# basic_test_pb.rb is in the same directory as this test.
require 'basic_test_pb'
require 'common_tests'
require 'google/protobuf'
require 'json'
require 'test/unit'
module BasicTest
TestMessage = BasicTest::TestMessage
Outer = BasicTest::Outer
class MessageContainerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# Required by CommonTests module to resolve proto3 proto classes used in tests.
def proto_module
include CommonTests
def test_issue_8311_crash
inners: []
assert_raises Google::Protobuf::TypeError do
inners: [nil]
def test_issue_8559_crash
msg = TestMessage.new
msg.repeated_int32 = ::Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:int32, [1, 2, 3])
# https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6818 was fixed in JRuby
if cruby_or_jruby_9_3_or_higher?
GC.start(full_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true)
def test_issue_9440
msg = HelloRequest.new
msg.id = 8
assert_equal 8, msg.id
msg.version = '1'
assert_equal 8, msg.id
def test_issue_9507
m = BasicTest::NpeMessage.new(
other: "foo" # must be set, but can be blank
encoded = BasicTest::NpeMessage.encode(m)
rescue java.lang.NullPointerException
flunk "NPE rescued"
decoded = BasicTest::NpeMessage.decode(encoded)
def test_has_field
m = TestSingularFields.new
refute m.has_singular_msg?
m.singular_msg = TestMessage2.new
assert m.has_singular_msg?
assert TestSingularFields.descriptor.lookup('singular_msg').has?(m)
m = OneofMessage.new
refute m.has_my_oneof?
refute m.has_a?
m.a = "foo"
assert m.has_my_oneof?
assert m.has_a?
assert_true OneofMessage.descriptor.lookup('a').has?(m)
m = TestSingularFields.new
assert_raises NoMethodError do
assert_raises ArgumentError do
assert_raises NoMethodError do
assert_raises ArgumentError do
assert_raises NoMethodError do
assert_raises ArgumentError do
m = TestMessage.new
assert_raises NoMethodError do
assert_raises ArgumentError do
def test_no_presence
m = TestSingularFields.new
# Explicitly setting to zero does not cause anything to be serialized.
m.singular_int32 = 0
assert_empty TestSingularFields.encode(m)
# Explicitly setting to a non-zero value *does* cause serialization.
m.singular_int32 = 1
refute_empty TestSingularFields.encode(m)
m.singular_int32 = 0
assert_empty TestSingularFields.encode(m)
def test_set_clear_defaults
m = TestSingularFields.new
m.singular_int32 = -42
assert_equal( -42, m.singular_int32 )
assert_equal 0, m.singular_int32
m.singular_int32 = 50
assert_equal 50, m.singular_int32
assert_equal 0, m.singular_int32
m.singular_string = "foo bar"
assert_equal "foo bar", m.singular_string
assert_empty m.singular_string
m.singular_string = "foo"
assert_equal "foo", m.singular_string
assert_empty m.singular_string
m.singular_msg = TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42)
assert_equal TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42), m.singular_msg
assert m.has_singular_msg?
assert_nil m.singular_msg
refute m.has_singular_msg?
m.singular_msg = TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42)
assert_equal TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42), m.singular_msg
assert_nil m.singular_msg
def test_import_proto2
m = TestMessage.new
refute m.has_optional_proto2_submessage?
m.optional_proto2_submessage = ::FooBar::Proto2::TestImportedMessage.new
assert m.has_optional_proto2_submessage?
assert TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_proto2_submessage').has?(m)
refute m.has_optional_proto2_submessage?
def test_clear_repeated_fields
m = TestMessage.new
assert_equal [1], m.repeated_int32
assert_empty m.repeated_int32
assert_equal [1], m.repeated_int32
assert_empty m.repeated_int32
m = OneofMessage.new
m.a = "foo"
assert_equal "foo", m.a
assert m.has_my_oneof?
assert_equal :a, m.my_oneof
refute m.has_my_oneof?
m.a = "foobar"
assert m.has_my_oneof?
refute m.has_my_oneof?
m.a = "bar"
assert_equal "bar", m.a
assert m.has_my_oneof?
refute m.has_my_oneof?
def test_initialization_map_errors
e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
TestMessage.new(:hello => "world")
assert_match(/hello/, e.message)
e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
MapMessage.new(:map_string_int32 => "hello")
assert_equal "Expected Hash object as initializer value for map field 'map_string_int32' (given String).", e.message
e = assert_raises ArgumentError do
TestMessage.new(:repeated_uint32 => "hello")
assert_equal "Expected array as initializer value for repeated field 'repeated_uint32' (given String).", e.message
def test_map_field
m = MapMessage.new
assert_empty m.map_string_int32.to_h
assert_empty m.map_string_msg.to_h
m = MapMessage.new(
:map_string_int32 => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2},
:map_string_msg => {"a" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1),
"b" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 2)},
:map_string_enum => {"a" => :A, "b" => :B})
assert_equal ["a", "b"], m.map_string_int32.keys.sort
assert_equal 1, m.map_string_int32["a"]
assert_equal 2, m.map_string_msg["b"].foo
assert_equal :A, m.map_string_enum["a"]
m.map_string_int32["c"] = 3
assert_equal 3, m.map_string_int32["c"]
m.map_string_msg["c"] = TestMessage2.new(:foo => 3)
assert_equal TestMessage2.new(:foo => 3), m.map_string_msg["c"]
assert_equal({ "a" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1).to_h }, m.map_string_msg.to_h)
assert_raises Google::Protobuf::TypeError do
m.map_string_msg["e"] = TestMessage.new # wrong value type
# ensure nothing was added by the above
assert_equal({ "a" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1).to_h }, m.map_string_msg.to_h)
m.map_string_int32 = Google::Protobuf::Map.new(:string, :int32)
assert_raises Google::Protobuf::TypeError do
m.map_string_int32 = Google::Protobuf::Map.new(:string, :int64)
assert_raises Google::Protobuf::TypeError do
m.map_string_int32 = {}
assert_raises Google::Protobuf::TypeError do
m = MapMessage.new(:map_string_int32 => { 1 => "I am not a number" })
def test_map_field_with_symbol
m = MapMessage.new
assert_empty m.map_string_int32.to_h
assert_empty m.map_string_msg.to_h
m = MapMessage.new(
:map_string_int32 => {a: 1, "b" => 2},
:map_string_msg => {a: TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1),
b: TestMessage2.new(:foo => 10)})
assert_equal 1, m.map_string_int32[:a]
assert_equal 2, m.map_string_int32[:b]
assert_equal 10, m.map_string_msg[:b].foo
def test_map_inspect
m = MapMessage.new(
:map_string_int32 => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2},
:map_string_msg => {"a" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1),
"b" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 2)},
:map_string_enum => {"a" => :A, "b" => :B})
# JRuby doesn't keep consistent ordering so check for either version
expected_a = "<BasicTest::MapMessage: map_string_int32: {\"b\"=>2, \"a\"=>1}, map_string_msg: {\"b\"=><BasicTest::TestMessage2: foo: 2>, \"a\"=><BasicTest::TestMessage2: foo: 1>}, map_string_enum: {\"b\"=>:B, \"a\"=>:A}>"
expected_b = "<BasicTest::MapMessage: map_string_int32: {\"a\"=>1, \"b\"=>2}, map_string_msg: {\"a\"=><BasicTest::TestMessage2: foo: 1>, \"b\"=><BasicTest::TestMessage2: foo: 2>}, map_string_enum: {\"a\"=>:A, \"b\"=>:B}>"
inspect_result = m.inspect
assert_includes [expected_a, expected_b], inspect_result
def test_map_corruption
# This pattern led to a crash in a previous version of upb/protobuf.
m = MapMessage.new(map_string_int32: { "aaa" => 1 })
m.map_string_int32['podid'] = 2
m.map_string_int32['aaa'] = 3
def test_map_wrappers
run_asserts = ->(m) {
assert_equal 2.0, m.map_double[0].value
assert_equal 4.0, m.map_float[0].value
assert_equal 3, m.map_int32[0].value
assert_equal 4, m.map_int64[0].value
assert_equal 5, m.map_uint32[0].value
assert_equal 6, m.map_uint64[0].value
assert m.map_bool[0].value
assert_equal 'str', m.map_string[0].value
assert_equal 'fun', m.map_bytes[0].value
m = proto_module::Wrapper.new(
map_double: {0 => Google::Protobuf::DoubleValue.new(value: 2.0)},
map_float: {0 => Google::Protobuf::FloatValue.new(value: 4.0)},
map_int32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int32Value.new(value: 3)},
map_int64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int64Value.new(value: 4)},
map_uint32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt32Value.new(value: 5)},
map_uint64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt64Value.new(value: 6)},
map_bool: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BoolValue.new(value: true)},
map_string: {0 => Google::Protobuf::StringValue.new(value: 'str')},
map_bytes: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BytesValue.new(value: 'fun')},
serialized = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m)
m2 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
# Test the case where we are serializing directly from the parsed form
# (before anything lazy is materialized).
m3 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
serialized2 = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m3)
m4 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized2)
# Test that the lazy form compares equal to the expanded form.
m5 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized2)
assert_equal m5, m
def test_map_wrappers_with_default_values
run_asserts = ->(m) {
assert_equal 0.0, m.map_double[0].value
assert_equal 0.0, m.map_float[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_int32[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_int64[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_uint32[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_uint64[0].value
refute m.map_bool[0].value
assert_empty m.map_string[0].value
assert_empty m.map_bytes[0].value
m = proto_module::Wrapper.new(
map_double: {0 => Google::Protobuf::DoubleValue.new(value: 0.0)},
map_float: {0 => Google::Protobuf::FloatValue.new(value: 0.0)},
map_int32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int32Value.new(value: 0)},
map_int64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int64Value.new(value: 0)},
map_uint32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt32Value.new(value: 0)},
map_uint64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt64Value.new(value: 0)},
map_bool: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BoolValue.new(value: false)},
map_string: {0 => Google::Protobuf::StringValue.new(value: '')},
map_bytes: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BytesValue.new(value: '')},
serialized = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m)
m2 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
# Test the case where we are serializing directly from the parsed form
# (before anything lazy is materialized).
m3 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
serialized2 = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m3)
m4 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized2)
# Test that the lazy form compares equal to the expanded form.
m5 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized2)
assert_equal m5, m
def test_map_wrappers_with_no_value
run_asserts = ->(m) {
assert_equal 0.0, m.map_double[0].value
assert_equal 0.0, m.map_float[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_int32[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_int64[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_uint32[0].value
assert_equal 0, m.map_uint64[0].value
refute m.map_bool[0].value
assert_empty m.map_string[0].value
assert_empty m.map_bytes[0].value
m = proto_module::Wrapper.new(
map_double: {0 => Google::Protobuf::DoubleValue.new()},
map_float: {0 => Google::Protobuf::FloatValue.new()},
map_int32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int32Value.new()},
map_int64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int64Value.new()},
map_uint32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt32Value.new()},
map_uint64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt64Value.new()},
map_bool: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BoolValue.new()},
map_string: {0 => Google::Protobuf::StringValue.new()},
map_bytes: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BytesValue.new()},
serialized = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m)
m2 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
# Test the case where we are serializing directly from the parsed form
# (before anything lazy is materialized).
m3 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
serialized2 = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m3)
m4 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized2)
def test_concurrent_decoding
o = Outer.new
o.items[0] = Inner.new
raw = Outer.encode(o)
thds = 2.times.map do
Thread.new do
100000.times do
assert_equal o, Outer.decode(raw)
def test_map_encode_decode
m = MapMessage.new(
:map_string_int32 => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2},
:map_string_msg => {"a" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1),
"b" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 2)},
:map_string_enum => {"a" => :A, "b" => :B})
m2 = MapMessage.decode(MapMessage.encode(m))
assert_equal m, m2
m3 = MapMessageWireEquiv.decode(MapMessage.encode(m))
assert_equal 2, m3.map_string_int32.length
kv = {}
m3.map_string_int32.map { |msg| kv[msg.key] = msg.value }
assert_equal({"a" => 1, "b" => 2}, kv)
kv = {}
m3.map_string_msg.map { |msg| kv[msg.key] = msg.value }
assert_equal({"a" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1),
"b" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 2)}, kv)
def test_protobuf_decode_json_ignore_unknown_fields
m = TestMessage.decode_json({
optional_string: "foo",
not_in_message: "some_value"
}.to_json, { ignore_unknown_fields: true })
assert_equal "foo", m.optional_string
e = assert_raises Google::Protobuf::ParseError do
TestMessage.decode_json({ not_in_message: "some_value" }.to_json)
assert_match(/No such field: not_in_message/, e.message)
#def test_json_quoted_string
# m = TestMessage.decode_json(%q(
# "optionalInt64": "1",,
# }))
# puts(m)
# assert_equal 1, m.optional_int32
def test_to_h
m = TestMessage.new(
:optional_bool => true,
:optional_double => -10.100001,
:optional_string => 'foo',
:repeated_string => ['bar1', 'bar2'],
:repeated_msg => [TestMessage2.new(:foo => 100)]
expected_result = {
:repeated_string=>["bar1", "bar2"],
:repeated_msg=>[{:foo => 100}],
assert_equal expected_result, m.to_h
m = MapMessage.new(
:map_string_int32 => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2},
:map_string_msg => {"a" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1),
"b" => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 2)},
:map_string_enum => {"a" => :A, "b" => :B})
expected_result = {
:map_string_int32 => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2},
:map_string_msg => {"a" => {:foo => 1}, "b" => {:foo => 2}},
:map_string_enum => {"a" => :A, "b" => :B}
assert_equal expected_result, m.to_h
def test_json_maps
m = MapMessage.new(:map_string_int32 => {"a" => 1})
expected = {mapStringInt32: {a: 1}, mapStringMsg: {}, mapStringEnum: {}}
expected_preserve = {map_string_int32: {a: 1}, map_string_msg: {}, map_string_enum: {}}
assert_equal expected, JSON.parse(MapMessage.encode_json(m, :emit_defaults=>true), :symbolize_names => true)
Ported Ruby extension to upb_msg (#8184)
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* Added some missing files.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* Updated upb.
* Extension loads, but crashes immediately.
* Gets through the test suite without SEGV!
Still a lot of bugs to fix, but it is a major step!
214 tests, 378 assertions, 37 failures, 147 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
14.0187% passed
* Test and build for Ruby 3.0
* Fixed a few more bugs, efficient #inspect is almost done.
214 tests, 134243 assertions, 30 failures, 144 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
18.6916% passed
* Fixed message hash initialization and encode depth checking.
214 tests, 124651 assertions, 53 failures, 70 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
42.5234% passed
* A bunch of fixes to failing tests, now 70% passing.
214 tests, 202091 assertions, 41 failures, 23 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
70.0935% passed
* More than 80% of tests are passing now.
214 tests, 322331 assertions, 30 failures, 9 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
81.7757% passed
Unfortunately there is also a sporadic bug/segfault hanging around
that appears to be GC-related.
* Add linux/ruby30 and macos/ruby30
* Use rvm master for 3.0.0-preview2
* Over 90% of tests are passing!
214 tests, 349898 assertions, 15 failures, 1 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
92.5234% passed
* Passes all tests!
214 tests, 369388 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
* A bunch of cleanup.
1. Removed a bunch of internal-only symbols from headers.
2. Required a frozen check to get a non-const pointer to a map or array.
3. De-duplicated the code to get a type argument for Map/RepeatedField.
* Removed a bunch more stuff from protobuf.h. There is an intermittent assert failure.
Intermittent failure:
ruby: ../../../../ext/google/protobuf_c/protobuf.c:263: ObjectCache_Add: Assertion `rb_funcall(obj_cache2, (__builtin_constant_p("[]") ? __extension__ ({ static ID rb_intern_id_cache; if (!rb_intern_id_cache) rb_intern_id_cache = rb_intern2((("[]")
), (long)strlen(("[]"))); (ID) rb_intern_id_cache; }) : rb_intern("[]")), 1, key_rb) == val' failed
* Removed a few more things from protobuf.h.
* Ruby 3.0.0-preview2 to 3.0.0
* Require rake-compiler-dock >= 1.1.0
* More progress, fighting with the object cache.
* Passes on all Ruby versions!
* Updated and clarified comment regarding WeakMap.
* Fixed the wyhash compile.
* Fixed conformance tests for Ruby.
Conformance results now look like:
RUBYLIB=../ruby/lib:. ./conformance-test-runner --enforce_recommended --failure_list failure_list_ruby.txt --text_format_failure_list text_format_failure_list_ruby.txt ./conformance_ruby.rb
CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================
CONFORMANCE SUITE PASSED: 1955 successes, 0 skipped, 58 expected failures, 0 unexpected failures.
CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================
CONFORMANCE SUITE PASSED: 0 successes, 111 skipped, 8 expected failures, 0 unexpected failures.
Fixes include:
- Changed Ruby compiler to no longer reject proto2 maps.
- Changed Ruby compiler to emit a warning when proto2 extensions are
present instead of rejecting the .proto file completely.
- Fixed conformance tests to allow proto2 and look up message by name
instead of hardcoding a specific list of messages.
- Fixed conformance test to support the "ignore unknown" option for
- Fixed conformance test to properly report serialization errors.
* Removed debug printf and fixed #inspect for floats.
* Fixed compatibility test to have proper semantics for #to_json.
* Updated Makefile.am with new file list.
* Don't try to copy wyhash when inside Docker.
* Fixed bug where we would forget that a sub-object is frozen in Ruby >=2.7.
* Avoid exporting unneeded symbols and refactored a bit of code.
* Some more refactoring.
* Simplified and added more comments.
* Some more comments and simplification. Added a missing license block.
Co-authored-by: Masaki Hara <hara@wantedly.com>
4 years ago
json = MapMessage.encode_json(m, :preserve_proto_fieldnames => true, :emit_defaults=>true)
assert_equal expected_preserve, JSON.parse(json, :symbolize_names => true)
m2 = MapMessage.decode_json(MapMessage.encode_json(m))
assert_equal m, m2
def test_json_maps_emit_defaults_submsg
Ported Ruby extension to upb_msg (#8184)
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* Added some missing files.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* Updated upb.
* Extension loads, but crashes immediately.
* Gets through the test suite without SEGV!
Still a lot of bugs to fix, but it is a major step!
214 tests, 378 assertions, 37 failures, 147 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
14.0187% passed
* Test and build for Ruby 3.0
* Fixed a few more bugs, efficient #inspect is almost done.
214 tests, 134243 assertions, 30 failures, 144 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
18.6916% passed
* Fixed message hash initialization and encode depth checking.
214 tests, 124651 assertions, 53 failures, 70 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
42.5234% passed
* A bunch of fixes to failing tests, now 70% passing.
214 tests, 202091 assertions, 41 failures, 23 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
70.0935% passed
* More than 80% of tests are passing now.
214 tests, 322331 assertions, 30 failures, 9 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
81.7757% passed
Unfortunately there is also a sporadic bug/segfault hanging around
that appears to be GC-related.
* Add linux/ruby30 and macos/ruby30
* Use rvm master for 3.0.0-preview2
* Over 90% of tests are passing!
214 tests, 349898 assertions, 15 failures, 1 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
92.5234% passed
* Passes all tests!
214 tests, 369388 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
* A bunch of cleanup.
1. Removed a bunch of internal-only symbols from headers.
2. Required a frozen check to get a non-const pointer to a map or array.
3. De-duplicated the code to get a type argument for Map/RepeatedField.
* Removed a bunch more stuff from protobuf.h. There is an intermittent assert failure.
Intermittent failure:
ruby: ../../../../ext/google/protobuf_c/protobuf.c:263: ObjectCache_Add: Assertion `rb_funcall(obj_cache2, (__builtin_constant_p("[]") ? __extension__ ({ static ID rb_intern_id_cache; if (!rb_intern_id_cache) rb_intern_id_cache = rb_intern2((("[]")
), (long)strlen(("[]"))); (ID) rb_intern_id_cache; }) : rb_intern("[]")), 1, key_rb) == val' failed
* Removed a few more things from protobuf.h.
* Ruby 3.0.0-preview2 to 3.0.0
* Require rake-compiler-dock >= 1.1.0
* More progress, fighting with the object cache.
* Passes on all Ruby versions!
* Updated and clarified comment regarding WeakMap.
* Fixed the wyhash compile.
* Fixed conformance tests for Ruby.
Conformance results now look like:
RUBYLIB=../ruby/lib:. ./conformance-test-runner --enforce_recommended --failure_list failure_list_ruby.txt --text_format_failure_list text_format_failure_list_ruby.txt ./conformance_ruby.rb
CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================
CONFORMANCE SUITE PASSED: 1955 successes, 0 skipped, 58 expected failures, 0 unexpected failures.
CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================
CONFORMANCE SUITE PASSED: 0 successes, 111 skipped, 8 expected failures, 0 unexpected failures.
Fixes include:
- Changed Ruby compiler to no longer reject proto2 maps.
- Changed Ruby compiler to emit a warning when proto2 extensions are
present instead of rejecting the .proto file completely.
- Fixed conformance tests to allow proto2 and look up message by name
instead of hardcoding a specific list of messages.
- Fixed conformance test to support the "ignore unknown" option for
- Fixed conformance test to properly report serialization errors.
* Removed debug printf and fixed #inspect for floats.
* Fixed compatibility test to have proper semantics for #to_json.
* Updated Makefile.am with new file list.
* Don't try to copy wyhash when inside Docker.
* Fixed bug where we would forget that a sub-object is frozen in Ruby >=2.7.
* Avoid exporting unneeded symbols and refactored a bit of code.
* Some more refactoring.
* Simplified and added more comments.
* Some more comments and simplification. Added a missing license block.
Co-authored-by: Masaki Hara <hara@wantedly.com>
4 years ago
m = MapMessage.new(:map_string_msg => {"a" => TestMessage2.new(foo: 0)})
expected = {mapStringInt32: {}, mapStringMsg: {a: {foo: 0}}, mapStringEnum: {}}
actual = MapMessage.encode_json(m, :emit_defaults => true)
assert_equal expected, JSON.parse(actual, :symbolize_names => true)
Ported Ruby extension to upb_msg (#8184)
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* Added some missing files.
* WIP.
* WIP.
* Updated upb.
* Extension loads, but crashes immediately.
* Gets through the test suite without SEGV!
Still a lot of bugs to fix, but it is a major step!
214 tests, 378 assertions, 37 failures, 147 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
14.0187% passed
* Test and build for Ruby 3.0
* Fixed a few more bugs, efficient #inspect is almost done.
214 tests, 134243 assertions, 30 failures, 144 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
18.6916% passed
* Fixed message hash initialization and encode depth checking.
214 tests, 124651 assertions, 53 failures, 70 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
42.5234% passed
* A bunch of fixes to failing tests, now 70% passing.
214 tests, 202091 assertions, 41 failures, 23 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
70.0935% passed
* More than 80% of tests are passing now.
214 tests, 322331 assertions, 30 failures, 9 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
81.7757% passed
Unfortunately there is also a sporadic bug/segfault hanging around
that appears to be GC-related.
* Add linux/ruby30 and macos/ruby30
* Use rvm master for 3.0.0-preview2
* Over 90% of tests are passing!
214 tests, 349898 assertions, 15 failures, 1 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
92.5234% passed
* Passes all tests!
214 tests, 369388 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
* A bunch of cleanup.
1. Removed a bunch of internal-only symbols from headers.
2. Required a frozen check to get a non-const pointer to a map or array.
3. De-duplicated the code to get a type argument for Map/RepeatedField.
* Removed a bunch more stuff from protobuf.h. There is an intermittent assert failure.
Intermittent failure:
ruby: ../../../../ext/google/protobuf_c/protobuf.c:263: ObjectCache_Add: Assertion `rb_funcall(obj_cache2, (__builtin_constant_p("[]") ? __extension__ ({ static ID rb_intern_id_cache; if (!rb_intern_id_cache) rb_intern_id_cache = rb_intern2((("[]")
), (long)strlen(("[]"))); (ID) rb_intern_id_cache; }) : rb_intern("[]")), 1, key_rb) == val' failed
* Removed a few more things from protobuf.h.
* Ruby 3.0.0-preview2 to 3.0.0
* Require rake-compiler-dock >= 1.1.0
* More progress, fighting with the object cache.
* Passes on all Ruby versions!
* Updated and clarified comment regarding WeakMap.
* Fixed the wyhash compile.
* Fixed conformance tests for Ruby.
Conformance results now look like:
RUBYLIB=../ruby/lib:. ./conformance-test-runner --enforce_recommended --failure_list failure_list_ruby.txt --text_format_failure_list text_format_failure_list_ruby.txt ./conformance_ruby.rb
CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================
CONFORMANCE SUITE PASSED: 1955 successes, 0 skipped, 58 expected failures, 0 unexpected failures.
CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================
CONFORMANCE SUITE PASSED: 0 successes, 111 skipped, 8 expected failures, 0 unexpected failures.
Fixes include:
- Changed Ruby compiler to no longer reject proto2 maps.
- Changed Ruby compiler to emit a warning when proto2 extensions are
present instead of rejecting the .proto file completely.
- Fixed conformance tests to allow proto2 and look up message by name
instead of hardcoding a specific list of messages.
- Fixed conformance test to support the "ignore unknown" option for
- Fixed conformance test to properly report serialization errors.
* Removed debug printf and fixed #inspect for floats.
* Fixed compatibility test to have proper semantics for #to_json.
* Updated Makefile.am with new file list.
* Don't try to copy wyhash when inside Docker.
* Fixed bug where we would forget that a sub-object is frozen in Ruby >=2.7.
* Avoid exporting unneeded symbols and refactored a bit of code.
* Some more refactoring.
* Simplified and added more comments.
* Some more comments and simplification. Added a missing license block.
Co-authored-by: Masaki Hara <hara@wantedly.com>
4 years ago
def test_json_emit_defaults_submsg
m = TestSingularFields.new(singular_msg: proto_module::TestMessage2.new)
expected = {
singularInt32: 0,
singularInt64: "0",
singularUint32: 0,
singularUint64: "0",
singularBool: false,
singularFloat: 0,
singularDouble: 0,
singularString: "",
singularBytes: "",
singularMsg: {},
singularEnum: "Default",
actual = proto_module::TestMessage.encode_json(m, :emit_defaults => true)
assert_equal expected, JSON.parse(actual, :symbolize_names => true)
def test_respond_to
msg = MapMessage.new
assert_respond_to msg, :map_string_int32
refute_respond_to msg, :bacon
def test_file_descriptor
file_descriptor = TestMessage.descriptor.file_descriptor
refute_nil file_descriptor
assert_equal "basic_test.proto", file_descriptor.name
file_descriptor = TestEnum.descriptor.file_descriptor
refute_nil file_descriptor
assert_equal "basic_test.proto", file_descriptor.name
def test_map_freeze
m = proto_module::MapMessage.new
m.map_string_int32['a'] = 5
m.map_string_msg['b'] = proto_module::TestMessage2.new
assert m.map_string_int32.frozen?
assert m.map_string_msg.frozen?
assert_raises(FrozenError) { m.map_string_int32['foo'] = 1 }
assert_raises(FrozenError) { m.map_string_msg['bar'] = proto_module::TestMessage2.new }
assert_raises(FrozenError) { m.map_string_int32.delete('a') }
assert_raises(FrozenError) { m.map_string_int32.clear }
def test_map_length
m = proto_module::MapMessage.new
assert_equal 0, m.map_string_int32.length
assert_equal 0, m.map_string_msg.length
assert_equal 0, m.map_string_int32.size
assert_equal 0, m.map_string_msg.size
m.map_string_int32['a'] = 1
m.map_string_int32['b'] = 2
m.map_string_msg['a'] = proto_module::TestMessage2.new
assert_equal 2, m.map_string_int32.length
assert_equal 1, m.map_string_msg.length
assert_equal 2, m.map_string_int32.size
assert_equal 1, m.map_string_msg.size
def test_string_with_singleton_class_enabled
str = 'foobar'
# NOTE: Accessing a singleton class of an object changes its low level class representation
# as far as the C API's CLASS_OF() method concerned, exposing the issue
m = proto_module::TestMessage.new(
optional_string: str,
optional_bytes: str
assert_equal str, m.optional_string
assert_equal str, m.optional_bytes
def test_utf8
m = proto_module::TestMessage.new(
optional_string: "µpb",
m2 = proto_module::TestMessage.decode(proto_module::TestMessage.encode(m))
assert_equal m2, m
def test_map_fields_respond_to? # regression test for issue 9202
msg = proto_module::MapMessage.new
assert_respond_to msg, :map_string_int32=
msg.map_string_int32 = Google::Protobuf::Map.new(:string, :int32)
assert_respond_to msg, :map_string_int32
assert_equal( Google::Protobuf::Map.new(:string, :int32), msg.map_string_int32 )
assert_respond_to msg, :clear_map_string_int32
refute_respond_to msg, :has_map_string_int32?
assert_raises NoMethodError do
refute_respond_to msg, :map_string_int32_as_value
assert_raises NoMethodError do
refute_respond_to msg, :map_string_int32_as_value=
assert_raises NoMethodError do
msg.map_string_int32_as_value = :boom
def test_has_presence
assert_true TestMessage.descriptor.lookup("optional_int32").has_presence?
assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup("repeated_int32").has_presence?
assert_false TestSingularFields.descriptor.lookup("singular_int32").has_presence?
def test_is_packed
assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup("optional_int32").is_packed?
assert_true TestMessage.descriptor.lookup("repeated_int32").is_packed?
def test_file_descriptor_options
file_descriptor = TestMessage.descriptor.file_descriptor
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::FileOptions, file_descriptor.options
assert file_descriptor.options.deprecated
def test_field_descriptor_options
field_descriptor = TestDeprecatedMessage.descriptor.lookup("foo")
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::FieldOptions, field_descriptor.options
assert field_descriptor.options.deprecated
def test_descriptor_options
descriptor = TestDeprecatedMessage.descriptor
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::MessageOptions, descriptor.options
assert descriptor.options.deprecated
def test_enum_descriptor_options
enum_descriptor = TestDeprecatedEnum.descriptor
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::EnumOptions, enum_descriptor.options
assert enum_descriptor.options.deprecated
def test_oneof_descriptor_options
descriptor = TestDeprecatedMessage.descriptor
oneof_descriptor = descriptor.lookup_oneof("test_deprecated_message_oneof")
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::OneofOptions, oneof_descriptor.options
test_top_level_option = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup 'basic_test.test_top_level_option'
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::FieldDescriptor, test_top_level_option
assert_equal "Custom option value", test_top_level_option.get(oneof_descriptor.options)
def test_nested_extension
descriptor = TestDeprecatedMessage.descriptor
oneof_descriptor = descriptor.lookup_oneof("test_deprecated_message_oneof")
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::OneofOptions, oneof_descriptor.options
test_nested_option = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup 'basic_test.TestDeprecatedMessage.test_nested_option'
assert_instance_of Google::Protobuf::FieldDescriptor, test_nested_option
assert_equal "Another custom option value", test_nested_option.get(oneof_descriptor.options)
def test_options_deep_freeze
descriptor = TestDeprecatedMessage.descriptor
assert_raise FrozenError do
descriptor.options.uninterpreted_option.push \
def test_message_freeze
message = TestDeprecatedMessage.new
nested_message_2 = TestMessage2.new
message.map_string_msg["message"] = TestMessage2.new
assert_raise FrozenError do
message.map_string_msg["message"].foo = "bar"
assert_raise FrozenError do
message.repeated_msg[0].foo = "bar"
Fix TypeError when passing an instance of a subclass of String to a string field (#13818)
## Issue
When an object that is an instance of a string-derived class is passed to a string field in a protobuf message in Ruby, it results in a `Google::Protobuf::TypeError`.
### Steps to reproduce
~/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/ruby/tests ❯❯❯ irb -I .
irb(main):001:0> require 'basic_test_pb'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> myString = Class.new(String)
=> #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>
irb(main):003:0> str = myString.new("foo")
=> "foo"
irb(main):004:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: "foo")
=> <BasicTest::TestMessage: optional_string: "foo", repeated_int32: [], repeated_int64: [], repeated_uint32: [], repeated_uint64: [], repeated_bool: [], repeated_float: [], repeated_double: [], repeated_string: [], repeated_bytes: [], repeated_msg: [], repeated_enum: []>
irb(main):005:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: str)
(irb):5:in `initialize': Invalid argument for string field 'optional_string' (given #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>). (Google::Protobuf::TypeError)
## Fix
The issue appears to be caused by the field checking mechanism not properly handling instances of classes that inherit from basic types like String. My proposed solution is to improve the type checking for string fields to consider not just String instances but also instances of subclasses of String.
## Impact
The changes will allow instances of classes derived from String to be passed to string fields without any error.
This is a backwards-compatible change and will not affect the existing behaviour with standard String instances.
Closes #13818
COPYBARA_INTEGRATE_REVIEW=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pull/13818 from NotFounds:support-string-subclass-for-ruby 2d2796c4f96d5a182a269b54e893f436f2211ea2
PiperOrigin-RevId: 590941235
1 year ago
def test_oneof_fields_respond_to? # regression test for issue 9202
msg = proto_module::OneofMessage.new
# `has_` prefix + "?" suffix actions should work for oneofs fields and members.
assert_false msg.has_my_oneof?
assert msg.respond_to? :has_my_oneof?
assert_respond_to msg, :has_a?
refute msg.has_a?
assert_respond_to msg, :has_b?
refute msg.has_b?
assert_respond_to msg, :has_c?
refute msg.has_c?
assert_respond_to msg, :has_d?
refute msg.has_d?
def test_string_subclass
str = "hello"
myString = Class.new(String)
Fix TypeError when passing an instance of a subclass of String to a string field (#13818)
## Issue
When an object that is an instance of a string-derived class is passed to a string field in a protobuf message in Ruby, it results in a `Google::Protobuf::TypeError`.
### Steps to reproduce
~/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/ruby/tests ❯❯❯ irb -I .
irb(main):001:0> require 'basic_test_pb'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> myString = Class.new(String)
=> #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>
irb(main):003:0> str = myString.new("foo")
=> "foo"
irb(main):004:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: "foo")
=> <BasicTest::TestMessage: optional_string: "foo", repeated_int32: [], repeated_int64: [], repeated_uint32: [], repeated_uint64: [], repeated_bool: [], repeated_float: [], repeated_double: [], repeated_string: [], repeated_bytes: [], repeated_msg: [], repeated_enum: []>
irb(main):005:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: str)
(irb):5:in `initialize': Invalid argument for string field 'optional_string' (given #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>). (Google::Protobuf::TypeError)
## Fix
The issue appears to be caused by the field checking mechanism not properly handling instances of classes that inherit from basic types like String. My proposed solution is to improve the type checking for string fields to consider not just String instances but also instances of subclasses of String.
## Impact
The changes will allow instances of classes derived from String to be passed to string fields without any error.
This is a backwards-compatible change and will not affect the existing behaviour with standard String instances.
Closes #13818
COPYBARA_INTEGRATE_REVIEW=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pull/13818 from NotFounds:support-string-subclass-for-ruby 2d2796c4f96d5a182a269b54e893f436f2211ea2
PiperOrigin-RevId: 590941235
1 year ago
m = proto_module::TestMessage.new(
optional_string: myString.new(str),
Fix TypeError when passing an instance of a subclass of String to a string field (#13818)
## Issue
When an object that is an instance of a string-derived class is passed to a string field in a protobuf message in Ruby, it results in a `Google::Protobuf::TypeError`.
### Steps to reproduce
~/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/ruby/tests ❯❯❯ irb -I .
irb(main):001:0> require 'basic_test_pb'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> myString = Class.new(String)
=> #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>
irb(main):003:0> str = myString.new("foo")
=> "foo"
irb(main):004:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: "foo")
=> <BasicTest::TestMessage: optional_string: "foo", repeated_int32: [], repeated_int64: [], repeated_uint32: [], repeated_uint64: [], repeated_bool: [], repeated_float: [], repeated_double: [], repeated_string: [], repeated_bytes: [], repeated_msg: [], repeated_enum: []>
irb(main):005:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: str)
(irb):5:in `initialize': Invalid argument for string field 'optional_string' (given #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>). (Google::Protobuf::TypeError)
## Fix
The issue appears to be caused by the field checking mechanism not properly handling instances of classes that inherit from basic types like String. My proposed solution is to improve the type checking for string fields to consider not just String instances but also instances of subclasses of String.
## Impact
The changes will allow instances of classes derived from String to be passed to string fields without any error.
This is a backwards-compatible change and will not affect the existing behaviour with standard String instances.
Closes #13818
COPYBARA_INTEGRATE_REVIEW=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pull/13818 from NotFounds:support-string-subclass-for-ruby 2d2796c4f96d5a182a269b54e893f436f2211ea2
PiperOrigin-RevId: 590941235
1 year ago
assert_equal str, m.optional_string
Fix TypeError when passing an instance of a subclass of String to a string field (#13818)
## Issue
When an object that is an instance of a string-derived class is passed to a string field in a protobuf message in Ruby, it results in a `Google::Protobuf::TypeError`.
### Steps to reproduce
~/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/ruby/tests ❯❯❯ irb -I .
irb(main):001:0> require 'basic_test_pb'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> myString = Class.new(String)
=> #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>
irb(main):003:0> str = myString.new("foo")
=> "foo"
irb(main):004:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: "foo")
=> <BasicTest::TestMessage: optional_string: "foo", repeated_int32: [], repeated_int64: [], repeated_uint32: [], repeated_uint64: [], repeated_bool: [], repeated_float: [], repeated_double: [], repeated_string: [], repeated_bytes: [], repeated_msg: [], repeated_enum: []>
irb(main):005:0> BasicTest::TestMessage.new(optional_string: str)
(irb):5:in `initialize': Invalid argument for string field 'optional_string' (given #<Class:0x00000001531540d8>). (Google::Protobuf::TypeError)
## Fix
The issue appears to be caused by the field checking mechanism not properly handling instances of classes that inherit from basic types like String. My proposed solution is to improve the type checking for string fields to consider not just String instances but also instances of subclasses of String.
## Impact
The changes will allow instances of classes derived from String to be passed to string fields without any error.
This is a backwards-compatible change and will not affect the existing behaviour with standard String instances.
Closes #13818
COPYBARA_INTEGRATE_REVIEW=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pull/13818 from NotFounds:support-string-subclass-for-ruby 2d2796c4f96d5a182a269b54e893f436f2211ea2
PiperOrigin-RevId: 590941235
1 year ago