Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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357 lines
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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/api.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h"
#import "GPBApi.pbobjc.h"
#import "GPBSourceContext.pbobjc.h"
#import "GPBType.pbobjc.h"
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension"
#pragma mark - Objective C Class declarations
// Forward declarations of Objective C classes that we can use as
// static values in struct initializers.
// We don't use [Foo class] because it is not a static value.
#pragma mark - GPBApiRoot
@implementation GPBApiRoot
// No extensions in the file and none of the imports (direct or indirect)
// defined extensions, so no need to generate +extensionRegistry.
#pragma mark - GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor(void) {
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry
// about thread safety of the singleton.
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
if (!descriptor) {
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf"
return descriptor;
#pragma mark - GPBApi
@implementation GPBApi
@dynamic name;
@dynamic methodsArray, methodsArray_Count;
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count;
@dynamic version;
@dynamic hasSourceContext, sourceContext;
@dynamic mixinsArray, mixinsArray_Count;
@dynamic syntax;
typedef struct GPBApi__storage_ {
uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
GPBSyntax syntax;
NSString *name;
NSMutableArray *methodsArray;
NSMutableArray *optionsArray;
NSString *version;
GPBSourceContext *sourceContext;
NSMutableArray *mixinsArray;
} GPBApi__storage_;
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
// in +initialize for each subclass.
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil;
if (!descriptor) {
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
.name = "name",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Name,
.hasIndex = 0,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, name),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString,
.name = "methodsArray",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = GPBObjCClass(GPBMethod),
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_MethodsArray,
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, methodsArray),
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage,
.name = "optionsArray",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = GPBObjCClass(GPBOption),
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_OptionsArray,
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, optionsArray),
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage,
.name = "version",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Version,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.hasIndex = 1,
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, version),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString,
.name = "sourceContext",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = GPBObjCClass(GPBSourceContext),
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_SourceContext,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.hasIndex = 2,
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, sourceContext),
.flags = GPBFieldOptional,
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage,
.name = "mixinsArray",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = GPBObjCClass(GPBMixin),
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_MixinsArray,
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, mixinsArray),
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage,
.name = "syntax",
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor,
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Syntax,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.hasIndex = 3,
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, syntax),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum,
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor =
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBApi class]
rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class]
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription))
flags:(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlags)(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs | GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_Proto3OptionalKnown)];
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!");
#endif // DEBUG
descriptor = localDescriptor;
return descriptor;
int32_t GPBApi_Syntax_RawValue(GPBApi *message) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBApi descriptor];
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBApi_FieldNumber_Syntax];
return GPBGetMessageRawEnumField(message, field);
void SetGPBApi_Syntax_RawValue(GPBApi *message, int32_t value) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBApi descriptor];
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBApi_FieldNumber_Syntax];
GPBSetMessageRawEnumField(message, field, value);
#pragma mark - GPBMethod
@implementation GPBMethod
@dynamic name;
@dynamic requestTypeURL;
@dynamic requestStreaming;
@dynamic responseTypeURL;
@dynamic responseStreaming;
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count;
@dynamic syntax;
typedef struct GPBMethod__storage_ {
uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
GPBSyntax syntax;
NSString *name;
NSString *requestTypeURL;
NSString *responseTypeURL;
NSMutableArray *optionsArray;
} GPBMethod__storage_;
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
// in +initialize for each subclass.
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil;
if (!descriptor) {
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
.name = "name",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Name,
.hasIndex = 0,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, name),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString,
.name = "requestTypeURL",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestTypeURL,
.hasIndex = 1,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, requestTypeURL),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString,
.name = "requestStreaming",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestStreaming,
.hasIndex = 2,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = 3, // Stored in _has_storage_ to save space.
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBool,
.name = "responseTypeURL",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseTypeURL,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.hasIndex = 4,
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, responseTypeURL),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString,
.name = "responseStreaming",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseStreaming,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.hasIndex = 5,
.offset = 6, // Stored in _has_storage_ to save space.
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBool,
.name = "optionsArray",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = GPBObjCClass(GPBOption),
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_OptionsArray,
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, optionsArray),
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage,
.name = "syntax",
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor,
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Syntax,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.hasIndex = 7,
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, syntax),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum,
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor =
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBMethod class]
rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class]
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription))
flags:(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlags)(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs | GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_Proto3OptionalKnown)];
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
static const char *extraTextFormatInfo =
[localDescriptor setupExtraTextInfo:extraTextFormatInfo];
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!");
#endif // DEBUG
descriptor = localDescriptor;
return descriptor;
int32_t GPBMethod_Syntax_RawValue(GPBMethod *message) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBMethod descriptor];
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Syntax];
return GPBGetMessageRawEnumField(message, field);
void SetGPBMethod_Syntax_RawValue(GPBMethod *message, int32_t value) {
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBMethod descriptor];
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Syntax];
GPBSetMessageRawEnumField(message, field, value);
#pragma mark - GPBMixin
@implementation GPBMixin
@dynamic name;
@dynamic root;
typedef struct GPBMixin__storage_ {
uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
NSString *name;
NSString *root;
} GPBMixin__storage_;
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
// in +initialize for each subclass.
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil;
if (!descriptor) {
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
.name = "name",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBMixin_FieldNumber_Name,
.hasIndex = 0,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMixin__storage_, name),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString,
.name = "root",
.dataTypeSpecific.clazz = Nil,
.number = GPBMixin_FieldNumber_Root,
.hasIndex = 1,
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMixin__storage_, root),
.flags = (GPBFieldFlags)(GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero),
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString,
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor =
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBMixin class]
rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class]
Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes) NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size and/or order. - Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8 bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor instance size data). - No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the overhead of the core library. - Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving. - Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes the common cases of the instance size smaller. - Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed. - Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field, 16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also). - Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero default) - Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum) - Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases. - Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args. - Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit). - Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit, and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the data and one pointer now).
9 years ago
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription))
flags:(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlags)(GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs | GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_Proto3OptionalKnown)];
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!");
#endif // DEBUG
descriptor = localDescriptor;
return descriptor;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)