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#include "../precomp.hpp"
#include "layers_common.hpp"
#include "im2col.hpp"
namespace cv
namespace dnn
//TODO: simultaneously convolution and bias addition for cache optimization
class ConvolutionLayer : public Layer
bool bias;
int numOutput, group;
int padH, padW;
int kerH, kerW;
int strideH, strideW;
int inpH, inpW, inpCn;
int outH, outW, outCn;
int topH, topW, topCn; //switched between inp/out on deconv/conv
int inpGroupCn, outGroupCn;
int ksize;
Mat colMat, biasOnesMat;
inline bool is1x1() const;
virtual void computeInpOutShape(const Blob &inpBlob);
void im2col(Blob &inpBlob, int imNum, int cnGroup);
ConvolutionLayer(LayerParams &params);
void allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs);
void forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs);
class DeConvolutionLayer : public ConvolutionLayer
void computeInpOutShape(const Blob &inpBlob);
void col2im(Mat &dstMat);
DeConvolutionLayer(LayerParams &params) : ConvolutionLayer(params) {}
void forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs);
REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(Convolution, ConvolutionLayer)
REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(Deconvolution, DeConvolutionLayer)
ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(LayerParams &params)
getKernelParams(params, kerH, kerW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW);
numOutput = params.get<int>("num_output");
bias = params.get<bool>("bias_term", true);
group = params.get<int>("group", 1);
CV_Assert(numOutput % group == 0);
CV_Assert(params.learnedBlobs.size() >= 1 && (!bias || params.learnedBlobs.size() >= 2));
learnedParams.assign(params.learnedBlobs.begin(), params.learnedBlobs.begin() + (bias ? 2 : 1));
const Blob &wgtBlob = learnedParams[0];
CV_Assert(wgtBlob.dims() == 4 && wgtBlob.cols() == kerW && wgtBlob.rows() == kerH && wgtBlob.num() == numOutput);
if (bias)
Blob &biasBlob = learnedParams[1];
CV_Assert( == (size_t)numOutput);
void ConvolutionLayer::allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs)
CV_Assert(inputs.size() > 0);
const Blob &inpBlob = *inputs[0];
CV_Assert(inpBlob.dims() == 4 && inpBlob.type() == CV_32F);
CV_Assert(inpCn % group == 0 && outCn % group == 0);
CV_Assert(learnedParams[0].channels() == inpCn / group);
CV_Assert(learnedParams[0].num() == outCn);
outGroupCn = outCn / group;
inpGroupCn = inpCn / group;
ksize = inpGroupCn * kerH * kerW;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++)
CV_Assert(inputs[i]->type() == inpBlob.type());
CV_Assert(inputs[i]->dims() == 4 && inputs[i]->channels() == inpBlob.channels());
CV_Assert(inputs[i]->rows() == inpBlob.rows() && inputs[i]->cols() == inpBlob.cols());
outputs[i].create(BlobShape(inputs[i]->num(), topCn, topH, topW));
if (!is1x1())
colMat.create(ksize, outH * outW, inpBlob.type());
if (bias)
biasOnesMat = Mat::ones(1, topH * topW, inpBlob.type());
inline bool ConvolutionLayer::is1x1() const
return (kerH == 1 && kerW == 1);
void ConvolutionLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs)
Blob &wgtBlob = learnedParams[0];
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < outputs.size(); ii++)
Blob &inpBlob = *inputs[ii];
Blob &outBlob = outputs[ii];
for (int n = 0; n < inpBlob.num(); n++)
for (int g = 0; g < group; g++)
im2col(inpBlob, n, g);
Mat kerMat(outGroupCn, ksize, wgtBlob.type(), wgtBlob.ptrRaw(g*outGroupCn));
Mat dstMat(outGroupCn, outH*outW, outBlob.type(), outBlob.ptrRaw(n, g*outGroupCn));
cv::gemm(kerMat, colMat, 1, noArray(), 0, dstMat);
if (bias)
float *biasPtr = learnedParams[1].ptrf() + g*outGroupCn;
Mat biasMat(outGroupCn, 1, CV_32F, biasPtr);
cv::gemm(biasMat, biasOnesMat, 1, dstMat, 1, dstMat);
void ConvolutionLayer::im2col(Blob &inpBlob, int imNum, int cnGroup)
uchar *srcPtr = inpBlob.ptrRaw(imNum, cnGroup*inpGroupCn);
if (is1x1())
colMat = Mat(ksize, inpBlob.rows()*inpBlob.cols(), inpBlob.type(), srcPtr);
if (inpBlob.type() == CV_32F)
im2col_cpu((float *)srcPtr, inpGroupCn, inpH, inpW, kerH, kerW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW, (float *)colMat.ptr());
if (inpBlob.type() == CV_64F)
im2col_cpu((double*)srcPtr, inpGroupCn, inpH, inpW, kerH, kerW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW, (double*)colMat.ptr());
void ConvolutionLayer::computeInpOutShape(const Blob &inpBlob)
inpH = inpBlob.rows();
inpW = inpBlob.cols();
inpCn = inpBlob.channels();
outH = (inpH + 2 * padH - kerH) / strideH + 1;
outW = (inpW + 2 * padW - kerW) / strideW + 1;
outCn = learnedParams[0].num();
topH = outH; topW = outW; topCn = outCn;
void DeConvolutionLayer::computeInpOutShape(const Blob &inpBlob)
outH = inpBlob.rows();
outW = inpBlob.cols();
outCn = inpBlob.channels();
inpH = strideH * (outH - 1) + kerH - 2 * padH;
inpW = strideW * (outW - 1) + kerW - 2 * padW;
inpCn = learnedParams[0].channels();
topH = inpH; topW = inpW; topCn = inpCn;
void DeConvolutionLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs)
Blob &wghtBlob = learnedParams[0];
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < outputs.size(); ii++)
Blob &convBlob = *inputs[ii];
Blob &decnBlob = outputs[ii];
for (int n = 0; n < convBlob.num(); n++)
for (int g = 0; g < group; g++)
Mat dstMat(inpGroupCn, inpH*inpW, decnBlob.type(), decnBlob.ptrRaw(n, g*inpGroupCn));
if (is1x1())
colMat = dstMat;
Mat convMat(outGroupCn, outH*outW, convBlob.type(), convBlob.ptrRaw(n, g*inpGroupCn));
Mat wghtMat(outGroupCn, ksize, wghtBlob.type(), wghtBlob.ptrRaw(g*inpGroupCn));
cv::gemm(wghtMat, convMat, 1, noArray(), 0, colMat, GEMM_1_T);
if (bias)
float *biasPtr = learnedParams[1].ptrf() + g*outGroupCn;
Mat biasMat(outGroupCn, 1, CV_32F, biasPtr);
cv::gemm(biasMat, biasOnesMat, 1, dstMat, 1, dstMat);
void DeConvolutionLayer::col2im(Mat &dstMat)
if (is1x1()) return;
if (dstMat.type() == CV_32F)
col2im_cpu((float*)colMat.ptr(), inpCn, inpH, inpW, kerH, kerW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW, (float*)dstMat.ptr());
if (dstMat.type() == CV_64F)
col2im_cpu((double*)colMat.ptr(), inpCn, inpH, inpW, kerH, kerW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW, (double*)dstMat.ptr());