Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)

137 lines
5.1 KiB

17 years ago
#! /usr/bin/python
# See README for usage instructions.
# We must use setuptools, not distutils, because we need to use the
# namespace_packages option for the "google" package.
from ez_setup import use_setuptools
from setuptools import setup
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import sys
import os
import subprocess
17 years ago
maintainer_email = ""
# Find the Protocol Compiler.
if os.path.exists("../src/protoc"):
protoc = "../src/protoc"
elif os.path.exists("../src/protoc.exe"):
protoc = "../src/protoc.exe"
17 years ago
protoc = find_executable("protoc")
def generate_proto(source):
"""Invokes the Protocol Compiler to generate a from the given
.proto file. Does nothing if the output already exists and is newer than
the input."""
output = source.replace(".proto", "").replace("../src/", "")
if not os.path.exists(source):
print "Can't find required file: " + source
if (not os.path.exists(output) or
(os.path.exists(source) and
os.path.getmtime(source) > os.path.getmtime(output))):
print "Generating %s..." % output
if protoc == None:
"protoc is not installed nor found in ../src. Please compile it "
"or install the binary package.\n")
protoc_command = [ protoc, "-I../src", "-I.", "--python_out=.", source ]
if != 0:
17 years ago
def MakeTestSuite():
# This is apparently needed on some systems to make sure that the tests
# work even if a previous version is already installed.
if 'google' in sys.modules:
del sys.modules['google']
17 years ago
import unittest
import google.protobuf.internal.generator_test as generator_test
import google.protobuf.internal.decoder_test as decoder_test
import google.protobuf.internal.descriptor_test as descriptor_test
import google.protobuf.internal.encoder_test as encoder_test
import google.protobuf.internal.input_stream_test as input_stream_test
import google.protobuf.internal.output_stream_test as output_stream_test
import google.protobuf.internal.reflection_test as reflection_test
import google.protobuf.internal.service_reflection_test \
as service_reflection_test
import google.protobuf.internal.text_format_test as text_format_test
import google.protobuf.internal.wire_format_test as wire_format_test
loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for test in [ generator_test,
wire_format_test ]:
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':
# TODO(kenton): Integrate this into setuptools somehow?
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == "clean":
# Delete generated files and .pyc files in the code tree.
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk("."):
for filename in filenames:
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
if filepath.endswith("") or filepath.endswith(".pyc"):
# Generate necessary .proto file if it doesn't exist.
# TODO(kenton): Maybe we should hook this into a distutils command?
setup(name = 'protobuf',
version = '2.1.1-SNAPSHOT',
17 years ago
packages = [ 'google' ],
namespace_packages = [ 'google' ],
test_suite = 'setup.MakeTestSuite',
# Must list modules explicitly so that we don't install tests.
py_modules = [
Integrate changes from internal code. protoc * Enum values may now have custom options, using syntax similar to field options. * Fixed bug where .proto files which use custom options but don't actually define them (i.e. they import another .proto file defining the options) had to explicitly import descriptor.proto. * Adjacent string literals in .proto files will now be concatenated, like in C. C++ * Generated message classes now have a Swap() method which efficiently swaps the contents of two objects. * All message classes now have a SpaceUsed() method which returns an estimate of the number of bytes of allocated memory currently owned by the object. This is particularly useful when you are reusing a single message object to improve performance but want to make sure it doesn't bloat up too large. * New method Message::SerializeAsString() returns a string containing the serialized data. May be more convenient than calling SerializeToString(string*). * In debug mode, log error messages when string-type fields are found to contain bytes that are not valid UTF-8. * Fixed bug where a message with multiple extension ranges couldn't parse extensions. * Fixed bug where MergeFrom(const Message&) didn't do anything if invoked on a message that contained no fields (but possibly contained extensions). * Fixed ShortDebugString() to not be O(n^2). Durr. * Fixed crash in TextFormat parsing if the first token in the input caused a tokenization error. Java * New overload of mergeFrom() which parses a slice of a byte array instead of the whole thing. * New method ByteString.asReadOnlyByteBuffer() does what it sounds like. * Improved performance of isInitialized() when optimizing for code size. Python * Corrected ListFields() signature in Message base class to match what subclasses actually implement. * Some minor refactoring.
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
'google.protobuf.text_format' ],
17 years ago
url = '',
maintainer = maintainer_email,
maintainer_email = '',
Integrate changes from internal Google-internal branch. General * License changed from Apache 2.0 to New BSD. * It is now possible to define custom "options", which are basically annotations which may be placed on definitions in a .proto file. For example, you might define a field option called "foo" like so: import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { optional string foo = 12345; } Then you annotate a field using the "foo" option: message MyMessage { optional int32 some_field = 1 [(foo) = "bar"] } The value of this option is then visible via the message's Descriptor: const FieldDescriptor* field = MyMessage::descriptor()->FindFieldByName("some_field"); assert(field->options().GetExtension(foo) == "bar"); This feature has been implemented and tested in C++ and Java. Other languages may or may not need to do extra work to support custom options, depending on how they construct descriptors. C++ * Fixed some GCC warnings that only occur when using -pedantic. * Improved static initialization code, making ordering more predictable among other things. * TextFormat will no longer accept messages which contain multiple instances of a singular field. Previously, the latter instance would overwrite the former. * Now works on systems that don't have hash_map. Python * Strings now use the "unicode" type rather than the "str" type. String fields may still be assigned ASCII "str" values; they will automatically be converted. * Adding a property to an object representing a repeated field now raises an exception. For example: # No longer works (and never should have). = 1
17 years ago
license = 'New BSD License',
17 years ago
description = 'Protocol Buffers',
long_description =
"Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.",