* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
* Author: Josh Haberman <jhaberman@gmail.com>
* upb::descriptor::Reader provides a way of building upb::Defs from
* data in descriptor.proto format.
#include "upb/env.h"
#include "upb/sink.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace upb {
namespace descriptor {
class Reader;
} /* namespace descriptor */
} /* namespace upb */
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::descriptor::Reader, upb_descreader)
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Class that receives descriptor data according to the descriptor.proto schema
* and use it to build upb::Defs corresponding to that schema. */
class upb::descriptor::Reader {
/* These handlers must have come from NewHandlers() and must outlive the
* Reader.
* TODO: generate the handlers statically (like we do with the
* descriptor.proto defs) so that there is no need to pass this parameter (or
* to build/memory-manage the handlers at runtime at all). Unfortunately this
* is a bit tricky to implement for Handlers, but necessary to simplify this
* interface. */
static Reader* Create(Environment* env, const Handlers* handlers);
/* The reader's input; this is where descriptor.proto data should be sent. */
Sink* input();
/* Returns an array of all defs that have been parsed, and transfers ownership
* of them to "owner". The number of defs is stored in *n. Ownership of the
* returned array is retained and is invalidated by any other call into
* Reader.
* These defs are not frozen or resolved; they are ready to be added to a
* symtab. */
upb::Def** GetDefs(void* owner, int* n);
/* Builds and returns handlers for the reader, owned by "owner." */
static Handlers* NewHandlers(const void* owner);
UPB_DISALLOW_POD_OPS(Reader, upb::descriptor::Reader)
/* C API. */
upb_descreader *upb_descreader_create(upb_env *e, const upb_handlers *h);
upb_sink *upb_descreader_input(upb_descreader *r);
upb_def **upb_descreader_getdefs(upb_descreader *r, void *owner, int *n);
const upb_handlers *upb_descreader_newhandlers(const void *owner);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* C++ implementation details. ************************************************/
namespace upb {
namespace descriptor {
inline Reader* Reader::Create(Environment* e, const Handlers *h) {
return upb_descreader_create(e, h);
inline Sink* Reader::input() { return upb_descreader_input(this); }
inline upb::Def** Reader::GetDefs(void* owner, int* n) {
return upb_descreader_getdefs(this, owner, n);
} /* namespace descriptor */
} /* namespace upb */
#endif /* UPB_DESCRIPTOR_H */