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/* |
By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this |
license. If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, |
copy or use the software. |
License Agreement |
For Open Source Computer Vision Library |
(3-clause BSD License) |
Copyright (C) 2013, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved. |
Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, |
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the names of the contributors |
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software |
without specific prior written permission. |
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and |
any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied |
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are |
disclaimed. In no event shall copyright holders or contributors be liable for |
any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages |
(including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; |
loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused |
and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, |
or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of |
the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. |
*/ |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/aruco.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
namespace cv { |
namespace aruco { |
using namespace std; |
/** |
* |
*/ |
DetectorParameters::DetectorParameters() |
: adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(3), |
adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(23), |
adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(10), |
adaptiveThreshConstant(7), |
minMarkerPerimeterRate(0.03), |
maxMarkerPerimeterRate(4.), |
polygonalApproxAccuracyRate(0.03), |
minCornerDistanceRate(0.05), |
minDistanceToBorder(3), |
minMarkerDistanceRate(0.05), |
doCornerRefinement(false), |
cornerRefinementWinSize(5), |
cornerRefinementMaxIterations(30), |
cornerRefinementMinAccuracy(0.1), |
markerBorderBits(1), |
perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell(4), |
perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell(0.13), |
maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate(0.35), |
minOtsuStdDev(5.0), |
errorCorrectionRate(0.6) {} |
/** |
* @brief Create a new set of DetectorParameters with default values. |
*/ |
Ptr<DetectorParameters> DetectorParameters::create() { |
Ptr<DetectorParameters> params = makePtr<DetectorParameters>(); |
return params; |
} |
/** |
* @brief Convert input image to gray if it is a 3-channels image |
*/ |
static void _convertToGrey(InputArray _in, OutputArray _out) { |
CV_Assert(_in.getMat().channels() == 1 || _in.getMat().channels() == 3); |
_out.create(_in.getMat().size(), CV_8UC1); |
if(_in.getMat().type() == CV_8UC3) |
cvtColor(_in.getMat(), _out.getMat(), COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
else |
_in.getMat().copyTo(_out); |
} |
/** |
* @brief Threshold input image using adaptive thresholding |
*/ |
static void _threshold(InputArray _in, OutputArray _out, int winSize, double constant) { |
CV_Assert(winSize >= 3); |
if(winSize % 2 == 0) winSize++; // win size must be odd |
adaptiveThreshold(_in, _out, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, THRESH_BINARY_INV, winSize, constant); |
} |
/** |
* @brief Given a tresholded image, find the contours, calculate their polygonal approximation |
* and take those that accomplish some conditions |
*/ |
static void _findMarkerContours(InputArray _in, vector< vector< Point2f > > &candidates, |
vector< vector< Point > > &contoursOut, double minPerimeterRate, |
double maxPerimeterRate, double accuracyRate, |
double minCornerDistanceRate, int minDistanceToBorder) { |
CV_Assert(minPerimeterRate > 0 && maxPerimeterRate > 0 && accuracyRate > 0 && |
minCornerDistanceRate >= 0 && minDistanceToBorder >= 0); |
// calculate maximum and minimum sizes in pixels |
unsigned int minPerimeterPixels = |
(unsigned int)(minPerimeterRate * max(_in.getMat().cols, _in.getMat().rows)); |
unsigned int maxPerimeterPixels = |
(unsigned int)(maxPerimeterRate * max(_in.getMat().cols, _in.getMat().rows)); |
Mat contoursImg; |
_in.getMat().copyTo(contoursImg); |
vector< vector< Point > > contours; |
findContours(contoursImg, contours, RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); |
// now filter list of contours |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) { |
// check perimeter |
if(contours[i].size() < minPerimeterPixels || contours[i].size() > maxPerimeterPixels) |
continue; |
// check is square and is convex |
vector< Point > approxCurve; |
approxPolyDP(contours[i], approxCurve, double(contours[i].size()) * accuracyRate, true); |
if(approxCurve.size() != 4 || !isContourConvex(approxCurve)) continue; |
// check min distance between corners |
double minDistSq = |
max(contoursImg.cols, contoursImg.rows) * max(contoursImg.cols, contoursImg.rows); |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
double d = (double)(approxCurve[j].x - approxCurve[(j + 1) % 4].x) * |
(double)(approxCurve[j].x - approxCurve[(j + 1) % 4].x) + |
(double)(approxCurve[j].y - approxCurve[(j + 1) % 4].y) * |
(double)(approxCurve[j].y - approxCurve[(j + 1) % 4].y); |
minDistSq = min(minDistSq, d); |
} |
double minCornerDistancePixels = double(contours[i].size()) * minCornerDistanceRate; |
if(minDistSq < minCornerDistancePixels * minCornerDistancePixels) continue; |
// check if it is too near to the image border |
bool tooNearBorder = false; |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
if(approxCurve[j].x < minDistanceToBorder || approxCurve[j].y < minDistanceToBorder || |
approxCurve[j].x > contoursImg.cols - 1 - minDistanceToBorder || |
approxCurve[j].y > contoursImg.rows - 1 - minDistanceToBorder) |
tooNearBorder = true; |
} |
if(tooNearBorder) continue; |
// if it passes all the test, add to candidates vector |
vector< Point2f > currentCandidate; |
currentCandidate.resize(4); |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
currentCandidate[j] = Point2f((float)approxCurve[j].x, (float)approxCurve[j].y); |
} |
candidates.push_back(currentCandidate); |
contoursOut.push_back(contours[i]); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @brief Assure order of candidate corners is clockwise direction |
*/ |
static void _reorderCandidatesCorners(vector< vector< Point2f > > &candidates) { |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) { |
double dx1 = candidates[i][1].x - candidates[i][0].x; |
double dy1 = candidates[i][1].y - candidates[i][0].y; |
double dx2 = candidates[i][2].x - candidates[i][0].x; |
double dy2 = candidates[i][2].y - candidates[i][0].y; |
double crossProduct = (dx1 * dy2) - (dy1 * dx2); |
if(crossProduct < 0.0) { // not clockwise direction |
swap(candidates[i][1], candidates[i][3]); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* @brief Check candidates that are too close to each other and remove the smaller one |
*/ |
static void _filterTooCloseCandidates(const vector< vector< Point2f > > &candidatesIn, |
vector< vector< Point2f > > &candidatesOut, |
const vector< vector< Point > > &contoursIn, |
vector< vector< Point > > &contoursOut, |
double minMarkerDistanceRate) { |
CV_Assert(minMarkerDistanceRate >= 0); |
vector< pair< int, int > > nearCandidates; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < candidatesIn.size(); i++) { |
for(unsigned int j = i + 1; j < candidatesIn.size(); j++) { |
int minimumPerimeter = min((int)contoursIn[i].size(), (int)contoursIn[j].size() ); |
// fc is the first corner considered on one of the markers, 4 combinations are possible |
for(int fc = 0; fc < 4; fc++) { |
double distSq = 0; |
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { |
// modC is the corner considering first corner is fc |
int modC = (c + fc) % 4; |
distSq += (candidatesIn[i][modC].x - candidatesIn[j][c].x) * |
(candidatesIn[i][modC].x - candidatesIn[j][c].x) + |
(candidatesIn[i][modC].y - candidatesIn[j][c].y) * |
(candidatesIn[i][modC].y - candidatesIn[j][c].y); |
} |
distSq /= 4.; |
// if mean square distance is too low, remove the smaller one of the two markers |
double minMarkerDistancePixels = double(minimumPerimeter) * minMarkerDistanceRate; |
if(distSq < minMarkerDistancePixels * minMarkerDistancePixels) { |
nearCandidates.push_back(pair< int, int >(i, j)); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// mark smaller one in pairs to remove |
vector< bool > toRemove(candidatesIn.size(), false); |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nearCandidates.size(); i++) { |
// if one of the marker has been already markerd to removed, dont need to do anything |
if(toRemove[nearCandidates[i].first] || toRemove[nearCandidates[i].second]) continue; |
size_t perimeter1 = contoursIn[nearCandidates[i].first].size(); |
size_t perimeter2 = contoursIn[nearCandidates[i].second].size(); |
if(perimeter1 > perimeter2) |
toRemove[nearCandidates[i].second] = true; |
else |
toRemove[nearCandidates[i].first] = true; |
} |
// remove extra candidates |
candidatesOut.clear(); |
unsigned long totalRemaining = 0; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < toRemove.size(); i++) |
if(!toRemove[i]) totalRemaining++; |
candidatesOut.resize(totalRemaining); |
contoursOut.resize(totalRemaining); |
for(unsigned int i = 0, currIdx = 0; i < candidatesIn.size(); i++) { |
if(toRemove[i]) continue; |
candidatesOut[currIdx] = candidatesIn[i]; |
contoursOut[currIdx] = contoursIn[i]; |
currIdx++; |
} |
} |
/** |
* ParallelLoopBody class for the parallelization of the basic candidate detections using |
* different threhold window sizes. Called from function _detectInitialCandidates() |
*/ |
class DetectInitialCandidatesParallel : public ParallelLoopBody { |
public: |
DetectInitialCandidatesParallel(const Mat *_grey, |
vector< vector< vector< Point2f > > > *_candidatesArrays, |
vector< vector< vector< Point > > > *_contoursArrays, |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params) |
: grey(_grey), candidatesArrays(_candidatesArrays), contoursArrays(_contoursArrays), |
params(_params) {} |
void operator()(const Range &range) const { |
const int begin = range.start; |
const int end = range.end; |
for(int i = begin; i < end; i++) { |
int currScale = |
params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin + i * params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep; |
// threshold |
Mat thresh; |
_threshold(*grey, thresh, currScale, params->adaptiveThreshConstant); |
// detect rectangles |
_findMarkerContours(thresh, (*candidatesArrays)[i], (*contoursArrays)[i], |
params->minMarkerPerimeterRate, params->maxMarkerPerimeterRate, |
params->polygonalApproxAccuracyRate, params->minCornerDistanceRate, |
params->minDistanceToBorder); |
} |
} |
private: |
DetectInitialCandidatesParallel &operator=(const DetectInitialCandidatesParallel &); |
const Mat *grey; |
vector< vector< vector< Point2f > > > *candidatesArrays; |
vector< vector< vector< Point > > > *contoursArrays; |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> ¶ms; |
}; |
/** |
* @brief Initial steps on finding square candidates |
*/ |
static void _detectInitialCandidates(const Mat &grey, vector< vector< Point2f > > &candidates, |
vector< vector< Point > > &contours, |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> ¶ms) { |
CV_Assert(params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin >= 3 && params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax >= 3); |
CV_Assert(params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax >= params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin); |
CV_Assert(params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep > 0); |
// number of window sizes (scales) to apply adaptive thresholding |
int nScales = (params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax - params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin) / |
params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep + 1; |
vector< vector< vector< Point2f > > > candidatesArrays((size_t) nScales); |
vector< vector< vector< Point > > > contoursArrays((size_t) nScales); |
////for each value in the interval of thresholding window sizes |
// for(int i = 0; i < nScales; i++) { |
// int currScale = params.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin + i*params.adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep; |
// // treshold |
// Mat thresh; |
// _threshold(grey, thresh, currScale, params.adaptiveThreshConstant); |
// // detect rectangles |
// _findMarkerContours(thresh, candidatesArrays[i], contoursArrays[i], |
// params.minMarkerPerimeterRate, |
// params.maxMarkerPerimeterRate, params.polygonalApproxAccuracyRate, |
// params.minCornerDistance, params.minDistanceToBorder); |
//} |
// this is the parallel call for the previous commented loop (result is equivalent) |
parallel_for_(Range(0, nScales), DetectInitialCandidatesParallel(&grey, &candidatesArrays, |
&contoursArrays, params)); |
// join candidates |
for(int i = 0; i < nScales; i++) { |
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < candidatesArrays[i].size(); j++) { |
candidates.push_back(candidatesArrays[i][j]); |
contours.push_back(contoursArrays[i][j]); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* @brief Detect square candidates in the input image |
*/ |
static void _detectCandidates(InputArray _image, vector< vector< Point2f > >& candidatesOut, |
vector< vector< Point > >& contoursOut, const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params) { |
Mat image = _image.getMat(); |
CV_Assert( != 0); |
Mat grey; |
_convertToGrey(image, grey); |
vector< vector< Point2f > > candidates; |
vector< vector< Point > > contours; |
_detectInitialCandidates(grey, candidates, contours, _params); |
_reorderCandidatesCorners(candidates); |
_filterTooCloseCandidates(candidates, candidatesOut, contours, contoursOut, |
_params->minMarkerDistanceRate); |
} |
/** |
* @brief Given an input image and candidate corners, extract the bits of the candidate, including |
* the border bits |
*/ |
static Mat _extractBits(InputArray _image, InputArray _corners, int markerSize, |
int markerBorderBits, int cellSize, double cellMarginRate, |
double minStdDevOtsu) { |
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().channels() == 1); |
CV_Assert( == 4); |
CV_Assert(markerBorderBits > 0 && cellSize > 0 && cellMarginRate >= 0 && cellMarginRate <= 1); |
CV_Assert(minStdDevOtsu >= 0); |
// number of bits in the marker |
int markerSizeWithBorders = markerSize + 2 * markerBorderBits; |
int cellMarginPixels = int(cellMarginRate * cellSize); |
Mat resultImg; // marker image after removing perspective |
int resultImgSize = markerSizeWithBorders * cellSize; |
Mat resultImgCorners(4, 1, CV_32FC2); |
resultImgCorners.ptr< Point2f >(0)[0] = Point2f(0, 0); |
resultImgCorners.ptr< Point2f >(0)[1] = Point2f((float)resultImgSize - 1, 0); |
resultImgCorners.ptr< Point2f >(0)[2] = |
Point2f((float)resultImgSize - 1, (float)resultImgSize - 1); |
resultImgCorners.ptr< Point2f >(0)[3] = Point2f(0, (float)resultImgSize - 1); |
// remove perspective |
Mat transformation = getPerspectiveTransform(_corners, resultImgCorners); |
warpPerspective(_image, resultImg, transformation, Size(resultImgSize, resultImgSize), |
// output image containing the bits |
Mat bits(markerSizeWithBorders, markerSizeWithBorders, CV_8UC1, Scalar::all(0)); |
// check if standard deviation is enough to apply Otsu |
// if not enough, it probably means all bits are the same color (black or white) |
Mat mean, stddev; |
// Remove some border just to avoid border noise from perspective transformation |
Mat innerRegion = resultImg.colRange(cellSize / 2, resultImg.cols - cellSize / 2) |
.rowRange(cellSize / 2, resultImg.rows - cellSize / 2); |
meanStdDev(innerRegion, mean, stddev); |
if(stddev.ptr< double >(0)[0] < minStdDevOtsu) { |
// all black or all white, depending on mean value |
if(mean.ptr< double >(0)[0] > 127) |
bits.setTo(1); |
else |
bits.setTo(0); |
return bits; |
} |
// now extract code, first threshold using Otsu |
threshold(resultImg, resultImg, 125, 255, THRESH_BINARY | THRESH_OTSU); |
// for each cell |
for(int y = 0; y < markerSizeWithBorders; y++) { |
for(int x = 0; x < markerSizeWithBorders; x++) { |
int Xstart = x * (cellSize) + cellMarginPixels; |
int Ystart = y * (cellSize) + cellMarginPixels; |
Mat square = resultImg(Rect(Xstart, Ystart, cellSize - 2 * cellMarginPixels, |
cellSize - 2 * cellMarginPixels)); |
// count white pixels on each cell to assign its value |
size_t nZ = (size_t) countNonZero(square); |
if(nZ > / 2)< unsigned char >(y, x) = 1; |
} |
} |
return bits; |
} |
/** |
* @brief Return number of erroneous bits in border, i.e. number of white bits in border. |
*/ |
static int _getBorderErrors(const Mat &bits, int markerSize, int borderSize) { |
int sizeWithBorders = markerSize + 2 * borderSize; |
CV_Assert(markerSize > 0 && bits.cols == sizeWithBorders && bits.rows == sizeWithBorders); |
int totalErrors = 0; |
for(int y = 0; y < sizeWithBorders; y++) { |
for(int k = 0; k < borderSize; k++) { |
if(bits.ptr< unsigned char >(y)[k] != 0) totalErrors++; |
if(bits.ptr< unsigned char >(y)[sizeWithBorders - 1 - k] != 0) totalErrors++; |
} |
} |
for(int x = borderSize; x < sizeWithBorders - borderSize; x++) { |
for(int k = 0; k < borderSize; k++) { |
if(bits.ptr< unsigned char >(k)[x] != 0) totalErrors++; |
if(bits.ptr< unsigned char >(sizeWithBorders - 1 - k)[x] != 0) totalErrors++; |
} |
} |
return totalErrors; |
} |
/** |
* @brief Tries to identify one candidate given the dictionary |
*/ |
static bool _identifyOneCandidate(const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary, InputArray _image, |
InputOutputArray _corners, int &idx, const Ptr<DetectorParameters> ¶ms) { |
CV_Assert( == 4); |
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().total() != 0); |
CV_Assert(params->markerBorderBits > 0); |
// get bits |
Mat candidateBits = |
_extractBits(_image, _corners, dictionary->markerSize, params->markerBorderBits, |
params->perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell, |
params->perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell, params->minOtsuStdDev); |
// analyze border bits |
int maximumErrorsInBorder = |
int(dictionary->markerSize * dictionary->markerSize * params->maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate); |
int borderErrors = |
_getBorderErrors(candidateBits, dictionary->markerSize, params->markerBorderBits); |
if(borderErrors > maximumErrorsInBorder) return false; // border is wrong |
// take only inner bits |
Mat onlyBits = |
candidateBits.rowRange(params->markerBorderBits, |
candidateBits.rows - params->markerBorderBits) |
.colRange(params->markerBorderBits, candidateBits.rows - params->markerBorderBits); |
// try to indentify the marker |
int rotation; |
if(!dictionary->identify(onlyBits, idx, rotation, params->errorCorrectionRate)) |
return false; |
else { |
// shift corner positions to the correct rotation |
if(rotation != 0) { |
Mat copyPoints = _corners.getMat().clone(); |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) |
_corners.getMat().ptr< Point2f >(0)[j] = |
copyPoints.ptr< Point2f >(0)[(j + 4 - rotation) % 4]; |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
/** |
* ParallelLoopBody class for the parallelization of the marker identification step |
* Called from function _identifyCandidates() |
*/ |
class IdentifyCandidatesParallel : public ParallelLoopBody { |
public: |
IdentifyCandidatesParallel(const Mat& _grey, InputArrayOfArrays _candidates, |
InputArrayOfArrays _contours, const Ptr<Dictionary> &_dictionary, |
vector< int >& _idsTmp, vector< char >& _validCandidates, |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params) |
: grey(_grey), candidates(_candidates), contours(_contours), dictionary(_dictionary), |
idsTmp(_idsTmp), validCandidates(_validCandidates), params(_params) {} |
void operator()(const Range &range) const { |
const int begin = range.start; |
const int end = range.end; |
for(int i = begin; i < end; i++) { |
int currId; |
Mat currentCandidate = candidates.getMat(i); |
if(_identifyOneCandidate(dictionary, grey, currentCandidate, currId, params)) { |
validCandidates[i] = 1; |
idsTmp[i] = currId; |
} |
} |
} |
private: |
IdentifyCandidatesParallel &operator=(const IdentifyCandidatesParallel &); // to quiet MSVC |
const Mat &grey; |
InputArrayOfArrays candidates, contours; |
const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary; |
vector< int > &idsTmp; |
vector< char > &validCandidates; |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> ¶ms; |
}; |
/** |
* @brief Copy the contents of a corners vector to an OutputArray, settings its size. |
*/ |
static void _copyVector2Output(vector< vector< Point2f > > &vec, OutputArrayOfArrays out) { |
out.create((int)vec.size(), 1, CV_32FC2); |
if(out.isMatVector()) { |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { |
out.create(4, 1, CV_32FC2, i); |
Mat &m = out.getMatRef(i); |
Mat(Mat(vec[i]).t()).copyTo(m); |
} |
} |
else if(out.isUMatVector()) { |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { |
out.create(4, 1, CV_32FC2, i); |
UMat &m = out.getUMatRef(i); |
Mat(Mat(vec[i]).t()).copyTo(m); |
} |
} |
else if(out.kind() == _OutputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR){ |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { |
out.create(4, 1, CV_32FC2, i); |
Mat m = out.getMat(i); |
Mat(Mat(vec[i]).t()).copyTo(m); |
} |
} |
else { |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, |
"Only Mat vector, UMat vector, and vector<vector> OutputArrays are currently supported."); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @brief Identify square candidates according to a marker dictionary |
*/ |
static void _identifyCandidates(InputArray _image, vector< vector< Point2f > >& _candidates, |
InputArrayOfArrays _contours, const Ptr<Dictionary> &_dictionary, |
vector< vector< Point2f > >& _accepted, vector< int >& ids, |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> ¶ms, |
OutputArrayOfArrays _rejected = noArray()) { |
int ncandidates = (int)_candidates.size(); |
vector< vector< Point2f > > accepted; |
vector< vector< Point2f > > rejected; |
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().total() != 0); |
Mat grey; |
_convertToGrey(_image.getMat(), grey); |
vector< int > idsTmp(ncandidates, -1); |
vector< char > validCandidates(ncandidates, 0); |
//// Analyze each of the candidates |
// for (int i = 0; i < ncandidates; i++) { |
// int currId = i; |
// Mat currentCandidate = _candidates.getMat(i); |
// if (_identifyOneCandidate(dictionary, grey, currentCandidate, currId, params)) { |
// validCandidates[i] = 1; |
// idsTmp[i] = currId; |
// } |
//} |
// this is the parallel call for the previous commented loop (result is equivalent) |
parallel_for_(Range(0, ncandidates), |
IdentifyCandidatesParallel(grey, _candidates, _contours, _dictionary, idsTmp, |
validCandidates, params)); |
for(int i = 0; i < ncandidates; i++) { |
if(validCandidates[i] == 1) { |
accepted.push_back(_candidates[i]); |
ids.push_back(idsTmp[i]); |
} else { |
rejected.push_back(_candidates[i]); |
} |
} |
// parse output |
_accepted = accepted; |
if(_rejected.needed()) { |
_copyVector2Output(rejected, _rejected); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @brief Final filter of markers after its identification |
*/ |
static void _filterDetectedMarkers(vector< vector< Point2f > >& _corners, vector< int >& _ids) { |
CV_Assert(_corners.size() == _ids.size()); |
if(_corners.empty()) return; |
// mark markers that will be removed |
vector< bool > toRemove(_corners.size(), false); |
bool atLeastOneRemove = false; |
// remove repeated markers with same id, if one contains the other (doble border bug) |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _corners.size() - 1; i++) { |
for(unsigned int j = i + 1; j < _corners.size(); j++) { |
if(_ids[i] != _ids[j]) continue; |
// check if first marker is inside second |
bool inside = true; |
for(unsigned int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { |
Point2f point = _corners[j][p]; |
if(pointPolygonTest(_corners[i], point, false) < 0) { |
inside = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(inside) { |
toRemove[j] = true; |
atLeastOneRemove = true; |
continue; |
} |
// check the second marker |
inside = true; |
for(unsigned int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { |
Point2f point = _corners[i][p]; |
if(pointPolygonTest(_corners[j], point, false) < 0) { |
inside = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(inside) { |
toRemove[i] = true; |
atLeastOneRemove = true; |
continue; |
} |
} |
} |
// parse output |
if(atLeastOneRemove) { |
vector< vector< Point2f > >::iterator filteredCorners = _corners.begin(); |
vector< int >::iterator filteredIds = _ids.begin(); |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < toRemove.size(); i++) { |
if(!toRemove[i]) { |
*filteredCorners++ = _corners[i]; |
*filteredIds++ = _ids[i]; |
} |
} |
_ids.erase(filteredIds, _ids.end()); |
_corners.erase(filteredCorners, _corners.end()); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @brief Return object points for the system centered in a single marker, given the marker length |
*/ |
static void _getSingleMarkerObjectPoints(float markerLength, OutputArray _objPoints) { |
CV_Assert(markerLength > 0); |
_objPoints.create(4, 1, CV_32FC3); |
Mat objPoints = _objPoints.getMat(); |
// set coordinate system in the middle of the marker, with Z pointing out |
objPoints.ptr< Vec3f >(0)[0] = Vec3f(-markerLength / 2.f, markerLength / 2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr< Vec3f >(0)[1] = Vec3f(markerLength / 2.f, markerLength / 2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr< Vec3f >(0)[2] = Vec3f(markerLength / 2.f, -markerLength / 2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr< Vec3f >(0)[3] = Vec3f(-markerLength / 2.f, -markerLength / 2.f, 0); |
} |
/** |
* ParallelLoopBody class for the parallelization of the marker corner subpixel refinement |
* Called from function detectMarkers() |
*/ |
class MarkerSubpixelParallel : public ParallelLoopBody { |
public: |
MarkerSubpixelParallel(const Mat *_grey, OutputArrayOfArrays _corners, |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params) |
: grey(_grey), corners(_corners), params(_params) {} |
void operator()(const Range &range) const { |
const int begin = range.start; |
const int end = range.end; |
for(int i = begin; i < end; i++) { |
cornerSubPix(*grey, corners.getMat(i), |
Size(params->cornerRefinementWinSize, params->cornerRefinementWinSize), |
Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | TermCriteria::EPS, |
params->cornerRefinementMaxIterations, |
params->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy)); |
} |
} |
private: |
MarkerSubpixelParallel &operator=(const MarkerSubpixelParallel &); // to quiet MSVC |
const Mat *grey; |
OutputArrayOfArrays corners; |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> ¶ms; |
}; |
/** |
*/ |
void detectMarkers(InputArray _image, const Ptr<Dictionary> &_dictionary, OutputArrayOfArrays _corners, |
OutputArray _ids, const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params, |
OutputArrayOfArrays _rejectedImgPoints) { |
CV_Assert(!_image.empty()); |
Mat grey; |
_convertToGrey(_image.getMat(), grey); |
/// STEP 1: Detect marker candidates |
vector< vector< Point2f > > candidates; |
vector< vector< Point > > contours; |
vector< int > ids; |
_detectCandidates(grey, candidates, contours, _params); |
/// STEP 2: Check candidate codification (identify markers) |
_identifyCandidates(grey, candidates, contours, _dictionary, candidates, ids, _params, |
_rejectedImgPoints); |
/// STEP 3: Filter detected markers; |
_filterDetectedMarkers(candidates, ids); |
// copy to output arrays |
_copyVector2Output(candidates, _corners); |
Mat(ids).copyTo(_ids); |
/// STEP 4: Corner refinement |
if(_params->doCornerRefinement) { |
CV_Assert(_params->cornerRefinementWinSize > 0 && _params->cornerRefinementMaxIterations > 0 && |
_params->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy > 0); |
//// do corner refinement for each of the detected markers |
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _corners.cols(); i++) { |
// cornerSubPix(grey, _corners.getMat(i), |
// Size(params.cornerRefinementWinSize, params.cornerRefinementWinSize), |
// Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | TermCriteria::EPS, |
// params.cornerRefinementMaxIterations, |
// params.cornerRefinementMinAccuracy)); |
//} |
// this is the parallel call for the previous commented loop (result is equivalent) |
parallel_for_(Range(0, _corners.cols()), |
MarkerSubpixelParallel(&grey, _corners, _params)); |
} |
} |
/** |
* ParallelLoopBody class for the parallelization of the single markers pose estimation |
* Called from function estimatePoseSingleMarkers() |
*/ |
class SinglePoseEstimationParallel : public ParallelLoopBody { |
public: |
SinglePoseEstimationParallel(Mat& _markerObjPoints, InputArrayOfArrays _corners, |
InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs, |
Mat& _rvecs, Mat& _tvecs) |
: markerObjPoints(_markerObjPoints), corners(_corners), cameraMatrix(_cameraMatrix), |
distCoeffs(_distCoeffs), rvecs(_rvecs), tvecs(_tvecs) {} |
void operator()(const Range &range) const { |
const int begin = range.start; |
const int end = range.end; |
for(int i = begin; i < end; i++) { |
solvePnP(markerObjPoints, corners.getMat(i), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, |
|<Vec3d>(i),<Vec3d>(i)); |
} |
} |
private: |
SinglePoseEstimationParallel &operator=(const SinglePoseEstimationParallel &); // to quiet MSVC |
Mat& markerObjPoints; |
InputArrayOfArrays corners; |
InputArray cameraMatrix, distCoeffs; |
Mat& rvecs, tvecs; |
}; |
/** |
*/ |
void estimatePoseSingleMarkers(InputArrayOfArrays _corners, float markerLength, |
InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs, |
OutputArray _rvecs, OutputArray _tvecs) { |
CV_Assert(markerLength > 0); |
Mat markerObjPoints; |
_getSingleMarkerObjectPoints(markerLength, markerObjPoints); |
int nMarkers = (int); |
_rvecs.create(nMarkers, 1, CV_64FC3); |
_tvecs.create(nMarkers, 1, CV_64FC3); |
Mat rvecs = _rvecs.getMat(), tvecs = _tvecs.getMat(); |
//// for each marker, calculate its pose |
// for (int i = 0; i < nMarkers; i++) { |
// solvePnP(markerObjPoints, _corners.getMat(i), _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, |
// _rvecs.getMat(i), _tvecs.getMat(i)); |
//} |
// this is the parallel call for the previous commented loop (result is equivalent) |
parallel_for_(Range(0, nMarkers), |
SinglePoseEstimationParallel(markerObjPoints, _corners, _cameraMatrix, |
_distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs)); |
} |
/** |
* @brief Given a board configuration and a set of detected markers, returns the corresponding |
* image points and object points to call solvePnP |
*/ |
static void _getBoardObjectAndImagePoints(const Ptr<Board> &_board, InputArray _detectedIds, |
InputArrayOfArrays _detectedCorners, |
OutputArray _imgPoints, OutputArray _objPoints) { |
CV_Assert(_board->ids.size() == _board->objPoints.size()); |
CV_Assert( ==; |
size_t nDetectedMarkers =; |
vector< Point3f > objPnts; |
objPnts.reserve(nDetectedMarkers); |
vector< Point2f > imgPnts; |
imgPnts.reserve(nDetectedMarkers); |
// look for detected markers that belong to the board and get their information |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nDetectedMarkers; i++) { |
int currentId = _detectedIds.getMat().ptr< int >(0)[i]; |
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < _board->ids.size(); j++) { |
if(currentId == _board->ids[j]) { |
for(int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { |
objPnts.push_back(_board->objPoints[j][p]); |
imgPnts.push_back(_detectedCorners.getMat(i).ptr< Point2f >(0)[p]); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// create output |
Mat(objPnts).copyTo(_objPoints); |
Mat(imgPnts).copyTo(_imgPoints); |
} |
/** |
* Project board markers that are not included in the list of detected markers |
*/ |
static void _projectUndetectedMarkers(const Ptr<Board> &_board, InputOutputArrayOfArrays _detectedCorners, |
InputOutputArray _detectedIds, InputArray _cameraMatrix, |
InputArray _distCoeffs, |
vector< vector< Point2f > >& _undetectedMarkersProjectedCorners, |
OutputArray _undetectedMarkersIds) { |
// first estimate board pose with the current avaible markers |
Mat rvec, tvec; |
int boardDetectedMarkers; |
boardDetectedMarkers = aruco::estimatePoseBoard(_detectedCorners, _detectedIds, _board, |
_cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, rvec, tvec); |
// at least one marker from board so rvec and tvec are valid |
if(boardDetectedMarkers == 0) return; |
// search undetected markers and project them using the previous pose |
vector< vector< Point2f > > undetectedCorners; |
vector< int > undetectedIds; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _board->ids.size(); i++) { |
int foundIdx = -1; |
for(unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++) { |
if(_board->ids[i] == _detectedIds.getMat().ptr< int >()[j]) { |
foundIdx = j; |
break; |
} |
} |
// not detected |
if(foundIdx == -1) { |
undetectedCorners.push_back(vector< Point2f >()); |
undetectedIds.push_back(_board->ids[i]); |
projectPoints(_board->objPoints[i], rvec, tvec, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, |
undetectedCorners.back()); |
} |
} |
// parse output |
Mat(undetectedIds).copyTo(_undetectedMarkersIds); |
_undetectedMarkersProjectedCorners = undetectedCorners; |
} |
/** |
* Interpolate board markers that are not included in the list of detected markers using |
* global homography |
*/ |
static void _projectUndetectedMarkers(const Ptr<Board> &_board, InputOutputArrayOfArrays _detectedCorners, |
InputOutputArray _detectedIds, |
vector< vector< Point2f > >& _undetectedMarkersProjectedCorners, |
OutputArray _undetectedMarkersIds) { |
// check board points are in the same plane, if not, global homography cannot be applied |
CV_Assert(_board->objPoints.size() > 0); |
CV_Assert(_board->objPoints[0].size() > 0); |
float boardZ = _board->objPoints[0][0].z; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _board->objPoints.size(); i++) { |
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < _board->objPoints[i].size(); j++) { |
CV_Assert(boardZ == _board->objPoints[i][j].z); |
} |
} |
vector< Point2f > detectedMarkersObj2DAll; // Object coordinates (without Z) of all the detected |
// marker corners in a single vector |
vector< Point2f > imageCornersAll; // Image corners of all detected markers in a single vector |
vector< vector< Point2f > > undetectedMarkersObj2D; // Object coordinates (without Z) of all |
// missing markers in different vectors |
vector< int > undetectedMarkersIds; // ids of missing markers |
// find markers included in board, and missing markers from board. Fill the previous vectors |
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < _board->ids.size(); j++) { |
bool found = false; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) { |
if(_detectedIds.getMat().ptr< int >()[i] == _board->ids[j]) { |
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { |
imageCornersAll.push_back(_detectedCorners.getMat(i).ptr< Point2f >()[c]); |
detectedMarkersObj2DAll.push_back( |
Point2f(_board->objPoints[j][c].x, _board->objPoints[j][c].y)); |
} |
found = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(!found) { |
undetectedMarkersObj2D.push_back(vector< Point2f >()); |
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { |
undetectedMarkersObj2D.back().push_back( |
Point2f(_board->objPoints[j][c].x, _board->objPoints[j][c].y)); |
} |
undetectedMarkersIds.push_back(_board->ids[j]); |
} |
} |
if(imageCornersAll.size() == 0) return; |
// get homography from detected markers |
Mat transformation = findHomography(detectedMarkersObj2DAll, imageCornersAll); |
_undetectedMarkersProjectedCorners.resize(undetectedMarkersIds.size()); |
// for each undetected marker, apply transformation |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < undetectedMarkersObj2D.size(); i++) { |
perspectiveTransform(undetectedMarkersObj2D[i], _undetectedMarkersProjectedCorners[i], transformation); |
} |
Mat(undetectedMarkersIds).copyTo(_undetectedMarkersIds); |
} |
/** |
*/ |
void refineDetectedMarkers(InputArray _image, const Ptr<Board> &_board, |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays _detectedCorners, InputOutputArray _detectedIds, |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays _rejectedCorners, InputArray _cameraMatrix, |
InputArray _distCoeffs, float minRepDistance, float errorCorrectionRate, |
bool checkAllOrders, OutputArray _recoveredIdxs, |
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params) { |
CV_Assert(minRepDistance > 0); |
if( == 0 || == 0) return; |
DetectorParameters ¶ms = *_params; |
// get projections of missing markers in the board |
vector< vector< Point2f > > undetectedMarkersCorners; |
vector< int > undetectedMarkersIds; |
if( != 0) { |
// reproject based on camera projection model |
_projectUndetectedMarkers(_board, _detectedCorners, _detectedIds, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, |
undetectedMarkersCorners, undetectedMarkersIds); |
} else { |
// reproject based on global homography |
_projectUndetectedMarkers(_board, _detectedCorners, _detectedIds, undetectedMarkersCorners, |
undetectedMarkersIds); |
} |
// list of missing markers indicating if they have been assigned to a candidate |
vector< bool > alreadyIdentified(, false); |
// maximum bits that can be corrected |
Dictionary &dictionary = *(_board->dictionary); |
int maxCorrectionRecalculated = |
int(double(dictionary.maxCorrectionBits) * errorCorrectionRate); |
Mat grey; |
_convertToGrey(_image, grey); |
// vector of final detected marker corners and ids |
vector< Mat > finalAcceptedCorners; |
vector< int > finalAcceptedIds; |
// fill with the current markers |
finalAcceptedCorners.resize(; |
finalAcceptedIds.resize(; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) { |
finalAcceptedCorners[i] = _detectedCorners.getMat(i).clone(); |
finalAcceptedIds[i] = _detectedIds.getMat().ptr< int >()[i]; |
} |
vector< int > recoveredIdxs; // original indexes of accepted markers in _rejectedCorners |
// for each missing marker, try to find a correspondence |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < undetectedMarkersIds.size(); i++) { |
// best match at the moment |
int closestCandidateIdx = -1; |
double closestCandidateDistance = minRepDistance * minRepDistance + 1; |
Mat closestRotatedMarker; |
for(unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++) { |
if(alreadyIdentified[j]) continue; |
// check distance |
double minDistance = closestCandidateDistance + 1; |
bool valid = false; |
int validRot = 0; |
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { // first corner in rejected candidate |
double currentMaxDistance = 0; |
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { |
Point2f rejCorner = _rejectedCorners.getMat(j).ptr< Point2f >()[(c + k) % 4]; |
Point2f distVector = undetectedMarkersCorners[i][k] - rejCorner; |
double cornerDist = distVector.x * distVector.x + distVector.y * distVector.y; |
currentMaxDistance = max(currentMaxDistance, cornerDist); |
} |
// if distance is better than current best distance |
if(currentMaxDistance < closestCandidateDistance) { |
valid = true; |
validRot = c; |
minDistance = currentMaxDistance; |
} |
if(!checkAllOrders) break; |
} |
if(!valid) continue; |
// apply rotation |
Mat rotatedMarker; |
if(checkAllOrders) { |
rotatedMarker = Mat(4, 1, CV_32FC2); |
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) |
rotatedMarker.ptr< Point2f >()[c] = |
_rejectedCorners.getMat(j).ptr< Point2f >()[(c + 4 + validRot) % 4]; |
} |
else rotatedMarker = _rejectedCorners.getMat(j); |
// last filter, check if inner code is close enough to the assigned marker code |
int codeDistance = 0; |
// if errorCorrectionRate, dont check code |
if(errorCorrectionRate >= 0) { |
// extract bits |
Mat bits = _extractBits( |
grey, rotatedMarker, dictionary.markerSize, params.markerBorderBits, |
params.perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell, |
params.perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell, params.minOtsuStdDev); |
Mat onlyBits = |
bits.rowRange(params.markerBorderBits, bits.rows - params.markerBorderBits) |
.colRange(params.markerBorderBits, bits.rows - params.markerBorderBits); |
codeDistance = |
dictionary.getDistanceToId(onlyBits, undetectedMarkersIds[i], false); |
} |
// if everythin is ok, assign values to current best match |
if(errorCorrectionRate < 0 || codeDistance < maxCorrectionRecalculated) { |
closestCandidateIdx = j; |
closestCandidateDistance = minDistance; |
closestRotatedMarker = rotatedMarker; |
} |
} |
// if at least one good match, we have rescue the missing marker |
if(closestCandidateIdx >= 0) { |
// subpixel refinement |
if(params.doCornerRefinement) { |
CV_Assert(params.cornerRefinementWinSize > 0 && |
params.cornerRefinementMaxIterations > 0 && |
params.cornerRefinementMinAccuracy > 0); |
cornerSubPix(grey, closestRotatedMarker, |
Size(params.cornerRefinementWinSize, params.cornerRefinementWinSize), |
Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | TermCriteria::EPS, |
params.cornerRefinementMaxIterations, |
params.cornerRefinementMinAccuracy)); |
} |
// remove from rejected |
alreadyIdentified[closestCandidateIdx] = true; |
// add to detected |
finalAcceptedCorners.push_back(closestRotatedMarker); |
finalAcceptedIds.push_back(undetectedMarkersIds[i]); |
// add the original index of the candidate |
recoveredIdxs.push_back(closestCandidateIdx); |
} |
} |
// parse output |
if(finalAcceptedIds.size() != { |
_detectedCorners.clear(); |
_detectedIds.clear(); |
// parse output |
Mat(finalAcceptedIds).copyTo(_detectedIds); |
_detectedCorners.create((int)finalAcceptedCorners.size(), 1, CV_32FC2); |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < finalAcceptedCorners.size(); i++) { |
_detectedCorners.create(4, 1, CV_32FC2, i, true); |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
_detectedCorners.getMat(i).ptr< Point2f >()[j] = |
finalAcceptedCorners[i].ptr< Point2f >()[j]; |
} |
} |
// recalculate _rejectedCorners based on alreadyIdentified |
vector< Mat > finalRejected; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < alreadyIdentified.size(); i++) { |
if(!alreadyIdentified[i]) { |
finalRejected.push_back(_rejectedCorners.getMat(i).clone()); |
} |
} |
_rejectedCorners.clear(); |
_rejectedCorners.create((int)finalRejected.size(), 1, CV_32FC2); |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < finalRejected.size(); i++) { |
_rejectedCorners.create(4, 1, CV_32FC2, i, true); |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
_rejectedCorners.getMat(i).ptr< Point2f >()[j] = |
finalRejected[i].ptr< Point2f >()[j]; |
} |
} |
if(_recoveredIdxs.needed()) { |
Mat(recoveredIdxs).copyTo(_recoveredIdxs); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
*/ |
int estimatePoseBoard(InputArrayOfArrays _corners, InputArray _ids, const Ptr<Board> &board, |
InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs, OutputArray _rvec, |
OutputArray _tvec, bool useExtrinsicGuess) { |
CV_Assert( ==; |
// get object and image points for the solvePnP function |
Mat objPoints, imgPoints; |
_getBoardObjectAndImagePoints(board, _ids, _corners, imgPoints, objPoints); |
CV_Assert( ==; |
if( == 0) // 0 of the detected markers in board |
return 0; |
solvePnP(objPoints, imgPoints, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, _rvec, _tvec, useExtrinsicGuess); |
// divide by four since all the four corners are concatenated in the array for each marker |
return (int) / 4; |
} |
/** |
*/ |
void GridBoard::draw(Size outSize, OutputArray _img, int marginSize, int borderBits) { |
_drawPlanarBoardImpl(this, outSize, _img, marginSize, borderBits); |
} |
/** |
*/ |
Ptr<Board> Board::create(InputArrayOfArrays objPoints, const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary, InputArray ids) { |
CV_Assert( ==; |
CV_Assert(objPoints.type() == CV_32FC3 || objPoints.type() == CV_32FC1); |
std::vector< std::vector< Point3f > > obj_points_vector; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) { |
std::vector<Point3f> corners; |
Mat corners_mat = objPoints.getMat(i); |
if(objPoints.type() == CV_32FC1) |
{ |
CV_Assert( == 12); |
} |
else |
{ |
CV_Assert( == 4); |
} |
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
corners.push_back(<Point3f>(j)); |
} |
obj_points_vector.push_back(corners); |
} |
Ptr<Board> res = makePtr<Board>(); |
ids.copyTo(res->ids); |
res->objPoints = obj_points_vector; |
res->dictionary = cv::makePtr<Dictionary>(dictionary); |
return res; |
} |
/** |
*/ |
Ptr<GridBoard> GridBoard::create(int markersX, int markersY, float markerLength, float markerSeparation, |
const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary, int firstMarker) { |
CV_Assert(markersX > 0 && markersY > 0 && markerLength > 0 && markerSeparation > 0); |
Ptr<GridBoard> res = makePtr<GridBoard>(); |
res->_markersX = markersX; |
res->_markersY = markersY; |
res->_markerLength = markerLength; |
res->_markerSeparation = markerSeparation; |
res->dictionary = dictionary; |
size_t totalMarkers = (size_t) markersX * markersY; |
res->ids.resize(totalMarkers); |
res->objPoints.reserve(totalMarkers); |
// fill ids with first identifiers |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < totalMarkers; i++) { |
res->ids[i] = i + firstMarker; |
} |
// calculate Board objPoints |
float maxY = (float)markersY * markerLength + (markersY - 1) * markerSeparation; |
for(int y = 0; y < markersY; y++) { |
for(int x = 0; x < markersX; x++) { |
vector< Point3f > corners; |
corners.resize(4); |
corners[0] = Point3f(x * (markerLength + markerSeparation), |
maxY - y * (markerLength + markerSeparation), 0); |
corners[1] = corners[0] + Point3f(markerLength, 0, 0); |
corners[2] = corners[0] + Point3f(markerLength, -markerLength, 0); |
corners[3] = corners[0] + Point3f(0, -markerLength, 0); |
res->objPoints.push_back(corners); |
} |
} |
return res; |
} |
/** |
*/ |
void drawDetectedMarkers(InputOutputArray _image, InputArrayOfArrays _corners, |
InputArray _ids, Scalar borderColor) { |
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().total() != 0 && |
(_image.getMat().channels() == 1 || _image.getMat().channels() == 3)); |
CV_Assert(( == || == 0); |
// calculate colors |
Scalar textColor, cornerColor; |
textColor = cornerColor = borderColor; |
swap(textColor.val[0], textColor.val[1]); // text color just sawp G and R |
swap(cornerColor.val[1], cornerColor.val[2]); // corner color just sawp G and B |
int nMarkers = (int); |
for(int i = 0; i < nMarkers; i++) { |
Mat currentMarker = _corners.getMat(i); |
CV_Assert( == 4 && currentMarker.type() == CV_32FC2); |
// draw marker sides |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
Point2f p0, p1; |
p0 = currentMarker.ptr< Point2f >(0)[j]; |
p1 = currentMarker.ptr< Point2f >(0)[(j + 1) % 4]; |
line(_image, p0, p1, borderColor, 1); |
} |
// draw first corner mark |
rectangle(_image, currentMarker.ptr< Point2f >(0)[0] - Point2f(3, 3), |
currentMarker.ptr< Point2f >(0)[0] + Point2f(3, 3), cornerColor, 1, LINE_AA); |
// draw ID |
if( != 0) { |
Point2f cent(0, 0); |
for(int p = 0; p < 4; p++) |
cent += currentMarker.ptr< Point2f >(0)[p]; |
cent = cent / 4.; |
stringstream s; |
s << "id=" << _ids.getMat().ptr< int >(0)[i]; |
putText(_image, s.str(), cent, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, textColor, 2); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
*/ |
void drawAxis(InputOutputArray _image, InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs, |
InputArray _rvec, InputArray _tvec, float length) { |
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().total() != 0 && |
(_image.getMat().channels() == 1 || _image.getMat().channels() == 3)); |
CV_Assert(length > 0); |
// project axis points |
vector< Point3f > axisPoints; |
axisPoints.push_back(Point3f(0, 0, 0)); |
axisPoints.push_back(Point3f(length, 0, 0)); |
axisPoints.push_back(Point3f(0, length, 0)); |
axisPoints.push_back(Point3f(0, 0, length)); |
vector< Point2f > imagePoints; |
projectPoints(axisPoints, _rvec, _tvec, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, imagePoints); |
// draw axis lines |
line(_image, imagePoints[0], imagePoints[1], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3); |
line(_image, imagePoints[0], imagePoints[2], Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3); |
line(_image, imagePoints[0], imagePoints[3], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3); |
} |
/** |
*/ |
void drawMarker(const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary, int id, int sidePixels, OutputArray _img, int borderBits) { |
dictionary->drawMarker(id, sidePixels, _img, borderBits); |
} |
void _drawPlanarBoardImpl(Board *_board, Size outSize, OutputArray _img, int marginSize, |
int borderBits) { |
CV_Assert(outSize.area() > 0); |
CV_Assert(marginSize >= 0); |
_img.create(outSize, CV_8UC1); |
Mat out = _img.getMat(); |
out.setTo(Scalar::all(255)); |
out.adjustROI(-marginSize, -marginSize, -marginSize, -marginSize); |
// calculate max and min values in XY plane |
CV_Assert(_board->objPoints.size() > 0); |
float minX, maxX, minY, maxY; |
minX = maxX = _board->objPoints[0][0].x; |
minY = maxY = _board->objPoints[0][0].y; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _board->objPoints.size(); i++) { |
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { |
minX = min(minX, _board->objPoints[i][j].x); |
maxX = max(maxX, _board->objPoints[i][j].x); |
minY = min(minY, _board->objPoints[i][j].y); |
maxY = max(maxY, _board->objPoints[i][j].y); |
} |
} |
float sizeX = maxX - minX; |
float sizeY = maxY - minY; |
// proportion transformations |
float xReduction = sizeX / float(out.cols); |
float yReduction = sizeY / float(out.rows); |
// determine the zone where the markers are placed |
if(xReduction > yReduction) { |
int nRows = int(sizeY / xReduction); |
int rowsMargins = (out.rows - nRows) / 2; |
out.adjustROI(-rowsMargins, -rowsMargins, 0, 0); |
} else { |
int nCols = int(sizeX / yReduction); |
int colsMargins = (out.cols - nCols) / 2; |
out.adjustROI(0, 0, -colsMargins, -colsMargins); |
} |
// now paint each marker |
Dictionary &dictionary = *(_board->dictionary); |
Mat marker; |
Point2f outCorners[3]; |
Point2f inCorners[3]; |
for(unsigned int m = 0; m < _board->objPoints.size(); m++) { |
// transform corners to markerZone coordinates |
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { |
Point2f pf = Point2f(_board->objPoints[m][j].x, _board->objPoints[m][j].y); |
// move top left to 0, 0 |
pf -= Point2f(minX, minY); |
pf.x = pf.x / sizeX * float(out.cols); |
pf.y = (1.0f - pf.y / sizeY) * float(out.rows); |
outCorners[j] = pf; |
} |
// get marker |
Size dst_sz(outCorners[2] - outCorners[0]); // assuming CCW order |
dictionary.drawMarker(_board->ids[m], dst_sz.width, marker, borderBits); |
if((outCorners[0].y == outCorners[1].y) && (outCorners[1].x == outCorners[2].x)) { |
// marker is aligned to image axes |
marker.copyTo(out(Rect(outCorners[0], dst_sz))); |
continue; |
} |
// interpolate tiny marker to marker position in markerZone |
inCorners[0] = Point2f(-0.5f, -0.5f); |
inCorners[1] = Point2f(marker.cols - 0.5f, -0.5f); |
inCorners[2] = Point2f(marker.cols - 0.5f, marker.rows - 0.5f); |
// remove perspective |
Mat transformation = getAffineTransform(inCorners, outCorners); |
warpAffine(marker, out, transformation, out.size(), INTER_LINEAR, |
} |
} |
/** |
*/ |
void drawPlanarBoard(const Ptr<Board> &_board, Size outSize, OutputArray _img, int marginSize, |
int borderBits) { |
_drawPlanarBoardImpl(_board, outSize, _img, marginSize, borderBits); |
} |
/** |
*/ |
double calibrateCameraAruco(InputArrayOfArrays _corners, InputArray _ids, InputArray _counter, |
const Ptr<Board> &board, Size imageSize, InputOutputArray _cameraMatrix, |
InputOutputArray _distCoeffs, OutputArrayOfArrays _rvecs, |
OutputArrayOfArrays _tvecs, |
OutputArray _stdDeviationsIntrinsics, |
OutputArray _stdDeviationsExtrinsics, |
OutputArray _perViewErrors, |
int flags, TermCriteria criteria) { |
// for each frame, get properly processed imagePoints and objectPoints for the calibrateCamera |
// function |
vector< Mat > processedObjectPoints, processedImagePoints; |
size_t nFrames =; |
int markerCounter = 0; |
for(size_t frame = 0; frame < nFrames; frame++) { |
int nMarkersInThisFrame = _counter.getMat().ptr< int >()[frame]; |
vector< Mat > thisFrameCorners; |
vector< int > thisFrameIds; |
CV_Assert(nMarkersInThisFrame > 0); |
thisFrameCorners.reserve((size_t) nMarkersInThisFrame); |
thisFrameIds.reserve((size_t) nMarkersInThisFrame); |
for(int j = markerCounter; j < markerCounter + nMarkersInThisFrame; j++) { |
thisFrameCorners.push_back(_corners.getMat(j)); |
thisFrameIds.push_back(_ids.getMat().ptr< int >()[j]); |
} |
markerCounter += nMarkersInThisFrame; |
Mat currentImgPoints, currentObjPoints; |
_getBoardObjectAndImagePoints(board, thisFrameIds, thisFrameCorners, currentImgPoints, |
currentObjPoints); |
if( > 0 && > 0) { |
processedImagePoints.push_back(currentImgPoints); |
processedObjectPoints.push_back(currentObjPoints); |
} |
} |
return calibrateCamera(processedObjectPoints, processedImagePoints, imageSize, _cameraMatrix, |
_distCoeffs, _rvecs, _tvecs, _stdDeviationsIntrinsics, _stdDeviationsExtrinsics, |
_perViewErrors, flags, criteria); |
} |
/** |
*/ |
double calibrateCameraAruco(InputArrayOfArrays _corners, InputArray _ids, InputArray _counter, |
const Ptr<Board> &board, Size imageSize, InputOutputArray _cameraMatrix, |
InputOutputArray _distCoeffs, OutputArrayOfArrays _rvecs, |
OutputArrayOfArrays _tvecs, int flags, TermCriteria criteria) { |
return calibrateCameraAruco(_corners, _ids, _counter, board, imageSize, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, _rvecs, _tvecs, |
noArray(), noArray(), noArray(), flags, criteria); |
} |
} |