Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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"""A Starlark implementation of the proto_toolchain rule."""
load("//bazel/common:proto_lang_toolchain_info.bzl", "ProtoLangToolchainInfo")
load("//bazel/private:toolchain_helpers.bzl", "toolchains")
def _impl(ctx):
return [
files = depset(),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(),
proto = ProtoLangToolchainInfo(
out_replacement_format_flag = ctx.attr.command_line,
output_files = ctx.attr.output_files,
plugin = None,
runtime = None,
proto_compiler = ctx.attr.proto_compiler.files_to_run,
protoc_opts = ctx.fragments.proto.experimental_protoc_opts,
progress_message = ctx.attr.progress_message,
mnemonic = ctx.attr.mnemonic,
toolchain_type = toolchains.PROTO_TOOLCHAIN,
proto_toolchain = rule(
attrs =
"progress_message": attr.string(default = "Generating Descriptor Set proto_library %{label}"),
"mnemonic": attr.string(default = "GenProtoDescriptorSet"),
"command_line": attr.string(default = "--descriptor_set_out=%s"),
"output_files": attr.string(values = ["single", "multiple", "legacy"], default = "single"),
"proto_compiler": attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
allow_files = True, # Used by mocks in tests. Consider fixing tests and removing it.
provides = [platform_common.ToolchainInfo],
fragments = ["proto"],