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// This file is part of OpenCV project. |
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
// of this distribution and at |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
#include <OgreApplicationContext.h> |
#include <OgreCameraMan.h> |
#include <OgreRectangle2D.h> |
#include <OgreCompositorManager.h> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
namespace cv |
{ |
namespace ovis |
{ |
using namespace Ogre; |
const char* RESOURCEGROUP_NAME = "OVIS"; |
Ptr<Application> _app; |
static const char* RENDERSYSTEM_NAME = "OpenGL 3+ Rendering Subsystem"; |
static std::vector<String> _extraResourceLocations; |
// convert from OpenCV to Ogre coordinates: |
static Quaternion toOGRE(Degree(180), Vector3::UNIT_X); |
static Vector2 toOGRE_SS = Vector2(1, -1); |
WindowScene::~WindowScene() {} |
void _createTexture(const String& name, Mat image) |
{ |
PixelFormat format; |
switch(image.type()) |
{ |
case CV_8UC4: |
format = PF_BYTE_BGRA; |
break; |
case CV_8UC3: |
format = PF_BYTE_BGR; |
break; |
case CV_8UC1: |
format = PF_BYTE_L; |
break; |
case CV_16UC1: |
format = PF_L16; |
break; |
case CV_32FC1: |
format = PF_FLOAT32_R; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "currently supported formats are only CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, CV_16UC1, CV_32FC1"); |
break; |
} |
TextureManager& texMgr = TextureManager::getSingleton(); |
TexturePtr tex = texMgr.getByName(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
Image im; |
im.loadDynamicImage(image.ptr(), image.cols, image.rows, 1, format); |
if (tex) |
{ |
// update |
PixelBox box = im.getPixelBox(); |
tex->getBuffer()->blitFromMemory(box, box); |
return; |
} |
texMgr.loadImage(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME, im); |
} |
static void _convertRT(InputArray rot, InputArray tvec, Quaternion& q, Vector3& t, bool invert = false) |
{ |
CV_Assert_N(rot.empty() || rot.rows() == 3 || rot.size() == Size(3, 3), |
tvec.empty() || tvec.rows() == 3); |
q = Quaternion::IDENTITY; |
t = Vector3::ZERO; |
if (!rot.empty()) |
{ |
Mat _R; |
if (rot.size() == Size(3, 3)) |
{ |
_R = rot.getMat(); |
} |
else |
{ |
Rodrigues(rot, _R); |
} |
Matrix3 R; |
_R.copyTo(Mat_<Real>(3, 3, R[0])); |
q = Quaternion(R); |
if (invert) |
{ |
q = q.Inverse(); |
} |
} |
if (!tvec.empty()) |
{ |
tvec.copyTo(Mat_<Real>(3, 1, t.ptr())); |
if(invert) |
{ |
t = q * -t; |
} |
} |
} |
static void _setCameraIntrinsics(Camera* cam, InputArray _K, const Size& imsize) |
{ |
CV_Assert(_K.size() == Size(3, 3)); |
cam->setAspectRatio(float(imsize.width) / imsize.height); |
Matx33f K = _K.getMat(); |
float near = cam->getNearClipDistance(); |
float top = near * K(1, 2) / K(1, 1); |
float left = -near * K(0, 2) / K(0, 0); |
float right = near * (imsize.width - K(0, 2)) / K(0, 0); |
float bottom = -near * (imsize.height - K(1, 2)) / K(1, 1); |
// use frustum extents instead of setFrustumOffset as the latter |
// assumes centered FOV, which is not the case |
cam->setFrustumExtents(left, right, top, bottom); |
// top and bottom parts of the FOV |
float fovy = atan2(K(1, 2), K(1, 1)) + atan2(imsize.height - K(1, 2), K(1, 1)); |
cam->setFOVy(Radian(fovy)); |
} |
static SceneNode& _getSceneNode(SceneManager* sceneMgr, const String& name) |
{ |
MovableObject* mo = NULL; |
try |
{ |
mo = sceneMgr->getMovableObject(name, "Camera"); |
// with cameras we have an extra CS flip node |
if(mo) |
return *mo->getParentSceneNode()->getParentSceneNode(); |
} |
catch (ItemIdentityException&) |
{ |
// ignore |
} |
try |
{ |
if (!mo) |
mo = sceneMgr->getMovableObject(name, "Light"); |
} |
catch (ItemIdentityException&) |
{ |
// ignore |
} |
if (!mo) |
mo = sceneMgr->getMovableObject(name, "Entity"); // throws if not found |
return *mo->getParentSceneNode(); |
} |
struct Application : public OgreBites::ApplicationContext, public OgreBites::InputListener |
{ |
Ptr<LogManager> logMgr; |
Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr; |
Ogre::String title; |
uint32_t w; |
uint32_t h; |
int key_pressed; |
int flags; |
Application(const Ogre::String& _title, const Size& sz, int _flags) |
: OgreBites::ApplicationContext("ovis", false), sceneMgr(NULL), title(_title), w(sz.width), |
h(sz.height), key_pressed(-1), flags(_flags) |
{ |
logMgr.reset(new LogManager()); |
logMgr->createLog("ovis.log", true, true, true); |
logMgr->setLogDetail(LL_LOW); |
} |
void setupInput(bool /*grab*/) |
{ |
// empty impl to show cursor |
} |
bool keyPressed(const OgreBites::KeyboardEvent& evt) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
key_pressed = evt.keysym.sym; |
return true; |
} |
bool oneTimeConfig() CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Ogre::RenderSystem* rs = getRoot()->getRenderSystemByName(RENDERSYSTEM_NAME); |
CV_Assert(rs); |
getRoot()->setRenderSystem(rs); |
return true; |
} |
OgreBites::NativeWindowPair createWindow(const Ogre::String& name, uint32_t _w, uint32_t _h, |
NameValuePairList miscParams = NameValuePairList()) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Ogre::String _name = name; |
if (!sceneMgr) |
{ |
_w = w; |
_h = h; |
_name = title; |
} |
if (flags & SCENE_AA) |
miscParams["FSAA"] = "4"; |
miscParams["vsync"] = "true"; |
OgreBites::NativeWindowPair ret = |
OgreBites::ApplicationContext::createWindow(_name, _w, _h, miscParams); |
addInputListener(ret.native, this); // handle input for all windows |
return ret; |
} |
void locateResources() CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
OgreBites::ApplicationContext::locateResources(); |
ResourceGroupManager& rgm = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(); |
rgm.createResourceGroup(RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < _extraResourceLocations.size(); i++) |
{ |
String loc = _extraResourceLocations[i]; |
String type = StringUtil::endsWith(loc, ".zip") ? "Zip" : "FileSystem"; |
if (!FileSystemLayer::fileExists(loc)) |
{ |
loc = FileSystemLayer::resolveBundlePath(getDefaultMediaDir() + "/" + loc); |
} |
rgm.addResourceLocation(loc, type, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
} |
} |
void setup() CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
OgreBites::ApplicationContext::setup(); |
MaterialManager& matMgr = MaterialManager::getSingleton(); |
matMgr.setDefaultTextureFiltering(TFO_ANISOTROPIC); |
matMgr.setDefaultAnisotropy(16); |
} |
}; |
class WindowSceneImpl : public WindowScene |
{ |
String title; |
Root* root; |
SceneManager* sceneMgr; |
SceneNode* camNode; |
RenderWindow* rWin; |
Ptr<OgreBites::CameraMan> camman; |
Ptr<Rectangle2D> bgplane; |
Ogre::RenderTarget* depthRTT; |
public: |
WindowSceneImpl(Ptr<Application> app, const String& _title, const Size& sz, int flags) |
: title(_title), root(app->getRoot()), depthRTT(NULL) |
{ |
if (!app->sceneMgr) |
{ |
flags |= SCENE_SEPERATE; |
} |
if (flags & SCENE_SEPERATE) |
{ |
sceneMgr = root->createSceneManager("DefaultSceneManager", title); |
RTShader::ShaderGenerator& shadergen = RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSingleton(); |
shadergen.addSceneManager(sceneMgr); // must be done before we do anything with the scene |
sceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(.1, .1, .1)); |
_createBackground(); |
} |
else |
{ |
sceneMgr = app->sceneMgr; |
} |
if(flags & SCENE_SHOW_CS_CROSS) |
{ |
sceneMgr->setDisplaySceneNodes(true); |
} |
Camera* cam = sceneMgr->createCamera(title); |
cam->setNearClipDistance(0.5); |
cam->setAutoAspectRatio(true); |
camNode = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); |
camNode->setOrientation(toOGRE); |
camNode->attachObject(cam); |
if (flags & SCENE_INTERACTIVE) |
{ |
camman.reset(new OgreBites::CameraMan(camNode)); |
camman->setStyle(OgreBites::CS_ORBIT); |
camNode->setFixedYawAxis(true, Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y); |
} |
if (!app->sceneMgr) |
{ |
app->sceneMgr = sceneMgr; |
rWin = app->getRenderWindow(); |
if (camman) |
app->addInputListener(camman.get()); |
} |
else |
{ |
OgreBites::NativeWindowPair nwin = app->createWindow(title, sz.width, sz.height); |
rWin = nwin.render; |
if (camman) |
app->addInputListener(nwin.native, camman.get()); |
} |
rWin->addViewport(cam); |
} |
void setBackground(InputArray image) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
CV_Assert(bgplane); |
String name = sceneMgr->getName() + "_Background"; |
_createTexture(name, image.getMat()); |
// correct for pixel centers |
Vector2 pc(0.5 / image.cols(), 0.5 / image.rows()); |
bgplane->setUVs(pc, Vector2(pc[0], 1 - pc[1]), Vector2(1 - pc[0], pc[1]), Vector2(1, 1) - pc); |
Pass* rpass = bgplane->getMaterial()->getBestTechnique()->getPasses()[0]; |
rpass->getTextureUnitStates()[0]->setTextureName(name); |
// ensure bgplane is visible |
bgplane->setVisible(true); |
} |
void setCompositors(const std::vector<String>& names) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
CompositorManager& cm = CompositorManager::getSingleton(); |
// this should be applied to all owned render targets |
Ogre::RenderTarget* targets[] = {rWin, depthRTT}; |
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) |
{ |
Ogre::RenderTarget* tgt = targets[j]; |
if(!tgt) continue; |
Viewport* vp = tgt->getViewport(0); |
cm.removeCompositorChain(vp); // remove previous configuration |
for(size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) |
{ |
if (!cm.addCompositor(vp, names[i])) { |
LogManager::getSingleton().logError("Failed to add compositor: " + names[i]); |
continue; |
} |
cm.setCompositorEnabled(vp, names[i], true); |
} |
} |
} |
void getCompositorTexture(const String& compname, const String& texname, OutputArray out, |
int mrtIndex) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
CompositorManager& cm = CompositorManager::getSingleton(); |
CompositorChain* chain = cm.getCompositorChain(rWin->getViewport(0)); |
CV_Assert(chain && "no active compositors"); |
CompositorInstance* inst = chain->getCompositor(compname); |
if(!inst) |
CV_Error_(Error::StsBadArg, ("no active compositor named: %s", compname.c_str())); |
TexturePtr tex = inst->getTextureInstance(texname, mrtIndex); |
if(!tex) |
CV_Error_(Error::StsBadArg, ("no texture named: %s", texname.c_str())); |
PixelFormat src_type = tex->getFormat(); |
int dst_type; |
switch(src_type) |
{ |
case PF_R8: |
case PF_L8: |
dst_type = CV_8U; |
break; |
case PF_BYTE_RGB: |
dst_type = CV_8UC3; |
break; |
case PF_BYTE_RGBA: |
dst_type = CV_8UC4; |
break; |
case PF_FLOAT32_R: |
dst_type = CV_32F; |
break; |
case PF_FLOAT32_RGB: |
dst_type = CV_32FC3; |
break; |
case PF_FLOAT32_RGBA: |
dst_type = CV_32FC4; |
break; |
case PF_L16: |
case PF_DEPTH16: |
dst_type = CV_16U; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "unsupported texture format"); |
} |
out.create(tex->getHeight(), tex->getWidth(), dst_type); |
Mat mat = out.getMat(); |
PixelBox pb(tex->getWidth(), tex->getHeight(), 1, src_type, mat.ptr()); |
tex->getBuffer()->blitToMemory(pb, pb); |
if(CV_MAT_CN(dst_type) < 3) |
return; |
// convert to OpenCV channel order |
cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_MAT_CN(dst_type) == 3 ? COLOR_RGB2BGR : COLOR_RGBA2BGRA); |
} |
void setBackground(const Scalar& color) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
// hide background plane |
bgplane->setVisible(false); |
// BGRA as uchar |
ColourValue _color = ColourValue(color[2], color[1], color[0], color[3]) / 255; |
rWin->getViewport(0)->setBackgroundColour(_color); |
} |
void createEntity(const String& name, const String& meshname, InputArray tvec, InputArray rot) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Entity* ent = sceneMgr->createEntity(name, meshname, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
Quaternion q; |
Vector3 t; |
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t); |
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(t, q); |
node->attachObject(ent); |
} |
void removeEntity(const String& name) CV_OVERRIDE { |
SceneNode& node = _getSceneNode(sceneMgr, name); |
node.getAttachedObject(name)->detachFromParent(); |
// only one of the following will do something |
sceneMgr->destroyLight(name); |
sceneMgr->destroyEntity(name); |
sceneMgr->destroyCamera(name); |
sceneMgr->destroySceneNode(&node); |
} |
Rect2d createCameraEntity(const String& name, InputArray K, const Size& imsize, float zFar, |
InputArray tvec, InputArray rot) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
Pass* rpass = mat->getTechniques()[0]->getPasses()[0]; |
rpass->setEmissive(ColourValue::White); |
Camera* cam = sceneMgr->createCamera(name); |
cam->setMaterial(mat); |
cam->setVisible(true); |
cam->setDebugDisplayEnabled(true); |
cam->setNearClipDistance(1e-9); |
cam->setFarClipDistance(zFar); |
_setCameraIntrinsics(cam, K, imsize); |
Quaternion q; |
Vector3 t; |
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t); |
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(t, q); |
node = node->createChildSceneNode(); |
node->setOrientation(toOGRE); // camera mesh is oriented by OGRE conventions by default |
node->attachObject(cam); |
RealRect ext = cam->getFrustumExtents(); |
float scale = zFar / cam->getNearClipDistance(); // convert to ext at zFar |
return Rect2d(toOGRE_SS[0] * (ext.right - ext.width() / 2) * scale, |
toOGRE_SS[1] * (ext.bottom - ext.height() / 2) * scale, ext.width() * scale, |
ext.height() * scale); |
} |
void createLightEntity(const String& name, InputArray tvec, InputArray rot, const Scalar& diffuseColour, |
const Scalar& specularColour) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Light* light = sceneMgr->createLight(name); |
light->setDirection(Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z); |
// convert to BGR |
light->setDiffuseColour(ColourValue(diffuseColour[2], diffuseColour[1], diffuseColour[0])); |
light->setSpecularColour(ColourValue(specularColour[2], specularColour[1], specularColour[0])); |
Quaternion q; |
Vector3 t; |
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t); |
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(t, q); |
node->attachObject(light); |
} |
void updateEntityPose(const String& name, InputArray tvec, InputArray rot) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
SceneNode& node = _getSceneNode(sceneMgr, name); |
Quaternion q; |
Vector3 t; |
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t); |
node.rotate(q, Ogre::Node::TS_LOCAL); |
node.translate(t, Ogre::Node::TS_LOCAL); |
} |
void setEntityPose(const String& name, InputArray tvec, InputArray rot, bool invert) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
SceneNode& node = _getSceneNode(sceneMgr, name); |
Quaternion q; |
Vector3 t; |
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, invert); |
node.setOrientation(q); |
node.setPosition(t); |
} |
void setEntityProperty(const String& name, int prop, const String& value) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
CV_Assert(prop == ENTITY_MATERIAL); |
SceneNode& node = _getSceneNode(sceneMgr, name); |
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(value, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
CV_Assert(mat && "material not found"); |
Camera* cam = dynamic_cast<Camera*>(node.getAttachedObject(name)); |
if(cam) |
{ |
cam->setMaterial(mat); |
return; |
} |
Entity* ent = dynamic_cast<Entity*>(node.getAttachedObject(name)); |
CV_Assert(ent && "invalid entity"); |
ent->setMaterial(mat); |
} |
void setEntityProperty(const String& name, int prop, const Scalar& value) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
CV_Assert(prop == ENTITY_SCALE); |
SceneNode& node = _getSceneNode(sceneMgr, name); |
node.setScale(value[0], value[1], value[2]); |
} |
void getEntityProperty(const String& name, int prop, OutputArray value) |
{ |
SceneNode& node = _getSceneNode(sceneMgr, name); |
switch(prop) |
{ |
{ |
Vector3 s = node.getScale(); |
Mat_<Real>(1, 3, s.ptr()).copyTo(value); |
return; |
} |
{ |
Entity* ent = dynamic_cast<Entity*>(node.getAttachedObject(name)); |
CV_Assert(ent && "invalid entity"); |
AxisAlignedBox aabb = ent->getWorldBoundingBox(true); |
Vector3 mn = aabb.getMinimum(); |
Vector3 mx = aabb.getMaximum(); |
Mat_<Real> ret(2, 3); |
Mat_<Real>(1, 3, mn.ptr()).copyTo(ret.row(0)); |
Mat_<Real>(1, 3, mx.ptr()).copyTo(ret.row(1)); |
ret.copyTo(value); |
return; |
} |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "unsupported property"); |
} |
} |
void _createBackground() |
{ |
String name = "_" + sceneMgr->getName() + "_DefaultBackground"; |
Mat_<Vec3b> img = (Mat_<Vec3b>(2, 1) << Vec3b(2, 1, 1), Vec3b(240, 120, 120)); |
_createTexture(name, img); |
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
Pass* rpass = mat->getTechniques()[0]->getPasses()[0]; |
rpass->setLightingEnabled(false); |
rpass->setDepthCheckEnabled(false); |
rpass->setDepthWriteEnabled(false); |
rpass->createTextureUnitState(name); |
bgplane.reset(new Rectangle2D(true)); |
bgplane->setCorners(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0); |
// correct for pixel centers |
Vector2 pc(0.5 / img.cols, 0.5 / img.rows); |
bgplane->setUVs(pc, Vector2(pc[0], 1 - pc[1]), Vector2(1 - pc[0], pc[1]), Vector2(1, 1) - pc); |
bgplane->setMaterial(mat); |
bgplane->setRenderQueueGroup(RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND); |
bgplane->setBoundingBox(AxisAlignedBox(AxisAlignedBox::BOX_INFINITE)); |
sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject(bgplane.get()); |
} |
void getScreenshot(OutputArray frame) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
frame.create(rWin->getHeight(), rWin->getWidth(), CV_8UC3); |
Mat out = frame.getMat(); |
PixelBox pb(rWin->getWidth(), rWin->getHeight(), 1, PF_BYTE_RGB, out.ptr()); |
rWin->copyContentsToMemory(pb, pb); |
// convert to OpenCV channel order |
cvtColor(out, out, COLOR_RGB2BGR); |
} |
void getDepth(OutputArray depth) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Camera* cam = sceneMgr->getCamera(title); |
if (!depthRTT) |
{ |
// render into an offscreen texture |
// currently this draws everything twice as OGRE lacks depth texture attachments |
TexturePtr tex = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual( |
title + "_Depth", RESOURCEGROUP_NAME, TEX_TYPE_2D, rWin->getWidth(), |
rWin->getHeight(), 0, PF_DEPTH, TU_RENDERTARGET); |
depthRTT = tex->getBuffer()->getRenderTarget(); |
depthRTT->addViewport(cam); |
depthRTT->setAutoUpdated(false); // only update when requested |
} |
Mat tmp(depthRTT->getHeight(), depthRTT->getWidth(), CV_16U); |
PixelBox pb(depthRTT->getWidth(), depthRTT->getHeight(), 1, PF_DEPTH, tmp.ptr()); |
depthRTT->update(false); |
depthRTT->copyContentsToMemory(pb, pb); |
// convert to NDC |
double alpha = 2.0/std::numeric_limits<uint16>::max(); |
tmp.convertTo(depth, CV_64F, alpha, -1); |
// convert to linear |
float n = cam->getNearClipDistance(); |
float f = cam->getFarClipDistance(); |
Mat ndc = depth.getMat(); |
ndc = -ndc * (f - n) + (f + n); |
ndc = (2 * f * n) / ndc; |
} |
void fixCameraYawAxis(bool useFixed, InputArray _up) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Vector3 up = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y; |
if (!_up.empty()) |
{ |
_up.copyTo(Mat_<Real>(3, 1, up.ptr())); |
} |
camNode->setFixedYawAxis(useFixed, up); |
} |
void setCameraPose(InputArray tvec, InputArray rot, bool invert) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Quaternion q; |
Vector3 t; |
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, invert); |
if (!rot.empty()) |
camNode->setOrientation(q*toOGRE); |
if (!tvec.empty()) |
camNode->setPosition(t); |
} |
void getCameraPose(OutputArray R, OutputArray tvec, bool invert) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Matrix3 _R; |
// toOGRE.Inverse() == toOGRE |
(camNode->getOrientation()*toOGRE).ToRotationMatrix(_R); |
if (invert) |
{ |
_R = _R.Transpose(); |
} |
if (tvec.needed()) |
{ |
Vector3 _tvec = camNode->getPosition(); |
if (invert) |
{ |
_tvec = _R * -_tvec; |
} |
Mat_<Real>(3, 1, _tvec.ptr()).copyTo(tvec); |
} |
if (R.needed()) |
{ |
Mat_<Real>(3, 3, _R[0]).copyTo(R); |
} |
} |
void setCameraIntrinsics(InputArray K, const Size& imsize, float zNear, float zFar) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
Camera* cam = sceneMgr->getCamera(title); |
if(zNear >= 0) cam->setNearClipDistance(zNear); |
if(zFar >= 0) cam->setFarClipDistance(zFar); |
if(!K.empty()) _setCameraIntrinsics(cam, K, imsize); |
} |
void setCameraLookAt(const String& target, InputArray offset) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
SceneNode* tgt = sceneMgr->getEntity(target)->getParentSceneNode(); |
Vector3 _offset = Vector3::ZERO; |
if (!offset.empty()) |
{ |
offset.copyTo(Mat_<Real>(3, 1, _offset.ptr())); |
} |
camNode->lookAt(tgt->_getDerivedPosition() + _offset, Ogre::Node::TS_WORLD); |
} |
}; |
CV_EXPORTS_W void addResourceLocation(const String& path) { _extraResourceLocations.push_back(path); } |
Ptr<WindowScene> createWindow(const String& title, const Size& size, int flags) |
{ |
if (!_app) |
{ |
_app = makePtr<Application>(title.c_str(), size, flags); |
_app->initApp(); |
} |
return makePtr<WindowSceneImpl>(_app, title, size, flags); |
} |
CV_EXPORTS_W int waitKey(int delay) |
{ |
CV_Assert(_app); |
_app->key_pressed = -1; |
_app->getRoot()->renderOneFrame(); |
// wait for keypress, using vsync instead of sleep |
while(!delay && _app->key_pressed == -1) |
_app->getRoot()->renderOneFrame(); |
return (_app->key_pressed != -1) ? (_app->key_pressed & 0xff) : -1; |
} |
void setMaterialProperty(const String& name, int prop, const Scalar& val) |
{ |
CV_Assert(_app); |
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
CV_Assert(mat); |
Pass* rpass = mat->getTechniques()[0]->getPasses()[0]; |
ColourValue col; |
switch (prop) |
{ |
rpass->setPointSize(val[0]); |
break; |
col = rpass->getDiffuse(); |
col.a = val[0]; |
rpass->setDiffuse(col); |
rpass->setSceneBlending(SBT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA); |
rpass->setDepthWriteEnabled(false); |
break; |
col = ColourValue(val[2], val[1], val[0]) / 255; // BGR as uchar |
col.saturate(); |
rpass->setEmissive(col); |
break; |
#if OGRE_VERSION >= ((1 << 16) | (11 << 8) | 2) |
rpass->setLineWidth(val[0]); |
#else |
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "needs OGRE 1.11.2+ for this"); |
#endif |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "invalid or non Scalar property"); |
break; |
} |
} |
void setMaterialProperty(const String& name, int prop, const String& value) |
{ |
CV_Assert_N(prop >= MATERIAL_TEXTURE0, prop <= MATERIAL_TEXTURE3, _app); |
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
CV_Assert(mat); |
Pass* rpass = mat->getTechniques()[0]->getPasses()[0]; |
size_t texUnit = prop - MATERIAL_TEXTURE0; |
CV_Assert(texUnit <= rpass->getTextureUnitStates().size()); |
if (rpass->getTextureUnitStates().size() <= texUnit) |
{ |
rpass->createTextureUnitState(value); |
return; |
} |
rpass->getTextureUnitStates()[texUnit]->setTextureName(value); |
} |
static bool setShaderProperty(const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr& params, const String& prop, |
const Scalar& value) |
{ |
const GpuConstantDefinition* def = params->_findNamedConstantDefinition(prop, false); |
if(!def) |
return false; |
Vec4f valf = value; |
switch(def->constType) |
{ |
case GCT_FLOAT1: |
params->setNamedConstant(prop, valf[0]); |
return true; |
case GCT_FLOAT2: |
params->setNamedConstant(prop, Vector2(valf.val)); |
return true; |
case GCT_FLOAT3: |
params->setNamedConstant(prop, Vector3(valf.val)); |
return true; |
case GCT_FLOAT4: |
params->setNamedConstant(prop, Vector4(valf.val)); |
return true; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "currently only float[1-4] uniforms are supported"); |
return false; |
} |
} |
void setMaterialProperty(const String& name, const String& prop, const Scalar& value) |
{ |
CV_Assert(_app); |
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
CV_Assert(mat); |
Pass* rpass = mat->getTechniques()[0]->getPasses()[0]; |
bool set = false; |
if(rpass->hasGpuProgram(GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM)) |
{ |
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params = rpass->getVertexProgramParameters(); |
set = setShaderProperty(params, prop, value); |
} |
if(rpass->hasGpuProgram(GPT_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM)) |
{ |
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params = rpass->getFragmentProgramParameters(); |
set = set || setShaderProperty(params, prop, value); |
} |
if(!set) |
CV_Error_(Error::StsBadArg, ("shader parameter named '%s' not found", prop.c_str())); |
} |
void updateTexture(const String& name, InputArray image) |
{ |
CV_Assert(_app); |
TexturePtr tex = TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME); |
CV_Assert(tex); |
_createTexture(name, image.getMat()); |
} |
} |