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#include <string>
#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe.pb.h"
namespace caffe {
// Return true iff the net is not the current version.
bool NetNeedsUpgrade(const NetParameter& net_param);
// Return true iff any layer contains parameters specified using
// deprecated V0LayerParameter.
bool NetNeedsV0ToV1Upgrade(const NetParameter& net_param);
// Perform all necessary transformations to upgrade a V0NetParameter into a
// NetParameter (including upgrading padding layers and LayerParameters).
bool UpgradeV0Net(const NetParameter& v0_net_param, NetParameter* net_param);
// Upgrade NetParameter with padding layers to pad-aware conv layers.
// For any padding layer, remove it and put its pad parameter in any layers
// taking its top blob as input.
// Error if any of these above layers are not-conv layers.
void UpgradeV0PaddingLayers(const NetParameter& param,
NetParameter* param_upgraded_pad);
// Upgrade a single V0LayerConnection to the V1LayerParameter format.
bool UpgradeV0LayerParameter(const V1LayerParameter& v0_layer_connection,
V1LayerParameter* layer_param);
V1LayerParameter_LayerType UpgradeV0LayerType(const string& type);
// Return true iff any layer contains deprecated data transformation parameters.
bool NetNeedsDataUpgrade(const NetParameter& net_param);
// Perform all necessary transformations to upgrade old transformation fields
// into a TransformationParameter.
void UpgradeNetDataTransformation(NetParameter* net_param);
// Return true iff the Net contains any layers specified as V1LayerParameters.
bool NetNeedsV1ToV2Upgrade(const NetParameter& net_param);
// Perform all necessary transformations to upgrade a NetParameter with
// deprecated V1LayerParameters.
bool UpgradeV1Net(const NetParameter& v1_net_param, NetParameter* net_param);
bool UpgradeV1LayerParameter(const V1LayerParameter& v1_layer_param,
LayerParameter* layer_param);
const char* UpgradeV1LayerType(const V1LayerParameter_LayerType type);
// Check for deprecations and upgrade the NetParameter as needed.
bool UpgradeNetAsNeeded(const string& param_file, NetParameter* param);
// Read parameters from a file into a NetParameter proto message.
void ReadNetParamsFromTextFileOrDie(const string& param_file,
NetParameter* param);
void ReadNetParamsFromBinaryFileOrDie(const string& param_file,
NetParameter* param);
} // namespace caffe