// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
syntax = "proto3";
package objc.protobuf.tests.proto3_preserve_unknown_enum;
option objc_class_prefix = "UnknownEnums";
enum MyEnum {
FOO = 0;
BAR = 1;
BAZ = 2;
enum MyEnumPlusExtra {
E_FOO = 0;
E_BAR = 1;
E_BAZ = 2;
E_EXTRA = 3;
message MyMessage {
MyEnum e = 1;
repeated MyEnum repeated_e = 2;
repeated MyEnum repeated_packed_e = 3 [packed=true];
repeated MyEnumPlusExtra repeated_packed_unexpected_e = 4; // not packed
oneof o {
MyEnum oneof_e_1 = 5;
MyEnum oneof_e_2 = 6;
message MyMessagePlusExtra {
MyEnumPlusExtra e = 1;
repeated MyEnumPlusExtra repeated_e = 2;
repeated MyEnumPlusExtra repeated_packed_e = 3 [packed=true];
repeated MyEnumPlusExtra repeated_packed_unexpected_e = 4 [packed=true];
oneof o {
MyEnumPlusExtra oneof_e_1 = 5;
MyEnumPlusExtra oneof_e_2 = 6;