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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
Mat fd;
vector<Point2f> ctr(16);
float Rx = 100, Ry = 100;
Point2f g(0, 0);
float angleOri = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ctr.size()); i++)
float theta = static_cast<float>(2 * CV_PI / static_cast<int>(ctr.size()) * i + angleOri);
ctr[i] = Point2f(Rx * cos(theta) + g.x, Ry * sin(theta) + g.y);
ximgproc::fourierDescriptor(ctr, fd);
CV_Assert(cv::norm(<Vec2f>(0, 0)) < ctr.size() * FLT_EPSILON && cv::norm(<Vec2f>(0, 1) - Vec2f(Rx, 0)) < ctr.size() * FLT_EPSILON);
Rx = 100, Ry = 50;
g = Point2f(50, 20);
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ctr.size()); i++)
float theta = static_cast<float>(2 * CV_PI / static_cast<int>(ctr.size()) * i + angleOri);
ctr[i] = Point2f(Rx * cos(theta) + g.x, Ry * sin(theta) + g.y);
ximgproc::fourierDescriptor(ctr, fd);
CV_Assert(cv::norm(<Vec2f>(0, 0) - Vec2f(g)) < 1 &&
fabs(<Vec2f>(0, 1)[0] +<Vec2f>(0, static_cast<int>(ctr.size()) - 1)[0] - Rx) < 1 &&
fabs(<Vec2f>(0, 1)[0] -<Vec2f>(0, static_cast<int>(ctr.size()) - 1)[0] - Ry) < 1);
Rx = 70, Ry = 100;
g = Point2f(30, 100);
angleOri = static_cast<float>(CV_PI / 4);
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ctr.size()); i++)
float theta = static_cast<float>(2 * CV_PI / static_cast<int>(ctr.size()) * i + CV_PI / 4);
ctr[i] = Point2f(Rx * cos(theta) + g.x, Ry * sin(theta) + g.y);
ximgproc::fourierDescriptor(ctr, fd);
CV_Assert(cv::norm(<Vec2f>(0, 0) - Vec2f(g)) < 1);
CV_Assert(cv::norm(Vec2f((Rx + Ry)*cos(angleOri) / 2, (Rx + Ry)*sin(angleOri) / 2) -<Vec2f>(0, 1)) < 1);
CV_Assert(cv::norm(Vec2f((Rx - Ry)*cos(angleOri) / 2, -(Rx - Ry)*sin(angleOri) / 2) -<Vec2f>(0, static_cast<int>(ctr.size()) - 1)) < 1);
RNG rAlea;
g.x = 0; g.y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ctr.size()); i++)
ctr[i] = Point2f(rAlea.uniform(0.0F, 1.0F), rAlea.uniform(0.0F, 1.0F));
g += ctr[i];
g.x = g.x / ctr.size();
g.y = g.y / ctr.size();
double rotAngle = 35;
double s = 0.1515;
Mat r = getRotationMatrix2D(g, rotAngle, 0.1515);
vector<Point2f> unknownCtr;
vector<Point2f> ctrShift;
int valShift = 170;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ctr.size()); i++)
ctrShift.push_back(ctr[(i + valShift) % ctr.size()]);
cv::transform(ctrShift, unknownCtr, r);
ximgproc::ContourFitting fit;
Mat t;
double dist;
fit.estimateTransformation(unknownCtr, ctr, t, &dist, false);
CV_Assert(fabs(<double>(0, 0)*ctr.size() + valShift) < 10 || fabs((1 -<double>(0, 0))*ctr.size() - valShift) < 10);
CV_Assert(fabs(<double>(0, 1) - rotAngle / 180.*CV_PI) < 0.1);
CV_Assert(fabs(<double>(0, 2) - 1 / s) < 0.1);
ctr[0] = Point2f(0, 0);
ctr[1] = Point2f(16, 0);
ctr[2] = Point2f(16, 16);
ctr[3] = Point2f(0, 16);
double squareArea = contourArea(ctr), lengthSquare = arcLength(ctr, true);
Mat ctrs;
ximgproc::contourSampling(ctr, ctrs, 64);
CV_Assert(fabs(squareArea - contourArea(ctrs)) < FLT_EPSILON);
CV_Assert(fabs(lengthSquare - arcLength(ctrs, true)) < FLT_EPSILON);
}} // namespace