syntax = "proto3";
package foo;
import 'google/protobuf/any.proto';
import 'google/protobuf/struct.proto';
import 'google/protobuf/wrappers.proto';
import 'proto/test_empty_php_namespace.proto';
import 'proto/test_include.proto';
import 'proto/test_no_namespace.proto';
import 'proto/test_php_namespace.proto';
import 'proto/test_prefix.proto';
message TestMessage {
// Singular
int32 optional_int32 = 1;
int64 optional_int64 = 2;
uint32 optional_uint32 = 3;
uint64 optional_uint64 = 4;
sint32 optional_sint32 = 5;
sint64 optional_sint64 = 6;
fixed32 optional_fixed32 = 7;
fixed64 optional_fixed64 = 8;
sfixed32 optional_sfixed32 = 9;
sfixed64 optional_sfixed64 = 10;
float optional_float = 11;
double optional_double = 12;
bool optional_bool = 13;
string optional_string = 14;
bytes optional_bytes = 15;
TestEnum optional_enum = 16;
Sub optional_message = 17;
bar.TestInclude optional_included_message = 18;
TestMessage recursive = 19;
// True optional
optional int32 true_optional_int32 = 201;
optional int64 true_optional_int64 = 202;
optional uint32 true_optional_uint32 = 203;
optional uint64 true_optional_uint64 = 204;
optional sint32 true_optional_sint32 = 205;
optional sint64 true_optional_sint64 = 206;
optional fixed32 true_optional_fixed32 = 207;
optional fixed64 true_optional_fixed64 = 208;
optional sfixed32 true_optional_sfixed32 = 209;
optional sfixed64 true_optional_sfixed64 = 210;
optional float true_optional_float = 211;
optional double true_optional_double = 212;
optional bool true_optional_bool = 213;
optional string true_optional_string = 214;
optional bytes true_optional_bytes = 215;
optional TestEnum true_optional_enum = 216;
optional Sub true_optional_message = 217;
optional bar.TestInclude true_optional_included_message = 218;
// Repeated
repeated int32 repeated_int32 = 31;
repeated int64 repeated_int64 = 32;
repeated uint32 repeated_uint32 = 33;
repeated uint64 repeated_uint64 = 34;
repeated sint32 repeated_sint32 = 35;
repeated sint64 repeated_sint64 = 36;
repeated fixed32 repeated_fixed32 = 37;
repeated fixed64 repeated_fixed64 = 38;
repeated sfixed32 repeated_sfixed32 = 39;
repeated sfixed64 repeated_sfixed64 = 40;
repeated float repeated_float = 41;
repeated double repeated_double = 42;
repeated bool repeated_bool = 43;
repeated string repeated_string = 44;
repeated bytes repeated_bytes = 45;
repeated TestEnum repeated_enum = 46;
repeated Sub repeated_message = 47;
repeated TestMessage repeated_recursive = 48;
oneof my_oneof {
int32 oneof_int32 = 51;
int64 oneof_int64 = 52;
uint32 oneof_uint32 = 53;
uint64 oneof_uint64 = 54;
uint32 oneof_sint32 = 55;
uint64 oneof_sint64 = 56;
uint32 oneof_fixed32 = 57;
uint64 oneof_fixed64 = 58;
uint32 oneof_sfixed32 = 59;
uint64 oneof_sfixed64 = 60;
double oneof_double = 61;
float oneof_float = 62;
bool oneof_bool = 63;
string oneof_string = 64;
bytes oneof_bytes = 65;
TestEnum oneof_enum = 66;
Sub oneof_message = 67;
map<int32, int32> map_int32_int32 = 71;
map<int64, int64> map_int64_int64 = 72;
map<uint32, uint32> map_uint32_uint32 = 73;
map<uint64, uint64> map_uint64_uint64 = 74;
map<sint32, sint32> map_sint32_sint32 = 75;
map<sint64, sint64> map_sint64_sint64 = 76;
map<fixed32, fixed32> map_fixed32_fixed32 = 77;
map<fixed64, fixed64> map_fixed64_fixed64 = 78;
map<sfixed32, sfixed32> map_sfixed32_sfixed32 = 79;
map<sfixed64, sfixed64> map_sfixed64_sfixed64 = 80;
map<int32, float> map_int32_float = 81;
map<int32, double> map_int32_double = 82;
map<bool, bool> map_bool_bool = 83;
map<string, string> map_string_string = 84;
map<int32, bytes> map_int32_bytes = 85;
map<int32, TestEnum> map_int32_enum = 86;
map<int32, Sub> map_int32_message = 87;
map<int32, TestMessage> map_recursive = 88;
message Sub {
int32 a = 1;
repeated int32 b = 2;
// Reserved for non-existing field test.
// int32 non_exist = 89;
NoNamespaceMessage optional_no_namespace_message = 91;
NoNamespaceEnum optional_no_namespace_enum = 92;
repeated NoNamespaceMessage repeated_no_namespace_message = 93;
repeated NoNamespaceEnum repeated_no_namespace_enum = 94;
enum NestedEnum {
ZERO = 0;
NestedEnum optional_nested_enum = 101;
// Test prefix for reserved words.
message Empty {
int32 a = 1;
reserved 111;
// Test map with missing message value
map<string, TestMessage> map_string_message = 121;
map<string, google.protobuf.Any> map_string_any = 122;
map<string, google.protobuf.ListValue> map_string_list = 123;
map<string, google.protobuf.Struct> map_string_struct = 124;
// deprecated field
int32 deprecated_int32 = 125 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated optional field
optional int32 deprecated_optional_int32 = 126 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated wrapped field
google.protobuf.Int32Value deprecated_int32_value = 127 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated oneof
oneof deprecated_oneof {
int32 deprecated_oneof_int32 = 128 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated repeated field
repeated int32 deprecated_repeated_int32 = 129 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated map
map<int32, int32> deprecated_map_int32_int32 = 130 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated any
google.protobuf.Any deprecated_any = 131 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated message
TestMessage deprecated_message = 132 [deprecated = true];
// deprecated enum
NestedEnum deprecated_enum = 133 [deprecated = true];
enum TestEnum {
ZERO = 0;
ONE = 1;
TWO = 2;
ECHO = 3; // Test reserved name.
// Test prefix for reserved words.
message Empty {
int32 a = 1;
message ARRAY {
int32 a = 1;
message EmptyAnySerialization {
string a = 1;
message TestPackedMessage {
repeated int32 repeated_int32 = 90 [packed = true];
repeated int64 repeated_int64 = 91 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 repeated_uint32 = 92 [packed = true];
repeated uint64 repeated_uint64 = 93 [packed = true];
repeated sint32 repeated_sint32 = 94 [packed = true];
repeated sint64 repeated_sint64 = 95 [packed = true];
repeated fixed32 repeated_fixed32 = 96 [packed = true];
repeated fixed64 repeated_fixed64 = 97 [packed = true];
repeated sfixed32 repeated_sfixed32 = 98 [packed = true];
repeated sfixed64 repeated_sfixed64 = 99 [packed = true];
repeated float repeated_float = 100 [packed = true];
repeated double repeated_double = 101 [packed = true];
repeated bool repeated_bool = 102 [packed = true];
repeated TestEnum repeated_enum = 103 [packed = true];
// Need to be in sync with TestPackedMessage.
message TestUnpackedMessage {
repeated int32 repeated_int32 = 90 [packed = false];
repeated int64 repeated_int64 = 91 [packed = false];
repeated uint32 repeated_uint32 = 92 [packed = false];
repeated uint64 repeated_uint64 = 93 [packed = false];
repeated sint32 repeated_sint32 = 94 [packed = false];
repeated sint64 repeated_sint64 = 95 [packed = false];
repeated fixed32 repeated_fixed32 = 96 [packed = false];
repeated fixed64 repeated_fixed64 = 97 [packed = false];
repeated sfixed32 repeated_sfixed32 = 98 [packed = false];
repeated sfixed64 repeated_sfixed64 = 99 [packed = false];
repeated float repeated_float = 100 [packed = false];
repeated double repeated_double = 101 [packed = false];
repeated bool repeated_bool = 102 [packed = false];
repeated TestEnum repeated_enum = 103 [packed = false];
// /**/@<>&\{
message TestPhpDoc {
int32 a = 1;
message TestIncludePrefixMessage {
TestPrefix prefix_message = 1;
message TestIncludeNamespaceMessage {
TestNamespace namespace_message = 1;
TestEmptyNamespace empty_namespace_message = 2;
// This will cause upb fields not ordered by the order in the generated code.
message TestRandomFieldOrder {
int64 tag13 = 150;
string tag14 = 160;
message TestLargeFieldNumber {
int32 large_field_number = 536870911;
message TestReverseFieldOrder {
repeated int32 a = 2;
string b = 1;
message testLowerCaseMessage {}
enum testLowerCaseEnum {
VALUE = 0;
message TestAny {
google.protobuf.Any any = 1;
message TestInt32Value {
google.protobuf.Int32Value field = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.Int32Value repeated_field = 2;
oneof oneof_fields {
google.protobuf.Int32Value oneof_field = 3;
int32 int32_field = 4;
message TestInt64Value {
google.protobuf.Int64Value field = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.Int64Value repeated_field = 2;
oneof oneof_fields {
google.protobuf.Int64Value oneof_field = 3;
int32 int32_field = 4;
message TestUInt32Value {
google.protobuf.UInt32Value field = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.UInt32Value repeated_field = 2;
oneof oneof_fields {
google.protobuf.UInt32Value oneof_field = 3;
int32 int32_field = 4;
message TestUInt64Value {
google.protobuf.UInt64Value field = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.UInt64Value repeated_field = 2;
oneof oneof_fields {
google.protobuf.UInt64Value oneof_field = 3;
int32 int32_field = 4;
message TestBoolValue {
google.protobuf.BoolValue field = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.BoolValue repeated_field = 2;
oneof oneof_fields {
google.protobuf.BoolValue oneof_field = 3;
int32 int32_field = 4;
message TestStringValue {
google.protobuf.StringValue field = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.StringValue repeated_field = 2;
oneof oneof_fields {
google.protobuf.StringValue oneof_field = 3;
int32 int32_field = 4;
map<int32, google.protobuf.StringValue> map_field = 5;
message TestBytesValue {
google.protobuf.BytesValue field = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.BytesValue repeated_field = 2;
oneof oneof_fields {
google.protobuf.BytesValue oneof_field = 3;
int32 int32_field = 4;
message Test32Fields {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional uint32 random_name_a0 = 2;
optional uint32 random_name_a1 = 3;
optional uint32 random_name_a2 = 4;
optional uint32 random_name_a3 = 5;
optional uint32 random_name_a4 = 6;
optional uint32 random_name_a5 = 7;
optional uint32 random_name_a6 = 8;
optional uint32 random_name_a7 = 9;
optional uint32 random_name_a8 = 10;
optional uint32 random_name_a9 = 11;
optional uint32 random_name_b0 = 12;
optional uint32 random_name_b1 = 13;
optional uint32 random_name_b2 = 14;
optional uint32 random_name_b3 = 15;
optional uint32 random_name_b4 = 16;
optional uint32 random_name_b5 = 17;
optional uint32 random_name_b6 = 18;
optional uint32 random_name_b7 = 19;
optional uint32 random_name_b8 = 20;
optional uint32 random_name_b9 = 21;
optional uint32 random_name_c0 = 22;
optional uint32 random_name_c1 = 23;
optional uint32 random_name_c2 = 24;
optional uint32 random_name_c3 = 25;
optional uint32 random_name_c4 = 26;
optional uint32 random_name_c5 = 27;
optional uint32 random_name_c6 = 28;
optional uint32 random_name_c7 = 29;
optional uint32 random_name_c8 = 30;
optional uint32 random_name_c9 = 31;
optional string version = 32;