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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// This is not a standalone header, see inpainting.cpp
namespace cv
namespace xphoto
struct fsr_parameters
// default variables
int block_size = 16;
double conc_weighting = 0.5;
double rhos[4] = { 0.80, 0.70, 0.66, 0.64 };
double threshold_stddev_Y[3] = { 0.014, 0.030, 0.090 };
double threshold_stddev_Cx[3] = { 0.006, 0.010, 0.028 };
// quality profile dependent variables
int block_size_min, fft_size, max_iter, min_iter, iter_const;
double orthogonality_correction;
fsr_parameters(const int quality)
if (quality == xphoto::INPAINT_FSR_BEST)
block_size_min = 2;
fft_size = 64;
max_iter = 400;
min_iter = 50;
iter_const = 2000;
orthogonality_correction = 0.2;
else if (quality == xphoto::INPAINT_FSR_FAST)
block_size_min = 4;
fft_size = 32;
max_iter = 100;
min_iter = 20;
iter_const = 1000;
orthogonality_correction = 0.5;
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown quality level set, supported: FAST, BEST");
static void
icvSgnMat(const Mat& src, Mat& dst) {
dst = Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_64F);
for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x)
double curr_val =<double>(y,x);
if (curr_val > 0)
{<double>(y,x) = 1;
else if (curr_val)
{<double>(y,x) = -1;
static double
icvStandardDeviation(const Mat& distorted_block_2d, const Mat& error_mask_2d) {
if (countNonZero(error_mask_2d) < 1)
return NAN; // block with no undistorted pixels shouldn't be chosen for processing (only if block_size_min is reached)
Scalar tmp_stddev, tmp_mean;
Mat mask8u;
error_mask_2d.convertTo(mask8u, CV_8U, 2.0);
meanStdDev(distorted_block_2d, tmp_mean, tmp_stddev, mask8u);
double sigma_n = tmp_stddev[0] / 255;
if (sigma_n < 0)
sigma_n = 0;
else if (sigma_n > 1)
sigma_n = 1;
return sigma_n;
static void
icvExtrapolateBlock(Mat& distorted_block, Mat& error_mask, fsr_parameters& fsr_params, double rho, double normedStdDev, Mat& extrapolated_block)
double fft_size = fsr_params.fft_size;
double orthogonality_correction = fsr_params.orthogonality_correction;
int M = distorted_block.rows;
int N = distorted_block.cols;
int fft_x_offset = cvFloor((fft_size - N) / 2);
int fft_y_offset = cvFloor((fft_size - M) / 2);
// weighting function
Mat w = Mat::zeros(fsr_params.fft_size, fsr_params.fft_size, CV_64F);
error_mask.copyTo(w(Range(fft_y_offset, fft_y_offset + M), Range(fft_x_offset, fft_x_offset + N)));
for (int u = 0; u < fft_size; ++u)
for (int v = 0; v < fft_size; ++v)
{<double>(u, v) *= std::pow(rho, std::sqrt(std::pow(u + 0.5 - (fft_y_offset + M / 2), 2) + std::pow(v + 0.5 - (fft_x_offset + N / 2), 2)));
Mat W;
Mat W_padded;
hconcat(W, W, W_padded);
vconcat(W_padded, W_padded, W_padded);
// frequency weighting
Mat frequency_weighting = Mat::ones(fsr_params.fft_size, fsr_params.fft_size / 2 + 1, CV_64F);
for (int y = 0; y < fft_size; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < (fft_size / 2 + 1); ++x)
double y2 = fft_size / 2 - std::abs(y - fft_size / 2);
double x2 = fft_size / 2 - std::abs(x - fft_size / 2);<double>(y, x) = 1 - std::sqrt(x2*x2 + y2 * y2)*std::sqrt(2) / fft_size;
// pad image to fft window size
Mat f(Size(fsr_params.fft_size, fsr_params.fft_size), CV_64F, Scalar::all(0));
distorted_block.copyTo(f(Range(fft_y_offset, fft_y_offset + M), Range(fft_x_offset, fft_x_offset + N)));
// create initial model
Mat G = Mat::zeros(fsr_params.fft_size, fsr_params.fft_size, CV_64FC2); // complex
// calculate initial residual
Mat Rw_tmp, Rw;
dft(f.mul(w), Rw_tmp, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);
Rw = Rw_tmp(Range(0, fsr_params.fft_size), Range(0, fsr_params.fft_size / 2 + 1));
// estimate ideal number of iterations (GenserIWSSIP2017)
// calculate stddev if not available (e.g., for smallest block size)
if (normedStdDev == 0) {
normedStdDev = icvStandardDeviation(distorted_block, error_mask);
int num_iters = cvRound(fsr_params.iter_const * normedStdDev);
if (num_iters < fsr_params.min_iter) {
num_iters = fsr_params.min_iter;
else if (num_iters > fsr_params.max_iter) {
num_iters = fsr_params.max_iter;
int iter_counter = 0;
while (iter_counter < num_iters)
{ // Spectral Constrained FSE (GenserIWSSIP2018)
Mat projection_distances(Rw.size(), CV_64F);
Mat Rw_mag = Mat(Rw.size(), CV_64F);
std::vector<Mat> channels(2);
split(Rw, channels);
magnitude(channels[0], channels[1], Rw_mag);
projection_distances = Rw_mag.mul(frequency_weighting);
double minVal, maxVal;
int maxLocx = -1;
int maxLocy = -1;
minMaxLoc(projection_distances, &minVal, &maxVal);
for (int y = 0; y < projection_distances.rows; ++y)
{ // assure that first appearance of max Value is selected
for (int x = 0; x < projection_distances.cols; ++x)
if (std::abs(<double>(y, x) - maxVal) < 0.001)
maxLocy = y;
maxLocx = x;
if (maxLocy != -1)
int bf2select = maxLocy + maxLocx * projection_distances.rows;
int v = static_cast<int>(std::max(0.0, std::floor(bf2select / fft_size)));
int u = static_cast<int>(std::max(0, bf2select % fsr_params.fft_size));
// exclude second half of first and middle col
if ((v == 0 && u > fft_size / 2) || (v == fft_size / 2 && u > fft_size / 2))
int u_prev = u;
u = fsr_params.fft_size - u;<std::complex<double> >(u, v) = std::conj(<std::complex<double> >(u_prev, v));
// calculate complex conjugate solution
int u_cj = -1;
int v_cj = -1;
// fill first lower col (copy from first upper col)
if (u >= 1 && u < fft_size / 2 && v == 0)
u_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - u;
v_cj = v;
// fill middle lower col (copy from first middle col)
if (u >= 1 && u < fft_size / 2 && v == fft_size / 2)
u_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - u;
v_cj = v;
// fill first row right (copy from first row left)
if (u == 0 && v >= 1 && v < fft_size / 2)
u_cj = u;
v_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - v;
// fill middle row right (copy from middle row left)
if (u == fft_size / 2 && v >= 1 && v < fft_size / 2)
u_cj = u;
v_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - v;
// fill cell upper right (copy from lower cell left)
if (u >= fft_size / 2 + 1 && v >= 1 && v < fft_size / 2)
u_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - u;
v_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - v;
// fill cell lower right (copy from upper cell left)
if (u >= 1 && u < fft_size / 2 && v >= 1 && v < fft_size / 2)
u_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - u;
v_cj = fsr_params.fft_size - v;
/// add coef to model and update residual
if (u_cj != -1 && v_cj != -1)
std::complex< double> expansion_coefficient = orthogonality_correction *< std::complex<double> >(u, v) /<std::complex<double> >(0, 0);< std::complex<double> >(u, v) += fft_size * fft_size * expansion_coefficient;< std::complex<double> >(u_cj, v_cj) = std::conj(< std::complex<double> >(u, v));
Mat expansion_mat(Rw.size(), CV_64FC2, Scalar(expansion_coefficient.real(), expansion_coefficient.imag()));
Mat W_tmp1 = W_padded(Range(fsr_params.fft_size - u, fsr_params.fft_size - u + Rw.rows), Range(fsr_params.fft_size - v, fsr_params.fft_size - v + Rw.cols));
Mat W_tmp2 = W_padded(Range(fsr_params.fft_size - u_cj, fsr_params.fft_size - u_cj + Rw.rows), Range(fsr_params.fft_size - v_cj, fsr_params.fft_size - v_cj + Rw.cols));
Mat res_1(W_tmp1.size(), W_tmp1.type());
mulSpectrums(expansion_mat, W_tmp1, res_1, 0);
expansion_mat.setTo(Scalar(expansion_coefficient.real(), -expansion_coefficient.imag()));
Mat res_2(W_tmp1.size(), W_tmp1.type());
mulSpectrums(expansion_mat, W_tmp2, res_2, 0);
Rw -= res_1 + res_2;
++iter_counter; // ... as two basis functions were added
std::complex<double> expansion_coefficient = orthogonality_correction *< std::complex<double> >(u, v) /< std::complex<double> >(0, 0);< std::complex<double> >(u, v) += fft_size * fft_size * expansion_coefficient;
Mat expansion_mat(Rw.size(), CV_64FC2, Scalar(expansion_coefficient.real(), expansion_coefficient.imag()));
Mat W_tmp = W_padded(Range(fsr_params.fft_size - u, fsr_params.fft_size - u + Rw.rows), Range(fsr_params.fft_size - v, fsr_params.fft_size - v + Rw.cols));
Mat res_tmp(W_tmp.size(), W_tmp.type());
mulSpectrums(expansion_mat, W_tmp, res_tmp, 0);
Rw -= res_tmp;
// get pixels from model
Mat g;
idft(G, g, DFT_SCALE);
// extract reconstructed pixels
Mat g_real(M, N, CV_64F);
for (int x = 0; x < M; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < N; ++y)
{<double>(x, y) =< std::complex<double> >(fft_y_offset + x, fft_x_offset + y).real();
Mat orig_samples;
error_mask.convertTo(orig_samples, CV_8U);
distorted_block.copyTo(extrapolated_block, orig_samples); // copy where orig_samples is nonzero
static void
icvGetTodoBlocks(Mat& sampled_img, Mat& sampling_mask, std::vector< std::tuple< int, int > >& set_todo, int block_size, int block_size_min, int border_width, double homo_threshold, Mat& set_process_this_block_size, std::vector< std::tuple< int, int > >& set_later, Mat& sigma_n_array)
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int > > set_now;
size_t list_length = set_todo.size();
int img_height = sampled_img.rows;
int img_width = sampled_img.cols;
Mat reconstructed_img;
// calculate block lists
for (size_t entry = 0; entry < list_length; ++entry)
int xblock_counter = std::get<0>(set_todo[entry]);
int yblock_counter = std::get<1>(set_todo[entry]);
int left_border = std::min(xblock_counter*block_size, border_width);
int top_border = std::min(yblock_counter*block_size, border_width);
int right_border = std::max(0, std::min(img_width - (xblock_counter + 1)*block_size, border_width));
int bottom_border = std::max(0, std::min(img_height - (yblock_counter + 1)*block_size, border_width));
// extract blocks from images
Mat distorted_block_2d = reconstructed_img(Range(yblock_counter*block_size - top_border, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter*block_size + block_size + bottom_border))), Range(xblock_counter*block_size - left_border, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter*block_size + block_size + right_border))));
Mat error_mask_2d = sampling_mask(Range(yblock_counter*block_size - top_border, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter*block_size + block_size + bottom_border))), Range(xblock_counter*block_size - left_border, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter*block_size + block_size + right_border))));
// determine normalized and weighted standard deviation
if (block_size > block_size_min && xblock_counter < sigma_n_array.cols && yblock_counter < sigma_n_array.rows)
double sigma_n = icvStandardDeviation(distorted_block_2d, error_mask_2d);<double>( yblock_counter, xblock_counter) = sigma_n;
// homogeneous case
if (sigma_n < homo_threshold)
set_now.emplace_back(xblock_counter, yblock_counter);<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) = 255;
int yblock_counter_quadernary = yblock_counter * 2;
int xblock_counter_quadernary = xblock_counter * 2;
int yblock_offset = 0;
int xblock_offset = 0;
for (int quader_counter = 0; quader_counter < 4; ++quader_counter)
if (quader_counter == 0)
yblock_offset = 0;
xblock_offset = 0;
else if (quader_counter == 1)
yblock_offset = 0;
xblock_offset = 1;
else if (quader_counter == 2)
yblock_offset = 1;
xblock_offset = 0;
else if (quader_counter == 3)
yblock_offset = 1;
xblock_offset = 1;
set_later.emplace_back(xblock_counter_quadernary + xblock_offset, yblock_counter_quadernary + yblock_offset);
static void
const Mat& _sampled_img, const Mat& _sampling_mask,
const int quality, const std::string& channel, Mat& reconstructed_img
fsr_parameters fsr_params(quality);
int block_size = fsr_params.block_size;
int block_size_max = fsr_params.block_size;
int block_size_min = fsr_params.block_size_min;
double conc_weighting = fsr_params.conc_weighting;
int fft_size = fsr_params.fft_size;
double rho = fsr_params.rhos[0];
Mat sampled_img, sampling_mask;
_sampled_img.convertTo(sampled_img, CV_64F);
reconstructed_img = sampled_img.clone();
_sampling_mask.convertTo(sampling_mask, CV_64F);
double threshold_stddev_LUT[3];
if (channel == "Y")
std::copy(fsr_params.threshold_stddev_Y, fsr_params.threshold_stddev_Y + 3, threshold_stddev_LUT);
else if (channel == "Cx")
std::copy(fsr_params.threshold_stddev_Cx, fsr_params.threshold_stddev_Cx + 3, threshold_stddev_LUT);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "channel type unsupported!");
double threshold_stddev = threshold_stddev_LUT[0];
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int > > set_later;
int img_height = sampled_img.rows;
int img_width = sampled_img.cols;
// initial scan of distorted blocks
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int > > set_todo;
int blocks_column = divUp(img_height, block_size);
int blocks_line = divUp(img_width, block_size);
for (int y = 0; y < blocks_column; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < blocks_line; ++x)
Mat curr_block = sampling_mask(Range(y*block_size, std::min(img_height, (y + 1)*block_size)), Range(x*block_size, std::min(img_width, (x + 1)*block_size)));
double min_block, max_block;
minMaxLoc(curr_block, &min_block, &max_block);
if (min_block == 0)
set_todo.emplace_back(x, y);
// loop over all distorted blocks and extrapolate them depending on
// their block size
int border_width = 0;
while (block_size >= block_size_min)
int blocks_per_column = cvCeil(img_height / block_size);
int blocks_per_line = cvCeil(img_width / block_size);
Mat nen_array = Mat::zeros(blocks_per_column, blocks_per_line, CV_64F);
Mat proc_array = Mat::zeros(blocks_per_column, blocks_per_line, CV_64F);
Mat sigma_n_array = Mat::zeros(blocks_per_column, blocks_per_line, CV_64F);
Mat set_process_this_block_size = Mat::zeros(blocks_per_column, blocks_per_line, CV_64F);
if (block_size > block_size_min)
if (block_size < block_size_max)
set_todo = set_later;
border_width = cvFloor(fft_size - block_size) / 2;
icvGetTodoBlocks(sampled_img, sampling_mask, set_todo, block_size, block_size_min, border_width, threshold_stddev, set_process_this_block_size, set_later, sigma_n_array);
// if block to be extrapolated, increase nen of neighboring pixels
for (int yblock_counter = 0; yblock_counter < blocks_per_column; ++yblock_counter)
for (int xblock_counter = 0; xblock_counter < blocks_per_line; ++xblock_counter)
Mat curr_block = sampling_mask(Range(yblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter + 1)*block_size)), Range(xblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter + 1)*block_size)));
double min_block, max_block;
minMaxLoc(curr_block, &min_block, &max_block);
if (min_block == 0)
if (yblock_counter > 0 && xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter - 1)++;
if (yblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter)++;
if (yblock_counter > 0 && xblock_counter < (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter + 1)++;
if (xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter - 1)++;
if (xblock_counter < (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter + 1)++;
if (yblock_counter < (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter>0)
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter - 1)++;
if (yblock_counter < (blocks_per_column - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter)++;
if (yblock_counter < (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter < (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter + 1)++;
// determine if block itself has to be extrapolated
for (int yblock_counter = 0; yblock_counter < blocks_per_column; ++yblock_counter)
for (int xblock_counter = 0; xblock_counter < blocks_per_line; ++xblock_counter)
Mat curr_block = sampling_mask(Range(yblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter + 1)*block_size)), Range(xblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter + 1)*block_size)));
double min_block, max_block;
minMaxLoc(curr_block, &min_block, &max_block);
if (min_block != 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) = -1;
// if border block, increase nen respectively
if (yblock_counter == 0 && xblock_counter == 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 5;
if (yblock_counter == 0 && xblock_counter == (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 5;
if (yblock_counter == (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter == 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 5;
if (yblock_counter == (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter == (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 5;
if (yblock_counter == 0 && xblock_counter != 0 && xblock_counter != (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 3;
if (yblock_counter == (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter != 0 && xblock_counter != (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 3;
if (yblock_counter != 0 && yblock_counter != (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter == 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 3;
if (yblock_counter != 0 && yblock_counter != (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter == (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) + 3;
// if all blocks have 8 not extrapolated neighbors, penalize nen of blocks without any known samples by one
double min_nen_tmp, max_nen_tmp;
minMaxLoc(nen_array, &min_nen_tmp, &max_nen_tmp);
if (min_nen_tmp == 8) {
for (int yblock_counter = 0; yblock_counter < blocks_per_column; ++yblock_counter)
for (int xblock_counter = 0; xblock_counter < blocks_per_line; ++xblock_counter)
Mat curr_block = sampling_mask(Range(yblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter + 1)*block_size)), Range(xblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter + 1)*block_size)));
double min_block, max_block;
minMaxLoc(curr_block, &min_block, &max_block);
if (max_block == 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter)++;
// do actual processing per block
int all_blocks_finished = 0;
while (all_blocks_finished == 0) {
// clear proc_array
// determine blocks to extrapolate
double min_nen = 99;
int bl_counter = 0;
// add all homogeneous blocks that shall be processed to list
// using same priority
// begins with highest prioroty or lowest nen array value
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int > > block_list;
for (int yblock_counter = 0; yblock_counter < blocks_per_column; ++yblock_counter)
for (int xblock_counter = 0; xblock_counter < blocks_per_line; ++xblock_counter)
// decision if block contains errors
double tmp_val =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter);
if (tmp_val >= 0 && tmp_val < min_nen &&<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) == 255) {
bl_counter = 0;
min_nen = tmp_val;
if (tmp_val == min_nen &&<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) != 0 &&<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) == 0) {<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) = -1;
if (tmp_val == min_nen &&<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) != 0 &&<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) != 0) {
block_list.emplace_back(yblock_counter, xblock_counter);
// block neighboring blocks from processing
if (yblock_counter > 0 && xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter - 1) = 0;
if (yblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter) = 0;
if (yblock_counter > 0 && xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter - 1) = 0;
if (yblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter) = 0;
if (yblock_counter > 0 && xblock_counter < (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter + 1) = 0;
if (xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter - 1) = 0;
if (xblock_counter < (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter + 1) = 0;
if (yblock_counter < (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter - 1) = 0;
if (yblock_counter < (blocks_per_column - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter) = 0;
if (yblock_counter < (blocks_per_column - 1) && xblock_counter < (blocks_per_line - 1))
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter + 1) = 0;
int max_bl_counter = bl_counter;
block_list.emplace_back(-1, -1);
if (bl_counter == 0)
all_blocks_finished = 1;
// blockwise extrapolation of all blocks that can be processed in parallel
for (bl_counter = 0; bl_counter < max_bl_counter; ++bl_counter)
int yblock_counter = std::get<0>(block_list[bl_counter]);
int xblock_counter = std::get<1>(block_list[bl_counter]);
// calculation of the extrapolation area's borders
int left_border = std::min(xblock_counter*block_size, border_width);
int top_border = std::min(yblock_counter*block_size, border_width);
int right_border = std::max(0, std::min(img_width - (xblock_counter + 1)*block_size, border_width));
int bottom_border = std::max(0, std::min(img_height - (yblock_counter + 1)*block_size, border_width));
// extract blocks from images
Mat distorted_block_2d = reconstructed_img(Range(yblock_counter*block_size - top_border, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter*block_size + block_size + bottom_border))), Range(xblock_counter*block_size - left_border, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter*block_size + block_size + right_border))));
Mat error_mask_2d = sampling_mask(Range(yblock_counter*block_size - top_border, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter*block_size + block_size + bottom_border))), Range(xblock_counter*block_size - left_border, std::min(img_width, xblock_counter*block_size + block_size + right_border)));
// get actual stddev value as it is needed to estimate the
// best number of iterations
double sigma_n_a =<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter);
// actual extrapolation
Mat extrapolated_block_2d;
icvExtrapolateBlock(distorted_block_2d, error_mask_2d, fsr_params, rho, sigma_n_a, extrapolated_block_2d);
// update image and mask
extrapolated_block_2d(Range(top_border, extrapolated_block_2d.rows - bottom_border), Range(left_border, extrapolated_block_2d.cols - right_border)).copyTo(reconstructed_img(Range(yblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter + 1)*block_size)), Range(xblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter + 1)*block_size))));
Mat signs;
icvSgnMat(error_mask_2d(Range(top_border, error_mask_2d.rows - bottom_border), Range(left_border, error_mask_2d.cols - right_border)), signs);
Mat tmp_mask = error_mask_2d(Range(top_border, error_mask_2d.rows - bottom_border), Range(left_border, error_mask_2d.cols - right_border)) + (1 - signs) *conc_weighting;
tmp_mask.copyTo(sampling_mask(Range(yblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_height, (yblock_counter + 1)*block_size)), Range(xblock_counter*block_size, std::min(img_width, (xblock_counter + 1)*block_size))));
// update nen-array<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter) = -1;
if (yblock_counter > 0 && xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter - 1)--;
if (yblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter)--;
if (yblock_counter > 0 && xblock_counter < blocks_per_line - 1)
{<double>(yblock_counter - 1, xblock_counter + 1)--;
if (xblock_counter > 0)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter - 1)--;
if (xblock_counter < blocks_per_line - 1)
{<double>(yblock_counter, xblock_counter + 1)--;
if (yblock_counter < blocks_per_column - 1 && xblock_counter>0)
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter - 1)--;
if (yblock_counter < blocks_per_column - 1)
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter)--;
if (yblock_counter < blocks_per_column - 1 && xblock_counter < blocks_per_line - 1)
{<double>(yblock_counter + 1, xblock_counter + 1)--;
// set parameters for next extrapolation tasks (higher texture)
block_size = block_size / 2;
border_width = (fft_size - block_size) / 2;
if (block_size == 8)
threshold_stddev = threshold_stddev_LUT[1];
rho = fsr_params.rhos[1];
if (block_size == 4)
threshold_stddev = threshold_stddev_LUT[2];
rho = fsr_params.rhos[2];
if (block_size == 2)
rho = fsr_params.rhos[3];
// terminate function - no heterogeneous blocks left
if (set_later.empty())
void inpaint_fsr(const Mat &src, const Mat &mask, Mat &dst, const int algorithmType)
CV_Assert(algorithmType == xphoto::INPAINT_FSR_BEST || algorithmType == xphoto::INPAINT_FSR_FAST);
CV_Check(src.channels(), src.channels() == 1 || src.channels() == 3, "");
switch (src.type())
case CV_8UC1:
case CV_8UC3:
case CV_16UC1:
case CV_16UC3:
double minRange, maxRange;
minMaxLoc(src, &minRange, &maxRange);
if (minRange < 0 || maxRange > 65535)
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported source image format!");
src.convertTo(src, CV_8U, 1/257.0);
case CV_32FC1:
case CV_64FC1:
case CV_32FC3:
case CV_64FC3:
double minRange, maxRange;
minMaxLoc(src, &minRange, &maxRange);
if (minRange < -FLT_EPSILON || maxRange > (1.0 + FLT_EPSILON))
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported source image format!");
src.convertTo(src, CV_8U, 255.0);
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported source image format!");
dst.create(src.size(), src.type());
Mat mask_01;
threshold(mask, mask_01, 0.0, 1.0, THRESH_BINARY);
if (src.channels() == 1)
{ // grayscale image
Mat y_reconstructed;
icvDetermineProcessingOrder(src, mask_01, algorithmType, "Y", y_reconstructed);
y_reconstructed.convertTo(dst, CV_8U);
else if (src.channels() == 3)
{ // RGB image
Mat ycrcb;
cvtColor(src, ycrcb, COLOR_BGR2YCrCb);
std::vector<Mat> channels(3);
split(ycrcb, channels);
Mat y = channels[0];
Mat cb = channels[2];
Mat cr = channels[1];
Mat y_reconstructed, cb_reconstructed, cr_reconstructed;
y = y.mul(mask_01);
cb = cb.mul(mask_01);
cr = cr.mul(mask_01);
icvDetermineProcessingOrder(y, mask_01, algorithmType, "Y", y_reconstructed);
icvDetermineProcessingOrder(cb, mask_01, algorithmType, "Cx", cb_reconstructed);
icvDetermineProcessingOrder(cr, mask_01, algorithmType, "Cx", cr_reconstructed);
Mat ycrcb_reconstructed;
y_reconstructed.convertTo(channels[0], CV_8U);
cr_reconstructed.convertTo(channels[1], CV_8U);
cb_reconstructed.convertTo(channels[2], CV_8U);
merge(channels, ycrcb_reconstructed);
cvtColor(ycrcb_reconstructed, dst, COLOR_YCrCb2BGR);
}} // namespace