// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
#import "GPBCodedOutputStream.h"
#import "GPBCodedOutputStream_PackagePrivate.h"
#import <mach/vm_param.h>
#import "GPBArray.h"
#import "GPBUtilities.h"
#import "GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h"
// TODO: Consider using on other functions to reduce bloat when
// some compiler optimizations are enabled.
#define GPB_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
// These values are the existing values so as not to break any code that might
// have already been inspecting them when they weren't documented/exposed.
NSString *const GPBCodedOutputStreamException_OutOfSpace = @"OutOfSpace";
NSString *const GPBCodedOutputStreamException_WriteFailed = @"WriteFailed";
// Structure for containing state of a GPBCodedInputStream. Brought out into
// a struct so that we can inline several common functions instead of dealing
// with overhead of ObjC dispatch.
typedef struct GPBOutputBufferState {
uint8_t *bytes;
size_t size;
size_t position;
size_t bytesFlushed;
NSOutputStream *output;
} GPBOutputBufferState;
@implementation GPBCodedOutputStream {
GPBOutputBufferState state_;
NSMutableData *buffer_;
static const int32_t LITTLE_ENDIAN_32_SIZE = sizeof(uint32_t);
static const int32_t LITTLE_ENDIAN_64_SIZE = sizeof(uint64_t);
// Helper to write bytes to an NSOutputStream looping in case a subset is written in
// any of the attempts.
static NSInteger WriteToOutputStream(NSOutputStream *output, uint8_t *bytes, size_t length) {
size_t total = 0;
while (length) {
NSInteger written = [output write:bytes maxLength:length];
// Fast path - done.
if (written == (NSInteger)length) {
return total + written;
if (written > 0) {
// Record the subset written and continue in case it was a partial write.
total += written;
length -= written;
bytes += written;
} else if (written == 0) {
// Stream refused to write more, return what was written.
return total;
} else {
// Return the error.
return written;
return total;
// Internal helper that writes the current buffer to the output. The
// buffer position is reset to its initial value when this returns.
static void GPBRefreshBuffer(GPBOutputBufferState *state) {
if (state->output == nil) {
// We're writing to a single buffer.
[NSException raise:GPBCodedOutputStreamException_OutOfSpace format:@""];
if (state->position != 0) {
NSInteger written = WriteToOutputStream(state->output, state->bytes, state->position);
if (written != (NSInteger)state->position) {
[NSException raise:GPBCodedOutputStreamException_WriteFailed format:@""];
state->bytesFlushed += written;
state->position = 0;
static void GPBWriteRawByte(GPBOutputBufferState *state, uint8_t value) {
if (state->position == state->size) {
state->bytes[state->position++] = value;
static void GPBWriteRawVarint32(GPBOutputBufferState *state, int32_t value) {
while (YES) {
if ((value & ~0x7F) == 0) {
uint8_t val = (uint8_t)value;
GPBWriteRawByte(state, val);
} else {
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
value = GPBLogicalRightShift32(value, 7);
static void GPBWriteRawVarint64(GPBOutputBufferState *state, int64_t value) {
while (YES) {
if ((value & ~0x7FL) == 0) {
uint8_t val = (uint8_t)value;
GPBWriteRawByte(state, val);
} else {
GPBWriteRawByte(state, ((int32_t)value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
value = GPBLogicalRightShift64(value, 7);
static void GPBWriteInt32NoTag(GPBOutputBufferState *state, int32_t value) {
if (value >= 0) {
GPBWriteRawVarint32(state, value);
} else {
// Must sign-extend
GPBWriteRawVarint64(state, value);
static void GPBWriteUInt32(GPBOutputBufferState *state, int32_t fieldNumber, uint32_t value) {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(state, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(state, value);
static void GPBWriteTagWithFormat(GPBOutputBufferState *state, uint32_t fieldNumber,
GPBWireFormat format) {
GPBWriteRawVarint32(state, GPBWireFormatMakeTag(fieldNumber, format));
static void GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(GPBOutputBufferState *state, int32_t value) {
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (value) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (value >> 8) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (value >> 16) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (value >> 24) & 0xFF);
static void GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(GPBOutputBufferState *state, int64_t value) {
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value >> 8) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value >> 16) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value >> 24) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value >> 32) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value >> 40) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value >> 48) & 0xFF);
GPBWriteRawByte(state, (int32_t)(value >> 56) & 0xFF);
- (void)dealloc {
@try {
[self flush];
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
// -dealloc methods cannot fail, so swallow any exceptions from flushing.
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG
NSLog(@"GPBCodedOutputStream: Exception while flushing in dealloc: %@", exception);
[state_.output close];
[state_.output release];
[buffer_ release];
[super dealloc];
- (instancetype)initWithOutputStream:(NSOutputStream *)output {
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:PAGE_SIZE];
return [self initWithOutputStream:output data:data];
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSMutableData *)data {
return [self initWithOutputStream:nil data:data];
// This initializer isn't exposed, but it is the designated initializer.
// Setting OutputStream and NSData is to control the buffering behavior/size
// of the work, but that is more obvious via the bufferSize: version.
- (instancetype)initWithOutputStream:(NSOutputStream *)output data:(NSMutableData *)data {
if ((self = [super init])) {
buffer_ = [data retain];
state_.bytes = [data mutableBytes];
state_.size = [data length];
state_.output = [output retain];
[state_.output open];
return self;
+ (instancetype)streamWithOutputStream:(NSOutputStream *)output {
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:PAGE_SIZE];
return [[[self alloc] initWithOutputStream:output data:data] autorelease];
+ (instancetype)streamWithData:(NSMutableData *)data {
return [[[self alloc] initWithData:data] autorelease];
// Direct access is use for speed, to avoid even internally declaring things
// read/write, etc. The warning is enabled in the project to ensure code calling
// protos can turn on -Wdirect-ivar-access without issues.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdirect-ivar-access"
- (size_t)bytesWritten {
// Could use NSStreamFileCurrentOffsetKey on state_.output if there is a stream, that could be
// expensive, manually tracking what is flush keeps things faster so message serialization can
// check it.
return state_.bytesFlushed + state_.position;
- (void)writeDoubleNoTag:(double)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(&state_, GPBConvertDoubleToInt64(value));
- (void)writeDouble:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(double)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatFixed64);
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(&state_, GPBConvertDoubleToInt64(value));
- (void)writeFloatNoTag:(float)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(&state_, GPBConvertFloatToInt32(value));
- (void)writeFloat:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(float)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatFixed32);
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(&state_, GPBConvertFloatToInt32(value));
- (void)writeUInt64NoTag:(uint64_t)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeUInt64:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(uint64_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteRawVarint64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeInt64NoTag:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeInt64:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteRawVarint64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeInt32NoTag:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteInt32NoTag(&state_, value);
- (void)writeInt32:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteInt32NoTag(&state_, value);
- (void)writeFixed64NoTag:(uint64_t)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeFixed64:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(uint64_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatFixed64);
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeFixed32NoTag:(uint32_t)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(&state_, value);
- (void)writeFixed32:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(uint32_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatFixed32);
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(&state_, value);
- (void)writeBoolNoTag:(BOOL)value {
GPBWriteRawByte(&state_, (value ? 1 : 0));
- (void)writeBool:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(BOOL)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteRawByte(&state_, (value ? 1 : 0));
- (void)writeStringNoTag:(const NSString *)value {
size_t length = [value lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)length);
if (length == 0) {
const char *quickString = CFStringGetCStringPtr((CFStringRef)value, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
// Fast path: Most strings are short, if the buffer already has space,
// add to it directly.
NSUInteger bufferBytesLeft = state_.size - state_.position;
if (bufferBytesLeft >= length) {
NSUInteger usedBufferLength = 0;
BOOL result;
if (quickString != NULL) {
memcpy(state_.bytes + state_.position, quickString, length);
usedBufferLength = length;
result = YES;
} else {
result = [value getBytes:state_.bytes + state_.position
range:NSMakeRange(0, [value length])
if (result) {
NSAssert2((usedBufferLength == length), @"Our UTF8 calc was wrong? %tu vs %zd",
usedBufferLength, length);
state_.position += usedBufferLength;
} else if (quickString != NULL) {
[self writeRawPtr:quickString offset:0 length:length];
} else {
// Slow path: just get it as data and write it out.
NSData *utf8Data = [value dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSAssert2(([utf8Data length] == length), @"Strings UTF8 length was wrong? %tu vs %zd",
[utf8Data length], length);
[self writeRawData:utf8Data];
- (void)writeString:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(NSString *)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatLengthDelimited);
[self writeStringNoTag:value];
- (void)writeGroupNoTag:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(GPBMessage *)value {
[value writeToCodedOutputStream:self];
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatEndGroup);
- (void)writeGroup:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(GPBMessage *)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatStartGroup);
[self writeGroupNoTag:fieldNumber value:value];
- (void)writeMessageNoTag:(GPBMessage *)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)[value serializedSize]);
[value writeToCodedOutputStream:self];
- (void)writeMessage:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(GPBMessage *)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatLengthDelimited);
[self writeMessageNoTag:value];
- (void)writeBytesNoTag:(NSData *)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)[value length]);
[self writeRawData:value];
- (void)writeBytes:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(NSData *)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatLengthDelimited);
[self writeBytesNoTag:value];
- (void)writeUInt32NoTag:(uint32_t)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, value);
- (void)writeUInt32:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(uint32_t)value {
GPBWriteUInt32(&state_, fieldNumber, value);
- (void)writeEnumNoTag:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteInt32NoTag(&state_, value);
- (void)writeEnum:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteInt32NoTag(&state_, value);
- (void)writeSFixed32NoTag:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(&state_, value);
- (void)writeSFixed32:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatFixed32);
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(&state_, value);
- (void)writeSFixed64NoTag:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeSFixed64:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatFixed64);
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeSInt32NoTag:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, GPBEncodeZigZag32(value));
- (void)writeSInt32:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, GPBEncodeZigZag32(value));
- (void)writeSInt64NoTag:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint64(&state_, GPBEncodeZigZag64(value));
- (void)writeSInt64:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint);
GPBWriteRawVarint64(&state_, GPBEncodeZigZag64(value));
// clang-format off
//%- (void)write##NAME##Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
//% NAME$S values:(GPB##ARRAY_TYPE##Array *)values
//% NAME$S tag:(uint32_t)tag {
//% if (tag != 0) {
//% if (values.count == 0) return;
//% __block size_t dataSize = 0;
//% [values enumerate##ACCESSOR_NAME##ValuesWithBlock:^(TYPE value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
//% dataSize += GPBCompute##NAME##SizeNoTag(value);
//% }];
//% GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
//% GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
//% [values enumerate##ACCESSOR_NAME##ValuesWithBlock:^(TYPE value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
//% [self write##NAME##NoTag:value];
//% }];
//% } else {
//% [values enumerate##ACCESSOR_NAME##ValuesWithBlock:^(TYPE value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
//% [self write##NAME:fieldNumber value:value];
//% }];
//% }
//%- (void)write##NAME##Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber values:(NSArray *)values {
//% for (TYPE *value in values) {
//% [self write##NAME:fieldNumber value:value];
//% }
//%PDDM-EXPAND WRITE_PACKABLE_DEFNS(Double, Double, double, )
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeDoubleArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBDoubleArray *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(double value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeDoubleSizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(double value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeDoubleNoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(double value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeDouble:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeFloatArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBFloatArray *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(float value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeFloatSizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(float value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeFloatNoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(float value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeFloat:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeUInt64Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBUInt64Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeUInt64SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeUInt64NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeUInt64:fieldNumber value:value];
//%PDDM-EXPAND WRITE_PACKABLE_DEFNS(Int64, Int64, int64_t, )
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeInt64Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBInt64Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeInt64SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeInt64NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeInt64:fieldNumber value:value];
//%PDDM-EXPAND WRITE_PACKABLE_DEFNS(Int32, Int32, int32_t, )
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeInt32Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBInt32Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeInt32SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeInt32NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeInt32:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeUInt32Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBUInt32Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeUInt32SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeUInt32NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeUInt32:fieldNumber value:value];
//%PDDM-EXPAND WRITE_PACKABLE_DEFNS(Fixed64, UInt64, uint64_t, )
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeFixed64Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBUInt64Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeFixed64SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeFixed64NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeFixed64:fieldNumber value:value];
//%PDDM-EXPAND WRITE_PACKABLE_DEFNS(Fixed32, UInt32, uint32_t, )
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeFixed32Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBUInt32Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeFixed32SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeFixed32NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(uint32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeFixed32:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeSInt32Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBInt32Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeSInt32SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSInt32NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSInt32:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeSInt64Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBInt64Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeSInt64SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSInt64NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSInt64:fieldNumber value:value];
//%PDDM-EXPAND WRITE_PACKABLE_DEFNS(SFixed64, Int64, int64_t, )
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeSFixed64Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBInt64Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeSFixed64SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSFixed64NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int64_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSFixed64:fieldNumber value:value];
//%PDDM-EXPAND WRITE_PACKABLE_DEFNS(SFixed32, Int32, int32_t, )
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeSFixed32Array:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBInt32Array *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeSFixed32SizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSFixed32NoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeSFixed32:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeBoolArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBBoolArray *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(BOOL value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeBoolSizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(BOOL value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeBoolNoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateValuesWithBlock:^(BOOL value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeBool:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeEnumArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber
values:(GPBEnumArray *)values
tag:(uint32_t)tag {
if (tag != 0) {
if (values.count == 0) return;
__block size_t dataSize = 0;
[values enumerateRawValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx,__unused BOOL *stop) {
dataSize += GPBComputeEnumSizeNoTag(value);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, tag);
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)dataSize);
[values enumerateRawValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeEnumNoTag:value];
} else {
[values enumerateRawValuesWithBlock:^(int32_t value, __unused NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) {
[self writeEnum:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeStringArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber values:(NSArray *)values {
for (NSString *value in values) {
[self writeString:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeMessageArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber values:(NSArray *)values {
for (GPBMessage *value in values) {
[self writeMessage:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeBytesArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber values:(NSArray *)values {
for (NSData *value in values) {
[self writeBytes:fieldNumber value:value];
// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
- (void)writeGroupArray:(int32_t)fieldNumber values:(NSArray *)values {
for (GPBMessage *value in values) {
[self writeGroup:fieldNumber value:value];
//%PDDM-EXPAND-END (19 expansions)
// clang-format on
- (void)writeMessageSetExtension:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(GPBMessage *)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, GPBWireFormatMessageSetItem, GPBWireFormatStartGroup);
GPBWriteUInt32(&state_, GPBWireFormatMessageSetTypeId, fieldNumber);
[self writeMessage:GPBWireFormatMessageSetMessage value:value];
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, GPBWireFormatMessageSetItem, GPBWireFormatEndGroup);
- (void)writeRawMessageSetExtension:(int32_t)fieldNumber value:(NSData *)value {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, GPBWireFormatMessageSetItem, GPBWireFormatStartGroup);
GPBWriteUInt32(&state_, GPBWireFormatMessageSetTypeId, fieldNumber);
[self writeBytes:GPBWireFormatMessageSetMessage value:value];
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, GPBWireFormatMessageSetItem, GPBWireFormatEndGroup);
- (void)flush {
if (state_.output != nil) {
- (void)writeRawByte:(uint8_t)value {
GPBWriteRawByte(&state_, value);
- (void)writeRawData:(const NSData *)data {
[self writeRawPtr:[data bytes] offset:0 length:[data length]];
- (void)writeRawPtr:(const void *)value offset:(size_t)offset length:(size_t)length {
if (value == nil || length == 0) {
NSUInteger bufferLength = state_.size;
NSUInteger bufferBytesLeft = bufferLength - state_.position;
if (bufferBytesLeft >= length) {
// We have room in the current buffer.
memcpy(state_.bytes + state_.position, ((uint8_t *)value) + offset, length);
state_.position += length;
} else {
// Write extends past current buffer. Fill the rest of this buffer and
// flush.
size_t bytesWritten = bufferBytesLeft;
memcpy(state_.bytes + state_.position, ((uint8_t *)value) + offset, bytesWritten);
offset += bytesWritten;
length -= bytesWritten;
state_.position = bufferLength;
bufferLength = state_.size;
// Now deal with the rest.
// Since we have an output stream, this is our buffer
// and buffer offset == 0
if (length <= bufferLength) {
// Fits in new buffer.
memcpy(state_.bytes, ((uint8_t *)value) + offset, length);
state_.position = length;
} else {
// Write is very big. Let's do it all at once.
NSInteger written = WriteToOutputStream(state_.output, ((uint8_t *)value) + offset, length);
if (written != (NSInteger)length) {
[NSException raise:GPBCodedOutputStreamException_WriteFailed format:@""];
state_.bytesFlushed += written;
- (void)writeTag:(uint32_t)fieldNumber format:(GPBWireFormat)format {
GPBWriteTagWithFormat(&state_, fieldNumber, format);
- (void)writeRawVarint32:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, value);
- (void)writeRawVarintSizeTAs32:(size_t)value {
// Note the truncation.
GPBWriteRawVarint32(&state_, (int32_t)value);
- (void)writeRawVarint64:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteRawVarint64(&state_, value);
- (void)writeRawLittleEndian32:(int32_t)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian32(&state_, value);
- (void)writeRawLittleEndian64:(int64_t)value {
GPBWriteRawLittleEndian64(&state_, value);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
size_t GPBComputeDoubleSizeNoTag(__unused Float64 value) { return LITTLE_ENDIAN_64_SIZE; }
size_t GPBComputeFloatSizeNoTag(__unused Float32 value) { return LITTLE_ENDIAN_32_SIZE; }
size_t GPBComputeUInt64SizeNoTag(uint64_t value) { return GPBComputeRawVarint64Size(value); }
size_t GPBComputeInt64SizeNoTag(int64_t value) { return GPBComputeRawVarint64Size(value); }
size_t GPBComputeInt32SizeNoTag(int32_t value) {
if (value >= 0) {
return GPBComputeRawVarint32Size(value);
} else {
// Must sign-extend.
return 10;
size_t GPBComputeSizeTSizeAsInt32NoTag(size_t value) {
return GPBComputeInt32SizeNoTag((int32_t)value);
size_t GPBComputeFixed64SizeNoTag(__unused uint64_t value) { return LITTLE_ENDIAN_64_SIZE; }
size_t GPBComputeFixed32SizeNoTag(__unused uint32_t value) { return LITTLE_ENDIAN_32_SIZE; }
size_t GPBComputeBoolSizeNoTag(__unused BOOL value) { return 1; }
size_t GPBComputeStringSizeNoTag(NSString *value) {
NSUInteger length = [value lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return GPBComputeRawVarint32SizeForInteger(length) + length;
size_t GPBComputeGroupSizeNoTag(GPBMessage *value) { return [value serializedSize]; }
size_t GPBComputeMessageSizeNoTag(GPBMessage *value) {
size_t size = [value serializedSize];
return GPBComputeRawVarint32SizeForInteger(size) + size;
size_t GPBComputeBytesSizeNoTag(NSData *value) {
NSUInteger valueLength = [value length];
return GPBComputeRawVarint32SizeForInteger(valueLength) + valueLength;
size_t GPBComputeUInt32SizeNoTag(int32_t value) { return GPBComputeRawVarint32Size(value); }
size_t GPBComputeEnumSizeNoTag(int32_t value) { return GPBComputeInt32SizeNoTag(value); }
size_t GPBComputeSFixed32SizeNoTag(__unused int32_t value) { return LITTLE_ENDIAN_32_SIZE; }
size_t GPBComputeSFixed64SizeNoTag(__unused int64_t value) { return LITTLE_ENDIAN_64_SIZE; }
size_t GPBComputeSInt32SizeNoTag(int32_t value) {
return GPBComputeRawVarint32Size(GPBEncodeZigZag32(value));
size_t GPBComputeSInt64SizeNoTag(int64_t value) {
return GPBComputeRawVarint64Size(GPBEncodeZigZag64(value));
size_t GPBComputeDoubleSize(int32_t fieldNumber, double value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeDoubleSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeFloatSize(int32_t fieldNumber, float value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeFloatSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeUInt64Size(int32_t fieldNumber, uint64_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeUInt64SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeInt64Size(int32_t fieldNumber, int64_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeInt64SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeInt32Size(int32_t fieldNumber, int32_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeInt32SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeFixed64Size(int32_t fieldNumber, uint64_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeFixed64SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeFixed32Size(int32_t fieldNumber, uint32_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeFixed32SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeBoolSize(int32_t fieldNumber, BOOL value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeBoolSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeStringSize(int32_t fieldNumber, NSString *value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeStringSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeGroupSize(int32_t fieldNumber, GPBMessage *value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) * 2 + GPBComputeGroupSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeMessageSize(int32_t fieldNumber, GPBMessage *value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeMessageSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeBytesSize(int32_t fieldNumber, NSData *value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeBytesSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeUInt32Size(int32_t fieldNumber, uint32_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeUInt32SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeEnumSize(int32_t fieldNumber, int32_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeEnumSizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeSFixed32Size(int32_t fieldNumber, int32_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeSFixed32SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeSFixed64Size(int32_t fieldNumber, int64_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeSFixed64SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeSInt32Size(int32_t fieldNumber, int32_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeSInt32SizeNoTag(value);
size_t GPBComputeSInt64Size(int32_t fieldNumber, int64_t value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(fieldNumber) + GPBComputeRawVarint64Size(GPBEncodeZigZag64(value));
size_t GPBComputeMessageSetExtensionSize(int32_t fieldNumber, GPBMessage *value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(GPBWireFormatMessageSetItem) * 2 +
GPBComputeUInt32Size(GPBWireFormatMessageSetTypeId, fieldNumber) +
GPBComputeMessageSize(GPBWireFormatMessageSetMessage, value);
size_t GPBComputeRawMessageSetExtensionSize(int32_t fieldNumber, NSData *value) {
return GPBComputeTagSize(GPBWireFormatMessageSetItem) * 2 +
GPBComputeUInt32Size(GPBWireFormatMessageSetTypeId, fieldNumber) +
GPBComputeBytesSize(GPBWireFormatMessageSetMessage, value);
size_t GPBComputeTagSize(int32_t fieldNumber) {
return GPBComputeRawVarint32Size(GPBWireFormatMakeTag(fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatVarint));
size_t GPBComputeWireFormatTagSize(int field_number, GPBDataType dataType) {
size_t result = GPBComputeTagSize(field_number);
if (dataType == GPBDataTypeGroup) {
// Groups have both a start and an end tag.
return result * 2;
} else {
return result;
size_t GPBComputeRawVarint32Size(int32_t value) {
// value is treated as unsigned, so it won't be sign-extended if negative.
if ((value & (0xffffffff << 7)) == 0) return 1;
if ((value & (0xffffffff << 14)) == 0) return 2;
if ((value & (0xffffffff << 21)) == 0) return 3;
if ((value & (0xffffffff << 28)) == 0) return 4;
return 5;
size_t GPBComputeRawVarint32SizeForInteger(NSInteger value) {
// Note the truncation.
return GPBComputeRawVarint32Size((int32_t)value);
size_t GPBComputeRawVarint64Size(int64_t value) {
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 7)) == 0) return 1;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 14)) == 0) return 2;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 21)) == 0) return 3;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 28)) == 0) return 4;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 35)) == 0) return 5;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 42)) == 0) return 6;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 49)) == 0) return 7;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 56)) == 0) return 8;
if ((value & (0xffffffffffffffffL << 63)) == 0) return 9;
return 10;