* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
* Author: Josh Haberman <jhaberman@gmail.com>
* Implements a set of upb_handlers that write protobuf data to the binary wire
* format.
* This encoder implementation does not have any access to any out-of-band or
* precomputed lengths for submessages, so it must buffer submessages internally
* before it can emit the first byte.
#ifndef UPB_ENCODER_H_
#define UPB_ENCODER_H_
#include "upb/sink.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace upb {
namespace pb {
class Encoder;
} // namespace pb
} // namespace upb
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::pb::Encoder, upb_pb_encoder);
/* upb::pb::Encoder ***********************************************************/
// The output buffer is divided into segments; a segment is a string of data
// that is "ready to go" -- it does not need any varint lengths inserted into
// the middle. The seams between segments are where varints will be inserted
// once they are known.
// We also use the concept of a "run", which is a range of encoded bytes that
// occur at a single submessage level. Every segment contains one or more runs.
// A segment can span messages. Consider:
// .--Submessage lengths---------.
// | | |
// | V V
// V | |--------------- | |-----------------
// Submessages: | |-----------------------------------------------
// Top-level msg: ------------------------------------------------------------
// Segments: ----- ------------------- -----------------
// Runs: *---- *--------------*--- *----------------
// (* marks the start)
// Note that the top-level menssage is not in any segment because it does not
// have any length preceding it.
// A segment is only interrupted when another length needs to be inserted. So
// observe how the second segment spans both the inner submessage and part of
// the next enclosing message.
typedef struct {
uint32_t msglen; // The length to varint-encode before this segment.
uint32_t seglen; // Length of the segment.
} upb_pb_encoder_segment;
Encoder(const upb::Handlers* handlers);
static reffed_ptr<const Handlers> NewHandlers(const upb::MessageDef* msg);
// Resets the state of the printer, so that it will expect to begin a new
// document.
void Reset();
// Resets the output pointer which will serve as our closure.
void ResetOutput(BytesSink* output);
// The input to the encoder.
Sink* input();
// Our input and output.
upb_sink input_;
upb_bytessink *output_;
// The "subclosure" -- used as the inner closure as part of the bytessink
// protocol.
void *subc;
// The output buffer and limit, and our current write position. "buf"
// initially points to "initbuf", but is dynamically allocated if we need to
// grow beyond the initial size.
char *buf, *ptr, *limit;
// The beginning of the current run, or undefined if we are at the top level.
char *runbegin;
// The list of segments we are accumulating.
upb_pb_encoder_segment *segbuf, *segptr, *seglimit;
// The stack of enclosing submessages. Each entry in the stack points to the
// segment where this submessage's length is being accumulated.
int stack[UPB_PBENCODER_MAX_NESTING], *top, *stacklimit;
// Depth of startmsg/endmsg calls.
int depth;
// Initial buffers for the output buffer and segment buffer. If we outgrow
// these we will dynamically allocate bigger ones.
char initbuf[256];
upb_pb_encoder_segment seginitbuf[32];
const upb_handlers *upb_pb_encoder_newhandlers(const upb_msgdef *m,
const void *owner);
void upb_pb_encoder_reset(upb_pb_encoder *e);
upb_sink *upb_pb_encoder_input(upb_pb_encoder *p);
void upb_pb_encoder_init(upb_pb_encoder *e, const upb_handlers *h);
void upb_pb_encoder_resetoutput(upb_pb_encoder *e, upb_bytessink *output);
void upb_pb_encoder_uninit(upb_pb_encoder *e);
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace upb {
namespace pb {
inline Encoder::Encoder(const upb::Handlers* handlers) {
upb_pb_encoder_init(this, handlers);
inline Encoder::~Encoder() {
inline void Encoder::Reset() {
inline void Encoder::ResetOutput(BytesSink* output) {
upb_pb_encoder_resetoutput(this, output);
inline Sink* Encoder::input() {
return upb_pb_encoder_input(this);
inline reffed_ptr<const Handlers> Encoder::NewHandlers(
const upb::MessageDef *md) {
const Handlers* h = upb_pb_encoder_newhandlers(md, &h);
return reffed_ptr<const Handlers>(h, &h);
} // namespace pb
} // namespace upb
#endif /* UPB_ENCODER_H_ */