Repository for OpenCV's extra modules
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#ifndef __OPENCV_DNN_DNN_HPP__
#define __OPENCV_DNN_DNN_HPP__
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/dnn/dict.hpp>
namespace cv
namespace dnn
class Layer;
class NetConfiguration;
class Net;
class Blob;
class LayerParams;
//wrapper over cv::Mat and cv::UMat
class CV_EXPORTS Blob
Blob(InputArray in);
void fill(InputArray in);
void fill(int ndims, const int *sizes, int type, void *data, bool deepCopy = true);
void create(int ndims, const int *sizes, int type = CV_32F);
bool empty() const;
Mat& getMatRef();
const Mat& getMatRef() const;
Mat getMat();
Mat getMat(int num, int channel);
int cols() const;
int rows() const;
Size size() const;
int channels() const;
int num() const;
Vec4i shape() const;
Mat m;
class CV_EXPORTS LayerParams : public Dict
std::vector<Blob> learnedBlobs;
class CV_EXPORTS LayerRegister
typedef Layer* (*Constuctor)();
static void registerLayer(const String &type, Constuctor constructor);
static void unregisterLayer(const String &type);
static Ptr<Layer> createLayerInstance(const String &type);
LayerRegister(const LayerRegister &lr);
static std::map<String, Constuctor> registeredLayers;
//this class allows to build new Layers
class CV_EXPORTS Layer
//TODO: this field must be declared as public if we want support possibility to change these params in runtime
std::vector<Blob> learnedParams;
virtual ~Layer();
//type of Layer
virtual String type() const = 0;
//setUp calls once (think that it's constructor)
virtual void setUp(LayerParams &params) = 0;
//maybe useless function
//shape of output blobs must be adjusted with respect to shape of input blobs
virtual void adjustShape(const std::vector<Blob> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) = 0;
virtual void forward(std::vector<Blob> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) = 0;
virtual int getNumInputs();
virtual int getNumOutputs();
//each input/output can be labeled to easily identify their using "layer_name.output_name"
virtual String getInputName(int inputNum);
virtual String getOutputName(int outputNum);
//containers for String and int
typedef DictValue LayerId;
typedef DictValue BlobId;
class CV_EXPORTS Net
int addLayer(const String &name, const String &type, LayerParams &params = LayerParams());
void deleteLayer(LayerId layer);
//each output of each layer can be labeled by unique string label (as in Caffe)
//if label not specified then %layer_name%.%layer_output_id% can be used
void setOutputNames(LayerId layer, const std::vector<String> &outputNames);
void connect(BlobId input, BlobId output);
void connect(const std::vector<BlobId> &outputs, const std::vector<BlobId> &inputs);
void connect(const std::vector<BlobId> &outputs, LayerId layer);
int getOutputId(LayerId layer, int outputNum);
int getInputId(LayerId layer, int inputNum);
int getLayerId(LayerId layer);
void forward();
void forward(LayerId toLayer);
void forward(LayerId startLayer, LayerId toLayer);
void forward(const std::vector<LayerId> &startLayers, const std::vector<LayerId> &toLayers);
//[Wished feature] Optimized smart forward(). Makes forward only for layers which wasn't changed after previous forward().
void forwardOpt(LayerId toLayer);
void forwardOpt(const std::vector<LayerId> &toLayers);
void setBlob(BlobId outputName, const Blob &blob);
Blob getBlob(BlobId outputName);
void setParam(LayerId layer, int numParam, const Blob &blob);
void getParam(LayerId layer, int numParam);
struct Impl;
Ptr<Impl> impl;
class CV_EXPORTS Importer
virtual void populateNet(Net net) = 0;
virtual ~Importer();
CV_EXPORTS Ptr<Importer> createCaffeImporter(const String &prototxt, const String &caffeModel);
#include <opencv2/dnn/dnn.inl.hpp>
#endif /* __OPENCV_DNN_DNN_HPP__ */