableExtension* mini_table_ext_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExtensionIdentifier
// This is the type of actual extension objects. E.g. if you have:
// extend Foo {
// optional MyExtension bar = 1234;
// }
// then "bar" will be defined in C++ as:
// ExtensionIdentifier<Foo, MyExtension> bar(&namespace_bar_ext);
template <typename ExtendeeType, typename ExtensionType>
class ExtensionIdentifier : public ExtensionMiniTableProvider {
using Extension = ExtensionType;
using Extendee = ExtendeeType;
constexpr explicit ExtensionIdentifier(
const upb_MiniTableExtension* mini_table_ext)
: ExtensionMiniTableProvider(mini_table_ext) {}
template <typename T>
upb_Arena* GetArena(Ptr<T> message) {
return static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message->GetInternalArena());
template <typename T>
upb_Arena* GetArena(T* message) {
return static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message->GetInternalArena());
template <typename T>
const upb_MiniTable* GetMiniTable(const T*) {
return T::minitable();
template <typename T>
const upb_MiniTable* GetMiniTable(Ptr<T>) {
return T::minitable();
upb_ExtensionRegistry* GetUpbExtensions(
const ExtensionRegistry& extension_registry);
absl::StatusOr<absl::string_view> Serialize(const upb_Message* message,
const upb_MiniTable* mini_table,
upb_Arena* arena, int options);
bool HasExtensionOrUnknown(const upb_Message* msg,
const upb_MiniTableExtension* eid);
const upb_Message_Extension* GetOrPromoteExtension(
upb_Message* msg, const upb_MiniTableExtension* eid, upb_Arena* arena);
void DeepCopy(upb_Message* target, const upb_Message* source,
const upb_MiniTable* mini_table, upb_Arena* arena);
upb_Message* DeepClone(const upb_Message* source,
const upb_MiniTable* mini_table, upb_Arena* arena);
absl::Status MoveExtension(upb_Message* message, upb_Arena* message_arena,
const upb_MiniTableExtension* ext,
upb_Message* extension, upb_Arena* extension_arena);
absl::Status SetExtension(upb_Message* message, upb_Arena* message_arena,
const upb_MiniTableExtension* ext,
const upb_Message* extension);
} // namespace internal
template <typename T>
void DeepCopy(Ptr<const T> source_message, Ptr<T> target_message) {
internal::GetInternalMsg(source_message), T::minitable(),
template <typename T>
typename T::Proxy CloneMessage(Ptr<T> message, upb_Arena* arena) {
return internal::PrivateAccess::Proxy<T>(
T::minitable(), arena),
template <typename T>
void DeepCopy(Ptr<const T> source_message, T* target_message) {
DeepCopy(source_message, protos::Ptr(target_message));
template <typename T>
void DeepCopy(const T* source_message, Ptr<T> target_message) {
DeepCopy(protos::Ptr(source_message), target_message);
template <typename T>
void DeepCopy(const T* source_message, T* target_message) {
DeepCopy(protos::Ptr(source_message), protos::Ptr(target_message));
template <typename T>
void ClearMessage(Ptr<T> message) {
static_assert(!std::is_const_v<T>, "");
upb_Message_Clear(internal::GetInternalMsg(message), T::minitable());
template <typename T>
void ClearMessage(T* message) {
class ExtensionRegistry {
const std::vector<const ::protos::internal::ExtensionMiniTableProvider*>&
const upb::Arena& arena)
: registry_(upb_ExtensionRegistry_New(arena.ptr())) {
if (registry_) {
for (const auto& ext_provider : extensions) {
const auto* ext = ext_provider->mini_table_ext();
bool success = upb_ExtensionRegistry_AddArray(registry_, &ext, 1);
if (!success) {
registry_ = nullptr;
friend upb_ExtensionRegistry* ::protos::internal::GetUpbExtensions(
const ExtensionRegistry& extension_registry);
upb_ExtensionRegistry* registry_;
template <typename T>
using EnableIfProtosClass = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_base_of<typename T::Access, T>::value &&
std::is_base_of<typename T::Access, typename T::ExtendableType>::value>;
template <typename T>
using EnableIfMutableProto = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const<T>::value>;
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>>
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool HasExtension(
Ptr<T> message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id) {
return ::protos::internal::HasExtensionOrUnknown(
::protos::internal::GetInternalMsg(message), id.mini_table_ext());
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>>
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool HasExtension(
const T* message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id) {
return HasExtension(protos::Ptr(message), id);
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>, typename = EnableIfMutableProto<T>>
void ClearExtension(
Ptr<T> message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id) {
static_assert(!std::is_const_v<T>, "");
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>>
void ClearExtension(
T* message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id) {
ClearExtension(::protos::Ptr(message), id);
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>, typename = EnableIfMutableProto<T>>
absl::Status SetExtension(
Ptr<T> message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id,
const Extension& value) {
auto* message_arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message->GetInternalArena());
return ::protos::internal::SetExtension(internal::GetInternalMsg(message),
message_arena, id.mini_table_ext(),
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>, typename = EnableIfMutableProto<T>>
absl::Status SetExtension(
Ptr<T> message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id,
Extension&& value) {
Extension ext = std::move(value);
auto* message_arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message->GetInternalArena());
auto* extension_arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(ext.GetInternalArena());
return ::protos::internal::MoveExtension(
internal::GetInternalMsg(message), message_arena, id.mini_table_ext(),
internal::GetInternalMsg(&ext), extension_arena);
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>>
absl::Status SetExtension(
T* message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id,
const Extension& value) {
return ::protos::SetExtension(::protos::Ptr(message), id, value);
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>>
absl::Status SetExtension(
T* message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id,
Extension&& value) {
return ::protos::SetExtension(::protos::Ptr(message), id,
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>>
absl::StatusOr<Ptr<const Extension>> GetExtension(
Ptr<T> message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id) {
// TODO: Fix const correctness issues.
const upb_Message_Extension* ext = ::protos::internal::GetOrPromoteExtension(
id.mini_table_ext(), ::protos::internal::GetArena(message));
if (!ext) {
return ExtensionNotFoundError(
return Ptr<const Extension>(::protos::internal::CreateMessage<Extension>(
ext->data.ptr, ::protos::internal::GetArena(message)));
template <typename T, typename Extendee, typename Extension,
typename = EnableIfProtosClass<T>>
absl::StatusOr<Ptr<const Extension>> GetExtension(
const T* message,
const ::protos::internal::ExtensionIdentifier<Extendee, Extension>& id) {
return GetExtension(protos::Ptr(message), id);
template <typename T>
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool Parse(Ptr<T> message, absl::string_view bytes) {
auto* arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message->GetInternalArena());
return upb_Decode(bytes.data(), bytes.size(),
/* extreg= */ nullptr, /* options= */ 0,
arena) == kUpb_DecodeStatus_Ok;
template <typename T>
Ptr<T> message, absl::string_view bytes,
const ::protos::ExtensionRegistry& extension_registry) {
auto* arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message->GetInternalArena());
return upb_Decode(bytes.data(), bytes.size(),
/* extreg= */
/* options= */ 0, arena) == kUpb_DecodeStatus_Ok;
template <typename T>
T* message, absl::string_view bytes,
const ::protos::ExtensionRegistry& extension_registry) {
return Parse(protos::Ptr(message, bytes, extension_registry));
template <typename T>
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool Parse(T* message, absl::string_view bytes) {
auto* arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message->GetInternalArena());
return upb_Decode(bytes.data(), bytes.size(),
/* extreg= */ nullptr, /* options= */ 0,
arena) == kUpb_DecodeStatus_Ok;
template <typename T>
absl::StatusOr<T> Parse(absl::string_view bytes, int options = 0) {
T message;
auto* arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message.GetInternalArena());
upb_DecodeStatus status =
upb_Decode(bytes.data(), bytes.size(), message.msg(),
/* extreg= */ nullptr, /* options= */ 0, arena);
if (status == kUpb_DecodeStatus_Ok) {
return message;
return MessageDecodeError(status);
template <typename T>
absl::StatusOr<T> Parse(absl::string_view bytes,
const ::protos::ExtensionRegistry& extension_registry,
int options = 0) {
T message;
auto* arena = static_cast<upb_Arena*>(message.GetInternalArena());
upb_DecodeStatus status =
upb_Decode(bytes.data(), bytes.size(), message.msg(),
/* options= */ 0, arena);
if (status == kUpb_DecodeStatus_Ok) {
return message;
return MessageDecodeError(status);
template <typename T>
absl::StatusOr<absl::string_view> Serialize(const T* message, upb::Arena& arena,
int options = 0) {
return ::protos::internal::Serialize(
::protos::internal::GetMiniTable(message), arena.ptr(), options);
template <typename T>
absl::StatusOr<absl::string_view> Serialize(Ptr<T> message, upb::Arena& arena,
int options = 0) {
return ::protos::internal::Serialize(
::protos::internal::GetMiniTable(message), arena.ptr(), options);
} // namespace protos