Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#import "GPBUtilities.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "GPBArray.h"
#import "GPBArray_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDescriptor.h"
#import "GPBDescriptor_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDictionary.h"
#import "GPBDictionary_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBMessage.h"
#import "GPBMessage_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUnknownField.h"
#import "GPBUnknownField_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUnknownFields.h"
#import "GPBUtilities.h"
#import "GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h"
// Direct access is use for speed, to avoid even internally declaring things
// read/write, etc. The warning is enabled in the project to ensure code calling
// protos can turn on -Wdirect-ivar-access without issues.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdirect-ivar-access"
static void AppendTextFormatForMessage(GPBMessage *message, NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent);
// Are two datatypes the same basic type representation (ex Int32 and SInt32).
// Marked unused because currently only called from asserts/debug.
static BOOL DataTypesEquivalent(GPBDataType type1, GPBDataType type2) __attribute__((unused));
// Basic type representation for a type (ex: for SInt32 it is Int32).
// Marked unused because currently only called from asserts/debug.
static GPBDataType BaseDataType(GPBDataType type) __attribute__((unused));
// String name for a data type.
// Marked unused because currently only called from asserts/debug.
static NSString *TypeToString(GPBDataType dataType) __attribute__((unused));
// Helper for clearing oneofs.
static void GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(GPBMessage *self, GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof,
int32_t oneofHasIndex, uint32_t fieldNumberNotToClear);
NSData *GPBEmptyNSData(void) {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
static NSData *defaultNSData = nil;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
defaultNSData = [[NSData alloc] init];
return defaultNSData;
void GPBMessageDropUnknownFieldsRecursively(GPBMessage *initialMessage) {
if (!initialMessage) {
// Use an array as a list to process to avoid recursion.
NSMutableArray *todo = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:initialMessage];
while (todo.count) {
GPBMessage *msg = todo.lastObject;
[todo removeLastObject];
// Clear unknowns.
[msg clearUnknownFields];
// Handle the message fields.
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [[msg class] descriptor];
for (GPBFieldDescriptor *field in descriptor->fields_) {
if (!GPBFieldDataTypeIsMessage(field)) {
switch (field.fieldType) {
case GPBFieldTypeSingle:
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(msg, field)) {
GPBMessage *fieldMessage = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(msg, field);
[todo addObject:fieldMessage];
case GPBFieldTypeRepeated: {
NSArray *fieldMessages = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(msg, field);
if (fieldMessages.count) {
[todo addObjectsFromArray:fieldMessages];
case GPBFieldTypeMap: {
id rawFieldMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(msg, field);
switch (field.mapKeyDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
[(GPBBoolObjectDictionary *)rawFieldMap
enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(__unused BOOL key, id _Nonnull object,
__unused BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
[(GPBUInt32ObjectDictionary *)rawFieldMap
enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(__unused uint32_t key, id _Nonnull object,
__unused BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
[(GPBInt32ObjectDictionary *)rawFieldMap
enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(__unused int32_t key, id _Nonnull object,
__unused BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
[(GPBUInt64ObjectDictionary *)rawFieldMap
enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(__unused uint64_t key, id _Nonnull object,
__unused BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
[(GPBInt64ObjectDictionary *)rawFieldMap
enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(__unused int64_t key, id _Nonnull object,
__unused BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
[todo addObject:object];
case GPBDataTypeString:
[(NSDictionary *)rawFieldMap
enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(__unused NSString *_Nonnull key,
GPBMessage *_Nonnull obj,
__unused BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
[todo addObject:obj];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
NSCAssert(NO, @"Aren't valid key types.");
} // switch(field.mapKeyDataType)
} // switch(field.fieldType)
} // for(fields)
// Handle any extensions holding messages.
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in [msg extensionsCurrentlySet]) {
if (!GPBDataTypeIsMessage(extension.dataType)) {
if (extension.isRepeated) {
NSArray *extMessages = [msg getExtension:extension];
[todo addObjectsFromArray:extMessages];
} else {
GPBMessage *extMessage = [msg getExtension:extension];
[todo addObject:extMessage];
} // for(extensionsCurrentlySet)
} // while(todo.count)
// -- About Version Checks --
// There's actually 3 places these checks all come into play:
// 1. When the generated source is compile into .o files, the header check
// happens. This is checking the protoc used matches the library being used
// when making the .o.
// 2. Every place a generated proto header is included in a developer's code,
// the header check comes into play again. But this time it is checking that
// the current library headers being used still support/match the ones for
// the generated code.
// 3. At runtime the final check here (GPBCheckRuntimeVersionsInternal), is
// called from the generated code passing in values captured when the
// generated code's .o was made. This checks that at runtime the generated
// code and runtime library match.
void GPBCheckRuntimeVersionSupport(int32_t objcRuntimeVersion) {
// NOTE: This is passing the value captured in the compiled code to check
// against the values captured when the runtime support was compiled. This
// ensures the library code isn't in a different framework/library that
// was generated with a non matching version.
if (GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_OBJC_VERSION < objcRuntimeVersion) {
// Library is too old for headers.
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:@"Linked to ProtocolBuffer runtime version %d,"
@" but code compiled needing at least %d!",
// Headers are too old for library.
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:@"Proto generation source compiled against runtime"
@" version %d, but this version of the runtime only"
@" supports back to %d!",
void GPBRuntimeMatchFailure(void) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:@"Proto generation source appears to have been from a"
@" version newer that this runtime (%d).",
BOOL GPBMessageHasFieldNumberSet(GPBMessage *self, uint32_t fieldNumber) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [self descriptor];
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:fieldNumber];
return GPBMessageHasFieldSet(self, field);
BOOL GPBMessageHasFieldSet(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return NO;
// Repeated/Map don't use the bit, they check the count.
if (GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field)) {
// Array/map type doesn't matter, since GPB*Array/NSArray and
// GPB*Dictionary/NSDictionary all support -count;
NSArray *arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(self, field);
return (arrayOrMap.count > 0);
} else {
return GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field);
void GPBClearMessageField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
// If not set, nothing to do.
if (!GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (GPBFieldStoresObject(field)) {
// Object types are handled slightly differently, they need to be released.
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
[*typePtr release];
*typePtr = nil;
} else {
// POD types just need to clear the has bit as the Get* method will
// fetch the default when needed.
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, NO);
void GPBClearOneof(GPBMessage *self, GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor]] == oneof,
@"OneofDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
GPBFieldDescriptor *firstField = oneof->fields_[0];
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, firstField->description_->hasIndex, 0);
BOOL GPBGetHasIvar(GPBMessage *self, int32_t idx, uint32_t fieldNumber) {
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL, @"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
if (idx < 0) {
NSCAssert(fieldNumber != 0, @"Invalid field number.");
BOOL hasIvar = (self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_[-idx] == fieldNumber);
return hasIvar;
} else {
NSCAssert(idx != GPBNoHasBit, @"Invalid has bit.");
uint32_t byteIndex = (uint32_t)idx / 32;
uint32_t bitMask = (1U << (idx % 32));
BOOL hasIvar = (self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_[byteIndex] & bitMask) ? YES : NO;
return hasIvar;
uint32_t GPBGetHasOneof(GPBMessage *self, int32_t idx) {
NSCAssert(idx < 0, @"%@: invalid index (%d) for oneof.", [self class], idx);
uint32_t result = self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_[-idx];
return result;
void GPBSetHasIvar(GPBMessage *self, int32_t idx, uint32_t fieldNumber, BOOL value) {
if (idx < 0) {
NSCAssert(fieldNumber != 0, @"Invalid field number.");
uint32_t *has_storage = self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_;
has_storage[-idx] = (value ? fieldNumber : 0);
} else {
NSCAssert(idx != GPBNoHasBit, @"Invalid has bit.");
uint32_t *has_storage = self->messageStorage_->_has_storage_;
uint32_t byte = (uint32_t)idx / 32;
uint32_t bitMask = (1U << (idx % 32));
if (value) {
has_storage[byte] |= bitMask;
} else {
has_storage[byte] &= ~bitMask;
static void GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(GPBMessage *self, GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof,
int32_t oneofHasIndex, uint32_t fieldNumberNotToClear) {
uint32_t fieldNumberSet = GPBGetHasOneof(self, oneofHasIndex);
if ((fieldNumberSet == fieldNumberNotToClear) || (fieldNumberSet == 0)) {
// Do nothing/nothing set in the oneof.
// Like GPBClearMessageField(), free the memory if an objecttype is set,
// pod types don't need to do anything.
GPBFieldDescriptor *fieldSet = [oneof fieldWithNumber:fieldNumberSet];
NSCAssert(fieldSet, @"%@: oneof set to something (%u) not in the oneof?", [self class],
if (fieldSet && GPBFieldStoresObject(fieldSet)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[fieldSet->description_->offset];
[*typePtr release];
*typePtr = nil;
// Set to nothing stored in the oneof.
// (field number doesn't matter since setting to nothing).
GPBSetHasIvar(self, oneofHasIndex, 1, NO);
#pragma mark - IVar accessors
// clang-format off
//%TYPE GPBGetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% TYPE$S NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
//% @"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",
//%, [self class]);
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to get value of TYPE from field %@ "
//% @"of %@ which is of type %@.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
//% uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
//% TYPE *typePtr = (TYPE *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
//% return *typePtr;
//% } else {
//% return field.defaultValue.value##NAME;
//% }
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%void GPBSetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE value) {
//% if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
//% @"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",
//%, [self class]);
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
//% @"value of type TYPE.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% GPBSet##NAME##IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
//%void GPBSet##NAME##IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE value) {
//% GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
//% GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
//% if (oneof) {
//% GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
//% }
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
//% @"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
//% [self class]);
//%#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
//% if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
//% uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
//% TYPE *typePtr = (TYPE *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
//% *typePtr = value;
//% // If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
//% // shouldn't auto clear on zero.
//% BOOL hasValue = ((value != (TYPE)0)
//% || ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
//% GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
//% GPBBecomeVisibleToAutocreator(self);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%TYPE *GPBGetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% TYPE$S NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to get value of TYPE from field %@ "
//% @"of %@ which is of type %@.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% return (TYPE *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%void GPBSetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE *value) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
//% @"value of type TYPE.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%TYPE *GPBGetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% TYPE$S NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to get value of TYPE from field %@ "
//% @"of %@ which is of type %@.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% return (TYPE *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
//%// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
//%void GPBSetMessage##NAME##Field(GPBMessage *self,
//% NAME$S GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
//% NAME$S TYPE *value) {
//%#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
//% NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field),
//% GPBDataType##NAME),
//% @"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
//% @"value of type TYPE.",
//% [self class],,
//% TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
//% GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// clang-format on
// Object types are handled slightly differently, they need to be released
// and retained.
void GPBClearAutocreatedMessageIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
GPBMessage *oldValue = *typePtr;
*typePtr = NULL;
[oldValue release];
// This exists only for bridging some aliased types, nothing else should use it.
static void GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, [value retain]);
static void GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value);
// GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField is blocked from the analyzer because it flags
// a leak for the -copy even though GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate
// is marked as consuming the value. Note: For some reason this doesn't happen
// with the -retain in GPBSetObjectIvarWithField.
#if !defined(__clang_analyzer__)
// This exists only for bridging some aliased types, nothing else should use it.
static void GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, [value copy]);
#endif // !defined(__clang_analyzer__)
void GPBSetObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id value) {
GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, [value retain]);
void GPBSetRetainedObjectIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
id value) {
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL, @"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
GPBDataType fieldType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
BOOL isMapOrArray = GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(field);
BOOL fieldIsMessage = GPBDataTypeIsMessage(fieldType);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (value == nil && !isMapOrArray && !fieldIsMessage && field.hasDefaultValue) {
// Setting a message to nil is an obvious way to "clear" the value
// as there is no way to set a non-empty default value for messages.
// For Strings and Bytes that have default values set it is not clear what
// should be done when their value is set to nil. Is the intention just to
// clear the set value and reset to default, or is the intention to set the
// value to the empty string/data? Arguments can be made for both cases.
// 'nil' has been abused as a replacement for an empty string/data in ObjC.
// We decided to be consistent with all "object" types and clear the has
// field, and fall back on the default value. The warning below will only
// appear in debug, but the could should be changed so the intention is
// clear.
NSString *propName =;
NSString *className =;
NSString *firstLetterCapitalizedName = [[[className substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString]
stringByAppendingString:[className substringFromIndex:1]];
NSLog(@"warning: '%@.%@ = nil;' is not clearly defined for fields with "
@"default values. Please use '%@.%@ = %@' if you want to set it to "
@"empty, or call '%@.has%@ = NO' to reset it to it's default value of "
@"'%@'. Defaulting to resetting default value.",
className, propName, className, propName,
(fieldType == GPBDataTypeString) ? @"@\"\"" : @"GPBEmptyNSData()", className,
firstLetterCapitalizedName, field.defaultValue.valueString);
// Note: valueString, depending on the type, it could easily be
// valueData/valueMessage.
#endif // DEBUG
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (!isMapOrArray) {
// Non repeated/map can be in an oneof, clear any existing value from the
// oneof.
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
// Clear "has" if they are being set to nil.
BOOL setHasValue = (value != nil);
// If the field should clear on a "zero" value, then check if the string/data
// was zero length, and clear instead.
if (((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) != 0) && ([value length] == 0)) {
setHasValue = NO;
// The value passed in was retained, it must be released since we
// aren't saving anything in the field.
[value release];
value = nil;
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, setHasValue);
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
id oldValue = *typePtr;
*typePtr = value;
if (oldValue) {
if (isMapOrArray) {
if (field.fieldType == GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
// If the old array was autocreated by us, then clear it.
if (GPBDataTypeIsObject(fieldType)) {
if ([oldValue isKindOfClass:[GPBAutocreatedArray class]]) {
GPBAutocreatedArray *autoArray = oldValue;
if (autoArray->_autocreator == self) {
autoArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
// Type doesn't matter, it is a GPB*Array.
GPBInt32Array *gpbArray = oldValue;
if (gpbArray->_autocreator == self) {
gpbArray->_autocreator = nil;
} else { // GPBFieldTypeMap
// If the old map was autocreated by us, then clear it.
if ((field.mapKeyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBDataTypeIsObject(fieldType)) {
if ([oldValue isKindOfClass:[GPBAutocreatedDictionary class]]) {
GPBAutocreatedDictionary *autoDict = oldValue;
if (autoDict->_autocreator == self) {
autoDict->_autocreator = nil;
} else {
// Type doesn't matter, it is a GPB*Dictionary.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *gpbDict = oldValue;
if (gpbDict->_autocreator == self) {
gpbDict->_autocreator = nil;
} else if (fieldIsMessage) {
// If the old message value was autocreated by us, then clear it.
GPBMessage *oldMessageValue = oldValue;
if (GPBWasMessageAutocreatedBy(oldMessageValue, self)) {
[oldValue release];
id GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
if (self->messageStorage_ == nil) {
return nil;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
id *typePtr = (id *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
int32_t GPBGetMessageEnumField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(GPBGetFieldDataType(field) == GPBDataTypeEnum,
@"Attempting to get value of type Enum from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],, TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
int32_t result = GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field);
// If this is presevering unknown enums, make sure the value is valid before
// returning it.
if (!field.enumDescriptor.isClosed && ![field isValidEnumValue:result]) {
result = kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue;
return result;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageEnumField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, int32_t value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(GPBGetFieldDataType(field) == GPBDataTypeEnum,
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type Enum.",
[self class],, TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
GPBSetEnumIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetEnumIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, int32_t value) {
// Don't allow in unknown values. Proto3 can use the Raw method.
if (![field isValidEnumValue:value]) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@: Attempt to set an unknown enum value (%d)", [self class],, value];
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
int32_t GPBGetMessageRawEnumField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
int32_t result = GPBGetMessageInt32Field(self, field);
return result;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageRawEnumField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, int32_t value) {
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
BOOL GPBGetMessageBoolField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field), GPBDataTypeBool),
@"Attempting to get value of type bool from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],, TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
// Bools are stored in the has bits to avoid needing explicit space in the
// storage structure.
// (the field number passed to the HasIvar helper doesn't really matter
// since the offset is never negative)
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
return GPBGetHasIvar(self, (int32_t)(fieldDesc->offset), fieldDesc->number);
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueBool;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageBoolField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, BOOL value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
NSCAssert(DataTypesEquivalent(GPBGetFieldDataType(field), GPBDataTypeBool),
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type bool.",
[self class],, TypeToString(GPBGetFieldDataType(field)));
GPBSetBoolIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetBoolIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, BOOL value) {
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
// Bools are stored in the has bits to avoid needing explicit space in the
// storage structure.
// (the field number passed to the HasIvar helper doesn't really matter since
// the offset is never negative)
GPBSetHasIvar(self, (int32_t)(fieldDesc->offset), fieldDesc->number, value);
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (BOOL)0) || ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// clang-format off
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
int32_t GPBGetMessageInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of int32_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int32_t *typePtr = (int32_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueInt32;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int32_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type int32_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int32_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int32_t *typePtr = (int32_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (int32_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
uint32_t GPBGetMessageUInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of uint32_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint32_t *typePtr = (uint32_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueUInt32;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageUInt32Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint32_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type uint32_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetUInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetUInt32IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint32_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint32_t *typePtr = (uint32_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (uint32_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
int64_t GPBGetMessageInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of int64_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int64_t *typePtr = (int64_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueInt64;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int64_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type int64_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
int64_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
int64_t *typePtr = (int64_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (int64_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
uint64_t GPBGetMessageUInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of uint64_t from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint64_t *typePtr = (uint64_t *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueUInt64;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageUInt64Field(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint64_t value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type uint64_t.",
[self class],,
GPBSetUInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetUInt64IvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
uint64_t value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
uint64_t *typePtr = (uint64_t *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (uint64_t)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
float GPBGetMessageFloatField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of float from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
float *typePtr = (float *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueFloat;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageFloatField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
float value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type float.",
[self class],,
GPBSetFloatIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetFloatIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
float value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
float *typePtr = (float *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (float)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
double GPBGetMessageDoubleField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to get value of double from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
if (GPBGetHasIvarField(self, field)) {
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
double *typePtr = (double *)&storage[field->description_->offset];
return *typePtr;
} else {
return field.defaultValue.valueDouble;
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageDoubleField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
double value) {
if (self == nil || field == nil) return;
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor] fieldWithNumber:field.number] == field,
@"FieldDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type double.",
[self class],,
GPBSetDoubleIvarWithFieldPrivate(self, field, value);
void GPBSetDoubleIvarWithFieldPrivate(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
double value) {
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = field->containingOneof_;
GPBMessageFieldDescription *fieldDesc = field->description_;
if (oneof) {
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number);
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(self->messageStorage_ != NULL,
@"%@: All messages should have storage (from init)",
[self class]);
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__)
if (self->messageStorage_ == NULL) return;
uint8_t *storage = (uint8_t *)self->messageStorage_;
double *typePtr = (double *)&storage[fieldDesc->offset];
*typePtr = value;
// If the value is zero, then we only count the field as "set" if the field
// shouldn't auto clear on zero.
BOOL hasValue = ((value != (double)0)
|| ((fieldDesc->flags & GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero) == 0));
GPBSetHasIvar(self, fieldDesc->hasIndex, fieldDesc->number, hasValue);
//%PDDM-EXPAND-END (6 expansions)
// Aliases are function calls that are virtually the same.
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
NSString *GPBGetMessageStringField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of NSString from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (NSString *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageStringField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
NSString *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type NSString.",
[self class],,
GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
NSData *GPBGetMessageBytesField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of NSData from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (NSData *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageBytesField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
NSData *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type NSData.",
[self class],,
GPBSetCopyObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
GPBMessage *GPBGetMessageMessageField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of GPBMessage from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (GPBMessage *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageMessageField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
GPBMessage *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type GPBMessage.",
[self class],,
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
GPBMessage *GPBGetMessageGroupField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to get value of GPBMessage from field %@ "
@"of %@ which is of type %@.",
[self class],,
return (GPBMessage *)GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(self, field);
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageGroupField(GPBMessage *self,
GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
GPBMessage *value) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
@"Attempting to set field %@ of %@ which is of type %@ with "
@"value of type GPBMessage.",
[self class],,
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, (id)value);
//%PDDM-EXPAND-END (4 expansions)
// clang-format on
// GPBGetMessageRepeatedField is defined in GPBMessage.m
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageRepeatedField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id array) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (field.fieldType != GPBFieldTypeRepeated) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@ is not a repeated field.", [self class],];
Class expectedClass = Nil;
switch (GPBGetFieldDataType(field)) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
expectedClass = [GPBBoolArray class];
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
expectedClass = [GPBInt32Array class];
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
expectedClass = [GPBUInt32Array class];
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
expectedClass = [GPBInt64Array class];
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
expectedClass = [GPBUInt64Array class];
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
expectedClass = [GPBFloatArray class];
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
expectedClass = [GPBDoubleArray class];
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
expectedClass = [NSMutableArray class];
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
expectedClass = [GPBEnumArray class];
if (array && ![array isKindOfClass:expectedClass]) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@: Expected %@ object, got %@.", [self class],,
expectedClass, [array class]];
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, array);
static GPBDataType BaseDataType(GPBDataType type) {
switch (type) {
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
return GPBDataTypeInt32;
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
return GPBDataTypeUInt32;
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
return GPBDataTypeInt64;
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
return GPBDataTypeUInt64;
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
return GPBDataTypeMessage;
case GPBDataTypeBool:
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
return type;
static BOOL DataTypesEquivalent(GPBDataType type1, GPBDataType type2) {
return BaseDataType(type1) == BaseDataType(type2);
static NSString *TypeToString(GPBDataType dataType) {
switch (dataType) {
case GPBDataTypeBool:
return @"Bool";
case GPBDataTypeSFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeInt32:
case GPBDataTypeSInt32:
return @"Int32";
case GPBDataTypeFixed32:
case GPBDataTypeUInt32:
return @"UInt32";
case GPBDataTypeSFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeInt64:
case GPBDataTypeSInt64:
return @"Int64";
case GPBDataTypeFixed64:
case GPBDataTypeUInt64:
return @"UInt64";
case GPBDataTypeFloat:
return @"Float";
case GPBDataTypeDouble:
return @"Double";
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
case GPBDataTypeString:
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
return @"Object";
case GPBDataTypeEnum:
return @"Enum";
// GPBGetMessageMapField is defined in GPBMessage.m
// Only exists for public api, no core code should use this.
void GPBSetMessageMapField(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, id dictionary) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
if (field.fieldType != GPBFieldTypeMap) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@ is not a map<> field.", [self class],];
if (dictionary) {
GPBDataType keyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
GPBDataType valueDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
NSString *keyStr = TypeToString(keyDataType);
NSString *valueStr = TypeToString(valueDataType);
if (keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
keyStr = @"String";
Class expectedClass = Nil;
if ((keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBDataTypeIsObject(valueDataType)) {
expectedClass = [NSMutableDictionary class];
} else {
NSString *className = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"GPB%@%@Dictionary", keyStr, valueStr];
expectedClass = NSClassFromString(className);
NSCAssert(expectedClass, @"Missing a class (%@)?", expectedClass);
if (![dictionary isKindOfClass:expectedClass]) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:@"%@.%@: Expected %@ object, got %@.", [self class],,
expectedClass, [dictionary class]];
GPBSetObjectIvarWithField(self, field, dictionary);
#pragma mark - Misc Dynamic Runtime Utils
const char *GPBMessageEncodingForSelector(SEL selector, BOOL instanceSel) {
Protocol *protocol = objc_getProtocol(GPBStringifySymbol(GPBMessageSignatureProtocol));
NSCAssert(protocol, @"Missing GPBMessageSignatureProtocol");
struct objc_method_description description =
protocol_getMethodDescription(protocol, selector, NO, instanceSel);
NSCAssert( != Nil && description.types != nil, @"Missing method for selector %@",
return description.types;
#pragma mark - Text Format Support
static void AppendStringEscaped(NSString *toPrint, NSMutableString *destStr) {
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
NSUInteger len = [toPrint length];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
unichar aChar = [toPrint characterAtIndex:i];
switch (aChar) {
case '\n':
[destStr appendString:@"\\n"];
case '\r':
[destStr appendString:@"\\r"];
case '\t':
[destStr appendString:@"\\t"];
case '\"':
[destStr appendString:@"\\\""];
case '\'':
[destStr appendString:@"\\\'"];
case '\\':
[destStr appendString:@"\\\\"];
// This differs slightly from the C++ code in that the C++ doesn't
// generate UTF8; it looks at the string in UTF8, but escapes every
// byte > 0x7E.
if (aChar < 0x20) {
[destStr appendFormat:@"\\%d%d%d", (aChar / 64), ((aChar % 64) / 8), (aChar % 8)];
} else {
[destStr appendFormat:@"%C", aChar];
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
static void AppendBufferAsString(NSData *buffer, NSMutableString *destStr) {
const char *src = (const char *)[buffer bytes];
size_t srcLen = [buffer length];
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
for (const char *srcEnd = src + srcLen; src < srcEnd; src++) {
switch (*src) {
case '\n':
[destStr appendString:@"\\n"];
case '\r':
[destStr appendString:@"\\r"];
case '\t':
[destStr appendString:@"\\t"];
case '\"':
[destStr appendString:@"\\\""];
case '\'':
[destStr appendString:@"\\\'"];
case '\\':
[destStr appendString:@"\\\\"];
if (isprint(*src)) {
[destStr appendFormat:@"%c", *src];
} else {
// NOTE: doing hex means you have to worry about the letter after
// the hex being another hex char and forcing that to be escaped, so
// use octal to keep it simple.
[destStr appendFormat:@"\\%03o", (uint8_t)(*src)];
[destStr appendString:@"\""];
static void AppendTextFormatForMapMessageField(id map, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
NSMutableString *toStr, NSString *lineIndent,
NSString *fieldName, NSString *lineEnding) {
GPBDataType keyDataType = field.mapKeyDataType;
GPBDataType valueDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
BOOL isMessageValue = GPBDataTypeIsMessage(valueDataType);
NSString *msgStartFirst =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@ {%@\n", lineIndent, fieldName, lineEnding];
NSString *msgStart = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@ {\n", lineIndent, fieldName];
NSString *msgEnd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@}\n", lineIndent];
NSString *keyLine = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ key: ", lineIndent];
NSString *valueLine =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ value%s ", lineIndent, (isMessageValue ? "" : ":")];
__block BOOL isFirst = YES;
if ((keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) && GPBDataTypeIsObject(valueDataType)) {
// map is an NSDictionary.
NSDictionary *dict = map;
[dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id value, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[toStr appendString:(isFirst ? msgStartFirst : msgStart)];
isFirst = NO;
[toStr appendString:keyLine];
AppendStringEscaped(key, toStr);
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
[toStr appendString:valueLine];
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeString:
AppendStringEscaped(value, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
AppendBufferAsString(value, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
[toStr appendString:@"{\n"];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(value, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@ }", lineIndent];
NSCAssert(NO, @"Can't happen");
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
[toStr appendString:msgEnd];
} else {
// map is one of the GPB*Dictionary classes, type doesn't matter.
GPBInt32Int32Dictionary *dict = map;
[dict enumerateForTextFormat:^(id keyObj, id valueObj) {
[toStr appendString:(isFirst ? msgStartFirst : msgStart)];
isFirst = NO;
// Key always is a NSString.
if (keyDataType == GPBDataTypeString) {
[toStr appendString:keyLine];
AppendStringEscaped(keyObj, toStr);
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%@\n", keyLine, keyObj];
[toStr appendString:valueLine];
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
switch (valueDataType) {
case GPBDataTypeString:
AppendStringEscaped(valueObj, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
AppendBufferAsString(valueObj, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeMessage:
[toStr appendString:@"{\n"];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(valueObj, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@ }", lineIndent];
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t enumValue = [valueObj intValue];
NSString *valueStr = nil;
GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = field.enumDescriptor;
if (descriptor) {
valueStr = [descriptor textFormatNameForValue:enumValue];
if (valueStr) {
[toStr appendString:valueStr];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%d", enumValue];
NSCAssert(valueDataType != GPBDataTypeGroup, @"Can't happen");
// Everything else is a NSString.
[toStr appendString:valueObj];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
[toStr appendString:msgEnd];
static void AppendTextFormatForMessageField(GPBMessage *message, GPBFieldDescriptor *field,
NSMutableString *toStr, NSString *lineIndent) {
id arrayOrMap;
NSUInteger count;
GPBFieldType fieldType = field.fieldType;
switch (fieldType) {
case GPBFieldTypeSingle:
arrayOrMap = nil;
count = (GPBGetHasIvarField(message, field) ? 1 : 0);
case GPBFieldTypeRepeated:
// Will be NSArray or GPB*Array, type doesn't matter, they both
// implement count.
arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(message, field);
count = [(NSArray *)arrayOrMap count];
case GPBFieldTypeMap: {
// Will be GPB*Dictionary or NSMutableDictionary, type doesn't matter,
// they both implement count.
arrayOrMap = GPBGetObjectIvarWithFieldNoAutocreate(message, field);
count = [(NSDictionary *)arrayOrMap count];
if (count == 0) {
// Nothing to print, out of here.
NSString *lineEnding = @"";
// If the name can't be reversed or support for extra info was turned off,
// this can return nil.
NSString *fieldName = [field textFormatName];
if ([fieldName length] == 0) {
fieldName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u", GPBFieldNumber(field)];
// If there is only one entry, put the objc name as a comment, other wise
// add it before the repeated values.
if (count > 1) {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@# %@\n", lineIndent,];
} else {
lineEnding = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" # %@",];
if (fieldType == GPBFieldTypeMap) {
AppendTextFormatForMapMessageField(arrayOrMap, field, toStr, lineIndent, fieldName, lineEnding);
id array = arrayOrMap;
const BOOL isRepeated = (array != nil);
GPBDataType fieldDataType = GPBGetFieldDataType(field);
BOOL isMessageField = GPBDataTypeIsMessage(fieldDataType);
for (NSUInteger j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
// Start the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%@%s ", lineIndent, fieldName, (isMessageField ? "" : ":")];
// The value.
switch (fieldDataType) {
case GPBDataType##GPBDATATYPE: { \
CTYPE v = (isRepeated ? [(GPB##REAL_TYPE##Array *)array valueAtIndex:j] \
: GPBGetMessage##REAL_TYPE##Field(message, field)); \
[toStr appendFormat:__VA_ARGS__, v]; \
break; \
FIELD_CASE(Int32, int32_t, Int32, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SInt32, int32_t, Int32, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed32, int32_t, Int32, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(UInt32, uint32_t, UInt32, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed32, uint32_t, UInt32, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Int64, int64_t, Int64, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SInt64, int64_t, Int64, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed64, int64_t, Int64, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(UInt64, uint64_t, UInt64, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed64, uint64_t, UInt64, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Float, float, Float, @"%.*g", FLT_DIG)
FIELD_CASE(Double, double, Double, @"%.*lg", DBL_DIG)
case GPBDataTypeEnum: {
int32_t v = (isRepeated ? [(GPBEnumArray *)array rawValueAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field));
NSString *valueStr = nil;
GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = field.enumDescriptor;
if (descriptor) {
valueStr = [descriptor textFormatNameForValue:v];
if (valueStr) {
[toStr appendString:valueStr];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%d", v];
case GPBDataTypeBool: {
BOOL v = (isRepeated ? [(GPBBoolArray *)array valueAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageBoolField(message, field));
[toStr appendString:(v ? @"true" : @"false")];
case GPBDataTypeString: {
NSString *v = (isRepeated ? [(NSArray *)array objectAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageStringField(message, field));
AppendStringEscaped(v, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes: {
NSData *v = (isRepeated ? [(NSArray *)array objectAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetMessageBytesField(message, field));
AppendBufferAsString(v, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage: {
GPBMessage *v = (isRepeated ? [(NSArray *)array objectAtIndex:j]
: GPBGetObjectIvarWithField(message, field));
[toStr appendFormat:@"{%@\n", lineEnding];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(v, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@}", lineIndent];
lineEnding = @"";
} // switch(fieldDataType)
// End the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@\n", lineEnding];
} // for(count)
static void AppendTextFormatForMessageExtensionRange(GPBMessage *message, NSArray *activeExtensions,
GPBExtensionRange range,
NSMutableString *toStr, NSString *lineIndent) {
uint32_t start = range.start;
uint32_t end = range.end;
for (GPBExtensionDescriptor *extension in activeExtensions) {
uint32_t fieldNumber = extension.fieldNumber;
if (fieldNumber < start) {
// Not there yet.
if (fieldNumber >= end) {
// Done.
id rawExtValue = [message getExtension:extension];
BOOL isRepeated = extension.isRepeated;
NSUInteger numValues = 1;
NSString *lineEnding = @"";
if (isRepeated) {
numValues = [(NSArray *)rawExtValue count];
NSString *singletonName = extension.singletonName;
if (numValues == 1) {
lineEnding = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" # [%@]", singletonName];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@# [%@]\n", lineIndent, singletonName];
GPBDataType extDataType = extension.dataType;
for (NSUInteger j = 0; j < numValues; ++j) {
id curValue = (isRepeated ? [rawExtValue objectAtIndex:j] : rawExtValue);
// Start the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%u%s ", lineIndent, fieldNumber,
(GPBDataTypeIsMessage(extDataType) ? "" : ":")];
// The value.
switch (extDataType) {
case GPBDataType##GPBDATATYPE: { \
CTYPE v = [(NSNumber *)curValue NUMSELECTOR]; \
[toStr appendFormat:__VA_ARGS__, v]; \
break; \
FIELD_CASE(Int32, int32_t, intValue, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SInt32, int32_t, intValue, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed32, int32_t, intValue, @"%d")
FIELD_CASE(UInt32, uint32_t, unsignedIntValue, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed32, uint32_t, unsignedIntValue, @"%u")
FIELD_CASE(Int64, int64_t, longLongValue, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SInt64, int64_t, longLongValue, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(SFixed64, int64_t, longLongValue, @"%lld")
FIELD_CASE(UInt64, uint64_t, unsignedLongLongValue, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Fixed64, uint64_t, unsignedLongLongValue, @"%llu")
FIELD_CASE(Float, float, floatValue, @"%.*g", FLT_DIG)
FIELD_CASE(Double, double, doubleValue, @"%.*lg", DBL_DIG)
// TODO: Add a comment with the enum name from enum descriptors
// (might not be real value, so leave it as a comment, ObjC compiler
// name mangles differently). Doesn't look like we actually generate
// an enum descriptor reference like we do for normal fields, so this
// will take a compiler change.
FIELD_CASE(Enum, int32_t, intValue, @"%d")
case GPBDataTypeBool:
[toStr appendString:([(NSNumber *)curValue boolValue] ? @"true" : @"false")];
case GPBDataTypeString:
AppendStringEscaped(curValue, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeBytes:
AppendBufferAsString((NSData *)curValue, toStr);
case GPBDataTypeGroup:
case GPBDataTypeMessage: {
[toStr appendFormat:@"{%@\n", lineEnding];
NSString *subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(curValue, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@}", lineIndent];
lineEnding = @"";
} // switch(extDataType)
// End the line.
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@\n", lineEnding];
} // for(numValues)
} //
static void AppendTextFormatForUnknownFields(GPBUnknownFields *ufs, NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert(!ufs.empty, @"Internal Error: No unknown fields to format.");
// Extract the fields and sort them by field number. Use a stable sort and sort just by the field
// numbers, that way the output will still show the order the different types were added as well
// as maintaining the order within a give number/type pair (i.e. - repeated fields say in order).
NSMutableArray *sortedFields = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:ufs.count];
for (GPBUnknownField *field in ufs) {
[sortedFields addObject:field];
usingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(GPBUnknownField *field1, GPBUnknownField *field2) {
int32_t fieldNumber1 = field1->number_;
int32_t fieldNumber2 = field2->number_;
if (fieldNumber1 < fieldNumber2) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else if (fieldNumber1 > fieldNumber2) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else {
return NSOrderedSame;
NSString *subIndent = nil;
for (GPBUnknownField *field in sortedFields) {
int32_t fieldNumber = field->number_;
switch (field->type_) {
case GPBUnknownFieldTypeVarint:
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%d: %llu\n", lineIndent, fieldNumber, field->storage_.intValue];
case GPBUnknownFieldTypeFixed32:
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%d: 0x%X\n", lineIndent, fieldNumber,
case GPBUnknownFieldTypeFixed64:
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%d: 0x%llX\n", lineIndent, fieldNumber, field->storage_.intValue];
case GPBUnknownFieldTypeLengthDelimited:
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%d: ", lineIndent, fieldNumber];
AppendBufferAsString(field->storage_.lengthDelimited, toStr);
[toStr appendString:@"\n"];
case GPBUnknownFieldTypeGroup: {
GPBUnknownFields *group = field->;
if (group.empty) {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%d: {}\n", lineIndent, fieldNumber];
} else {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@%d: {\n", lineIndent, fieldNumber];
if (subIndent == nil) {
subIndent = [lineIndent stringByAppendingString:@" "];
AppendTextFormatForUnknownFields(group, toStr, subIndent);
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@}\n", lineIndent];
} break;
[subIndent release];
[sortedFields release];
static void AppendTextFormatForMessage(GPBMessage *message, NSMutableString *toStr,
NSString *lineIndent) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [message descriptor];
NSArray *fieldsArray = descriptor->fields_;
NSUInteger fieldCount = fieldsArray.count;
const GPBExtensionRange *extensionRanges = descriptor.extensionRanges;
NSUInteger extensionRangesCount = descriptor.extensionRangesCount;
NSArray *activeExtensions =
[[message extensionsCurrentlySet] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compareByFieldNumber:)];
for (NSUInteger i = 0, j = 0; i < fieldCount || j < extensionRangesCount;) {
if (i == fieldCount) {
AppendTextFormatForMessageExtensionRange(message, activeExtensions, extensionRanges[j++],
toStr, lineIndent);
} else if (j == extensionRangesCount ||
GPBFieldNumber(fieldsArray[i]) < extensionRanges[j].start) {
AppendTextFormatForMessageField(message, fieldsArray[i++], toStr, lineIndent);
} else {
AppendTextFormatForMessageExtensionRange(message, activeExtensions, extensionRanges[j++],
toStr, lineIndent);
GPBUnknownFields *ufs = [[GPBUnknownFields alloc] initFromMessage:message];
if (ufs.count > 0) {
[toStr appendFormat:@"%@# --- Unknown fields ---\n", lineIndent];
AppendTextFormatForUnknownFields(ufs, toStr, lineIndent);
[ufs release];
NSString *GPBTextFormatForMessage(GPBMessage *message, NSString *lineIndent) {
if (message == nil) return @"";
if (lineIndent == nil) lineIndent = @"";
NSMutableString *buildString = [NSMutableString string];
AppendTextFormatForMessage(message, buildString, lineIndent);
return buildString;
// Helpers to decode a varint. Not using GPBCodedInputStream version because
// that needs a state object, and we don't want to create an input stream out
// of the data.
GPB_INLINE int8_t ReadRawByteFromData(const uint8_t **data) {
int8_t result = *((int8_t *)(*data));
return result;
static int32_t ReadRawVarint32FromData(const uint8_t **data) {
int8_t tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data);
if (tmp >= 0) {
return tmp;
int32_t result = tmp & 0x7f;
if ((tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) >= 0) {
result |= tmp << 7;
} else {
result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 7;
if ((tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) >= 0) {
result |= tmp << 14;
} else {
result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 14;
if ((tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) >= 0) {
result |= tmp << 21;
} else {
result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 21;
result |= (tmp = ReadRawByteFromData(data)) << 28;
if (tmp < 0) {
// Discard upper 32 bits.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (ReadRawByteFromData(data) >= 0) {
return result;
[NSException raise:NSParseErrorException format:@"Unable to read varint32"];
return result;
NSString *GPBDecodeTextFormatName(const uint8_t *decodeData, int32_t key, NSString *inputStr) {
// decodData form:
// varint32: num entries
// for each entry:
// varint32: key
// bytes*: decode data
// decode data one of two forms:
// 1: a \0 followed by the string followed by an \0
// 2: bytecodes to transform an input into the right thing, ending with \0
// the bytes codes are of the form:
// 0xabbccccc
// 0x0 (all zeros), end.
// a - if set, add an underscore
// bb - 00 ccccc bytes as is
// bb - 10 ccccc upper first, as is on rest, ccccc byte total
// bb - 01 ccccc lower first, as is on rest, ccccc byte total
// bb - 11 ccccc all upper, ccccc byte total
if (!decodeData || !inputStr) {
return nil;
// Find key
const uint8_t *scan = decodeData;
int32_t numEntries = ReadRawVarint32FromData(&scan);
BOOL foundKey = NO;
while (!foundKey && (numEntries > 0)) {
int32_t dataKey = ReadRawVarint32FromData(&scan);
if (dataKey == key) {
foundKey = YES;
} else {
// If it is a inlined string, it will start with \0; if it is bytecode it
// will start with a code. So advance one (skipping the inline string
// marker), and then loop until reaching the end marker (\0).
while (*scan != 0) ++scan;
// Now move past the end marker.
if (!foundKey) {
return nil;
// Decode
if (*scan == 0) {
// Inline string. Move over the marker, and NSString can take it as
// UTF8.
NSString *result = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)scan];
return result;
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:[inputStr length]];
const uint8_t kAddUnderscore = 0b10000000;
const uint8_t kOpMask = 0b01100000;
// const uint8_t kOpAsIs = 0b00000000;
const uint8_t kOpFirstUpper = 0b01000000;
const uint8_t kOpFirstLower = 0b00100000;
const uint8_t kOpAllUpper = 0b01100000;
const uint8_t kSegmentLenMask = 0b00011111;
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (; *scan != 0; ++scan) {
if (*scan & kAddUnderscore) {
[result appendString:@"_"];
NSUInteger segmentLen = *scan & kSegmentLenMask;
uint8_t decodeOp = *scan & kOpMask;
// Do op specific handling of the first character.
if (decodeOp == kOpFirstUpper) {
unichar c = [inputStr characterAtIndex:i];
[result appendFormat:@"%c", toupper((char)c)];
} else if (decodeOp == kOpFirstLower) {
unichar c = [inputStr characterAtIndex:i];
[result appendFormat:@"%c", tolower((char)c)];
// else op == kOpAsIs || op == kOpAllUpper
// Now pull over the rest of the length for this segment.
for (NSUInteger x = 0; x < segmentLen; ++x) {
unichar c = [inputStr characterAtIndex:(i + x)];
if (decodeOp == kOpAllUpper) {
[result appendFormat:@"%c", toupper((char)c)];
} else {
[result appendFormat:@"%C", c];
i += segmentLen;
return result;
#pragma mark Legacy methods old generated code calls
// Shim from the older generated code into the runtime.
void GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(GPBMessage *self, GPBFieldDescriptor *field, int32_t value,
__unused GPBFileSyntax syntax) {
GPBSetMessageInt32Field(self, field, value);
void GPBMaybeClearOneof(GPBMessage *self, GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof, int32_t oneofHasIndex,
__unused uint32_t fieldNumberNotToClear) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSCAssert([[self descriptor]] == oneof,
@"OneofDescriptor %@ doesn't appear to be for %@ messages.",, [self class]);
GPBFieldDescriptor *firstField __unused = oneof->fields_[0];
NSCAssert(firstField->description_->hasIndex == oneofHasIndex,
@"Internal error, oneofHasIndex (%d) doesn't match (%d).",
firstField->description_->hasIndex, oneofHasIndex);
GPBMaybeClearOneofPrivate(self, oneof, oneofHasIndex, 0);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#pragma mark Misc Helpers
BOOL GPBClassHasSel(Class aClass, SEL sel) {
// NOTE: We have to use class_copyMethodList, all other runtime method
// lookups actually also resolve the method implementation and this
// is called from within those methods.
BOOL result = NO;
unsigned int methodCount = 0;
Method *methodList = class_copyMethodList(aClass, &methodCount);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i) {
SEL methodSelector = method_getName(methodList[i]);
if (methodSelector == sel) {
result = YES;
return result;