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#CVVisual Example |
CVVisual is a debug visualization for OpenCV; thus, its main purpose is to offer different ways to visualize |
the results of OpenCV functions to make it possible to see whether they are what the programmer had in mind; |
and also to offer some functionality to try other operations on the images right in the debug window. |
This text wants to illustrate the use of CVVisual on a code example. |
Image we want to debug this program: |
[code_example/main.cpp]( |
Note the includes for CVVisual: |
10 #include <opencv2/debug_mode.hpp> |
11 #include <opencv2/show_image.hpp> |
12 #include <opencv2/filter.hpp> |
13#include <opencv2/dmatch.hpp> |
14 #include <opencv2/final_show.hpp> |
It takes 10 snapshots with the webcam. |
With each, it first shows the image alone in the debug window, |
97 cvv::showImage(imgRead, CVVISUAL_LOCATION, imgIdString.c_str()); |
then converts it to grayscale and calls CVVisual with the original and resulting image, |
101 cv::cvtColor(imgRead, imgGray, CV_BGR2GRAY); |
102 cvv::debugFilter(imgRead, imgGray, CVVISUAL_LOCATION, "to gray"); |
detects the grayscale image's ORB features |
107 detector(imgGray, cv::noArray(), keypoints, descriptors); |
and matches them to those of the previous image, if available. It calls cvv::debugDMatch() with the results. |
113 matcher.match(prevDescriptors, descriptors, matches); |
... |
117 cvv::debugDMatch(prevImgGray, prevKeypoints, imgGray, keypoints, matches, CVVISUAL_LOCATION, allMatchIdString.c_str()); |
Finally, it removes the worst (as defined by match distance) 0.8 quantile of matches and calls cvv::debugDMatch() again. |
121 std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end()); |
122 matches.resize(int(bestRatio * matches.size())); |
... |
126 cvv::debugDMatch(prevImgGray, prevKeypoints, imgGray, keypoints, matches, CVVISUAL_LOCATION, bestMatchIdString.c_str()); |
After we started the program, the CVVisual Main Window opens with one _Call_, that is, the first image that a `cvv::showImage()` was called with (the program execution was halted at this call). |
The image is shown as a small thumbnail in the _Overview table_, together with additional information on it, like the line of the call and the description passed as a parameter. |
We double-click it, and a tab opens, where the image is shown bigger. It looks like the webcam worked, so we press `Step` and go to the _Overview_. |
The window shows up again, this time with the first _Call_ to `cvv::debugFilter()` added. |
We open its tab, too, because, say, the grayscale image does not exactly look like what we wanted. |
After switching to _SingleFilterView_, which will be more useful to us here, we select to not show the right two images - the grayscale image and the one below, where results of filter operations in this tab are depicted. |
In `Select a filter`, a gray filter can be applied with different parameters. |
This looks more like what we wanted. |
Rechecking `Show image` for the unselected result image of the actual filter operation and zooming (`Ctrl` + `Mouse wheel`) into all images synchronously deeper than 60% shows the different values of the pixels. |
Sadly, we can't do anything about this situation in this session, though, so we just continue. |
As stepping through each single _Call_ seems quite tedious, we use the _fast-forward_ button, `>>`. |
The program runs until it reaches `finalShow()`, taking images with the webcam along the way. |
This saved us some clicking; on the downside, we now have quite an amount of _Calls_ in the table. |
Using the [filter query language](, the _Calls_ to `debugDMatch()` can be filtered out as they have the specific type "match". |
We open the tab of the last such _Call_, and find ourselves greeted with a dense bundle of lines across both images, which represent the matches between the two. |
It is a bit unclear where there actually are matches in this case, so we switch to _TranslationMatchView_, which is a little bit better (especially after scrolling a bit to the right in the left image). |
_TranslationMatchView_ shows how the matching _KeyPoints_ are moved in the respective other image. |
It seems more fitting for this debug session than the _LineMatchView_, thus, we `Set`it `as default`. |
Still, there are too many matches for our taste. |
Back in the _Overview_, we open the _Call_ before the last, which is the one where the upper 80% of matches were not yet filtered out. |
Here, the best 70% of matches can be chosen. The result looks more acceptable, and we take a mental note to change the threshold to 0.7. |
The matches can also be shown in a table, the so called _RawView_: |
Here, you could copy a selection of them as CSV, JSON, Ruby or Python to the clipboard. |
We don't need that in the moment, though; we just close the window, and the program finishes. |
We now know what we might want to change in the program. |
Finally, a little note on the `cvv::finalShow()` function: |
It needs to be there in every program using CVVisual, after the last call to another CVVisual function, er else, the program will crash in the end. |
Hopefully, this example shed some light on how CVVisual can be used. |
If you want to learn more, refer to the [API]( or other documentation on the [web page]( |
Credit, and special thanks, goes to Andreas Bihlmaier, supervisor of the project, who provided the example code.