Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/hpb/gen_messages.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/hpb/context.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/hpb/gen_accessors.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/hpb/gen_enums.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/hpb/gen_extensions.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/hpb/gen_utils.h"
#include "google/protobuf/compiler/hpb/names.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "upb_generator/c/names.h"
Created proper `names.h` headers for all upb generators. The goal of the `names.h` convention is to have a single canonical place where a code generator can define the set of symbols it exports to other code generators, and a canonical place where the name mangling logic is implemented. Each upb code generator now has its own `names.h` file defining the symbols that it owns & exports: * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/c/names.h` (for `foo.upb.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/minitable/names.h` (for `foo.upb_minitable.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/reflection/names.h` (for `foo.upbdefs.h` files) This is a significant improvement over the previous situation where the name mangling functions were co-mingled in `common.h`/`mangle.h`, or sprinkled throughout the generators, with no clear structure for which code generator owns which symbols. With this structure in place, the visibility lists for the various `names.h` files provide a clear dependency graph for how different generators depend on each other. In general, we want to keep dependencies on the "C" code generator to a minimum, since it is the largest and most complicated of upb's generated APIs, and is also the most prone to symbol name clashes. Note that upb's `names.h` headers are somewhat unusual, in that we do not want them to depend on C++'s reflection or upb's reflection. Most `names.h` headers in protobuf would use types like `proto2::Descriptor`, but we don't want upb to depend on C++ reflection, especially during its bootstrapping process. We also don't want to force users to build upb defs just to use these name mangling functions. So we use only plain string types like `absl::string_view` and `std::string`. PiperOrigin-RevId: 672397247
7 months ago
#include "upb_generator/minitable/names.h"
namespace google::protobuf::hpb_generator {
namespace protobuf = ::proto2;
using Sub = protobuf::io::Printer::Sub;
void WriteModelAccessDeclaration(const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
Context& ctx);
void WriteModelPublicDeclaration(
const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
const std::vector<const protobuf::EnumDescriptor*>& file_enums,
Context& ctx);
void WriteExtensionIdentifiersInClassHeader(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
Context& ctx);
void WriteModelProxyDeclaration(const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
Context& ctx);
void WriteModelCProxyDeclaration(const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
Context& ctx);
void WriteInternalForwardDeclarationsInHeader(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Context& ctx);
void WriteDefaultInstanceHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
Context& ctx);
void WriteExtensionIdentifiersImplementation(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
Context& ctx);
void WriteUsingEnumsInHeader(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
const std::vector<const protobuf::EnumDescriptor*>& file_enums,
Context& ctx);
// Writes message class declarations into .upb.proto.h.
// For each proto Foo, FooAccess and FooProxy/FooCProxy are generated
// that are exposed to users as Foo , Ptr<Foo> and Ptr<const Foo>.
void WriteMessageClassDeclarations(
const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
const std::vector<const protobuf::EnumDescriptor*>& file_enums,
Context& ctx) {
if (IsMapEntryMessage(descriptor)) {
// Skip map entry generation. Low level accessors for maps are
// generated that don't require a separate map type.
// Forward declaration of Proto Class for GCC handling of free friend method.
{Sub("class_name", ClassName(descriptor)),
[&] { WriteModelAccessDeclaration(descriptor, ctx); })
[&] { WriteInternalForwardDeclarationsInHeader(descriptor, ctx); })
[&] {
WriteModelPublicDeclaration(descriptor, file_exts, file_enums,
Sub("cproxy_decl", [&] { WriteModelCProxyDeclaration(descriptor, ctx); })
Sub("proxy_decl", [&] { WriteModelProxyDeclaration(descriptor, ctx); })
class $class_name$;
namespace internal {
} // namespace internal
namespace internal {
} // namespace internal
void WriteModelAccessDeclaration(const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
Context& ctx) {
ctx.Emit({Sub("class_name", ClassName(descriptor)),
Sub("qualified_class_name", QualifiedClassName(descriptor)),
[&] { WriteFieldAccessorsInHeader(descriptor, ctx); })
[&] { WriteOneofAccessorsInHeader(descriptor, ctx); })
class $class_name$Access {
$class_name$Access() {}
$class_name$Access($upb_msg_name$* msg, upb_Arena* arena)
: msg_(msg), arena_(arena) {
assert(arena != nullptr);
$class_name$Access(const $upb_msg_name$* msg, upb_Arena* arena)
: msg_(const_cast<$upb_msg_name$*>(msg)), arena_(arena) {
assert(arena != nullptr);
friend class $qualified_class_name$;
friend class $class_name$Proxy;
friend class $class_name$CProxy;
friend struct ::hpb::internal::PrivateAccess;
$upb_msg_name$* msg_;
upb_Arena* arena_;
std::string UnderscoresToCamelCase(absl::string_view input,
bool cap_next_letter) {
std::string result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
if (absl::ascii_islower(input[i])) {
if (cap_next_letter) {
result += absl::ascii_toupper(input[i]);
} else {
result += input[i];
cap_next_letter = false;
} else if (absl::ascii_isupper(input[i])) {
// Capital letters are left as-is.
result += input[i];
cap_next_letter = false;
} else if (absl::ascii_isdigit(input[i])) {
result += input[i];
cap_next_letter = true;
} else {
cap_next_letter = true;
return result;
std::string FieldConstantName(const protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field) {
std::string field_name = UnderscoresToCamelCase(field->name(), true);
std::string result = absl::StrCat("k", field_name, "FieldNumber");
if (!field->is_extension() &&
field->camelcase_name()) != field) {
// This field's camelcase name is not unique, add field number to make it
// unique.
absl::StrAppend(&result, "_", field->number());
return result;
void WriteConstFieldNumbers(Context& ctx,
const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor) {
for (auto field : FieldRange(descriptor)) {
ctx.EmitLegacy("static constexpr ::uint32_t $0 = $1;\n",
FieldConstantName(field), field->number());
void WriteModelPublicDeclaration(
const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
const std::vector<const protobuf::EnumDescriptor*>& file_enums,
Context& ctx) {
class $0 final : private internal::$0Access {
using Access = internal::$0Access;
using Proxy = internal::$0Proxy;
using CProxy = internal::$0CProxy;
$0(const $0& from);
$0& operator=(const $3& from);
$0(const CProxy& from);
$0(const Proxy& from);
$0& operator=(const CProxy& from);
$0($0&& m)
: Access(std::exchange(m.msg_, nullptr),
std::exchange(m.arena_, nullptr)),
owned_arena_(std::move(m.owned_arena_)) {}
$0& operator=($0&& m) {
msg_ = std::exchange(m.msg_, nullptr);
arena_ = std::exchange(m.arena_, nullptr);
owned_arena_ = std::move(m.owned_arena_);
return *this;
Created proper `names.h` headers for all upb generators. The goal of the `names.h` convention is to have a single canonical place where a code generator can define the set of symbols it exports to other code generators, and a canonical place where the name mangling logic is implemented. Each upb code generator now has its own `names.h` file defining the symbols that it owns & exports: * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/c/names.h` (for `foo.upb.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/minitable/names.h` (for `foo.upb_minitable.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/reflection/names.h` (for `foo.upbdefs.h` files) This is a significant improvement over the previous situation where the name mangling functions were co-mingled in `common.h`/`mangle.h`, or sprinkled throughout the generators, with no clear structure for which code generator owns which symbols. With this structure in place, the visibility lists for the various `names.h` files provide a clear dependency graph for how different generators depend on each other. In general, we want to keep dependencies on the "C" code generator to a minimum, since it is the largest and most complicated of upb's generated APIs, and is also the most prone to symbol name clashes. Note that upb's `names.h` headers are somewhat unusual, in that we do not want them to depend on C++'s reflection or upb's reflection. Most `names.h` headers in protobuf would use types like `proto2::Descriptor`, but we don't want upb to depend on C++ reflection, especially during its bootstrapping process. We also don't want to force users to build upb defs just to use these name mangling functions. So we use only plain string types like `absl::string_view` and `std::string`. PiperOrigin-RevId: 672397247
7 months ago
WriteUsingAccessorsInHeader(descriptor, MessageClassType::kMessage, ctx);
WriteUsingEnumsInHeader(descriptor, file_enums, ctx);
WriteDefaultInstanceHeader(descriptor, ctx);
WriteExtensionIdentifiersInClassHeader(descriptor, file_exts, ctx);
if (descriptor->extension_range_count()) {
// for typetrait checking
ctx.EmitLegacy("using ExtendableType = $0;\n", ClassName(descriptor));
// Note: free function friends that are templates such as ::hpb::Parse
// require explicit <$2> type parameter in declaration to be able to compile
// with gcc otherwise the compiler will fail with
// "has not been declared within namespace" error. Even though there is a
// namespace qualifier, cross namespace matching fails.
static const upb_MiniTable* minitable();
WriteConstFieldNumbers(ctx, descriptor);
const upb_Message* msg() const { return UPB_UPCAST(msg_); }
upb_Message* msg() { return UPB_UPCAST(msg_); }
upb_Arena* arena() const { return arena_; }
$0(upb_Message* msg, upb_Arena* arena) : $0Access() {
msg_ = ($1*)msg;
arena_ = owned_arena_.ptr();
upb_Arena_Fuse(arena_, arena);
::hpb::Arena owned_arena_;
friend struct ::hpb::internal::PrivateAccess;
friend Proxy;
friend CProxy;
friend absl::StatusOr<$2>(::hpb::Parse<$2>(absl::string_view bytes,
int options));
friend absl::StatusOr<$2>(::hpb::Parse<$2>(
absl::string_view bytes,
const ::hpb::ExtensionRegistry& extension_registry, int options));
friend upb_Arena* hpb::interop::upb::GetArena<$0>($0* message);
friend upb_Arena* hpb::interop::upb::GetArena<$0>(::hpb::Ptr<$0> message);
friend $0(hpb::interop::upb::MoveMessage<$0>(upb_Message* msg,
upb_Arena* arena));
void WriteModelProxyDeclaration(const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
Context& ctx) {
// Foo::Proxy.
class $0Proxy final : private internal::$0Access {
$0Proxy() = delete;
$0Proxy(const $0Proxy& m) : internal::$0Access() {
msg_ = m.msg_;
arena_ = m.arena_;
$0Proxy($0* m) : internal::$0Access() {
msg_ = m->msg_;
arena_ = m->arena_;
$0Proxy operator=(const $0Proxy& m) {
msg_ = m.msg_;
arena_ = m.arena_;
return *this;
WriteUsingAccessorsInHeader(descriptor, MessageClassType::kMessageProxy, ctx);
upb_Message* msg() const { return UPB_UPCAST(msg_); }
upb_Arena* arena() const { return arena_; }
$0Proxy(upb_Message* msg, upb_Arena* arena)
: internal::$0Access(($1*)msg, arena) {}
friend $0::Proxy(::hpb::CreateMessage<$0>(::hpb::Arena& arena));
friend $0::Proxy(hpb::interop::upb::MakeHandle<$0>(upb_Message*, upb_Arena*));
friend struct ::hpb::internal::PrivateAccess;
friend class RepeatedFieldProxy;
friend class $0CProxy;
friend class $0Access;
friend class ::hpb::Ptr<$0>;
friend class ::hpb::Ptr<const $0>;
static const upb_MiniTable* minitable() { return $0::minitable(); }
friend const upb_MiniTable* ::hpb::interop::upb::GetMiniTable<$0Proxy>(
const $0Proxy* message);
friend const upb_MiniTable* ::hpb::interop::upb::GetMiniTable<$0Proxy>(
::hpb::Ptr<$0Proxy> message);
friend upb_Arena* hpb::interop::upb::GetArena<$2>($2* message);
friend upb_Arena* hpb::interop::upb::GetArena<$2>(::hpb::Ptr<$2> message);
static void Rebind($0Proxy& lhs, const $0Proxy& rhs) {
lhs.msg_ = rhs.msg_;
lhs.arena_ = rhs.arena_;
void WriteModelCProxyDeclaration(const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
Context& ctx) {
// Foo::CProxy.
class $0CProxy final : private internal::$0Access {
$0CProxy() = delete;
$0CProxy(const $0* m)
: internal::$0Access(m->msg_, hpb::interop::upb::GetArena(m)) {}
$0CProxy($0Proxy m);
WriteUsingAccessorsInHeader(descriptor, MessageClassType::kMessageCProxy,
using AsNonConst = $0Proxy;
const upb_Message* msg() const { return UPB_UPCAST(msg_); }
upb_Arena* arena() const { return arena_; }
$0CProxy(const upb_Message* msg, upb_Arena* arena)
: internal::$0Access(($1*)msg, arena){};
friend struct ::hpb::internal::PrivateAccess;
friend class RepeatedFieldProxy;
friend class ::hpb::Ptr<$0>;
friend class ::hpb::Ptr<const $0>;
static const upb_MiniTable* minitable() { return $0::minitable(); }
friend const upb_MiniTable* ::hpb::interop::upb::GetMiniTable<$0CProxy>(
const $0CProxy* message);
friend const upb_MiniTable* ::hpb::interop::upb::GetMiniTable<$0CProxy>(
::hpb::Ptr<$0CProxy> message);
static void Rebind($0CProxy& lhs, const $0CProxy& rhs) {
lhs.msg_ = rhs.msg_;
lhs.arena_ = rhs.arena_;
void WriteDefaultInstanceHeader(const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
Context& ctx) {
ctx.EmitLegacy(" static ::hpb::Ptr<const $0> default_instance();\n",
void WriteMessageImplementation(
const protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
Context& ctx) {
bool message_is_map_entry = descriptor->options().map_entry();
if (!message_is_map_entry) {
// Constructor.
$0::$0() : $0Access() {
arena_ = owned_arena_.ptr();
msg_ = $1_new(arena_);
$0::$0(const $0& from) : $0Access() {
arena_ = owned_arena_.ptr();
msg_ = ($1*)::hpb::internal::DeepClone(UPB_UPCAST(from.msg_), &$2, arena_);
$0::$0(const CProxy& from) : $0Access() {
arena_ = owned_arena_.ptr();
msg_ = ($1*)::hpb::internal::DeepClone(
::hpb::interop::upb::GetMessage(&from), &$2, arena_);
$0::$0(const Proxy& from) : $0(static_cast<const CProxy&>(from)) {}
internal::$0CProxy::$0CProxy($0Proxy m) : $0Access() {
arena_ = m.arena_;
msg_ = ($1*)::hpb::interop::upb::GetMessage(&m);
$0& $0::operator=(const $3& from) {
arena_ = owned_arena_.ptr();
msg_ = ($1*)::hpb::internal::DeepClone(UPB_UPCAST(from.msg_), &$2, arena_);
return *this;
$0& $0::operator=(const CProxy& from) {
arena_ = owned_arena_.ptr();
msg_ = ($1*)::hpb::internal::DeepClone(
::hpb::interop::upb::GetMessage(&from), &$2, arena_);
return *this;
Created proper `names.h` headers for all upb generators. The goal of the `names.h` convention is to have a single canonical place where a code generator can define the set of symbols it exports to other code generators, and a canonical place where the name mangling logic is implemented. Each upb code generator now has its own `names.h` file defining the symbols that it owns & exports: * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/c/names.h` (for `foo.upb.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/minitable/names.h` (for `foo.upb_minitable.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/reflection/names.h` (for `foo.upbdefs.h` files) This is a significant improvement over the previous situation where the name mangling functions were co-mingled in `common.h`/`mangle.h`, or sprinkled throughout the generators, with no clear structure for which code generator owns which symbols. With this structure in place, the visibility lists for the various `names.h` files provide a clear dependency graph for how different generators depend on each other. In general, we want to keep dependencies on the "C" code generator to a minimum, since it is the largest and most complicated of upb's generated APIs, and is also the most prone to symbol name clashes. Note that upb's `names.h` headers are somewhat unusual, in that we do not want them to depend on C++'s reflection or upb's reflection. Most `names.h` headers in protobuf would use types like `proto2::Descriptor`, but we don't want upb to depend on C++ reflection, especially during its bootstrapping process. We also don't want to force users to build upb defs just to use these name mangling functions. So we use only plain string types like `absl::string_view` and `std::string`. PiperOrigin-RevId: 672397247
7 months ago
// Minitable
const upb_MiniTable* $0::minitable() { return &$1; }
Created proper `names.h` headers for all upb generators. The goal of the `names.h` convention is to have a single canonical place where a code generator can define the set of symbols it exports to other code generators, and a canonical place where the name mangling logic is implemented. Each upb code generator now has its own `names.h` file defining the symbols that it owns & exports: * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/c/names.h` (for `foo.upb.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/minitable/names.h` (for `foo.upb_minitable.h` files) * `third_party/upb/upb_generator/reflection/names.h` (for `foo.upbdefs.h` files) This is a significant improvement over the previous situation where the name mangling functions were co-mingled in `common.h`/`mangle.h`, or sprinkled throughout the generators, with no clear structure for which code generator owns which symbols. With this structure in place, the visibility lists for the various `names.h` files provide a clear dependency graph for how different generators depend on each other. In general, we want to keep dependencies on the "C" code generator to a minimum, since it is the largest and most complicated of upb's generated APIs, and is also the most prone to symbol name clashes. Note that upb's `names.h` headers are somewhat unusual, in that we do not want them to depend on C++'s reflection or upb's reflection. Most `names.h` headers in protobuf would use types like `proto2::Descriptor`, but we don't want upb to depend on C++ reflection, especially during its bootstrapping process. We also don't want to force users to build upb defs just to use these name mangling functions. So we use only plain string types like `absl::string_view` and `std::string`. PiperOrigin-RevId: 672397247
7 months ago
WriteAccessorsInSource(descriptor, ctx);
if (!message_is_map_entry) {
struct $0DefaultTypeInternal {
$1* msg;
upb_Arena* arena;
static $0DefaultTypeInternal _$0DefaultTypeBuilder() {
upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New();
return $0DefaultTypeInternal{$1_new(arena), arena};
$0DefaultTypeInternal _$0_default_instance_ = _$0DefaultTypeBuilder();
::hpb::Ptr<const $0> $0::default_instance() {
return ::hpb::interop::upb::MakeCHandle<$0>(
(upb_Message *)_$0_default_instance_.msg,
WriteExtensionIdentifiersImplementation(descriptor, file_exts, ctx);
void WriteInternalForwardDeclarationsInHeader(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message, Context& ctx) {
// Write declaration for internal re-usable default_instance without
// leaking implementation.
struct $0DefaultTypeInternal;
extern $0DefaultTypeInternal _$0_default_instance_;
void WriteExtensionIdentifiersInClassHeader(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
Context& ctx) {
for (auto* ext : file_exts) {
if (ext->extension_scope() &&
ext->extension_scope()->full_name() == message->full_name()) {
WriteExtensionIdentifierHeader(ext, ctx);
void WriteExtensionIdentifiersImplementation(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
const std::vector<const protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>& file_exts,
Context& ctx) {
for (auto* ext : file_exts) {
if (ext->extension_scope() &&
ext->extension_scope()->full_name() == message->full_name()) {
WriteExtensionIdentifier(ext, ctx);
void WriteUsingEnumsInHeader(
const protobuf::Descriptor* message,
const std::vector<const protobuf::EnumDescriptor*>& file_enums,
Context& ctx) {
for (auto* enum_descriptor : file_enums) {
std::string enum_type_name = EnumTypeName(enum_descriptor);
std::string enum_resolved_type_name =
enum_descriptor->file()->package().empty() &&
enum_descriptor->containing_type() == nullptr
? absl::StrCat(kNoPackageNamePrefix,
: enum_type_name;
if (enum_descriptor->containing_type() == nullptr ||
enum_descriptor->containing_type()->full_name() !=
message->full_name()) {
ctx.EmitLegacy("using $0", enum_descriptor->name());
if (enum_descriptor->options().deprecated()) {
ctx.EmitLegacy(" ABSL_DEPRECATED(\"Proto enum $0\")",
ctx.EmitLegacy(" = $0;", enum_resolved_type_name);
int value_count = enum_descriptor->value_count();
for (int i = 0; i < value_count; i++) {
ctx.EmitLegacy("static constexpr $0 $1", enum_descriptor->name(),
if (enum_descriptor->options().deprecated() ||
enum_descriptor->value(i)->options().deprecated()) {
ctx.EmitLegacy(" ABSL_DEPRECATED(\"Proto enum value $0\") ",
ctx.EmitLegacy(" = $0;\n",
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google::hpb_generator