// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
use super::{upb_ExtensionRegistry, upb_MiniTable, Arena, RawArena, RawMessage};
// LINT.IfChange(encode_status)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum EncodeStatus {
Ok = 0,
OutOfMemory = 1,
MaxDepthExceeded = 2,
MissingRequired = 3,
// LINT.ThenChange()
// LINT.IfChange(decode_status)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DecodeStatus {
Ok = 0,
Malformed = 1,
OutOfMemory = 2,
BadUtf8 = 3,
MaxDepthExceeded = 4,
MissingRequired = 5,
UnlinkedSubMessage = 6,
// LINT.ThenChange()
enum DecodeOption {
AliasString = 1,
CheckRequired = 2,
ExperimentalAllowUnlinked = 4,
AlwaysValidateUtf8 = 8,
/// If Err, then EncodeStatus != Ok.
/// # Safety
/// - `msg` must be associated with `mini_table`.
pub unsafe fn encode(
msg: RawMessage,
mini_table: *const upb_MiniTable,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodeStatus> {
let arena = Arena::new();
let mut buf: *mut u8 = core::ptr::null_mut();
let mut len = 0usize;
// - `mini_table` is the one associated with `msg`.
// - `buf` and `buf_size` are legally writable.
let status = unsafe { upb_Encode(msg, mini_table, 0, arena.raw(), &mut buf, &mut len) };
if status == EncodeStatus::Ok {
assert!(!buf.is_null()); // EncodeStatus Ok should never return NULL data, even for len=0.
// SAFETY: upb guarantees that `buf` is valid to read for `len`.
Ok(unsafe { &*core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts(buf, len) }.to_vec())
} else {
/// Decodes into the provided message (merge semantics). If Err, then
/// DecodeStatus != Ok.
/// # Safety
/// - `msg` must be mutable.
/// - `msg` must be associated with `mini_table`.
pub unsafe fn decode(
buf: &[u8],
msg: RawMessage,
mini_table: *const upb_MiniTable,
arena: &Arena,
) -> Result<(), DecodeStatus> {
let len = buf.len();
let buf = buf.as_ptr();
let options = DecodeOption::CheckRequired as i32;
// - `mini_table` is the one associated with `msg`
// - `buf` is legally readable for at least `buf_size` bytes.
// - `extreg` is null.
let status =
unsafe { upb_Decode(buf, len, msg, mini_table, core::ptr::null(), options, arena.raw()) };
match status {
DecodeStatus::Ok => Ok(()),
_ => Err(status),
extern "C" {
// - `mini_table` is the one associated with `msg`
// - `buf` and `buf_size` are legally writable.
pub fn upb_Encode(
msg: RawMessage,
mini_table: *const upb_MiniTable,
options: i32,
arena: RawArena,
buf: *mut *mut u8,
buf_size: *mut usize,
) -> EncodeStatus;
// - `mini_table` is the one associated with `msg`
// - `buf` is legally readable for at least `buf_size` bytes.
// - `extreg` is either null or points at a valid upb_ExtensionRegistry.
pub fn upb_Decode(
buf: *const u8,
buf_size: usize,
msg: RawMessage,
mini_table: *const upb_MiniTable,
extreg: *const upb_ExtensionRegistry,
options: i32,
arena: RawArena,
) -> DecodeStatus;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use googletest::gtest;
fn assert_wire_linked() {
use super::super::assert_linked;