#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
"""A conformance test implementation for the Python protobuf library.
See conformance.proto for more information.
import struct
import sys
from google.protobuf import json_format
from google.protobuf import message
from google.protobuf import text_format
from google.protobuf import test_messages_proto2_pb2
from google.protobuf import test_messages_proto3_pb2
from conformance import conformance_pb2
from conformance.test_protos import test_messages_edition2023_pb2
from google.protobuf.editions.golden import test_messages_proto2_editions_pb2
from google.protobuf.editions.golden import test_messages_proto3_editions_pb2
test_count = 0
verbose = False
class ProtocolError(Exception):
def _create_test_message(type):
if type == "protobuf_test_messages.proto2.TestAllTypesProto2":
return test_messages_proto2_pb2.TestAllTypesProto2()
if type == "protobuf_test_messages.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3":
return test_messages_proto3_pb2.TestAllTypesProto3()
if type == "protobuf_test_messages.editions.TestAllTypesEdition2023":
return test_messages_edition2023_pb2.TestAllTypesEdition2023()
if type == "protobuf_test_messages.editions.proto2.TestAllTypesProto2":
return test_messages_proto2_editions_pb2.TestAllTypesProto2()
if type == "protobuf_test_messages.editions.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3":
return test_messages_proto3_editions_pb2.TestAllTypesProto3()
return None
def do_test(request):
response = conformance_pb2.ConformanceResponse()
if request.message_type == "conformance.FailureSet":
failure_set = conformance_pb2.FailureSet()
failures = []
# TODO: Remove, this is a hack to detect if the old vs new
# parser is used by the cpp code. Relying on a bug in the old parser.
hack_proto = test_messages_proto2_pb2.TestAllTypesProto2()
old_parser = True
except message.DecodeError as e:
old_parser = False
if old_parser:
# the string above is one of the failing conformance test strings of the
# old parser. If we succeed the c++ implementation is using the old
# parser so we add the list of failing conformance tests.
failures = [
for x in failures:
response.protobuf_payload = failure_set.SerializeToString()
return response
isJson = (request.WhichOneof('payload') == 'json_payload')
test_message = _create_test_message(request.message_type)
if (not isJson) and (test_message is None):
raise ProtocolError("Protobuf request doesn't have specific payload type")
if request.WhichOneof('payload') == 'protobuf_payload':
except message.DecodeError as e:
response.parse_error = str(e)
return response
elif request.WhichOneof('payload') == 'json_payload':
ignore_unknown_fields = \
request.test_category == \
json_format.Parse(request.json_payload, test_message,
except Exception as e:
response.parse_error = str(e)
return response
elif request.WhichOneof('payload') == 'text_payload':
text_format.Parse(request.text_payload, test_message)
except Exception as e:
response.parse_error = str(e)
return response
raise ProtocolError("Request didn't have payload.")
if request.requested_output_format == conformance_pb2.UNSPECIFIED:
raise ProtocolError("Unspecified output format")
elif request.requested_output_format == conformance_pb2.PROTOBUF:
response.protobuf_payload = test_message.SerializeToString()
elif request.requested_output_format == conformance_pb2.JSON:
response.json_payload = json_format.MessageToJson(test_message)
except Exception as e:
response.serialize_error = str(e)
return response
elif request.requested_output_format == conformance_pb2.TEXT_FORMAT:
response.text_payload = text_format.MessageToString(
test_message, print_unknown_fields=request.print_unknown_fields)
except Exception as e:
response.runtime_error = str(e)
return response
def do_test_io():
length_bytes = sys.stdin.buffer.read(4)
if len(length_bytes) == 0:
return False # EOF
elif len(length_bytes) != 4:
raise IOError("I/O error")
length = struct.unpack("<I", length_bytes)[0]
serialized_request = sys.stdin.buffer.read(length)
if len(serialized_request) != length:
raise IOError("I/O error")
request = conformance_pb2.ConformanceRequest()
response = do_test(request)
serialized_response = response.SerializeToString()
sys.stdout.buffer.write(struct.pack("<I", len(serialized_response)))
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("conformance_python: request=%s, response=%s\n" % (
global test_count
test_count += 1
return True
while True:
if not do_test_io():
sys.stderr.write("conformance_python: received EOF from test runner " +
"after %s tests, exiting\n" % (test_count))