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Motion Templates |
================ |
Motion templates is alternative technique for detecting motion and computing its direction. |
See ``samples/``. |
updateMotionHistory |
----------------------- |
Updates the motion history image by a moving silhouette. |
.. ocv:function:: void updateMotionHistory( InputArray silhouette, InputOutputArray mhi, double timestamp, double duration ) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.updateMotionHistory(silhouette, mhi, timestamp, duration) -> mhi |
:param silhouette: Silhouette mask that has non-zero pixels where the motion occurs. |
:param mhi: Motion history image that is updated by the function (single-channel, 32-bit floating-point). |
:param timestamp: Current time in milliseconds or other units. |
:param duration: Maximal duration of the motion track in the same units as ``timestamp`` . |
The function updates the motion history image as follows: |
.. math:: |
\texttt{mhi} (x,y)= \forkthree{\texttt{timestamp}}{if $\texttt{silhouette}(x,y) \ne 0$}{0}{if $\texttt{silhouette}(x,y) = 0$ and $\texttt{mhi} < (\texttt{timestamp} - \texttt{duration})$}{\texttt{mhi}(x,y)}{otherwise} |
That is, MHI pixels where the motion occurs are set to the current ``timestamp`` , while the pixels where the motion happened last time a long time ago are cleared. |
The function, together with |
:ocv:func:`calcMotionGradient` and |
:ocv:func:`calcGlobalOrientation` , implements a motion templates technique described in |
[Davis97]_ and [Bradski00]_. |
calcMotionGradient |
---------------------- |
Calculates a gradient orientation of a motion history image. |
.. ocv:function:: void calcMotionGradient( InputArray mhi, OutputArray mask, OutputArray orientation, double delta1, double delta2, int apertureSize=3 ) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.calcMotionGradient(mhi, delta1, delta2[, mask[, orientation[, apertureSize]]]) -> mask, orientation |
:param mhi: Motion history single-channel floating-point image. |
:param mask: Output mask image that has the type ``CV_8UC1`` and the same size as ``mhi`` . Its non-zero elements mark pixels where the motion gradient data is correct. |
:param orientation: Output motion gradient orientation image that has the same type and the same size as ``mhi`` . Each pixel of the image is a motion orientation, from 0 to 360 degrees. |
:param delta1: Minimal (or maximal) allowed difference between ``mhi`` values within a pixel neighborhood. |
:param delta2: Maximal (or minimal) allowed difference between ``mhi`` values within a pixel neighborhood. That is, the function finds the minimum ( :math:`m(x,y)` ) and maximum ( :math:`M(x,y)` ) ``mhi`` values over :math:`3 \times 3` neighborhood of each pixel and marks the motion orientation at :math:`(x, y)` as valid only if |
.. math:: |
\min ( \texttt{delta1} , \texttt{delta2} ) \le M(x,y)-m(x,y) \le \max ( \texttt{delta1} , \texttt{delta2} ). |
:param apertureSize: Aperture size of the :ocv:func:`Sobel` operator. |
The function calculates a gradient orientation at each pixel |
:math:`(x, y)` as: |
.. math:: |
\texttt{orientation} (x,y)= \arctan{\frac{d\texttt{mhi}/dy}{d\texttt{mhi}/dx}} |
In fact, |
:ocv:func:`fastAtan2` and |
:ocv:func:`phase` are used so that the computed angle is measured in degrees and covers the full range 0..360. Also, the ``mask`` is filled to indicate pixels where the computed angle is valid. |
.. note:: |
* (Python) An example on how to perform a motion template technique can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/ |
calcGlobalOrientation |
------------------------- |
Calculates a global motion orientation in a selected region. |
.. ocv:function:: double calcGlobalOrientation( InputArray orientation, InputArray mask, InputArray mhi, double timestamp, double duration ) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.calcGlobalOrientation(orientation, mask, mhi, timestamp, duration) -> retval |
:param orientation: Motion gradient orientation image calculated by the function :ocv:func:`calcMotionGradient` . |
:param mask: Mask image. It may be a conjunction of a valid gradient mask, also calculated by :ocv:func:`calcMotionGradient` , and the mask of a region whose direction needs to be calculated. |
:param mhi: Motion history image calculated by :ocv:func:`updateMotionHistory` . |
:param timestamp: Timestamp passed to :ocv:func:`updateMotionHistory` . |
:param duration: Maximum duration of a motion track in milliseconds, passed to :ocv:func:`updateMotionHistory` . |
The function calculates an average |
motion direction in the selected region and returns the angle between |
0 degrees and 360 degrees. The average direction is computed from |
the weighted orientation histogram, where a recent motion has a larger |
weight and the motion occurred in the past has a smaller weight, as recorded in ``mhi`` . |
segmentMotion |
------------- |
Splits a motion history image into a few parts corresponding to separate independent motions (for example, left hand, right hand). |
.. ocv:function:: void segmentMotion(InputArray mhi, OutputArray segmask, vector<Rect>& boundingRects, double timestamp, double segThresh) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.segmentMotion(mhi, timestamp, segThresh[, segmask]) -> segmask, boundingRects |
:param mhi: Motion history image. |
:param segmask: Image where the found mask should be stored, single-channel, 32-bit floating-point. |
:param boundingRects: Vector containing ROIs of motion connected components. |
:param timestamp: Current time in milliseconds or other units. |
:param segThresh: Segmentation threshold that is recommended to be equal to the interval between motion history "steps" or greater. |
The function finds all of the motion segments and marks them in ``segmask`` with individual values (1,2,...). It also computes a vector with ROIs of motion connected components. After that the motion direction for every component can be calculated with :ocv:func:`calcGlobalOrientation` using the extracted mask of the particular component. |
.. [Bradski00] Davis, J.W. and Bradski, G.R. "Motion Segmentation and Pose Recognition with Motion History Gradients", WACV00, 2000 |
.. [Davis97] Davis, J.W. and Bobick, A.F. "The Representation and Recognition of Action Using Temporal Templates", CVPR97, 1997