Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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16 years ago
# This Makefile builds the upb library as well as associated tests, tools, and
# language extensions.
# It does not use autoconf/automake/libtool in order to stay lightweight and
# avoid the need for running ./configure.
16 years ago
# Summary of compiler flags you may want to use:
# * -DNDEBUG: makes binary smaller and faster by removing sanity checks.
# * -O3: optimize for maximum speed
# * -fomit-frame-pointer: makes code smaller and faster by freeing up a reg.
# Threading:
# * -DUPB_USE_PTHREADS: configures upb to use pthreads r/w lock.
# * -DUPB_THREAD_UNSAFE: remove all thread-safety.
# * -pthread: required on GCC to enable pthreads (but what does it do?)
# Other:
# * -DUPB_UNALIGNED_READS_OK: makes code smaller, but not standard compliant
16 years ago
.PHONY: all clean tests test benchmarks benchmark descriptorgen
# Default rule: just build libupb.
all: lib
# Basic compiler/flag setup.
INCLUDE=-Isrc -Itests -I.
USER_CFLAGS=$(strip $(shell test -f perf-cppflags && cat perf-cppflags))
CPPFLAGS=$(INCLUDE) -Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers $(USER_CFLAGS)
LDLIBS=-lpthread src/libupb.a
# Dependency generating. #######################################################
-include deps
# Unfortuantely we can't easily generate deps for benchmarks or tests because
# of the scheme we use that compiles the same source file multiple times with
# different -D options, which can include different header files.
deps: Makefile $(CORE) $(STREAM)
@echo Regenerating dependencies for src/...
$(ALLSRC): perf-cppflags
# Source files. ###############################################################
# Every source file used in upb should appear here.
# The core library -- the absolute minimum you must compile in to successfully
# bootstrap.
src/descriptor.c \
src/upb.c \
src/upb_table.c \
src/upb_string.c \
src/upb_def.c \
# Common encoders/decoders and upb_msg -- you're almost certain to want these.
src/upb_decoder.c \
src/upb_stdio.c \
src/upb_textprinter.c \
src/upb_strstream.c \
src/upb_msg.c \
src/upb_glue.c \
# Parts of core that are yet to be converted.
OTHERSRC=src/upb_encoder.c src/upb_text.c
benchmarks/main.c \
benchmarks/parsestream.upb_table.c \
tests/test_decoder.c \
tests/test_def.c \
tests/test_stream.c \
tests/test_string.c \
tests/tests.c \
# Rules. #######################################################################
rm -rf $(LIBUPB) $(LIBUPB_PIC)
rm -rf $(call rwildcard,,*.o) $(call rwildcard,,*.lo) $(call rwildcard,,*.gcno) $(call rwildcard,,*.dSYM)
rm -rf benchmark/google_messages.proto.pb benchmark/google_messages.pb.* benchmarks/b.* benchmarks/*.pb*
rm -rf $(TESTS) tests/t.*
rm -rf src/descriptor.pb
rm -rf tools/upbc deps
cd lang_ext/python && python clean --all
# Core library (libupb.a).
lib: $(LIBUPB)
OBJ=$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRC))
PICOBJ=$(patsubst %.c,%.lo,$(SRC))
@echo AR $(LIBUPB)
@ar rcs $(LIBUPB) $(OBJ)
@echo AR $(LIBUPB_PIC)
@ar rcs $(LIBUPB_PIC) $(PICOBJ)
%.o : %.c
@echo CC $<
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
%.lo : %.c
@echo 'CC -fPIC' $<
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< -fPIC
# Override the optimization level for upb_def.o, because it is not in the
# critical path but gets very large when -O3 is used.
src/upb_def.o: src/upb_def.c
@echo CC $<
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -O0 -c -o $@ $<
src/upb_def.lo: src/upb_def.c
@echo 'CC -fPIC' $<
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -O0 -c -o $@ $< -fPIC
# Function to expand a wildcard pattern recursively.
rwildcard=$(strip $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2)$(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)))
ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin)
CPPFLAGS += -I/usr/include/lua5.1
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib -llua
CFLAGS += $(strip $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags lua || pkg-config --cflags lua5.1))
LDFLAGS += $(strip $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --libs lua || pkg-config --libs lua5.1))
lang_ext/lua/ lang_ext/lua/upb.lo
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $< src/libupb_pic.a
# Regenerating the auto-generated files in src/.
src/descriptor.pb: src/descriptor.proto
# TODO: replace with upbc
protoc src/descriptor.proto -osrc/descriptor.pb
descriptorgen: src/descriptor.pb tools/upbc
@# Regenerate descriptor_const.h
./tools/upbc -o src/descriptor src/descriptor.pb
cd src && xxd -i descriptor.pb > descriptor.c
# Language extensions.
python: $(LIBUPB_PIC)
cd lang_ext/python && python build
# Tests. #######################################################################
tests/test.proto.pb: tests/test.proto
# TODO: replace with upbc
protoc tests/test.proto -otests/test.proto.pb
tests/test_string \
tests/test_table \
tests/test_def \
tests/test_stream \
tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 \
tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2 \
tests/test.proto.pb \
# tests/test_decoder \
tests: $(TESTS)
VALGRIND=valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1
test: tests
@echo Running all tests under valgrind.
@set -e # Abort on error.
@for test in $(TESTS); do \
if [ -x ./$$test ] ; then \
echo !!! $(VALGRIND) ./$$test; \
$(VALGRIND) ./$$test || exit 1; \
fi \
done; \
echo "All tests passed!"
tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 \
tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2: \
tests/ $(LIBUPB) benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb \
@echo CXX $< '(benchmarks::SpeedMessage1)'
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage1\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_message1.dat\" \
-DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage1" \
-DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.pb.h\" \
benchmarks/ -lprotobuf -lpthread $(LIBUPB)
@echo CXX $< '(benchmarks::SpeedMessage2)'
@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2 $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage2\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_message2.dat\" \
-DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage2" \
-DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.pb.h\" \
benchmarks/ -lprotobuf -lpthread $(LIBUPB)
tests/test_table: tests/
@# Includes <hash_set> which is a deprecated header.
@echo CXX $<
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -Wno-deprecated -o $@ $< $(LIBUPB)
tests/tests: src/libupb.a
# Tools
tools: tools/upbc
tools/upbc: $(LIBUPB)
# Benchmarks. ##################################################################
# Benchmarks
UPB_BENCHMARKS=benchmarks/b.parsestream_googlemessage1.upb_table \
benchmarks/b.parsestream_googlemessage2.upb_table \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.upb_table_byref \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.proto2_table \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.proto2_table \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.proto2_compiled \
upb_benchmarks: $(UPB_BENCHMARKS)
benchmarks: $(BENCHMARKS)
@rm -f benchmarks/results
@rm -rf benchmarks/*.dSYM
@for test in benchmarks/b.* ; do ./$$test ; done
benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb: benchmarks/google_messages.proto
@# TODO: replace with upbc.
protoc benchmarks/google_messages.proto -obenchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb
benchmarks/ benchmarks/google_messages.proto
protoc benchmarks/google_messages.proto --cpp_out=.
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.upb_table_byval \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.upb_table_byref \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.upb_table_byval \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.upb_table_byref: \
benchmarks/parsetostruct.upb_table.c $(LIBUPB) benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.upb_table_byval $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage1\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message1.dat\" \
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.upb_table_byref $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage1\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message1.dat\" \
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.upb_table_byval $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage2\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message2.dat\" \
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.upb_table_byref $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage2\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message2.dat\" \
benchmarks/b.parsestream_googlemessage1.upb_table \
benchmarks/b.parsestream_googlemessage2.upb_table: \
benchmarks/parsestream.upb_table.c $(LIBUPB) benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsestream_googlemessage1.upb_table $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage1\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message1.dat\" \
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsestream_googlemessage2.upb_table $< \
-DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage2\" \
-DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"google_messages.proto.pb\" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message2.dat\" \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.proto2_table \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.proto2_table: \
benchmarks/ benchmarks/
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.proto2_table $< \
-DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage1" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message1.dat\" \
-DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"google_messages.pb.h\" \
benchmarks/ -lprotobuf -lpthread
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.proto2_table $< \
-DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage2" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message2.dat\" \
-DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"google_messages.pb.h\" \
benchmarks/ -lprotobuf -lpthread
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.proto2_compiled \
benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.proto2_compiled: \
benchmarks/ \
benchmarks/ benchmarks/
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage1.proto2_compiled $< \
-DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage1" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message1.dat\" \
-DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"google_messages.pb.h\" \
benchmarks/ -lprotobuf -lpthread
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.proto2_compiled $< \
-DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage2" \
-DMESSAGE_FILE=\"google_message2.dat\" \
-DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"google_messages.pb.h\" \
benchmarks/ -lprotobuf -lpthread