// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
// Rust Protobuf runtime using the C++ kernel.
use crate::__internal::{Enum, Private};
use crate::{
IntoProxied, Map, MapIter, MapMut, MapView, Mut, ProtoBytes, ProtoStr, ProtoString, Proxied,
ProxiedInMapValue, ProxiedInRepeated, Repeated, RepeatedMut, RepeatedView, View,
use core::fmt::Debug;
use paste::paste;
use std::convert::identity;
use std::ffi::{c_int, c_void};
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::{ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
use std::slice;
/// Defines a set of opaque, unique, non-accessible pointees.
/// The [Rustonomicon][nomicon] currently recommends a zero-sized struct,
/// though this should use [`extern type`] when that is stabilized.
/// [nomicon]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ffi.html#representing-opaque-structs
/// [`extern type`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/43467
mod _opaque_pointees {
/// Opaque pointee for [`RawMessage`]
/// This type is not meant to be dereferenced in Rust code.
/// It is only meant to provide type safety for raw pointers
/// which are manipulated behind FFI.
/// [`RawMessage`]: super::RawMessage
pub struct RawMessageData {
_data: [u8; 0],
_marker: std::marker::PhantomData<(*mut u8, ::std::marker::PhantomPinned)>,
/// Opaque pointee for [`RawRepeatedField`]
/// This type is not meant to be dereferenced in Rust code.
/// It is only meant to provide type safety for raw pointers
/// which are manipulated behind FFI.
pub struct RawRepeatedFieldData {
_data: [u8; 0],
_marker: std::marker::PhantomData<(*mut u8, ::std::marker::PhantomPinned)>,
/// Opaque pointee for [`RawMap`]
/// This type is not meant to be dereferenced in Rust code.
/// It is only meant to provide type safety for raw pointers
/// which are manipulated behind FFI.
pub struct RawMapData {
_data: [u8; 0],
_marker: std::marker::PhantomData<(*mut u8, ::std::marker::PhantomPinned)>,
/// Opaque pointee for [`CppStdString`]
/// This type is not meant to be dereferenced in Rust code.
/// It is only meant to provide type safety for raw pointers
/// which are manipulated behind FFI.
pub struct CppStdStringData {
_data: [u8; 0],
_marker: std::marker::PhantomData<(*mut u8, ::std::marker::PhantomPinned)>,
/// A raw pointer to the underlying message for this runtime.
pub type RawMessage = NonNull<_opaque_pointees::RawMessageData>;
/// A raw pointer to the underlying repeated field container for this runtime.
pub type RawRepeatedField = NonNull<_opaque_pointees::RawRepeatedFieldData>;
/// A raw pointer to the underlying arena for this runtime.
pub type RawMap = NonNull<_opaque_pointees::RawMapData>;
/// A raw pointer to a std::string.
pub type CppStdString = NonNull<_opaque_pointees::CppStdStringData>;
/// Kernel-specific owned `string` and `bytes` field type.
pub struct InnerProtoString {
owned_ptr: CppStdString,
extern "C" {
pub fn proto2_rust_Message_delete(m: RawMessage);
pub fn proto2_rust_Message_clear(m: RawMessage);
pub fn proto2_rust_Message_parse(m: RawMessage, input: SerializedData) -> bool;
pub fn proto2_rust_Message_serialize(m: RawMessage, output: &mut SerializedData) -> bool;
pub fn proto2_rust_Message_copy_from(dst: RawMessage, src: RawMessage) -> bool;
pub fn proto2_rust_Message_merge_from(dst: RawMessage, src: RawMessage) -> bool;
impl Drop for InnerProtoString {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: `self.owned_ptr` points to a valid std::string object.
unsafe {
impl InnerProtoString {
pub(crate) fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
// SAFETY: `self.owned_ptr` points to a valid std::string object.
unsafe { proto2_rust_cpp_string_to_view(self.owned_ptr).as_ref() }
pub fn into_raw(self) -> CppStdString {
let s = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
/// # Safety
/// - `src` points to a valid CppStdString.
pub unsafe fn from_raw(src: CppStdString) -> InnerProtoString {
InnerProtoString { owned_ptr: src }
impl From<&[u8]> for InnerProtoString {
fn from(val: &[u8]) -> Self {
// SAFETY: `val` is valid byte slice.
let owned_ptr: CppStdString = unsafe { proto2_rust_cpp_new_string(val.into()) };
InnerProtoString { owned_ptr }
extern "C" {
fn proto2_rust_cpp_new_string(src: PtrAndLen) -> CppStdString;
fn proto2_rust_cpp_delete_string(src: CppStdString);
fn proto2_rust_cpp_string_to_view(src: CppStdString) -> PtrAndLen;
/// Represents an ABI-stable version of `NonNull<[u8]>`/`string_view` (a
/// borrowed slice of bytes) for FFI use only.
/// Has semantics similar to `std::string_view` in C++ and `&[u8]` in Rust,
/// but is not ABI-compatible with either.
/// If `len` is 0, then `ptr` can be null or dangling. C++ considers a dangling
/// 0-len `std::string_view` to be invalid, and Rust considers a `&[u8]` with a
/// null data pointer to be invalid.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct PtrAndLen {
/// Pointer to the first byte.
/// Borrows the memory.
pub ptr: *const u8,
/// Length of the `[u8]` pointed to by `ptr`.
pub len: usize,
impl PtrAndLen {
/// Unsafely dereference this slice.
/// # Safety
/// - `self.ptr` must be dereferencable and immutable for `self.len` bytes
/// for the lifetime `'a`. It can be null or dangling if `self.len == 0`.
pub unsafe fn as_ref<'a>(self) -> &'a [u8] {
if self.ptr.is_null() {
assert_eq!(self.len, 0, "Non-empty slice with null data pointer");
} else {
// - `ptr` is non-null
// - `ptr` is valid for `len` bytes as promised by the caller.
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr, self.len) }
impl From<&[u8]> for PtrAndLen {
fn from(slice: &[u8]) -> Self {
Self { ptr: slice.as_ptr(), len: slice.len() }
impl From<&ProtoStr> for PtrAndLen {
fn from(s: &ProtoStr) -> Self {
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
Self { ptr: bytes.as_ptr(), len: bytes.len() }
/// Serialized Protobuf wire format data. It's typically produced by
/// `<Message>.serialize()`.
/// This struct is ABI-compatible with the equivalent struct on the C++ side. It
/// owns (and drops) its data.
pub struct SerializedData {
/// Owns the memory.
data: NonNull<u8>,
len: usize,
impl SerializedData {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { data: NonNull::dangling(), len: 0 }
/// Constructs owned serialized data from raw components.
/// # Safety
/// - `data` must be readable for `len` bytes.
/// - `data` must be an owned pointer and valid until deallocated.
/// - `data` must have been allocated by the Rust global allocator with a
/// size of `len` and align of 1.
pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(data: NonNull<u8>, len: usize) -> Self {
Self { data, len }
/// Gets a raw slice pointer.
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const [u8] {
ptr::slice_from_raw_parts(self.data.as_ptr(), self.len)
/// Gets a mutable raw slice pointer.
fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut [u8] {
ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(self.data.as_ptr(), self.len)
/// Converts into a Vec<u8>.
pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
// We need to prevent self from being dropped, because we are going to transfer
// ownership of self.data to the Vec<u8>.
let s = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
unsafe {
// - `data` was allocated by the Rust global allocator.
// - `data` was allocated with an alignment of 1 for u8.
// - The allocated size was `len`.
// - The length and capacity are equal.
// - All `len` bytes are initialized.
// - The capacity (`len` in this case) is the size the pointer was allocated
// with.
// - The allocated size is no more than isize::MAX, because the protobuf
// serializer will refuse to serialize a message if the output would exceed
// 2^31 - 1 bytes.
Vec::<u8>::from_raw_parts(s.data.as_ptr(), s.len, s.len)
impl Deref for SerializedData {
type Target = [u8];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
// SAFETY: `data` is valid for `len` bytes until deallocated as promised by
// `from_raw_parts`.
unsafe { &*self.as_ptr() }
impl Drop for SerializedData {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: `data` was allocated by the Rust global allocator with a
// size of `len` and align of 1 as promised by `from_raw_parts`.
unsafe { drop(Box::from_raw(self.as_mut_ptr())) }
impl fmt::Debug for SerializedData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(self.deref(), f)
/// A type to transfer an owned Rust string across the FFI boundary:
/// * This struct is ABI-compatible with the equivalent C struct.
/// * It owns its data but does not drop it. Immediately turn it into a
/// `String` by calling `.into()` on it.
/// * `.data` points to a valid UTF-8 string that has been allocated with the
/// Rust allocator and is 1-byte aligned.
/// * `.data` contains exactly `.len` bytes.
/// * The empty string is represented as `.data.is_null() == true`.
pub struct RustStringRawParts {
data: *const u8,
len: usize,
impl From<RustStringRawParts> for String {
fn from(value: RustStringRawParts) -> Self {
if value.data.is_null() {
// Handle the case where the string is empty.
return String::new();
// - `value.data` contains valid UTF-8 bytes as promised by
// `RustStringRawParts`.
// - `value.data` has been allocated with the Rust allocator and is 1-byte
// aligned as promised by `RustStringRawParts`.
// - `value.data` contains and is allocated for exactly `value.len` bytes.
unsafe { String::from_raw_parts(value.data as *mut u8, value.len, value.len) }
extern "C" {
fn proto2_rust_utf8_debug_string(msg: RawMessage) -> RustStringRawParts;
pub fn debug_string(msg: RawMessage, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// - `msg` is a valid protobuf message.
let dbg_str: String = unsafe { proto2_rust_utf8_debug_string(msg) }.into();
write!(f, "{dbg_str}")
extern "C" {
/// # Safety
/// - `msg1` and `msg2` legally dereferencable MessageLite* pointers.
#[link_name = "proto2_rust_messagelite_equals"]
pub fn raw_message_equals(msg1: RawMessage, msg2: RawMessage) -> bool;
pub type RawMapIter = UntypedMapIterator;
/// The raw contents of every generated message.
pub struct MessageInner {
pub msg: RawMessage,
/// Mutators that point to their original message use this to do so.
/// Since C++ messages manage their own memory, this can just copy the
/// `RawMessage` instead of referencing an arena like UPB must.
/// Note: even though this type is `Copy`, it should only be copied by
/// protobuf internals that can maintain mutation invariants:
/// - No concurrent mutation for any two fields in a message: this means
/// mutators cannot be `Send` but are `Sync`.
/// - If there are multiple accessible `Mut` to a single message at a time, they
/// must be different fields, and not be in the same oneof. As such, a `Mut`
/// cannot be `Clone` but *can* reborrow itself with `.as_mut()`, which
/// converts `&'b mut Mut<'a, T>` to `Mut<'b, T>`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct MutatorMessageRef<'msg> {
msg: RawMessage,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'msg mut ()>,
impl<'msg> MutatorMessageRef<'msg> {
#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_ref_mut)] // Sound construction requires mutable access.
pub fn new(msg: &'msg mut MessageInner) -> Self {
MutatorMessageRef { msg: msg.msg, _phantom: PhantomData }
/// # Safety
/// - The underlying pointer must be sound and live for the lifetime 'msg.
pub unsafe fn wrap_raw(raw: RawMessage) -> Self {
MutatorMessageRef { msg: raw, _phantom: PhantomData }
pub fn from_parent(
_parent_msg: MutatorMessageRef<'msg>,
message_field_ptr: RawMessage,
) -> Self {
Self { msg: message_field_ptr, _phantom: PhantomData }
pub fn msg(&self) -> RawMessage {
pub fn from_raw_msg(msg: &RawMessage) -> Self {
Self { msg: *msg, _phantom: PhantomData }
/// The raw type-erased version of an owned `Repeated`.
pub struct InnerRepeated {
raw: RawRepeatedField,
impl InnerRepeated {
pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> InnerRepeatedMut<'_> {
pub fn raw(&self) -> RawRepeatedField {
/// # Safety
/// - `raw` must be a valid `proto2::RepeatedField*` or
/// `proto2::RepeatedPtrField*`.
pub unsafe fn from_raw(raw: RawRepeatedField) -> Self {
Self { raw }
/// The raw type-erased pointer version of `RepeatedMut`.
/// Contains a `proto2::RepeatedField*` or `proto2::RepeatedPtrField*`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct InnerRepeatedMut<'msg> {
pub(crate) raw: RawRepeatedField,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'msg ()>,
impl<'msg> InnerRepeatedMut<'msg> {
pub fn new(raw: RawRepeatedField) -> Self {
InnerRepeatedMut { raw, _phantom: PhantomData }
trait CppTypeConversions: Proxied {
type InsertElemType;
type ElemType;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: Self::ElemType) -> View<'msg, Self>;
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> Self::InsertElemType;
macro_rules! impl_cpp_type_conversions_for_scalars {
($($t:ty),* $(,)?) => {
impl CppTypeConversions for $t {
type InsertElemType = Self;
type ElemType = Self;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: Self) -> View<'msg, Self> {
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> Self {
impl_cpp_type_conversions_for_scalars!(i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64, bool);
impl CppTypeConversions for ProtoString {
type InsertElemType = CppStdString;
type ElemType = PtrAndLen;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: PtrAndLen) -> View<'msg, ProtoString> {
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> CppStdString {
impl CppTypeConversions for ProtoBytes {
type InsertElemType = CppStdString;
type ElemType = PtrAndLen;
fn elem_to_view<'msg>(v: Self::ElemType) -> View<'msg, Self> {
fn into_insertelem(v: Self) -> CppStdString {
macro_rules! impl_repeated_primitives {
(@impl $($t:ty => [
$reserve_thunk:ident $(,)?
]),* $(,)?) => {
extern "C" {
fn $new_thunk() -> RawRepeatedField;
fn $free_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField);
fn $add_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField, v: <$t as CppTypeConversions>::InsertElemType);
fn $size_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField) -> usize;
fn $get_thunk(
f: RawRepeatedField,
i: usize) -> <$t as CppTypeConversions>::ElemType;
fn $set_thunk(
f: RawRepeatedField,
i: usize,
v: <$t as CppTypeConversions>::InsertElemType);
fn $clear_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField);
fn $copy_from_thunk(src: RawRepeatedField, dst: RawRepeatedField);
fn $reserve_thunk(
f: RawRepeatedField,
additional: usize);
unsafe impl ProxiedInRepeated for $t {
fn repeated_new(_: Private) -> Repeated<$t> {
Repeated::from_inner(Private, InnerRepeated {
raw: unsafe { $new_thunk() }
unsafe fn repeated_free(_: Private, f: &mut Repeated<$t>) {
unsafe { $free_thunk(f.as_mut().as_raw(Private)) }
fn repeated_len(f: View<Repeated<$t>>) -> usize {
unsafe { $size_thunk(f.as_raw(Private)) }
fn repeated_push(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, v: impl IntoProxied<$t>) {
unsafe { $add_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), <$t as CppTypeConversions>::into_insertelem(v.into_proxied(Private))) }
fn repeated_clear(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>) {
unsafe { $clear_thunk(f.as_raw(Private)) }
unsafe fn repeated_get_unchecked(f: View<Repeated<$t>>, i: usize) -> View<$t> {
<$t as CppTypeConversions>::elem_to_view(
unsafe { $get_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), i) })
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, i: usize, v: impl IntoProxied<$t>) {
unsafe { $set_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), i, <$t as CppTypeConversions>::into_insertelem(v.into_proxied(Private))) }
fn repeated_copy_from(src: View<Repeated<$t>>, mut dest: Mut<Repeated<$t>>) {
unsafe { $copy_from_thunk(src.as_raw(Private), dest.as_raw(Private)) }
fn repeated_reserve(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, additional: usize) {
unsafe { $reserve_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), additional) }
($($t:ty),* $(,)?) => {
impl_repeated_primitives!(@impl $(
$t => [
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _new >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _free >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _add >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _size >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _get >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _set >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _clear >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _copy_from >],
[< proto2_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _reserve >],
impl_repeated_primitives!(i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64, bool, ProtoString, ProtoBytes);
extern "C" {
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_new() -> RawRepeatedField;
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_free(field: RawRepeatedField);
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_size(field: RawRepeatedField) -> usize;
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_get(
field: RawRepeatedField,
index: usize,
) -> RawMessage;
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_get_mut(
field: RawRepeatedField,
index: usize,
) -> RawMessage;
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_add(
field: RawRepeatedField,
prototype: RawMessage,
) -> RawMessage;
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_clear(field: RawRepeatedField);
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_copy_from(
dst: RawRepeatedField,
src: RawRepeatedField,
pub fn proto2_rust_RepeatedField_Message_reserve(field: RawRepeatedField, additional: usize);
/// Cast a `RepeatedView<SomeEnum>` to `RepeatedView<c_int>`.
pub fn cast_enum_repeated_view<E: Enum + ProxiedInRepeated>(
repeated: RepeatedView<E>,
) -> RepeatedView<c_int> {
// SAFETY: the implementer of `Enum` has promised that this
// raw repeated is a type-erased `proto2::RepeatedField<int>*`.
unsafe { RepeatedView::from_raw(Private, repeated.as_raw(Private)) }
/// Cast a `RepeatedMut<SomeEnum>` to `RepeatedMut<c_int>`.
/// Writing an unknown value is sound because all enums
/// are representationally open.
pub fn cast_enum_repeated_mut<E: Enum + ProxiedInRepeated>(
mut repeated: RepeatedMut<E>,
) -> RepeatedMut<c_int> {
// SAFETY: the implementer of `Enum` has promised that this
// raw repeated is a type-erased `proto2::RepeatedField<int>*`.
unsafe {
InnerRepeatedMut { raw: repeated.as_raw(Private), _phantom: PhantomData },
/// Cast a `RepeatedMut<SomeEnum>` to `RepeatedMut<c_int>` and call
/// repeated_reserve.
pub fn reserve_enum_repeated_mut<E: Enum + ProxiedInRepeated>(
repeated: RepeatedMut<E>,
additional: usize,
) {
let int_repeated = cast_enum_repeated_mut(repeated);
ProxiedInRepeated::repeated_reserve(int_repeated, additional);
pub fn new_enum_repeated<E: Enum + ProxiedInRepeated>() -> Repeated<E> {
let int_repeated = Repeated::<c_int>::new();
let raw = int_repeated.inner.raw();
unsafe { Repeated::from_inner(Private, InnerRepeated::from_raw(raw)) }
/// Cast a `RepeatedMut<SomeEnum>` to `RepeatedMut<c_int>` and call
/// repeated_free.
/// # Safety
/// - The passed in `&mut Repeated<E>` must not be used after this function is
/// called.
pub unsafe fn free_enum_repeated<E: Enum + ProxiedInRepeated>(repeated: &mut Repeated<E>) {
unsafe {
let mut int_r: Repeated<c_int> =
Repeated::from_inner(Private, InnerRepeated::from_raw(repeated.inner.raw()));
ProxiedInRepeated::repeated_free(Private, &mut int_r);
pub struct InnerMap {
pub(crate) raw: RawMap,
impl InnerMap {
pub fn new(raw: RawMap) -> Self {
Self { raw }
pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> InnerMapMut<'_> {
InnerMapMut { raw: self.raw, _phantom: PhantomData }
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct InnerMapMut<'msg> {
pub(crate) raw: RawMap,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'msg ()>,
impl<'msg> InnerMapMut<'msg> {
pub fn new(raw: RawMap) -> Self {
InnerMapMut { raw, _phantom: PhantomData }
pub fn as_raw(&self) -> RawMap {
/// An untyped iterator in a map, produced via `.cbegin()` on a typed map.
/// This struct is ABI-compatible with `proto2::internal::UntypedMapIterator`.
/// It is trivially constructible and destructible.
pub struct UntypedMapIterator {
node: *mut c_void,
map: *const c_void,
bucket_index: u32,
impl UntypedMapIterator {
/// Returns `true` if this iterator is at the end of the map.
fn at_end(&self) -> bool {
// This behavior is verified via test `IteratorNodeFieldIsNullPtrAtEnd`.
/// Assumes that the map iterator is for the input types, gets the current
/// entry, and moves the iterator forward to the next entry.
/// Conversion to and from FFI types is provided by the user.
/// This is a helper function for implementing
/// `ProxiedInMapValue::iter_next`.
/// # Safety
/// - The backing map must be valid and not be mutated for `'a`.
/// - The thunk must be safe to call if the iterator is not at the end of
/// the map.
/// - The thunk must always write to the `key` and `value` fields, but not
/// read from them.
/// - The get thunk must not move the iterator forward or backward.
pub unsafe fn next_unchecked<'a, K, V, FfiKey, FfiValue>(
&mut self,
iter_get_thunk: unsafe fn(
iter: &mut UntypedMapIterator,
key: *mut FfiKey,
value: *mut FfiValue,
from_ffi_key: impl FnOnce(FfiKey) -> View<'a, K>,
from_ffi_value: impl FnOnce(FfiValue) -> View<'a, V>,
) -> Option<(View<'a, K>, View<'a, V>)>
K: Proxied + 'a,
V: ProxiedInMapValue<K> + 'a,
if self.at_end() {
return None;
let mut ffi_key = MaybeUninit::uninit();
let mut ffi_value = MaybeUninit::uninit();
// - The backing map outlives `'a`.
// - The iterator is not at the end (node is non-null).
// - `ffi_key` and `ffi_value` are not read (as uninit) as promised by the
// caller.
unsafe { (iter_get_thunk)(self, ffi_key.as_mut_ptr(), ffi_value.as_mut_ptr()) }
// - The backing map is alive as promised by the caller.
// - `self.at_end()` is false and the `get` does not change that.
// - `UntypedMapIterator` has the same ABI as
// `proto2::internal::UntypedMapIterator`. It is statically checked to be:
// - Trivially copyable.
// - Trivially destructible.
// - Standard layout.
// - The size and alignment of the Rust type above.
// - With the `node_` field first.
unsafe { proto2_rust_thunk_UntypedMapIterator_increment(self) }
// - The `get` function always writes valid values to `ffi_key` and `ffi_value`
// as promised by the caller.
unsafe {
Some((from_ffi_key(ffi_key.assume_init()), from_ffi_value(ffi_value.assume_init())))
// LINT.IfChange(map_ffi)
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
// Copy of UntypedMapBase::TypeKind
pub enum MapValueTag {
// For the purposes of FFI, we treat all integral types of a given size the same
// way. For example, u32 and i32 values are all represented as a u32.
// Likewise, u64 and i64 values are all stored in a u64.
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
pub union MapValueUnion {
pub b: bool,
pub u: u32,
pub uu: u64,
pub f: f32,
pub ff: f64,
// Generally speaking, if s is set then it should not be None. However, we
// do set it to None in the special case where the MapValue is just a
// "prototype" (see below). In that scenario, we just want to indicate the
// value type without having to allocate a real C++ std::string.
pub s: Option<CppStdString>,
pub m: RawMessage,
// We use this tagged union to represent map values for the purposes of FFI.
pub struct MapValue {
pub tag: MapValueTag,
pub val: MapValueUnion,
// LINT.ThenChange(//depot/google3/third_party/protobuf/rust/cpp_kernel/map.cc:
// map_ffi)
impl MapValue {
fn make_bool(b: bool) -> Self {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::Bool, val: MapValueUnion { b } }
pub fn make_u32(u: u32) -> Self {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::U32, val: MapValueUnion { u } }
fn make_u64(uu: u64) -> Self {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::U64, val: MapValueUnion { uu } }
pub fn make_f32(f: f32) -> Self {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::F32, val: MapValueUnion { f } }
fn make_f64(ff: f64) -> Self {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::F64, val: MapValueUnion { ff } }
fn make_string(s: CppStdString) -> Self {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::String, val: MapValueUnion { s: Some(s) } }
pub fn make_message(m: RawMessage) -> Self {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::Message, val: MapValueUnion { m } }
pub trait CppMapTypeConversions: Proxied {
// We have a notion of a map value "prototype", which is a MapValue that
// contains just enough information to indicate the value type of the map.
// We need this on the C++ side to be able to determine size and offset
// information about the map entry. For messages, the prototype is
// the message default instance. For all other types, it is just a MapValue
// with the appropriate tag.
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue;
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue;
/// # Safety
/// - `value` must store the correct type for `Self`. If it is a string or
/// bytes, then it must not be None. If `Self` is a closed enum, then
/// `value` must store a valid value for that enum. If `Self` is a
/// message, then `value` must store a message of the same type.
/// - The value must be valid for `'a` lifetime.
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self>;
impl CppMapTypeConversions for u32 {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self> {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::U32);
unsafe { value.val.u }
impl CppMapTypeConversions for i32 {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
MapValue::make_u32(self as u32)
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self> {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::U32);
unsafe { value.val.u as i32 }
impl CppMapTypeConversions for u64 {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self> {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::U64);
unsafe { value.val.uu }
impl CppMapTypeConversions for i64 {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
MapValue::make_u64(self as u64)
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self> {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::U64);
unsafe { value.val.uu as i64 }
impl CppMapTypeConversions for f32 {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self> {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::F32);
unsafe { value.val.f }
impl CppMapTypeConversions for f64 {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self> {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::F64);
unsafe { value.val.ff }
impl CppMapTypeConversions for bool {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> View<'a, Self> {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::Bool);
unsafe { value.val.b }
impl CppMapTypeConversions for ProtoString {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::String, val: MapValueUnion { s: None } }
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> &'a ProtoStr {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::String);
unsafe {
impl CppMapTypeConversions for ProtoBytes {
fn get_prototype() -> MapValue {
MapValue { tag: MapValueTag::String, val: MapValueUnion { s: None } }
fn to_map_value(self) -> MapValue {
unsafe fn from_map_value<'a>(value: MapValue) -> &'a [u8] {
debug_assert_eq!(value.tag, MapValueTag::String);
unsafe { proto2_rust_cpp_string_to_view(value.val.s.unwrap()).as_ref() }
// This trait encapsulates functionality that is specific to each map key type.
// We need this primarily so that we can call the appropriate FFI function for
// the key type.
pub trait MapKey
Self: Proxied,
type FfiKey;
fn to_view<'a>(key: Self::FfiKey) -> View<'a, Self>;
unsafe fn free(m: RawMap, prototype: MapValue);
unsafe fn clear(m: RawMap, prototype: MapValue);
unsafe fn insert(m: RawMap, key: View<'_, Self>, value: MapValue) -> bool;
unsafe fn get(
m: RawMap,
prototype: MapValue,
key: View<'_, Self>,
value: *mut MapValue,
) -> bool;
unsafe fn iter_get(
iter: &mut UntypedMapIterator,
prototype: MapValue,
key: *mut Self::FfiKey,
value: *mut MapValue,
unsafe fn remove(m: RawMap, prototype: MapValue, key: View<'_, Self>) -> bool;
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
macro_rules! generate_map_key_impl {
( $($key:ty, $mutable_ffi_key:ty, $to_ffi:expr, $from_ffi:expr;)* ) => {
paste! {
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
impl MapKey for $key {
type FfiKey = $mutable_ffi_key;
fn to_view<'a>(key: Self::FfiKey) -> View<'a, Self> {
unsafe fn free(m: RawMap, prototype: MapValue) {
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_map_free_ $key >](m, prototype) }
unsafe fn clear(m: RawMap, prototype: MapValue) {
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_map_clear_ $key >](m, prototype) }
unsafe fn insert(
m: RawMap,
key: View<'_, Self>,
value: MapValue,
) -> bool {
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_map_insert_ $key >](m, $to_ffi(key), value) }
unsafe fn get(
m: RawMap,
prototype: MapValue,
key: View<'_, Self>,
value: *mut MapValue,
) -> bool {
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_map_get_ $key >](m, prototype, $to_ffi(key), value) }
unsafe fn iter_get(
iter: &mut UntypedMapIterator,
prototype: MapValue,
key: *mut Self::FfiKey,
value: *mut MapValue,
) {
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_map_iter_get_ $key >](iter, prototype, key, value) }
unsafe fn remove(m: RawMap, prototype: MapValue, key: View<'_, Self>) -> bool {
unsafe { [< proto2_rust_map_remove_ $key >](m, prototype, $to_ffi(key)) }
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
bool, bool, identity, identity;
i32, i32, identity, identity;
u32, u32, identity, identity;
i64, i64, identity, identity;
u64, u64, identity, identity;
ProtoString, PtrAndLen, str_to_ptrlen, ptrlen_to_str;
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
impl<Key, Value> ProxiedInMapValue<Key> for Value
Key: Proxied + MapKey + CppMapTypeConversions,
Value: Proxied + CppMapTypeConversions,
fn map_new(_private: Private) -> Map<Key, Self> {
unsafe {
InnerMap::new(proto2_rust_map_new(Key::get_prototype(), Value::get_prototype())),
unsafe fn map_free(_private: Private, map: &mut Map<Key, Self>) {
unsafe {
Key::free(map.as_raw(Private), Self::get_prototype());
fn map_clear(mut map: MapMut<Key, Self>) {
unsafe {
Key::clear(map.as_raw(Private), Self::get_prototype());
fn map_len(map: MapView<Key, Self>) -> usize {
unsafe { proto2_rust_map_size(map.as_raw(Private)) }
fn map_insert(
mut map: MapMut<Key, Self>,
key: View<'_, Key>,
value: impl IntoProxied<Self>,
) -> bool {
unsafe { Key::insert(map.as_raw(Private), key, value.into_proxied(Private).to_map_value()) }
fn map_get<'a>(map: MapView<'a, Key, Self>, key: View<'_, Key>) -> Option<View<'a, Self>> {
let mut value = std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
let found = unsafe {
Key::get(map.as_raw(Private), Self::get_prototype(), key, value.as_mut_ptr())
if !found {
return None;
unsafe { Some(Self::from_map_value(value.assume_init())) }
fn map_remove(mut map: MapMut<Key, Self>, key: View<'_, Key>) -> bool {
unsafe { Key::remove(map.as_raw(Private), Self::get_prototype(), key) }
fn map_iter(map: MapView<Key, Self>) -> MapIter<Key, Self> {
// - The backing map for `map.as_raw` is valid for at least '_.
// - A View that is live for '_ guarantees the backing map is unmodified for '_.
// - The `iter` function produces an iterator that is valid for the key and
// value types, and live for at least '_.
unsafe { MapIter::from_raw(Private, proto2_rust_map_iter(map.as_raw(Private))) }
fn map_iter_next<'a>(
iter: &mut MapIter<'a, Key, Self>,
) -> Option<(View<'a, Key>, View<'a, Self>)> {
// - The `MapIter` API forbids the backing map from being mutated for 'a, and
// guarantees that it's the correct key and value types.
// - The thunk is safe to call as long as the iterator isn't at the end.
// - The thunk always writes to key and value fields and does not read.
// - The thunk does not increment the iterator.
unsafe {
iter.as_raw_mut(Private).next_unchecked::<Key, Self, _, _>(
|iter, key, value| Key::iter_get(iter, Self::get_prototype(), key, value),
|ffi_key| Key::to_view(ffi_key),
|value| Self::from_map_value(value),
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
macro_rules! impl_map_primitives {
(@impl $(($rust_type:ty, $cpp_type:ty) => [
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
]),* $(,)?) => {
extern "C" {
pub fn $free_thunk(
m: RawMap,
prototype: MapValue,
pub fn $clear_thunk(
m: RawMap,
prototype: MapValue,
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
pub fn $insert_thunk(
m: RawMap,
key: $cpp_type,
value: MapValue,
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
) -> bool;
pub fn $get_thunk(
m: RawMap,
prototype: MapValue,
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
key: $cpp_type,
value: *mut MapValue,
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
) -> bool;
pub fn $iter_get_thunk(
iter: &mut UntypedMapIterator,
prototype: MapValue,
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
key: *mut $cpp_type,
value: *mut MapValue,
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
pub fn $remove_thunk(m: RawMap, prototype: MapValue, key: $cpp_type) -> bool;
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
($($rust_type:ty, $cpp_type:ty;)* $(,)?) => {
impl_map_primitives!(@impl $(
($rust_type, $cpp_type) => [
[< proto2_rust_map_free_ $rust_type >],
[< proto2_rust_map_clear_ $rust_type >],
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
[< proto2_rust_map_insert_ $rust_type >],
[< proto2_rust_map_get_ $rust_type >],
[< proto2_rust_map_iter_get_ $rust_type >],
[< proto2_rust_map_remove_ $rust_type >],
i32, i32;
u32, u32;
i64, i64;
u64, u64;
bool, bool;
ProtoString, PtrAndLen;
extern "C" {
fn proto2_rust_thunk_UntypedMapIterator_increment(iter: &mut UntypedMapIterator);
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
pub fn proto2_rust_map_new(key_prototype: MapValue, value_prototype: MapValue) -> RawMap;
Rust: cut down on the amount of generated C++ code needed for maps
With the C++ kernel for Rust, we currently need to generate quite a few C++
thunks for operations on map fields. For each message we generate, we generate
these thunks for all possible map types that could have that message as a
value. These operations are for things such as insertion, removal, clearing,
iterating, etc.
The reason we do this is that templated types don't play well with FFI, so we
effectively need separate FFI endpoints for every possible combination of key
and value types used (or even potentially used) as a map field.
This CL fixes the problem by replacing the generated thunks with functions in
the runtime that can operate on `proto2::MessageLite*` without needing to care
about the specific message type.
The way it works is that we implement the operations using either
`UntypedMapBase` (the base class of all map types, which knows nothing about
the key and value types) or `KeyMapBase`, which knows the key type but not the
value type. I roughly followed the example of the table-driven parser, which
has a similar problem of needing to operate generically on maps without having
access to the concrete types.
I removed 54 thunks per message (that's 6 key types times 9 operations per
key), but had to add two new thunks per message:
- The `size_info` thunk looks up the `MapNodeSizeInfoT`, which is stored in a
small constant table. The important thing here is an offset indicating where
to look for the value in each map entry. This offset can be different for
every pair of key and value types, but we can safely assume that the result
does not depend on the signedness of the key. As a result we only need to
store four entries per message: one each for i32, i64, bool, and string.
- The `placement_new` thunk move-constructs a message in place. We need this
to be able to efficiently implement map insertion.
There are two big things that this CL does not address yet but which I plan to
follow up on:
- Enums still generate many map-related C++ thunks that could be replaced with
a common implementation. This should actually be much easier to handle than
messages, because every enum has the same representation as an i32.
- We still generate six `ProxiedInMapValue` implementations for every message,
but it should be possible to replace these with a blanket implementation that
works for all message types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 657681421
7 months ago
pub fn proto2_rust_map_size(m: RawMap) -> usize;
pub fn proto2_rust_map_iter(m: RawMap) -> UntypedMapIterator;
fn str_to_ptrlen<'msg>(val: impl Into<&'msg ProtoStr>) -> PtrAndLen {
// Warning: this function is unsound on its own! `val.as_ref()` must be safe to
// call.
fn ptrlen_to_str<'msg>(val: PtrAndLen) -> &'msg ProtoStr {
unsafe { ProtoStr::from_utf8_unchecked(val.as_ref()) }
fn protostr_into_cppstdstring(val: ProtoString) -> CppStdString {
fn protobytes_into_cppstdstring(val: ProtoBytes) -> CppStdString {
// Warning: this function is unsound on its own! `val.as_ref()` must be safe to
// call.
fn ptrlen_to_bytes<'msg>(val: PtrAndLen) -> &'msg [u8] {
unsafe { val.as_ref() }
mod tests {
use super::*;
use googletest::prelude::*;
// We need to allocate the byte array so SerializedData can own it and
// deallocate it in its drop. This function makes it easier to do so for our
// tests.
fn allocate_byte_array(content: &'static [u8]) -> (*mut u8, usize) {
let content: &mut [u8] = Box::leak(content.into());
(content.as_mut_ptr(), content.len())
fn test_serialized_data_roundtrip() {
let (ptr, len) = allocate_byte_array(b"Hello world");
let serialized_data = SerializedData { data: NonNull::new(ptr).unwrap(), len };
assert_that!(&*serialized_data, eq(b"Hello world"));
fn test_empty_string() {
let empty_str: String = RustStringRawParts { data: std::ptr::null(), len: 0 }.into();
assert_that!(empty_str, eq(""));